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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. Every body loves Reyjakai, including me. Granted I still think people who name characters after their username are a bit meh, but its really fun hopping into science with Katelynn, and its fun playing with Sarah and Emery to, not a lot of people can pull off making more than one department fun.
  2. I jus waned o come by and wish every one a happy Fourh of July!
  3. The DDoS was HORRIBLE. It took the server down for two days. TWO DAYS.
  4. BYOND Key: Jboy2000000 Character Names: Poslan Kur'yer, Emily O'Harron, Ida Cox, Issek Boyd, Miracle Kifer, Jackson Sullivan, Alisa Keener, Faith Hawkins, Rozhad Alakiv, Candace Grey, Ser Knyght, Postav Algara, and a few other characters that I haven't played since 2014. Species you are applying to play: Dionaea D.Sapenis What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Exempt colour. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Ill be one step closer to becoming a race master, and collect all species in my whitelist balls. There aren't really enough Dionaea players, and I want to fix that. Im just one person, but people seem to like my non-human characters, so if Im just one person with a really good character, maybe more people will be encourage to bolster the Diona player base. not only that, but Im still trying to better myself as a writer and RPer, and being a Diona will help that because- Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: -Diona are not humans. They're not remotely human. Diona are bloody living, sentient plants, that just happen to take humanoid form, sometimes. Not only that, but they're a siphonophorae, and they have to work together to actually function. You have to think "what would plants A, B, and 3 want to do together?" and its also a normal that Dionaea are more logical and intelligent, as well as thoughtful, so they don't think like a Skrell or Humans. Character Name: The East Wind That Lays Waste To All In It's Path, Seeks out the Unworthy and Plucks Them From The World. (East Wind for short) Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Nymphs probably would never, ever, make good pets. Or so you might think, but its happened at least once, on Earth. A small set of nymphs were bought, under the table, for a family to keep as pets. There were four, and all of them were basically treated like dogs, literal dogs. Pet, walked, given food from a can, even though they never ate it. That treatment came from the youngest child of the family, not that any of them cared to learn the names of their "family." However, there was one other child, a young adult from what can be remember, who was obsessed with the old times, before the human race touched the stars. Even though that child never cared about the nymphs, the nymphs like his company more than the smaller child, who treated them like animals. They spent large drags of time with the older child, watching the old recordings and reruns of the older shows and the newer remakes he liked, it gave them a reason to stay with him, over the younger one. Then something happened. Something wonderful, and some horrible. The older one had to leave for collage. Meaning they would be left, alone, with the ones that treated them like idiots. That was the horrible, than came the wonderful. A commercial came on while the nymphs were spending one last marathon with him. Finally, in hundreds of years, it was finally happening... Sherlock Season 4 was announced. In celebration, the older child turned on the last episode of Sherlock for the nymphs, but he had to leave while it was going. The gesalt would remember two things from that day. The older child, and Sherlock's speech about "The East Wind." Thats what they thought of the family now. An East Wind, that came to pick them before, since they were unworthy to become a full formed adult Diona earlier. Now they were ready. They were older, smarter, and they learned all they needed, they thought, to solve crimes there, watching the consulting detective. So they formed, and left that family. They had to seek a job, to pass time while (im)patiently waiting for season 4. What do you like about this character? Can I say everything? I like that hes a diona, his backstory, and I gave myself a little chuckle while thinking and writing this up. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7-8/10 Notes:
  5. Jboy2000000

