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Everything posted by Witt

  1. Alright, here is my two sense. The set up we have is fine. Your new design is far to cramped and as everyone else has already pointed out, suits are left in EVA for a reason; that reason being it prevents power-gaming and helps create the real life scenario of you occasionally getting F***ed b y the situation. As for you argument about how in real life a first responder always has there gear on hand is wrong. As someone who serves as a first responder, I can promise you that while most of us do carry our radios everywhere; all we keep with us besides that is a more advanced medical kit, and in some cases an AED. Anything past that, we are forced to wait for an ambulance form the nearest bay.
  2. I have begun building a new bridge/ AI areas. Skulliomus approving, they will be added when we swap over to the new atmos pipe system
  3. I see, anyways; I am currently playing round with the idea to move the AI to a sub satalite position ((same Z-level)) and using the current area to expand the bridge. I.E. Open up the meeting room, add a secondary office for D.O.s/CC Reps and space willing a small dorm for heads to safely AFK/SSD
  4. Jamini, what do you mean "sever Aesthetic and Usability issues"?
  5. I approve of this app on a personal note. However, since our glorious Overlord Skulliomus has decreed that apps must remain open for 72 hours ((three days)) I will leave it so.
  6. Witt

    Ask a mod/admin!

    They do, Polly the Parrot, but Polly was removed for various reasons. A parrot? For fucks sake, have you SEEN how bad it gets when engineering gangs up on people? Their mascot should obviously be a wolf cub. ...Hey, can Engineering get a wolf cub as their mascot? Bring Polly back, he was an antags best friend. Also a great singulo alarm
  7. Witt

    Engineering HUDs

    I like jackboots idea, but lets take it a step further, give medi and sec huds a multi tech level tree Since we are being crazy already, why not a a fourth tier that is on par with the bluespace backpack in research levels that can cycle between the three huds
  8. The Issue I and probably a lot of others have is certain admins (tish and Skull) have chosen OOC colors that blend in with In game chat and it is quite difficult to keep up on it sometimes. If you lot chose colors that weren't confusable with an IC radio frequency I'm sure we would be happy. (well happier)
  9. Witt

    Ask a mod/admin!

    I can answer that one, even if I'm no longer around. Alright. Gal had, like, green anime hair. "Rust"-colored eyes with speckles of gold, and at least three different adjectives to describe eye color. She was also covered in weird runic tattoos, was 7'4'', and had a heavy addiction to opioids (to cope with the stress of her dark past). Oh, and she was also 26 and the acting captain. I'm pretty sure she had an eyepatch, too. It was like a fucking human sparkledog. I don't really remember what her personality was like, but it was pretty similar to this. She also ERP'd a lot, back when we didn't immediately interrupt things with clowns (though she's part of what started that). Oh, yes. And the green hair was due to genetic modifications for some reason. Not dye. Well..... Inis... Bright blue hair, dyed not gened; purple eyes, two adjectives to describe eye colour. Albino skin with grey lines on it, 6'3", 25 years old. Especially when you remember that on Apollo, she was, in records, 17, showing up as Cap and HoS, with genetic regeneration, immortality, and various emotional issues. The worst I have seen were these, and Old Inis. Tristine Duskbane: 7' something, lots of mechanical parts, including a pair of hooved legs, complete with four knees, tattoos everywhere, copious flavour text describing very "specific" parts of her appearance; and numerous anger issues, if I remember correctly. A character belonging to a person who left our community under a cloud, after many tantrums on the old forums; you could probably guess who, if you checked them; his character had every skill maxed, was 17, with a syndicate knowledgeable background, and many military actions against them, when he wasn't arbitarily working for the syndicate now. I don't remember the character name, but god was the character bad. Did y'all forget about Dasheva Blackheart our 19 year old Captain/CMO/ god who is allergic to air and had Supe-rbabies with Dilgan ((not cannon anymore)
  10. Quick question: What is your characters current IC age? (note that 25 is minimum for Engineering related non-intern jobs))
  11. I have red it, and I wasn't assuming as I was a moderator during your previous time as a head/ your last whitelist. Until I see improvement in your personality I will hold at my -1 vote.
  12. Alright, I'm just going to start this off, by stating No. And here's why Over the time you have been with us, you have had head whitelist two or three times. Since you don't have them, I'm going to state there was a good reason. I remember hearing you promise to stop doing things as a captain and then doing them anyways. Finally, you left after that and the first time anyone recalls seeing you back here you already have an app up. so like I said NO.
  13. Witt


