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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. Also pretty annoying when you're shit talking people in a drunken slur and it turns out you're complete sober.
  2. Forget banning! REVOLUTION! Behead the false king!
  3. As it stands, the message for infestations say that "X is breeding in X." But only spiderlings spawn if spiders of the vermin. Now, I don't know if it true, but I think adult spider can breed, since there was a screen shot on the forum with a human amount of spiders somewhere. If thats true, I think one or two adult spiders should spawn with the spiderlings, to sell the fact they were really breeding there.
  4. Exactly what it says on the tin. Freerice, a trivia game of sorts, where you can endlessly answer questions of varying subjects, and for each right question, you donate 10 grans of rice. I know a lot of you guys are brainier than I, so maybe you can put it to good use, you nerds.
  5. BYOND Key: Jboy2000000 Player Byond Key: Daja Helman'bar (Sleepy Wolf) Staff involved: I attempted to ahelp scopes to get their cKey, but he didn't answer. Reason for complaint: Very creepy RP while I was AFK, 'attacking' an AFK character on ODIN. We were on ODIN and I parked Emily O'Harron in a bathroom stall so I could do a few things while the round was delayed, and when I came back, Daja had barged into the bathroom, used grab intent to pick her up by the neck, thats the 'attack' part, so they were on the same tile, and started whispering. I though I saved what was said, but I guess not. A few lines I remember were "Nice panties" "My ass and grass, and you get to mow it" "So, you like shitting in public to?" Approximate Date/Time: 17APR2015, 8:20~ Eastern Time.
  6. New HoP's office looks great!
  7. Jboy2000000


    I agree with Rusty, but completely changing the gun isn't what the thread is about. Also, Rusty confirmed to literally be Rusty Shackleford. Also, like the new gun sprite.
  8. Also, for some reason, actor's costume crates need an HoP to open it.
  9. I really like Alica, I best know them from Julia being a miner, best miner by the way, 10/10, would have work as my underling again. and I /THINK/ I remember seeing Robert Hoffman once or twice, if I did, they didn't do anything bad or crappy to make the name pop. So, this has my plus.
  10. All that aside, anything beyond non-lethal force in escape should be an immdeate, three day ban because of EoR rules.
  11. I haven't seen security much after the Bluecurity update, and I haven't seen much of any wardens, but I think looks pretty good. I like the topmost one best, the other one just seem to bit... TOO blue.
  12. My heart bloody trapped because of that you turd. Don't do that, we wuv u <3
  13. Reporting Personnel: Alisa Keener Rank of Reporting Personnel: Medical Doctor Personnel Involved: Samantha Mason, CMO, Zander Moon, Captain. Time of Incident: N/A Location of Incident: Medbay. Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: It started when Sam brought a mouse into medbay as she usually does, which in and of itself maybe should be brought to complaint, but thats not why Im writing this. But later in the shift I found her mouse dead in the medbay lobby. Trying to preserve her feelings, I tried to get it out of medbay before she found it, but she saw me carrying it out. She confornted me saying "So Keener, I heard you like killing mice." I tried to tell her the truth, but she said she didn't beleive me, saying "Bullshit" over the medical channel, exactly. She then compared what I did to her stomping on my newborn child, and Im not even exagerating that point. During both occasions, when she brought mouse into medbay and when she said that, I tried to tell the captain, but he never replied to my PDA messages, or to when he was asked via radio. He was asked over the radio, presumibally over Command, by the research director after I resorted to talking to him, since none of the other command staff seemed to care about my complaint. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Axton Florent, Research Director. Additional notes:
  14. Yes, all negitivity aside, thank you. I wish the biggest problems we had right now were the mysterous internet hobgoblins that are attacking the server as we speak.
  15. Jboy2000000

    Losing interest.

    In that point, they would be breaking one or more rules, don't be a dick, and we also have a pretty sure "No ERPing" rule. If they are breaking OOC rules, thats more than fair for admins to step in and say "No." What Tain is saying is, basically, if someone is not outright breaking a rule, like in your example, don't stop them. Tain wanted to take a hardsuit, absolutely no where was that a rule they she couldn't, it was a norm, it was something some people did religously, but then it was suddenly a problem, and it turned into a big problem here on the form. From Tain's standpoint, I think it may be viewed as the problem coming from an admin "not letting the player, play the game."
  16. Ive seen this question ruin friendships, the question being, how did TV's Sherlock Holmes, in the British BBC programe Sherlock, survive falling off a building? I don't have any theories myself, but I think it'd be fun to read what other people think.
  17. Jboy2000000

    Losing interest.

    If people are scared and uneasy around the admins, its because they've seen people who are already scared and uneasy around the admins, because of their interactions. If you say its only because admins get to talk to other admins, and thats why they're some of the only people to speak good of admins, why don't admins try to outreach more? Try to seem more human to people, so that people can be more easy around them. If people are uneasy to go admins, maybe the admins should go to the players, not person to person, but just something so that whenever people need to go to admins, or when admins go to them with a problem, they see the ladies and gents they are, not the scary admins who they think they may be.
  18. Jboy2000000

    Losing interest.