    Cultist Dagger

    Ive always assumed they went Naurto and bit their thumbs until the bled.
  6. Wait, who was in the chicken suit? Sam or the KEKEKEKEKEKKEKEKEKEKEKEKKEKE
  7. Basically, a thread about dreams, about 2D spessmen. I bring this up because its been mentioned before that several people have had dreams where they're on Aurora, or where they're character they play, and I had one last night, so I figure, why not? My dream starts off with my ever so rarely used Virologist character "Ajmal Hamud" going to work on Bagel Station. So he goes down to the lab, and for some reason Juggilous, my clown character for TG, is in there. Apparently Ajmal doesn't give a shit, because he just goes to work doing TG virology stuff, and he manages to make something Ive made before on TG called "The Ajmal Plague" with all sorts of nasty, nasty stuff. The most logical thing in Ajmal's mind seemed to be "Inject the clown," so he did. The clown starts puking blood, passing out, and all that good stuff, and then I woke up.
  8. The woman on the other side nods throughout his answer, once hes done, thought, she leans in a bit. "Yes, but, uh, one more question. If you don't mind that is." She leans back from the screen, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Do you just- I-Is it some kind of joke to you people to ignore medical? Like, some kind of stupid inside joke between security, to just constantly ignore everything medical ffffffff-" She holds the "F" sound for a bit longer, biting her lip, like she was trying to stop herself. After she just hits a button on her computer, and the audio feed cuts, and she finishes the word she was obviously going to say, and then the audio cuts back in, finishing with "says?"
  9. Another person joins the chat, A.Keener, a woman with brown, dry, stringy hair, looking over her shoulder. The room shes in is dimly lit, but you think shes looking at someone sitting on a couch behind her. The audio feed cuts in mid sentence. "-cle, its not because his name is "stupid" I just picked something random from the people who have Aurora listed as their place of employment. Im just gonna say a few things and then you can talk to... Cargo techs, or engineers, or whoever it is you talk to." The woman than turns back around towards the camera, jumping back a little when she realizes she was live. "Oh, whoops, sorry. Right, um... Sorry. Questions, right, uh, security, is that fun?"
  10. 1)Try new things. 2)Try new things on TG. 3)Cry because everything on TG is 1000x more complicated than on Aurora. 4)Check Server Status, 4)Repeat
  11. Ideas you feel like sharing to maybe help give others ideas on what kind of characters they can make, or if you think its a good idea, but don't think you'd do the idea justice, or don't have the slots or the whitelist needed to make the new character. A young teen aged Unathi with braces. "Yetthh? Yetthh, I know I have a wortthh litthhp than other Unathi." More "Ser" characters, who speak like they're from the days of olde, when knights and mages rule the world. A psychologist there to "social science experiments." Any character of a different nationality, the only time you normally see this, its for stereotypical race joke chuckles.
  12. ME2? Why not ME1 or ME3? Are you working on getting a save from ME1 all the way to ME3?
  13. Any ideas, my fellow Aurorites? Its been down since sometime last night.
  14. Ok. This doesn't really make it not stupid to make a Head of Staff your disposals delivery point man if you have any other choices. Im not arguing that, that part was still stupid as hell. But you see what I mean, right?
  15. Except you can't do fun things like that during secret or antag rounds. The ice cream social or station evacuation drill you planned doesn't usually take precedence when armed syndie ops show up, or when faceless corpses start being found in the tunnels, or power sinks start blowing up in the bathrooms.
  16. If you already have to many mages, don't worry about fitting mine in, I have a few others that might fight the bill. Do you have any room for an Elvish bard/hunter?
  17. Except how can we vote extended to make a fun environment, if people already don't like extended because no one has shown them how fun an environment it can be?
  18. I went and read the thread this quote snippet was from. I'm under the impression that the problem was the weird caricature of a Head of Security going disposals diving solo to take some guys down solo while they were being negotiated with, which is all sorts of inappropriate for reasons entirely unrelated to the act of taking his target down. Jackboot is not the Lord of Appropriate Security Action. If somebody has tried or succeeded at murdering somebody and this fact is known, there is no real problem with using lethals OR non-lethals to subdue them, though non-lethals will generally be preferred. Disclaimer: I am also not the Lord of Appropriate Security Action. Actually, that is not really true. That antag was not, in anyway, negotiation. Talking to an officer and whoever else in the room cares enough to listen about your cult religion is not negotiating.
  19. Right, sorry Skull, basically what Im asking is, if Jack says that arresting a highly dangerous criminal is playing to win by security, when does security actually arresting people stop being play to win?
  20. So, what you're saying Skull, is that the non-lethal force that was applied to the person who earlier almost killed an officer, and took someone as a prisoner, was fair?
  21. Except "vote influencing" is explicitly against the rules. Not only that, but we ARE a heavy roleplay sever, how can we call ourselves that if most of the player base goes "Ugh, damnit, we actually have to do STUFF without having people with guns and bombs and stuff around? Ugggghhhhh" Im not saying antags are a BAD thing, but if its secretstended, no one gives a crap there are no antags, but if extended is voted outright, or forced outright every round or so, thats when people start to complain, when they know they're going to have their people who blow up the station, or make themselves a threat to the station taken away. Im going to beat the broke horse record to death again and say extended is only boring if its made boring. Im not saying all the weight is on the playerbase here, because we do have admins with infinite power, and infinite control over the IC corporation that owns the station we play on.
  22. This is something Im budding off a complaint thread, since it has no place there. I don't know how many times we have tried to explain this. Maybe being more firm in putting it across will help. You are not here to win. Security is not here to win. You are here to provide interesting situations that enhance the rounds enjoyment for other people as well as yourself. You are going to lose, and antags will be better than you in ways that shouldn't make you resort to power gaming. Yes, security is not here to win, per se, however, the IC rule of security is to protect and uphold corporate regs. So, where does security draw the line, so that arresting highly dangerous culprits doesn't become power gaming? Because, not only did they do the things I mentioned above, heres a more complete mentioning of what they did. So, where does power and meta gaming stop, and where does security actually doing they job start?
  23. Looks good to me, I don't think you're missing anything. Just, as always, try to make who/whatever you're going to play is reasonable.
  24. Jboy2000000


    Or if you get your leg(s) blown off and get left for dead in the middle of no where
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