Ah, I remember when this discussion was brought up on Bay. Wow, people got upset.
Hm, right. Just to say as the newbie with no idea what the heck goes on here, I'll say this. Overall fun needs to trump the whole 'realism' thing. If the game isn't fun in any particular way, why play it?
Generally what would make sense is that the other races be barred from any role of responsibility, because they're quite marginalized in this day in age (I guess? I've not read the lore but from what I'm told by two or three others, it may/may not be worth reading as it perpetuates a hugbox mentality or something).
I mean, you can't trust the Unathi because they've nuked themselves several times over because of their insufferable ancestral honor complex they got going.
The Tajara aren't worth a spit-take over given their general degeneracy, thievery, rumors of smuggling and other illicit activities deemed unacceptable by the human social circles... Oh, and they violently rebelled against their monarchy and killed a lot of people. It is still in question who is the actual good guy in the conflict, from what I am told.
The Skrell are noticably better in the eyes of the human empire than the above because of their contributions to the Sol Alliance such as cloning tech and WetSkrell-- I mean, what?
Diona are meh. They're just trees, but they're good labor and are troves of valuable information. They're not harmful, which is a plus.
IPCs are also meh. They're sentient, free robots, and the free part is what scares people. At no point are you going to allow a less-than-rouge-proof droid to run your station, right? That's extremely risky in and of itself...
In my opinion, the way the lore is set-up is too progressive. I feel like everything is so forced to be equal with one another, just because.
To add onto that, it might be due to the fact that the state of the lore might be controlled by said progressives.
The way I see it (it'll probably not be worth a damn in the lore development team's eyes, but whatever), this can only lead to ruin and people not enjoying the environment. You guys get complaints daily by unrelated IRC shitposters that the alien players constantly act indignant and overprivileged when their position in-game is clearly not fit for them to act in such a way.
I mean, are they wrong?
I mean, if you want to act like a stuck-up, snobbish, rich prick with a narwhale's horn up their ass, play a human groupie that claims to have political pull back on Earth. It'd make sense, right? And it'd be hilarious to see other people react to it, too, so why not do that instead?
On the flipside, it wouldn't be as amusing to see such a marginalized creature rebel against everything it stands for and not get canned for displaying a bad image for the company and for Tajarans as a whole. It's not a matter of "Would my character act like this", it's a matter of "Would my character act like this at work, especially when getting fired is so easy nowadays?"
Newbie's first two cents, take it for what it's worth in this economy of mixed opinions nowadays.