    I think the general thing is, the thing thats talked about the most in this thread, is that people are not enjoying the game as much, because the admins are making it hard for the them to play the game. Remember a while back when Tain made a staff complaint because she was told to put a hardsuit away? I looked at the thread, I hesitently commented on the thread, saying I agreed we should be able to bring the hardsuits outside EVA, but the only thing I really saw when reading through it was basically an answer of "No, because we say you can't. No." And Ive never seen anyone bring a hardsuit to medical ever again, I used to be someone who did that, and I never wanted to do it again after that because I didn't want a thread like that to be about me. Even if thats not what they intended, they freightened me into following a rule thats not really a rule anywhere, except on their lips. Not only that, but when do you normally hear "That staff aren't bad" or, "The staff are nice and freindly?" You rarely ever hear it from someone who isn't staff themselves. Even if they don't say it, or even don't think it, no one says the staff are nice to players. You never go into the staff complaints and see someone second guessing a complaint because their experiances with an admin has been plesent. Ive never been happy to hear the ahelp bwoink, even when I made the ahelp myself, simply because no matter what, it always feels like the person on the other end is always angry for some reason. I just think the staff need to calm down a bit. Yes, you're an admin, yes you can ban and mute people for being rude, dumb or breaking the rules, yes it is a serious position, but really, you don't need to be so serious about it. I don't know how else to say it, or what to add, but look at this, look at this thread where people say the admins are making the game not fun, there are way more complaints about the admins then there are people talking about "the community."
  19. Whats with the server? I checked the server status thread, and Scopes posted the server was down yesterday, has the server really been down all that time?
  20. Jboy2000000

    Losing interest.

    I have to agree with Tain, the admins are one of the other reasons Ive also come to enjoy Aurora a bit less, and the reason why I didn't mention should speak more than the actual reasons. The reason I didn't mention it before is because I am scared to speak about the admins, Im scared to speak to the admins, Im sacred to speak around the admins, I don't want to say something any where they might see it and make them angry. I don't enhoy Aurora as much, but I still want to play the game. I sometimes get the nerves to comment of something the admins have already talked about, but I almost never post anything if it goes against anyone's standing, because I don't want to get banned or something. I was scared to talk to Dea after I was told Alisa couldn't be a head of staff, I didn't even want to message her more than once because I didn't want my whitelist taken away, I have a note on my record because I didn't want to keep talking to the admin who I was ahelping, I just wanted to stop talking as soon as possible so I didn't accidentally get myself a ban or something. I know that middle text there seems a jumbled mess, but thats because Ive already written this four other times, but I kept deleting it and doing something else because Im still afraid talking about this may get me punished for something.
  21. Jboy2000000

    Losing interest.

    I know the feel, I remember when I furst started playing Aurora, and Id play for hours and hours ever day, and now on average I pop on maybe three to four times a day, and almost never see a round to a crew transfer. Im not going to lie, Im almost grudgingly coming to Aurora now, I don't find it anywhere near as entertaining as it once was, and the thought only crosses my mind when theres nothing else for me to do. I think the only reason I still do bother to check Aurora anymore is because I feel king of obligated to do so because I know people here, and my character have freindships here, but thats not the point. I feel like RP, on this Heavy RP Server, has been falling for a long time. I think this was marked by when Extended was the gamemode 75% of the time, and then later it was marked by when even admins would say they haven't seen a round of extended and days, and we'd sometimes have nuclear three times in a row. Im gonna tag onto what Baka said, and be optimistake and hope Aurora gets better in time again, and hope enough people stick around to keep Aurora alive until then.
  22. Yeah, it would actually make carps a threat, and engineering might thing that it actually breached somewhere, so it may eat up engineering's time looking for a breach that didn't happen.
  23. Wot? Also, yes please. They, could also been used in a different way, be a chef, get the carps, and if you're lucky, you may be able to gib them and take their meat. You could grind that, and just slowly poison the station.
  24. Basically, a brower based MMO set in , where you start a game along with 49 other people, in a village type thing, and you have to survive, together, as long as humanly possible. You need to eat and drink every day, and communication is key if you're going to go out into the wilderness and scanange the needed supplies. Up to, but limited to, Condoms, Dildos, Cyanide, Unlabled Drug Items, and Water Pistols. You can also build defenses and other buildings to help the town, buildings like a 500ft Sandcastle, an alter to a crow, gallows, and a human butcher shop. I myself haven't played the game since 2013, but I think its still going, and my acount may still be valid. If anyone else starts the game, you may be lucky enough to see me pop up in one of the random towns in zombie world.
  25. Server is killed?
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