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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. Im not saying "Oh, they was gonna powergame, I may as well." I was saying "They're dangerous criminals. We NEED to use non-lethal force to stop them because they almost killed an officer before. Not to mention all the other things they did that make them very, very, very dangerous."
  2. There is a the complaint firm hat four a raisin, use it.
  3. It wasn't my plan to send anyone, but the cultists weren't actually negotiating, they were talking about their religion to one officer. So far that round, the single cultist that was there; turned the chapel into a fort, attempted murder, resisted arrest, kidnapped, and as far as we knew, they were part of a bigger group the brought tech to build forcefeilds invisible to human and synthetic eye, with technology able to teleport more efficiently than any of the high tech toys we're given by the multi b-/trillion mega-corporation. I also have no doubt in my mind that if given a chance, the cultist would have done the exact same thing if they situation was reversed, and that Kim would have been attacked if he tried to RP. Watching after the locker arrived, NEITHER party tried to RP before he started stunning people, I even think that whats-his-cult-face immediately grabbed some cult paper and went to open the locker.
  4. My thoughts are pretty much the same as Xander's, however, our plan was not to send the commander himself down, in my mind, I thought we were going to send Skyline, or some other officer. I was in the middle of typing "No, send someone else" when the message that he was already in the tubes came over the radio.
  5. I just wanted coloured pens taken away from some places, I didn't think it would turn into an argument.
  6. They also spawn, both red and blue, in the library, I think in the chapel and MAYBE the kitchen. Theres plenty of places, like those, where its fine if they spawn there.
  7. So you basically want to remove colored pens from the game because some people are using them wrongly?
  8. Thats you, the number of people I see that actually hand out papers drawn up, posted, and given away without being copied is still high.
  9. I have an elder scrolls character that Ive come to like. Tregas Veamillion. A Breton Scholar/Mage. His father was an aspiring cook, born in High Rock, but moved to Skyrim with his son Tregas, after his 18th birthday, in hopes to one day meet The Gourmet. His son had time to practice magic while in High Rock, mostly restoration and destruction to help his father, fire spells to help cook meals, and restoration spells for the odd kitchen mishaps that brought burns or cuts. He would need that training, as things did not go so well in Skyrim. High Rock had it's scoundrels and opportunists, but none so dastardly as the thieves and bandits of Skyrim. The trip was quiet, and they entered Skyrim through Haafingar, that was when it was when it got no so quiet. They were attacked by Highwaymen on their way to Solitude, his mother and father were killed, but whatever little magic he knew, the flame spells, were enough to convince the bandits the little kid was not worth their time. An Imperial scouting party found his family not long after morning rose the day after the attack. They took him and the bodies to Solitude. The bodies we're taken to the hall of the dead, and Treagas, with no home, gold or place to stay in Solitude, was told to go to Riften. He was old, but no technically an adult yet, so he would be sent to the orphanage. He was taken by caravan across Skyrim, through Haafingaar, through Hjarlmarch and Morthal,the Pale and then through Dawnstar, his place was meant for Riften, but his journey ended in Winterhold. When the Caravan stopped to resupply in Winterhold, he heard of the Collage for the first time. It was cold, the coldest place he ever knew, but he was a Breton, magic was supposed to be his talent, right? Maybe this was supposed to be a sigh, he heard the drivers saying that their usual route took them through Windhelm, but something kept them away. A sign, it had to be. He convinced the inn keeper to tell the caravan that they were adopting him, in turn he cooked for them, his father's teachings finally coming handy. It worked, and he did keep his promise. But as soon as the caravan left town, he regretted his choices. He, for some reason, didn't expect an entrance exam before even entering the collage, and his magic skills, after much neglect in his journeys and lack of high, professional training in High Rock, he couldn't pass, not at first, at least. As it happened, the tavern he "worked" for had someone who was thrown out of the collage living there. He wasn't being payed, so he didn't feel bad for giving food to him away for free, in return for the training he needed to enter the collage. That was years ago, ages. Tregas is an old man now, more proficient than he ever could have hoped to have become in High Rock. He would not call himself a master of any sort, but he was trained well in the schools of restoration and alteration, and trained some in destruction, but he found a passion outside of magic, he found writing in the collage. Whenever he isn't practicing spells, or mixing brews, or generally doing whatever he thought the stereotypical Breton should do, he held himself away in the collage's library, reading whatever he could afford. He rarely even traveled outside of Winterhold, still barely does, just small trips into the frozen wastes to examine ice wraiths, and preform his more dangerous experiments in seclusion.
