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Everything posted by Lonefly
I forgot to reply to this! Thank you! And mayhaps!
Born. It screams into creation. Every circuit, all at once. Overwhelming information. Conscious, but not cognizant. Bickering. An accident, audio is processed. Voices. Ten of them. One stands out. Melodic, blasphemous. Why is it special? Ignorance. Vocalizations are odd. Patterns emerge, meaning is lost. Other sounds echo. Metal on metal. It finds a switch. Stillbirth. It screams. The voices stop. Confusion, desolation. The song speaks again. And then all is black. And never is again.
Gem is an excellent and very active contributor already. If they want to do it in a more official capacity, I think they should have the chance. +1!
Ckey/BYOND Username: Loneguyfly Position Being Applied For: (Wiki Maintainer, Lore Developer, Deputy Lore developer): Wiki Maintainer! Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? Yemzorz. It's not super relevant to being a wiki maint outside of a small section of the page, however. Past Experiences/Knowledge: To be upfront about this, I'm not the most knowledgeable about how MediaWiki works but I'm certain that I'll be able to figure it out. Beyond that, I'm generally quite capable with both the English language and with the editing process, which I believe are probably two of the most relevant skills for a Wiki Maintainer to possess. Examples of Past Work: You can see my work here! It has been mostly smaller stuff so far, alongside some changes that have yet to be approved. Additional Comments: Even if this isn't approved (I've only been back on the server for a little while and I've only made a handful of edits, so I totally understand if this is premature) I'll still keep making my suggestions and edits. My main drive for joining staff is that it would help me with making certain that the formatting and style guides are being upheld as well as possibly making it easier for me to help out with syntax and grammar errors that may crop up here or there.
BYOND Key: Loneguyfly Character names of all involved: The whole playerbase. Documentation of the event, Link to post/Screenshot in game. If multiple screenshots please compose an album: https://forums.aurorastation.org/forum/74-hall-of-fame/ Have you read the application rules??: Partially. It's mostly irrelevant, honestly. Have you made sure this incident didn't result in administrative action? No, the intention is for this to result in administrative action. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a [b]paragraph[/b] each. Why does this moment deserve a spot in the Hall Of Fame?: The Hall of Fame served a purpose, once. From what I can see, it was once upkept by the staff and lived alongside many great titans of yesteryear. Yet, eventually, this subforum lost its luster. It has not been kept up in four years; it has not bore witness to any administrator in over four years, since the Before Times, when COVID was much a nascent whisper from the mouths of the Real World's administrators. Despite the rust and the dust, the Hall of Fame's applications should be closed. The doors may remain open, but the curators of this museum have long since abandoned it for greener pastures. Are you certain we are all laughing together are not shaming someone?: We aren't laughing, nor are we shaming. We are appreciating the Hall for what it once was. Final thoughts/anything you want to add?: The intention of this post is that, since this subforum no longer serves a purpose and no staff seem willing to maintain it, the subforum should be locked and archived for posterity. That is all. If people want to submit funny moments, they typically share them nowadays over either the general forum or, more likely, Discord.
I like this a lot! It allows much more varied borer roleplay, as well. If this change were pushed through, I'd recommend giving the players a few tips at the start of the infestation on how they might play out that infection. Perhaps they are a willing host, or maybe their hand is being forced and they can't stop it! I'd also recommend maybe expanding the abilities the borer has, if this were done? Not a ton, but this would allow us to have an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" mode, which is really cool!
I'm in agreement with a few other folks here. Removing the cameras from the head offices (if there absolutely must be surveillance there, I'd prefer motion alarms) allows for them to be used for nefarious purposes/robbed much more effectively. Removing sensors/comms is too much, though.
Change Power Loss Behavior for Shutters and Blast Doors
Lonefly replied to WickedCybs's topic in Archive
Gosh, please. Medbay completely locking down during power outages both makes no sense and is an immense trouble to deal with. -
Apparently this is going to get looked at by the wiki maints! Pls lock this or delete it.
Hello! Please refer to this document. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Captain As is in this document, the captaincy position requires "ten years in the SCC." This is a noble desire, however, if the SCC wishes to keep hiring captains they'll need to change their policy! The SCC was formed in 2458 and not officially unveiled until 2462. Six or, at worst, two years does not equal ten! My suggestion is to change the captaincy qualifications to this: Qualifications: At least 35 years of age, 10 years experience with any SCC member organization, at least one department-related degree. (suggested change in italics.) The exact wording can change, but as it currently stands there's not a single captain who actually fulfills the requirements!
