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Everything posted by Witt

  1. " The Baldening" "Blowing a Rams horn filled with the blood of a baldie out an escape airlock" "Admins ignoring the server to play EVE"
  2. Not a single card about clown strippers, I'm disappointed in you lot
  3. I know exactly how you all feel, having a half dozen logs and channels to listen to, make RP hard, when you throw in the griefer who just welderbombed cargo because pun pun ate his chicken sandwich ((and yes that was an actual excuse)) I occasionally need a break. Now, I'm not saying I want to leave, I love it here, between bugging pump and threatening you lot with another quad singulo, my modmanship has been awesome. All I ask is that you lot reading this be patient with us, we aren't omnipotent; we are sleep deprived humans ((except skull, Im not sure he is human)), so please don't get upset if we miss a message or two.
  4. Ok, here's is how it happened; you and a few other began raging when RNJesus decided a really fun virus was needed; you all were told to cut the IC in OOC, as the round was on going and no emergency shuttle was even in route; you choose to start ranting about it not being required, we warned you to more times; I even PMed giving you the exact reason why it was IC in OOC along with the warning of cut the IC in OOC or you would be muted; you sent back some random PM that I viewed as not required to respond to; you PMed again calling me a spineless coward; your attitude this entire time was highly inappropriate and the other moderators and myself decided that you needed a 24hr ban to cool off.
  5. Firstly, I had nothing to do with your last post being deleted, but given your attitude, I do not support you having a ban reduction.
  6. Pssst xander, that is why IAA exists, if heads won't do the paperwork,let CC know; we can help. Oh and to you heads that ignore paperwork, even Jace does paperwork for everything, even sacrificing balds to lord singulo. So hop to it
  7. Considering Skull itself is not actually an organic living being, I feel he is uniquely qualified to b a fake robot on spessmen P.S. I was not threatened by skull to upvote this in anyway. P.S.S. All hail Skull's socks
  8. Over the past month or so, I have noticed that certain game modes hae been winning votes without a majority. the main issue is that certain people vote in arge groups for the same one mode continuously, and even though they aren't a majority, they win because at 30% of the playeerbase, they are the most to one single game mode. I.E. if we had 5 players and two vote cult, 1 votes secret, one votes meteor and one votes extended, Cult wins in our system. but that isn't a majority win. a majority of the players wanted not cult, and more than likely, one or two of them will now not join the round because they hate cult. What I prupose is that we reset the Vote to be either extended or secret. we also should take extended out of secret rotation and make certain all other game modes are rotatable in secret.
  9. I kinda hope this is a joke app. based on your character backstory and your reasons for wanting to be an unathi, I am going to -1 your app, as you clearly have not read the wiki at all.
  10. Additional complaint: Date: 7/11/14 Details: During a normal traitor round with very little happening in the way of destruction, Letz decided that he needed to call the shuttle after a small explosion(( C-4 explosion in medbay lobby)). There are two issues here; 1. he gave engineering no chance to respond to the damage and just called the shuttle; 2. he chose to ignore SoP and evac instead of contacting central, As a note to this, both myself and scopes were observing at this time and could have ERT Engies to repair it if it was not doable for the engie staff they had. Letz has shown to me that he lacks the knowledge and the drive to play a head to there full potential, I strongly sugjest his whitelist be reviewed.
  11. Lets just start this off with the high number of rounds that you have decided to force yourself into acting captain when one was not required. also, your behavior has not changed since your ban. so i'm gonna stick the Jace Evans seal of disapproval on this and go back to spying on baldies.
  12. I would defiantly support Doomberg going into mod trials, he seems like the right type of person.
  13. Are you sure, you only just registered on forums and I have never seen you before Um, there are no wealthy on earth, Earth is a slum planet, only descendants of those poor souls who didn't flea the dieing planet live there Why would nanotrasen hire you? let alone promote you? Can we get some details please.
  14. I think FFrances has the right idea in down grading your ban to a week.
  15. Given your new backstory, I am going to remove my -1 vote from earlier.
  16. You attacked at the end of the round, you were banned acordingly
  17. End of round shuttle grief is not allowed. This rules is different to most other servers, but the reveal message is not IC knowledge, and RP continues until the round reboots. That means no random killing or attacking each other at round end. Generally, any attacking whatsoever after round end will earn a ban. This is an automatic ban without warning. This is directly from the rules tab that all players are expected to read before they join a round
  18. Just going to point out here that this complaint is about Nasir not nightmares abilities as an admin; meaning that we should probably move this complaint into the player section.
  19. Witt

    Milo's Rants

    Good News Everybody! I found another Milo Rant so enjoy. How Milo deals with his Ex: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0cj2zSjR2XY
  20. Witt

    Milo's Rants

    Milo's Central debriefing http://vocaroo.com/i/s1KHq5k9OFaK Random Milo Rant #1 http://vocaroo.com/i/s1hYkWsdwtqg There will be more to come hopefully
  21. Not to be that guy here, but I need to -1 this app. Given that you have of late used both your other alien whitelists and human characters to make silly joke characters, I am _1ing until such time that I feel you can play your characters seriously.
  22. This guide assumes you are not a CE. A true CE does not require O2
  23. Welcome to Engineering 101. In this guide, I am going go over the basics of how to be a functional Engineer on the NSS Aurora Research Station. Today, we will cover your character; proper supplies for both Engineers and Atmos tech; The Singularity (Lord Singulo); Atmosia and the solars. Your Character Proper Suplies The Singularity (Lord Singulo) The Solars Atmosia If you have any question about Engineering or Atmos, feel free to contact me in game and I will try to assist you further
  24. -1 NT would definatly not hire them expesially given how your Unathi was introduced to NT. Unathi as a spieces are a highly honor bound people who would never treat prisioners like that as the more honorable option is killing them in combat or refusing to fight. Also, I have never seen you on server, so you should work on becoming known before you run for an app
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