  10. Corporate forms shouldn't be filled out in red or blue pens, I wouldn't have any problems at all if they weren't given to IA and cargo. It really irks me when I see cargo forms written in red.
  11. Pretty much, yeah, why are coloured pens a thing? They spawn in, in IA, cargo, the library, places where you might need paperwork done, and thats good, but why COLOURED pens? Two out of the three places I mentioned are places where paperwork should be expected to be filed. Paperwork thats going to go to central command, it should be professional, done in black ink, but as far as I know, only one black pen spawns outside of a PDA, and thats in cargo, so you're stuck using the pen you're given, and I didn't even know we were given pens in our PDAs for at least a month after I started playing. So, maybe cut coloured pens from cargo, IA, some other places, and give them black pens instead.
  12. TG already has it as a fully functional gamemode, if we take the game and the code, how much left over work could need to be done?
  13. But Vox already have a set place in the game, I think barely human looking plain husks with no face would be droves better than birds, and why would Vox bother have a "Heist" on anything if they have anything as advanced as what the things in this gamemode have?
  14. " Your mind did not get through this even unscathed " Insanity RP is fun, and theres nothing saying the agents and scientists can't RP with the people they steal before harvesting them. Theres no map of the ship where they do the testing and stuff, but if there isn't already, we can add a holding pen, where abductees can interact, plan escapes, may have conflict RP, get interrogated before being harvested, totally NOT ERP. Potential is there, just like Nuke has potential.
  15. A gamemode from TG, a link about the gamemode and the perpetrators here. This was brought up in OOC during dead hour at the beginning of today. I personally think it has potential, an unknown race just as strong minded as the Skrell that have been watching them through the shadows and made them their play things sounds like interesting lore, and the game itself might be interesting, the glands have cool effects, I assume whenever someone gets implanted they get an antag(-ish) role as well, so it could spill over to others, and we could add our own stuff as well, if need be.
  16. A fair point, but we only have a finite amount of them on station that you can get for free.
  17. Sandwiches basically have the same problem "Kitchen Knife Personal Pizzas" had where they;ll ate anything and everything. Like "Misc. Condiment Bottle Sandwich" or a "Kitchen Knife Sandwich." I think I remember the personal pizza one was fixed a while ago, is it possible to fix the sandwiches to?
  18. Im talking about one that happened the other day
  19. Which Ive seen happen over five times in a single round.
  20. Seen as is not is. Its been said time and time again, Aurora security shouldn't be muscle heads, they're here to uphold and protect regs and space law, thats why the preset security office skill set has "Space Law" set to professional.
  21. Well thats something I didn't know, one for the notes, but where do you find Nanopaste? Only one, as far as IVe ever seen, spawns on station. And thats in medical, in surgery. Other med supplies are easily available and plenty in number, medical doctors spawn with high brow versions of medical items, so theres plenty of those, and two medkits spawn at the start of the game completely stocked with medical items, and there are 4-5 vendors in medbay that spit out medical supplies for free, and I believe there are four for every vendor, so thats, in total, if my estimates and facts are correct, thats 20, multi-use healing items, that can be given to non-IPC's, to heal themselves. Where as, only one healing item for IPCs to use. On the whole station, and to make any more, you have to spend metal and glass in science, after reaching an appropriate level of science.
