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  1. BYOND Key: Sparta9002 Total Ban Length: until appealed Banning staff member's Key: A_Big_Bear Reason of Ban: Overstepping as a physician Reason for appeal: I’ll keep this short, while it definitely has been longer than I initially anticipated I feel like I have gotten alot better. Plus I’ve had alot of fun playing all the different roles in security. Its definitely helped me resolve some of the previous issues which lead to the ban in the first place. Ie communication and overstepping. Especially as investigations which more often and not has you take a more passive seat in most of the conflict. Which is definitely a nice change of pace from medical’s constant pressure. I feel like I’m ready to play medical again and be apart of that community again.
  2. BYOND Key: Sparta9002 Total Ban Length: until appealed Banning staff member's Key: A_Big_Bear Reason of Ban: Overstepping as a physician Reason for Appeal: These past six months have changed me alot as a person and I had alot of time to think about things. I've looked at all my shortcomings and tried out alot of new roles like machnist and engineering. which are both really fun to learn and play. Plus I think they have been good to slow me down a bit. Honestly I think one of the main causes of this ongoing issue of me superdocing was that I sometimes would get tunnel vision and get hyperfocused on one task instead of taking a second to see what's going on around me. This hindered my ability to work as a team with other players in medical which I can only hope to be given the chance to correct this in the future. Learning some of these new roles have helped me slow down and just let the round play instead of feeling the need to jump into everything by myself when there's already established roles to handle every situation in each department. I've talked with some of the friends I've made here to get a better perspective on working in a hectic department like medical. One of the key things that I could take away from all of this is how valuable communication can be in a hectic department such as medical.
  3. BYOND Key: Sparta9002 Total Ban Length: until appealed Banning staff member's Key: A_Big_Bear Reason of Ban: Overstepping as a physician Reason for Appeal: After taking some time to look over the logs and talking to certain people as well as taking some time to reflect on my actions. It become very clear to me I was wrong. I greatly misjudged the entire situation and acted where I did not even need to in the first place. Mainly I believed the patient in question was more serious than they actually were, which was entirely a fault of my own. I overstepped and did not communicate what was needed to the other players who were handling the case at the time and didn't need my input at all and for that I apologize. I don't seek to take away anyone's RP or ability to learn the mechanics of medical. Going forward I must communicate more and stay within the lanes that are set for a physician to act as which is the GTR. This isn't the first time I've overstepped and gone beyond what I should do as a physician, I won't make any excuses for any of what was mentioned. It was wrong of me and I will do better in the future to add onto other's RP rather than take away anyone else's RP.
  4. Hi, since my character was mentioned I'll add my piece in. One of the things I love about playing med is teaching new players how to enjoy it as well. However with Pettersen's case I don't think I've ever seen such an demeaning and antagonistic intern before. His overall demeanor and comments have definitely ruined several med players enjoyment of the round and even taken away from antag's gimmicks for the round because we're too busy wrangling the intern. I have spoken to other med players about the issue with the intern and one of them admitted that seeing Pettersen on the manifest means they do not play. I can say myself having dealt with many of his outbursts that I have apprehension about wanting to play a round when Pettersen is on the manifest and I personally feel that his overall personality is a detriment to many other's enjoyment of the round. I can bring one time that definitely showed his complete lack of any empathy in a profession that would require some. During a ling round when Amelia was setting up the suits in EVA, a security officer who turned out to be a ling followed her and stung her. After Amelia felt what she assumed to be a needle she quickly fled with the officer on her heels with his disruptor out. Once she had gone up to the stairs to the infront of medical her attacker gave up the chase and retreated. Obviously Amelia was shaken up by what happened and still had adrenaline running her system as she was running a blood test on herself to attempt to figure out what was injected her. Of course everyone besides the intern was worried about her and trying to figure out what had happened to shake her up like this. As soon as Amelia entered medical Pettersen proceeded to mock and belittle her and once she had explained what happened to her. He said she was "being a drama queen" and didn't act like it was a big deal to be drugged