    Like all true nerds dream, I am an arcade repair technician.
  14. Quad-singulo, singulo jousting or as I call them, exhibits A and B of why Skull is a bad influence
  15. Reporting Personnel: Jace Evans Rank of Reporting Personnel:Chief Engineer Personnel Involved: Roy Wyatt, Samantha Mason, Jace Evans, multiple additional heads of staff Time of Incident: 20:10 on 1/12/2457 (time in Central US time zone) Location of Incident: Over general Com frequency Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty [X]Harassment []Assault []Misconduct [X]Other _Disrespect of Heads authority and of the deceased____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: : After a mildly Inappropriate insult issued by Samantha Mason, Roy proceeded to tell her that he wished she was dead and lying next to [ Name redacted]. Upon being ordered to Apologize by his Chief Engineer, he swiftly Ignored him. Logs recovered from telecoms log: Transmitting begins: Samantha Mason [145.9] says, "Where are you, and why are you not in Medicah helping wif the flooding of patients." Roy Wyatt says, "I'm gonna' lay every pipe down." Roy Wyatt [145.9] says, "How about you check the manifest." Roy Wyatt [145.9] says, "Yeah, do that." Samantha Mason [145.9] says, "How about you stop fucking her every goddamn shift, Roy." Luna Fountain [145.9] says, "Uhm... Sam... do look at the manifest... p-please..." Shane Hirleman [145.9] says, "Samantha!" Roy Wyatt [145.9] says, "HOW ABOUT YOU GO DIE NEXT TO VINCENT YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Shane Hirleman [145.9] says, "Roy!!" Roy Wyatt [145.9] says, "FUCK YOU!" Log Ends Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Due to lack of IAA, and my own presence on the Command staff, I announced to the captain and all other heads of staff that I would be filing this Report. transmission heard by Captain Elena Raschnikova, HoP Conway Miller, CMO Hunter Scofield and Acting HoS Shane Hirleman Additional notes: Roy has also been reported to have been fornicating with multiple female staff members during previous shifts, these rumors are the basis of Samanthas initial statement that sparked Roys behavior
  16. As stated above, looks good.
  17. Definatly edit it, then add a I edited this satuff note so Pump/I/ anyone who wants to sees it
  18. before I vote or anything on this, your backstory has meat to it, it doesn't really tell us anything about your character. How will he react to task X or situation Y?
  19. Ckey/BYOND Username: Wittly Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter):Mapper Past Experiences/Knowledge: I am working with the dev team in the development of the new map, notable contributions, new brig, wiring and various other small parts. I am fairly knowledgeable in the variables and how they work from my time as a mod. Examples of Past Work: Engineering Training hologram: http://gyazo.com/4137f404e47dce60d067781c5e4064e8 See parts of the new map project ((brig area)) Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Steam/Skype Additional Comments: I am in the process of teaching myself byond code.
  20. Accepted, please move to archive
  21. Application denied for poor backstory and user inactivity. If you wish to apply again please create a new application.
  22. Currently we have not made a 100% commitment to either style, however we are leaning towards a Diapsid style
  23. BYOND Key: Wittly Player Byond Key: SkullMagic Reason for complaint: Joining as a head of staff and going SSD within minutes. I have noticed that since SkullMagic has gotten his whitelist that he tends to join as heads of staff and ssds a lot, today I watched him join as the CE, cyro and as soon as he could he joined as captain and was SSD within 10 minutes.
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