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[Accepted] Furrycactus' Head of Staff Application

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BYOND key:


Character names:


How long have you been playing on Aurora?:

I can't remember the exact time that I joined, but it's approaching around a year by now.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

I'd like the chance to take on more responsibility as a character and as a player, and because of the general lack of command staff on in my timezone, most of the time.

Why did you come to Aurora?:

I came to Aurora at the recommendation of one of my friends, as we had both spent a great deal of time playing on other servers that were predominantly LRP. He didn't like LRP, and when he told me about a HRP SS13 server, I was immediately very interested, and I've been here ever since.

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?:

I've read the wiki pages for every head of staff role extensively, but at the moment I only intend on playing Chief Engineer; and I've read that one even more closely.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

I believe roleplay is when a person creates a character, and acts with that character as a different persona, another individual that is independent of someone's self. Some people may keep themselves entirely separate of their character and control them like a puppet, or others may get more into the mindset of their character to act better. Either way, it should ideally be a story that's driven by players that act through characters with different personalities and traits.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

OOC, a head of staff should in one part serve to be a teacher to newer players to their department, teaching them mechanics that they don't know, whether simple or more obscure, to enable people to grow and develop better. They should also strive to include people in RP whenever possible, and ensure that people aren't made to feel like outsiders and are welcome. They should be driving forces of RP, or catalysts to allow others good interaction as well.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

OOC, whitelisted players are responsible for generating and providing RP for other players, and making sure they have as many positive experiences as they can feasibly provide. I would do my absolute best to strive to uphold this by ensuring RP is given priority over game mechanics, making sure to be inclusive, and by doing my best to ensure people don't feel left out.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name:

Asaar'Kalid M'kar

Character age:


Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

This is identical to the one provided in my Tajaran whitelist app.

[spoiler=Backstory]Asaar'Kalid was born in the year 2428, three years before the conclusion of the first revolution on Adhomai, to two Hharar parents, and the youngest of two children. Being so young, he remembers nearly nothing of that time, and what little he does remember consists of his family fleeing and trying to keep eachother safe from the conflict. Asaar's parents never spoke about the revolution very much, but he knew that their family supported the rebels, resenting the unjust rule of the nobility, however they never openly joined in warfare, instead prioritising protecting each other. In the year 2432, when the People's Republic of Adhomai was established, Asaar was five years old. As such, Asaar was lucky enough to start benefiting from the education services that gradually started to become more commonplace on Adhomai from an early age. During his formative years, he was lucky enough to make a group of friends, never particularly made to feel like an outsider, though he never had much interest in romance. He was once romantically interested in close friend as a child, however, seeing as this friend was also a boy, the feelings were not requited. He quickly learned to hide that part of himself, out of shame. It was also around this time that he developed a fascination with finding out how things are made, what makes them tick. Things like cars, more modern weapons, and machinery were all things that he was intrigued and interested by, however, it was architecture and engineering that truly grabbed his interest. With his childlike innocence, Asaar would often beg his older brother, a factory worker, to bring home things for him to poke at, or to sneak him on-site so that he could have a look at everything. Requests that were always, naturally, refused. Nontheless, his curiosity and interest never wavered.

Asaar and his family never had much in the way of money and were somewhat poor, but they always had enough to get by. To do so, everyone was expected to get a job around the time they turned sixteen. Asaar followed his older brother, getting a job at the same factory that he worked at. His work consisted largely of assisting with the maintenance and production of automobiles, and other gradually more complex machinery, as time went on. He spent a number of years continuing to work in the factory alongside his brother in order to provide for his family, slowly honing his skills with machinery, but he never quite felt fulfilled. Even though he enjoyed his work, he felt like there was so much more he could be doing.

In the year 2451, after the assassination of President Rhagrrhuzau Hadii and the subsequent rise of brother, Asaar was nothing short of elated at the news that humanity and their coorperations were being welcomed back, as it meant new progress for technological advances. That elation very quickly turned to dread, when the Adhomai Liberation Army formed. He was forunate enough to reside a considerable distance away from any fighting and contested territories, though this meant that all he truly knew about the ALA were rumours; that they were little more than brutish thugs, and that they wanted all of humanity removed from Adhomai, which Asaar sees as wholly counterproductive, feeling as though all Tajarans owe a great debt to humankind.

As the conflict went on, Asaar and his family fell further on hard times, the factory that he and his brother were working at being closed. This left them both unemployed, and they were unable to find much work elsewhere. His eldest brother turned to mining instead, with little other choice; but Asaar was fortunate enough to have caught the eye of a NanoTrasen representative. The representative had seen his repair skills previously, and he was offered the opportunity to formally study engineering at a greatly reduced cost; provided that at the conclusion of his studies, he works for NanoTrasen. Desperately wishing to help support his family, he felt as though he'd been given a gift from the gods themselves. He accepted without hesitation, bidding a hearthelt farewell to his family, and went on to study engineering and atmospherics. Holding up his end of the bargain, at the end of his studies, he took up a job in the Engineering department on one of NanoTrasen's space stations.



During his time aboard the NSS Aurora, Asaar has worked dilligently as an Atmospheric Technician, and has always been willing to step up when help was required. He's taken to teaching several Apprentices in areas they've desired to learn in or been curious about, and especially in the basic things that all engineers need to be aware of. In several more recent shifts, he's sought out appointment to Interim CE to help organise the department and ease the burden on command staff, and has also been assigned the position when his willingness to lead and educate has been seen.