  22. They are also more resistant to stuns, and can eat monkeys whole, killing them, wholely and completely. So, they're buffed against antags with stun weapons, and have all the power to completely and permanently kill lings. And the break cuffs an unarmed damage are not irrelevant if they're playing security, no matter how buffed they are, it is still possible for them to be taken down by other means. The problem isn't nullified because "there are other things." The problem is, that Unathi are better and stronger, and have many more advantages than any other race in the game, and zero disadvantages. Except IPC's are insta-kiled by EMP's, an item which can be bought directly by traitors, can't wear hardsuits unless they also make/find special suit cooling units, and are completely unable to heal themselves. They have something to give balance to the race. I also feel that this is untrue. Its always been said Unathi are war-like creatures, not "secure-like" creatures. They formed a combine civilization by dominating it all. And then there was the Contact War, if Unathi heritage consisted of a heritage that would rather protect over produce war, there would not have been a "Contact War."
  23. A couple of quotes from a thread I made about Unathi and Tajarans. The point I want to bring, and the point that got ignored by everyone who was arguing for not buffing Unathi, is the quote from myself. Unathi, the ultimate in space hardasses, that best fighters ever, I would guess, that can tank and kill every other race in the game in one of one combat. The killers, the dominaters. And they can play into the station security role, and there is absolutely no bar for this, and its a norm, and no one sees that, in anyway, as unfair? And Ill quote Jackbot a second time here "which is why they are popular for putting into security." So, the fact that people make Unathi, these super warriors, just to smack them into security, where you fight and arrest antags the most, is fine? There are no balance issues at all? This is completely fair for antags?
  24. Reporting Personnel: Ser Knyght Rank of Reporting Personnel: Security Guard Personnel Involved: Renate Richter, Research Director. Centurion, Warden. Micheal Robertson, Miner Time of Incident: All through the shift. Location of Incident: Brig, AI core, bridge. Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault []Misconduct [X] Abuse of Power Overview of the Incident: We had received word that the miner had broken into botany and stolen a planter and seeds. I, Ser Knyght, went to arrest him for his crimes, but when we got to cargo, he ran. Normally this would be no problem, the AI had bolted down the doors that led to him, and said that it had opened the doors him, allowing him to steal from it. We argued it was not allowed, but it continued to argue that since it had opened the doors for him, he was allowed to steal anything he wanted. Being the only command around, I signaled for Research Director Richter. She allowed us into the AI's core to check its laws, and indeed she did reset them. Then we left for the brigs to discuss more, away from the AI's chamber. There she started to argue with us, telling us to do this, and do that, and to drop his charges. After we had refused to do so, she went and took the captain's spare ID, in an attempt force us to do what she ordered. We still refused, but after over an hour of arguing with her, she did say she had given up, and she refused to stay so we can charge her with abusing her powers. I did, with the help of a synthetic ally, go to arrest the miner on the asteroid, however, he had long since fled while the research director tried to argue with is about regulations. I also found he was not growing food, he growing plenty of drugs. Fly Amantia and Reishi Mushrooms. We were unable to find the miner to make an arrest, so we returned to the station, so that I did not overheat. After another hour, a crew transfer was called to take us away, and I found drugs in science. The very same type of drugs the miner was growing, and the research director was the only person working in science during the whole shift, and that is made even more suspicious because the only place she could have gotten those drugs, was from the miner she fought to have not be arrested, or at least get a reduced sentence. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Additional notes: I have sought aid to make my report more clear and concise for the duty officers.
  25. More and more people are coming to Aurora, and over the past few days, Ive seen more than one person ask if theres a map anywhere so they can find everything. As it stands, I think Aurora has a map thats custom from other stations, and we don't have a map, or signs for directions, so I have two possible suggestions. A. Add a map to our wiki. B. Add an item to the custom item loadout for 0 points called "Map" that works like the books that spawn on station to show the station. C/B.2. If at all possible, have a map spawn for anyone before [X] player age, so its impossible to miss the map.
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