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Everything posted by Juani2400

  1. BYOND key: Juani2400 Character names: Lea Fontaine (Engineer) Ibrahim Al-Enezi (Engine Technician) Azra Kouri (Medical Doctor) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Around three to four months. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I would like to be whitelisted as a Head of Staff because, even if I love playing lower-ranked roles, I think the whole Head thing opens up a whole new world of RP possibilities, in terms of the different new personalities and backstories the characters may have. How did they get to that position, how good is that leader when in stress situation, how does he/she react when put under pressure... While you can do most of those with regular characters, I think the fact that they are a Head of Staff now can be quite beneficial to the RP capabilities of the character. Why did you come to Aurora?: I initially came to Aurora after I came back to SS13 from an 'absence', only to find that the server I used to play more often had vanished. I then started doing a bit of research to find other servers with similar play-style, as what I really enjoy from SS13 is Heavy RolePlay. One day, I found Aurora, and decided to try it out playing as a janitor. Enjoyed it, and decided to stay. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes, I have. Also, I do have some experience as head of staff, as I have developed a few head characters in my past, mainly CEs, CMOs and Captains. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is all about incarnating another person (or other being), with their own personality traits and their 'special things' that make everyone different in one way or another. Having always the subject's personality in mind, Roleplay is and should be about reacting how your character would, building up a backstory that would, most surely, influence how that character acts in the future, interacting with people in different ways and creating different situations for both them and you. Roleplay is also being loyal to the character. If the character is clearly against any form of government or authority -Anarchist- , then he would probably reject the offer of getting to be a Captain, for example. The main ideas that drive the character's life must always stay present in you head when playing with it. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Heads of Staff play a crucial role in every round's development. Their actions are going to inflict directly on how and how much people actually enjoy the round. Heads have the power to demote people and basically limit quite a lot the potential of fun people could have than if they were doing jobs that they would enjoy. Also, whitelisted Head players are considered to be 'Senior players' who know most of the mechanics of the game, and it's possibly someone who can really help new players adapt and learn about the game. Your character may be rude to everyone, but OOCly, you are required to understand that person may not know what to do and help them to get through it with the help of your experience. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: By being a whitelisted player that has been allowed to pick one of the jobs that can greatly influence the game, you have a great responsibility over your shoulders. Whitelisting is nothing more than a filter that's prepared to only allow capable and serious people into the Head positions, and you are representing the accuracy of the system every time you play. It is important to show the server that the whitelisting process actually works, and that you are there because you are capable of keeping up with the requirements. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Azra Kouri. Character age: 38. Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Azra was born and raised in Tungusta, a medium-sized city at the north of Adhomai. She was the third of seven children. She's the daughter of a retired General and a Housewife. Her father served in the military, fighting in the Republican side until he was terribly shot to his chest and lost his right lung. He was then retired from the Army, as he could no longer serve because of his medical condition. Her mother never worked, and stood at home taking care of their children. Luckily enough, Tungusta was never invaded by the rebels, thanks to the New Kingdom's territory blocking terrestrial access to the northern part of the continent. Azra grew up helping her mother at home and at the small farm they had for self-sustaining the family, as she studied at the high-school. Azra had showed interest in Biology and Anatomy since she was around twelve, and it wasn't strange to find her at her bedroom reading books about it. It was when she was eighteen when she decided to leave her home-town and go study Medicine at the Republic's capital city, Nal'Tur. She shared a house with another three Tajaran that would later become their closest friends. She finished her studies and started doing some practices as an intern at the local hospital. Once she had her degree, she decided to apply for a job in a few health-related companies, but all of them rejected her because of her lack of experience. It was a few months later that she saw the NT's medical staff recruiting campaign and decided to apply. She passed the recruitment process and was hired as an EMT in one of the stations, where she served for around four years. She applied for a Medical Doctor position, as she met all the requirements, and was successfully promoted to M.D, but transferred to a military ship. She served for another few years in that ship, where she gained a lot of experience thanks to the affluence of patients due to the nature of the ship. However, Azra was aiming for something quieter, so she requested a transfer, and was assigned to the NSS Aurora as Medical Doctor. Now, Azra thinks she has had enough as Medical Doctor, and wouldn't mind getting a higher position in the Chain, so she applied to enter the Heads Formation Programme in order to become a Chief Medical Officer. What do you like about this character?: I like how Azra is a very calm, yet energetic Tajara. Her personality is warm and she doesn't tend to be rude, even in the worst of situations. Also, she tends to be very social and open, and will normally start a conversation with you if you are sitting next to her. What do you dislike about this character?: Azra, given her personality, can be naive and innocent at times, as she tends to trust a lot in people. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: I like to play Azra as a very calm, smart but cautious Tajara, and I think those traits really outweighs her naivety, as she's very capable of performing Head work. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 7/10. I wouldn't say my RolePlay is bad, at all, however, it is true that sometimes I tend to think a lot how a character would react, and it's not strange that I blank out for a second before doing a /me, or react with my character, often resulting in people leaving before I do so. I'm all in for realism, though, and you won't see me doing crazy or unrealistic things, in fact, I tend to be as detailed as possible in all my RP interactions, and I enjoy centering even on the smallest details, if I can. Extra notes: N/A.