What do you like about this character?:

I like that Asaar is a generally friendly individual, and is always eager to teach other people in the field of engineering, something he's quite passionate about. He has gained a good grasp on most facets of engineering, and thoroughly enjoys keeping his coworkers happy and safe, sometimes even acting in a self-sacrificial manner to do so.

What do you dislike about this character?:

Edited - Misunderstood the question the first time.

I dislike that he tends to become anxious rather easily, and this can sometimes negatively impact his state of mind, unless there's someone to talk him down. Sometimes he can be too harsh on people that he has perceived to have wronged him, but in a similar vein, he's far too quick to forgive someone if they admit fault, even if the person isn't deserving of it. He is usually a man of extreme emotions, of all kinds, and while most of the time this is fun, it can also be a detriment.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

He is always happy and eager to educate people, and takes great joy and pride in doing so. He often tries to keep the department organized, to the best of his ability, usually seeking out appointment to Interim when possible to make this easier. Thanks to his qualifications and what he's learned aboard the NSS Aurora, he has a good grasp on everything a Chief Engineer should be educated on. Because of the times he's been appointed as Interim, he has a good general idea of how the command staff should all interact and operate with each other, the general conduct expected of a head of staff, and general station policy and regulations.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

Previously, about a 7/10, but after being accepted for a Tajaran whitelist and after my time playing Asaar, I would consider myself to have improved, and put that at around 8/10. Sometimes I still have my occasional moment, however.

Extra notes:

As always, feedback of any variety will always be greatly appreciated, whether positive or negative! I'm always happy to take any suggestions or criticisms on board, and work on them accordingly!


Now here is the thing.

Today I happened to have some time in the noon so I join to cover the bases for a bit and I witness this bizzare thing.

It seemed that your character, Assar and another engineer Bonnabelle were engaging in a scuffle, I didn't think much of that.

Next thing I know in-between the shakes of the coffee she starts screaming, you whip out a stun baton and bash her a few times, tie her to a chair, she escapes, you tie her.

This repeated a few times and I was just awestruck at what was happening as there seemed to be very minimal amount of actual IC converse as she was simply screaming about pains and needing a doctor (Due to the heart damage she had at the time as I checked through VV).

All of this was very bizzare behaviour and thus I'd like to inquire what was that even about?


Now here is the thing.

Today I happened to have some time in the noon so I join to cover the bases for a bit and I witness this bizzare thing.

It seemed that your character, Assar and another engineer Bonnabelle were engaging in a scuffle, I didn't think much of that.

Next thing I know in-between the shakes of the coffee she starts screaming, you whip out a stun baton and bash her a few times, tie her to a chair, she escapes, you tie her.

This repeated a few times and I was just awestruck at what was happening as there seemed to be very minimal amount of actual IC converse as she was simply screaming about pains and needing a doctor (Due to the heart damage she had at the time as I checked through VV).

All of this was very bizzare behaviour and thus I'd like to inquire what was that even about?


Hey, so, I play Bonnabelle. I can sort of explain the situation that went down there.

So, Bonnabelle might have had a bit too much Rewriter, which causes jittering, and was the cause of a heart attack. Since. . .I was a bit known to be difficult to deal with, to make things easier, he tied me to a chair. For reasons I have no idea in regards to, I was able to knock him down with a single pulled punch. So, he got an advantage. He did take me down to Medical, as soon as he could get me to a chair so I would stop messing with him, and when there was no doctor to help with the heart damage and on the way back things got. . .much worse in the hallway, he made sure that neither of us were harmed any further. The lack of IC converse is also mostly my fault. It was Deadhour, and we are friends, so he was a bit more lax than he normally would be, I guess. I can vouch that that wouldnt happen with anyone else, and stuff like this wont happen anymore. An isolated event, that was again, 95% my fault.


Ah, that. I can indeed explain what was going on.

I wont try to argue that the way things went down was acceptable, it honestly wasn't. Fresh seems to have already covered the basic idea of what was going through my head at the time. Bonnabelle was uncooperative, super jumped up on Rewriter, and had knocked me down in a single hit each time I tried getting close to her. I wanted to get her to medbay as soon as possible, with minimal damage, and I did indeed take her to medbay immediately after the incident for treatment for her heart damage, though the doctor had already left, and we didn't manage to locate him again until the transfer shuttle a few minutes later, by which point not much could really be done.

The only reason that this even happened was as said prior. It was deadhour, end of round, we were a little stir crazy with nothing having happened, and Fresh and I are indeed friends OOC and have been for a fair while now, which is why the actual IC communication was lax. This never would've occurred with any other character, which I can give my complete assurance on. I'm not trying to make excuses however, just explain why it happened. I'm fully aware it was poor conduct, and I can promise that such a thing wont occur again.

I sincerely apologise for the display, it wont happen again, but I hope this can shed some understanding on what was going through my mind at the time.


Alright. I'm not that good with Tajara lore so I'll leave that part out of my consideration. The grammar in this application is good, and the answers are satisfactory.

Now onto in-game; As we're both engineers, I often get the chance to roleplay with him and personally I feel like his ability to improve a round with roleplay alone is quite significant already. I would also say that I'm pretty sure he's a lot more knowledgeable in the niches of Engineering, such as the Tesla engine and Advanced atmospherics, than I am.

I am fairly certain that Furrycactus would be an excellent Chief Engineer and furthermore, an excellent Head of Staff. I cannot wait to fight him for the CE slot. I know I'll win, though.



Keep in mind that as a Heads of Staff you will be held at a higher standard and I hope I won't see what happened in that round again from you.

Application Accepted

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