and chased down by someone with a disruptor intending to do harm to her. While Amelia was trying to calm down and compose herself he proceeded to make jokes about it and laugh at her. It got to the point where everyone else in medical told him to be quiet and Dale Solomon told him to have some empathy and put himself in her shoes for a minute to which he responded "why should I?" and continued to insult her. to the point where Amelia snapped at him and told him to shut up. His whole demeanor was extremely tone deaf and took away from what the antag did and how that added to the round's overall story. It became less about how there was someone who intended to attack people when they were vulnerable and was on the loose to telling the intern not to make anymore jokes about someone getting attacked. There's also been times when his actions and demeanor almost made me think he was an antag for the round with the way he was acting. There was a time where Pettersen decided it was a good idea to walk around with a boot knife. Eventually security found out and confiscated the knife and fined him for it. During the round I had assumed he had done this cause he was an antag so I didn't see any point to ahelp it. Eventually the rest of medical found out what had happened and we decided to ask why he had decided to do this. Ren Hartfort asked him why had kept the knife he found and Pettersen responded "I saw it and I wanted it". Which was odd considering he was acting like he a teenager rather than a medical intern wanting to learn to become a full doctor. Elaborating on the cane comment, so the reason Amelia had the cane was because she walked with a limp from a botched mechanical installation which made her need a cane till she got it replaced. So Pettersen was mocking the fact she had a disability and needing a cane not to fall over. And during this a merc was questioning how she definitely looked like a senior doctor because she had said cane. To which he said "finally someone said it" and begin openly laughing and mocking her once again and the fact she needed a cane at all. There has been multiple times where he has mocked people calling for medical help on common and demeaning the fact they needed medical at all to begin with. Even if this was life or death for said character which is definitely strikes me as very mean spirted both IC and OOC epically when you're supposed to be a helping hand to them when they are going through something like that IC. In conclusion I believe his overall character acts well above believability for the behavior of a medical intern to act to other doctors who are supposed to be his supervisors in his learning to be a full doctor. I think I can speak for myself when I see his behavior is completely unacceptable and should not be tolerated. Thank you for reading this and I hope improvements can be made to rectify this issue for future players.
  5. Spire always fun to have around for RP, let them be funny robot +1
  6. ATG always makes good characters that always add to any round. would for sure do well in command. +1
  7. BYOND Key: Sparta9002 Staff BYOND Key: eddymakaveli Game ID: Don't remember sorry round was around 11:00 PM PST Reason for complaint: Given a warning without being spoken to or contacted by staff. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: this stemmed from a round on 11/03/23. An ahelp was made against me, however I was never spoken to by the admin who took the ahelp or any staff. I only was made aware of the warn after trying to join a round the following day. As for the warn itself. I didn't have a chance to give my side of the story. so I suppose I will do it here. The chief previously communicated that he trusted Dresden to handle what was going on with the patient in question. The CMO who was Ethan Harris did not communicate with Amelia much more than that after that. Until he decided that Amelia was somehow working against him by not telling him the exact details of a very sensitive case. Amelia did not think the CMO was very competent and had not demonstrated any leadership or initiative epically when it came to treatment. The CMO then proceeded to suspend Amelia after not talking to the patient about what they wanted which was for it to be between them and Amelia. To sum it all up I just believe not enough communication happened between those handling the ahelp.
  8. Love playing with read and the events they ran are a blast. Maps are always really good. I agree with all the points made, I feel like organized crime in the human lore could use with some expanding especially with so many characters involved with organized crime in their backstories. I feel like read would do really good in this role.
  9. In response to BravoBohemia, I am sorry that I have been causing so many issues for you and other players with my character, Riona Kelly. I am open to learning and working on my mistakes. I genuinely did not realize the frustrations anyone had with me. If you would like to talk about any of my actions and helping me find a plan to resolve them, feel free to message me on discord. Again, I sincerely apologize, Sparta
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