BYOND key: Arbiter_Ambrose (this may have wrong capitals I am not fully able to remember at this time, however I find it likely to be correct.)
Discord name/id: master_ambrose / Ambrose
Borg / AI names: I have decided that if you so decide to accept me after my interview, I shall be named EES-COSACC-1020, pronounced or shorthanded into Cos-ack or if you want to mispronounce it Cossack.
Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes, I have also read other servers wikis on AI, I have thoroughly read the wiki page on AI and the surrounding pages.
Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Since I've ever remembered, I've always quite liked the concept of AI, and I think that AI has a lot of flex in terms of it's personality even if it is mechanical in it's programmed personality. I think that aurora whitelisting me will really help me bloom in my ability to play AI in both a rp capacity and a mechanical capacity since it is relatively calmer than other servers which also allows that focus on rp which well, it is based on. ;-;
Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I don't think I have received any formal administration actions, only some words of advice on what not to do since I made a little mistake and died from a door shocking me and dying, I was still quite relatively new to the server, relative to right now where I have been playing as a machinist occasionally.
Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes, I fully understand that if I behave improperly and this behaviour continues, or if I change my behaviour and that is not satisfactory, my whitelist will be removed and possibly get me blacklisted or akin to that.