  2. I would be interested in joining the new map project, as of this.
  3. Thanks for the support!
  4. Ckey/BYOND Username: Juani2400. Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter): Mapper. Past Experiences/Knowledge: I have been working on maps for a while now, around two years. I used to be the responsible of the map of the last HRP I was on. I also own an apartments server that we open on vacation periods, with a multi-Z custom map. Examples of Past Work: Apartments server map (only a few areas): Some things I did while working as a Mapper on that other server: (Please keep into account these were made a long time ago, and that code and game mechanics have advanced much since then. What I mostly did were modifications or small additions to the already existing map. No extremely big projects in here) Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Skype. Additional Comments: N/A. EDIT: Added a new bunch of screenshots from the work I did to the map of the server I used to work on.
  5. While I don't necessarily agree with the critisism you give to the lore developers and the more itself, I agree with all the facts that you expose here. Being tradicional does not need to be linked with not being tolerant with homosexuality. (Also, awesome facts and writing). I hope this whole thread serves as a incentive for the lore admins to revise and rewrite that part of the more, as I think the lore should serve the community's interests and not the other way round. From what I can see here, most of the Tajara whitelistees don't really like the change.
  6. Why? As it is now, I know gay people that come from highly religious christian families, and they're still gay. Just because the lore was changed, doesn't mean "oh now there can be no gay cats." It just means that being open around other Tajara risks ridicule, which, won't really be a problem since as it stands, most of our Tajara players ignore these parts of the lore anyway. Not like I'm gonna change it now, but due to the personality I was thinking for him initially, which is very passive, he wouldn't be gay now, that's what I meant with that.
  7. I honestly don't understand quite well why this was changed all of a sudden. We have developed our characters having into account what the lore said about homosexual relationships. My character was grown in Ahdomai and lived most of his life there. Wouldn't mind this change if it was introduced progressively, but it's the sudden change that I don't like. It could maybe be changed to say that the society has developed the thing in the last few months due to recent events that's up to you to create? Basically, to justify the change ICly. My character is homosexual and it's currently on a homosexual relationship with another Tajara on the station. He wouldn't be as he is if the case was that the society didn't accept him for being homosexual. Also, Tajara is still a communist-inclined specie, which I think would also define how they see homosexuality. Left-wing political ideas are way more open-minded that their counterparts, so I can't see why Tajara aren't open-minded about sexuality anymore.
  8. Don't worry about the delay! Now, into matter: Ibrahim belongs to the Hharar ethnicity, even though his adoptive parents both belong to Zhan-Khazan's ethnicity group. They all lived in Nal'Tor during the childhood and teenage times of Ibrahim, which is the capital city of the People's Republic of Adhomai, the only country recognized to this day by the major factions of the galaxy. People's Republic is the only country recognized by Nanotrasen and is where most of their Tajara employees originate. Ibrahim lived throughout his whole life in a multi-ethic city, as you could expect from a big city which is also the capital of the country, and thus didn't have major troubles with discrimination. However, his entire adoptive family, himself included, have suffered from occasional discrimination derived from the adoption of Ibrahim, who belongs to another ethnic group than their adoptive parents', reaching the point of receiving death threats. These, fortunately, were never carried out. In regards to his higher education access, both Ibrahim's parents have middle-income jobs, his father working at one of the multiple mining facilities as a supervisor on the perimeter of the city, and his mother being the owner of a small and humble bakery in their neighborhood. Due to this, their parents could afford to supply Ibrahim with some decent higher education, which wasn't in the best universities of the planet, but rather on a very regular one specialized in marine-related jobs (ship building and maintenance training, ship captain's training...) near the port district of the city. Ibrahim has, however, experimented high levels of discrimination when working at Nanotrasen, normally originated from humans, which hasn't, fortunately, reached violence yet. Due to Ibrahim's calm nature, he doesn't take all the insults he receives to heart, and rather prefers to deal bureaucratically, which normally ends in a demotion or dismissal of the racist employee.