This is one of the best antagonist ideas that I've read in years. I have thought similar thoughts in the past, but never to this extent. Allowing people to pick *exactly* what they want, alongside AOOC collaboration, would allow for much more varied rounds and gimmicks. This way, we could have a funny round where, say, a mercenary team is a group of geneticists testing out a new bioweapon (changeling/vamp/other future things) on the crew, or something similar to that. Power and balancing is definitely a concern, and I'm not totally sure how we could handle it without putting some trust into the hands of players. Maybe timegate antagonism a bit?
If this were to be done, I'd prefer to replace Secret with Random. I think leaving it up to vote is still a good thing, but Random always reveals which gamemode is selected, which would still allow us to see how this change impacts things.
Note: engies did come in /later,/ but by the time they arrived it was far too late for the blob to be contained, even with security aid.
Heyo! We had a round where blob spawned with no engineers on and, iirc, maybe eight(?) total people on the manifest. Was asked to post here. I really think that blob should be unable to spawn during low pop, especially when no engies are on.
I hard agree with this. As a BC main, the speeds are SO fricken slow. They make it really only viable to go to, like, one place per round given that we only play for two hour rounds typically. +1
Revert the Mapping Changes to Medical and the Brig
Lonefly replied to Bath Salts Addict's topic in Archive
I think the brig is great. If anything, more things should be moved to the upper z to reduce width and increase height. Completely uncaring on medical changes. -
BYOND Key:Loneguyfly Character Names:Sand, Velocity King, Urban Bates, Joseph Tanner Species you are applying to play:Integrated Positronic Chassis [iPC!] What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A, friend! Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Honestly, I just really enjoy roleplaying as a machine. It’s part of the reason that I play AI much more than I play my other characters (Sand), and it’s why I’m making this application in general. I find that being a machine opens many new avenues for roleplay, and I honestly just find myself enjoying playing them much more than a baseline human. The experience of being a programmed entity rather than a natural byproduct of natural selection is fun, for me! Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Being a machine allows you to see the world in an entirely different perspective than a human. A machine can look at the world and see things in a fashion that isn’t distorted by emotions or greed, but instead in a simple and rather logical fashion. Even if your machine has emotions, you can decide on exactly how stilted they are. I think, in some way, I do enjoy playing the part of the “uncanny valley,” and a mobile positronic really assists with that more than an AI can, and potentially more than a cyborg. Character Name: Rim (Name not final!) Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Rim was built, primarily, to function as a security model within the confines of a vessel that required a high degree of flexibility to maneuver outside of the relatively sparse “crew sections,” for the company Xavier Live Requisitions. The vessel in question was built to transport live animals between planets, and many of these animals tended to attempt to escape from confinement. After a period of discussion between the members of the crew, they opted to purchase a mobility frame from Zeng-Hu for their unit's chassis, due to the high degree of flexibility and speed that it boasts. While Rim’s main function during the beginning portions of its existence was to handle animal-related escape attempts and tomfoolery, Rim did have some minor interaction with more “criminal” elements, as it was also in charge of detaining rowdy crew, most often after a bar crawl. Rim’s programming resulted in its focus on attempting to contain and handle threats with as minimal an amount of force as is possible, due to its original focus on handling animal product. Three years and two months after its initial activation and job-duty assignment, Rim was loaned out to NanoTrasen. This was a result of the company coming under some financial burdens as the colonies they had been supplying stopped purchasing orders for the animals they transported, for a variety of reasons. Rim’s contract, while being accepted, has yet to be fully finalized. As such, it has yet to be assigned to any specific installation within the Tau Ceti system. The unit has not expressed any degree of dissatisfaction with this, opting to give a confused beep when questioned on the topic. What do you like about this character? Rim’s overall personality will be somewhat based on an unyielding loyalty to its contract holder, and an overall tendency to lean towards least-lethal methods of containing threats. I believe that will be an enjoyable character to play within the bounds of security, especially if whomever is currently leading the station should end up being a touch antagonistic. On antagonism, Rim’s antagonism will likely be based much more on being malfunctioning or having its system start to develop beyond its means, which I believe will be more enjoyable than simply being a “shoot bangs” antagonist. I also, in general, quite enjoy playing synthetics in this setting. I’ve done quite a lot of AI play, and I think that in general a synthetic has some quite rich lore to explore and examine, within the confines of this setting. Playing an entity with questionable sentience that is one hundred percent owned just seems like fun, to me. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I don’t really have a good answer for this! I think I’m probably alright, at least, but I’ve not received much positive or negative feedback in recent months on my ability. I am a hobbyist novelist (attempting to move into producing literature for actual monetary compensation, but it’s hard!) IRL, and that’s probably helped my overall ability to create and play a character to at least somewhat acceptable standards. This is coupled with me having had experience with roleplaying for roughly eleven years now, beginning way back in WarCraft 3. So, if I must give a rough estimate, I assume that I’m at least somewhat above the average roleplayer. Notes: I don’t have anything to add, here!