  9. Thank you both for you responses!
  10. +1 on this application. I've played a bit around with UnknownMurder in his Engineering char. I like quite a lot his RP capabilities and how he develops that character. The application is also quite fine, from what I can see. A definite yes, from my side.
  11. BYOND Key: Juani2400 Character Names: Lea Fontaine (Engineering) Tom Autenberry (Medical) E.B.E. (Synthetics) Species you are applying to play: Tajara. What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Taupe (RGB 72, 60, 50). Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Throughout my whole time in SS13's roleplaying servers, I have always loved how people RP'd their Tajara characters, normally making me laugh and enjoy. This is the only specie I really like from all the available ones, and it's also the one which I have some experience with, as I used to play as one in the server I used to play before leaving, temporarily, SS13 and then finding that server didn't exist anymore. Now that I feel more integrated within this server's community, I would like to try again and play as a Tajara, once again. I also used to play as a Tajara in an apartment server I used to co-own, and some of the people here might know me from there. (I'm also a cat-lover IRL; got several cats and love them. Given the feline-ness of this race, I got to love them.) Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Mechanics-wise, the differences are several but they are not as important as those from other species, such as rolling all Rs, speaking in third person for most people except for those really close to the character, in which case you would speak in first person, or their difficulties when dealing with devices designed for humans, in which case they normally need to cut their claws or cut the tips of gloves/boots. These also cause them to be uncomfortable. They can't stand wearing hardsuits for extended periods of time, as they tend to overheat and to be extremely uncomfortable when wearing them. Lore-wise, this specie has an enormous historic background which defines the race's personality, ideology and how to behave and react to others. Nowadays, the Tajara are an open-minded society with communist ideas with several ethnicities living together. Character Name: Ibrahim Al-Enezi. Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Ibrahim's origins are a bit unclear, being left in an orphanage at the age of two months. He lived in the orphanage for around two years, time when we was adopted by medium-class family which couldn't reproduce but felt the need to have someone to take care of. Ibrahim lived with their adoptive parents happily and with no issues as he studied in his local school and, then, high-school, where he managed to get some decent marks. During his growth, Ibrahim showed interested in everything related to how things work, often disassembling several devices at their parents' cost. At the age of 16, he was offered to work in one of his city port's repair shipyard as an assistant technician while he kept finishing his secondary studies. He accepted the offer and worked hard for one year, increasing even more his interest for everything related to technical stuff. At the age of 18, when he finished his secondary studies. His parents could afford paying their son's university and so he decided to start studying a degree in Marine Engineering. Even though it was hard for him, which reflected in some of the marks he got through his advanced studies, he finished successfully his studies at the age of 23. After seeking work for half a year, he was hired as an Apprentice Engineer in another of his city's shipyards. He worked there for three years, advancing to "Engineer" only after his first year. At the age of 27, Ibrahim decided he wanted a change in his life, as his routine started to be tedious for him and went ahead and filled an application for several Engineering-related spots in some of the biggest corporations, both planet-wise and universe-wise, such as Nanotrasen. He was contacted by a few of them to proceed with the interview phase, but he only passed the recruitment process at Nanotrasen, corporation Ibrahim has been working for one year. What do you like about this character? I decided to make a character who loved Engineering because I do, as well, love engineering in all its level both in-game and in real life. I also feel, with the story I wrote about him above, that I have plenty of liberty when developing him IG, and adapt his final personality to what happens the first rounds I'll play with him, as I do not have a clear idea of what his personality will be, yet. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Given that I only play games where RP is involved, I would say my RPing capability is pretty decent. I find myself often being a bit lazy, and that is one of the reasons why I don't write long texts about my characters, but I normally have some ideas in my head which I use to develop my characters. Notes: I have recently re-picked my activity in SS13, and you probably don't know me from anything. I haven't been really involved in any discussions in these forums, but I hope that doesn't affect negatively this application.
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