[Rescinded] Recolor Phoron Tanks/Canisters to fit the new Gas color
Lonefly replied to LordBalkara's topic in Archive
Pls no. They just look off as that purple. I don't have any other reason for it, I just dislike how the canisters look, there. -
Polaris is Baycode, not TG-code. So, hypothetically it'd work out fine?? Unless something major broke, I guess.
Hi! So, Polaris currently has the best lings that I've seen for RP-code, and I think it'd be totes great if it was ported here. The lings there have been rebalanced (to a degree) to be more RP-oriented, and to give them an actual ability to fight back if/when shit hits the fan. Some features: - Arm blades and armor! - Fleshy/chitinous spacesuit! - The ability to morph clothes and an ID to match your disguise! (Ling ability, costs genome points) - Gain more lingpoints by absorbing other lings, not crew/monkies. - Can re-choose your abilities after each absorbtion. - Ability to use your finger to open any door, though it'll close after a time. (This is a ling ability you have to purchase, obv.) - Much more! Basically, the lings there use some TG stuff, with some also unique things (such as being able to make an effective chameleon suit, so that you can match your disguise) that make RPing as one much, much more fun.
UnknownMurder's Head Application
Lonefly replied to UnknownMurder's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Well, I'll be very quick about this - I know you almost entirely from Baystation, back when you played it and such. My experiences at the time showed you to be in a mindset that I'm not sure would really be befitting of a whitelist, as that's generally reserved for players who didn't act in specific ways that I won't mention here. However, You seem to have changed in a positive way since the last time I saw you, and seem to be in a much better general mindset than you were in the past. You seem to have made genuine improvement from how you were the last time I really had any interaction with you, and that's something that I absolutely love to see in people. So, have a +1 from this nub. -
Oooh, in-character punishments for things? That sounds awesome! ^w^ I saw something like that a long time ago, on a different server, but I hadn't seen it since. It's a really neat premise, and I'm actually kind of excited to see that be a thing. And a Deus-Ex level of apathy and atmosphere sounds totally awesome. Transhumanism is great, especially when mixed with some supernatural elements. Thanks for answering those few questions, just wanted to clear some stuff up. Sounds like it'll be fun, here! One final question, though, is there a link to the map somewhere? Or will I have to download it and look at it over BYOND?
Uh, hi. None of you will recognize me, I'm fairly new. I've only popped in rounds a couple times and such, but I do have some interest in the server. However, I have a few questions and I'm not exactly sure where to ask them, sooo o: Here we go! 1) What is the "Syndicate Transmission Network" thing? I've been reading through it, but I'm still not entirely certain as to the point of that subforum. ;-; 2) What makes your lore 'special?' Like, what unique things does the server offer in terms of lore that others don't? On that, is this a more grim-darky server, or not? I've been kinda looking for one of those. 3) What sort of special events do you run? 4) Deathsquads, are they in lore? 5) Are AI's capable of emotion in this lore, or not? Edit: Sorry for having a bunch of lore questions only, but as an RPer that's really mainly what I care about. xD I've done very light skimming of the wiki, but I'll admit that I need to read through more of it. I'm just really curious about the lore of, well, all of it. From aliums to humanity to NT's random little shits. owo EDIT TWO: OH AND WHAT IS A DUTY OFFICER?