LordPwner Posted July 15, 2018 Posted July 15, 2018 CCIA Staff Application Basic Information Byond key: LordPwner Character names: Uriel J. Evans (Captain), Kelly D. Evans (Head of Security, Oak S. Evans (Research Director), Raven M. Evans (Gardner), Data M: DG S:A 291 (Borg), Data M: DG S:B 291 (pAI), Data M: DG S: O (AI), Tye Davis (Engineer), Goodwin Lord (Security Officer), ((When I ERT which is VERY rare.)) James 'Sparky' Knight (L/Tpr) Age: 17 Timezone: Central US Time Zones What times are you most available?: I'm open through out most of the day. However when college starts up on the 27th of August I will not be open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and late nights on thursdays Experience How long have you played SS13?: I've played for a few years now.. God its been a while, I'd say about two years at least? How long have you played on Aurora?: This is where I started playing SS13 How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? To be frank, I browse the discord and I don't really post that much on the forums though I try to stay up-to-date on lore and everything else Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No, warned a bit but never banned Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: I have not. I was a trail mod on here for a bit if that counts. Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I manage my own Minecraft Server so I can handle a lot of things coming at me the same time. I was a Company Commander in my local Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps also, leading about 40 cadets in projects and assignments. Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: I wish to join the CCIA really because the chance was offered. I'd like to assist where I can and while I may not be on 24/7 like a no lifer ((Cough Cough Abosh <3 Love u babe)) I believe I'd be on enough to support What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: I think the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent would be the ability to perform all task independently and professionally, taking no OOC or IC bias on any issue throw onto the plate. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: The purpose of a CCIA Agent in most cases that I have observed would be to conduct interviews about incident reports. They also however are a great push for RP development as seen in the round of Gabriel Auto and Bri (Put last name here)'s wedding! Having Julienne Turner arrested for being a Sol extremist and ATLAS member. Their role is push the workplace RP along ((And hopefully call in the big ole bluespace art one day..)) What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: The purpose of the CCIA Agent outside of the server is and should be an example of RP and character building, just as a mod should be also. They are also an active member on the forums, staying up to date in the lore and on current issues. How do you handle stress?: Normally stress comes to me in the aftermath of an issue. I focus down on the task at hand then deal with it. In anycase, I deal with stress just by reminding myself its not that important or watching something funny on yt, something to remind me of smiles and other fluffy stuff. Works well for me. How well do you work autonomously?: I work autonomously quite well. I can handle task assigned to me without a lot of micro management. I do not have any development staff on my own server so all plugin development, configing and bug fixing lies to me so I end up handling it quite well. Luckily it hardly happens! Additional Notes: I've gotten warned a bit in the past and every now and then I brush the bwionk hammer. Though I do believe I manage myself quite well with the rules.
Faris Posted July 16, 2018 Posted July 16, 2018 Your activity is very wishy washy. You play for a bit, leave, rinse and repeat. What's different this time?
LordPwner Posted July 16, 2018 Author Posted July 16, 2018 Well For the past two months I've gotten at least a round in everyday and that is the plan! At least one! Sometimes I might have missed but that was only because I had work But since I've gotten back from when I left last time. I've been quite active. Whats different this time? To be frank, I don't know. All I know is I've been putting a lot more time into SS13 playing at least a round and hell I might observe a few also. I'd say its now one of my favorite games. I game I can enjoy quite alot. The community has changed and some of the staff has changed and it appears for the better. Sometimes its dicey but I wouldn't have it any otherway. The friends I believe I have here, I'd like to spend time with, while also assisting CCIA in their activites and roles
Elliot Posted July 24, 2018 Posted July 24, 2018 Had a look over this application, and would like to put out my thoughts. I shall begin with Uriel Evans strangely enough. I really do enjoy this character, and had not the slightest clue that is what Pwner who plays him. A number of my characters have had interactions with Uriel all of which being interesting and engaging. I can however not speak of the other characters of which I have little to no experience with that I can recall; they are likely at least somewhat interesting. In this aspect I support that Pwner is mature and will likely add a pleasant dynamic and at the least have his agent act as they should. Dead inside. Onto my next point, the application itself. Though what is said is fine, it's the quantity which worries me. I would like clarity on the following points. To begin why do you wish to join the CCIA? this point I ask of due to the overall lack of a solid response. I would like a more fleshed out answer, wishing to assist the community is good and well but what do you wish to achieve? Why this and not the moderator or development team? My next point is in regards to the what do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent... questions. I do not think you fully understand our purpose and daily activity. Due to this I request the following: 1) A description of how you think a typical investigation pans out and what actions we take. 2) A description of how you think we act within a round (outside of normal investigation). That said, the above is not a pass and fail in my books. It is simply to gauge how much you know. Assuming the answers I hopefully receive aren't completely off I would have no issue in trialing you on the assumption your wishes to join are well founded. The previous bouts of inactivity are also slight cause for concern though nothing to worry off if they have now passed. Hope to hear back from you.
LordPwner Posted July 24, 2018 Author Posted July 24, 2018 Onto my next point, the application itself. Though what is said is fine, it's the quantity which worries me. I would like clarity on the following points. To begin why do you wish to join the CCIA? this point I ask of due to the overall lack of a solid response. I would like a more fleshed out answer, wishing to assist the community is good and well but what do you wish to achieve? Why this and not the moderator or development team? My next point is in regards to the what do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent... questions. I do not think you fully understand our purpose and daily activity. Due to this I request the following: 1) A description of how you think a typical investigation pans out and what actions we take. 2) A description of how you think we act within a round (outside of normal investigation). Point One: A typical investigation unfolds with the person who was messaged (A witness, the reporter, the reportee) being contacted by CCIA to set up a meeting with an Agent. Which ever Agent is assigned or contacted (I'd think some cases would have agents assigned based on experience and/or an agent having ties to the issue. example: The report is on an Agent, The Agent's family member is involved in the case. Thats really all I can think of but I do think that'd have something to do with it). In anycase, the agent requested/assigned would talk with the person to set up for a time they can be met during a round for an interview. This could cover testimony, the reporter's view and the reportee's view. I believe that Agents would work to get as many details from each view point as possible, ask for clarification where it wasn't given and press gently for descriptions of the issue at hand. Afterwards I believe the Agent overseeing that one interview (We'll say interview A), uploads interview A's results to the CCIA forum.. Then as the other interviews come in (B, C, D, E, F) Either CCIA as a whole makes a call based on all evidence given to them to demote for a time, suspend, or if its bad enough fire the character and bar them from play. I'm sure there are probably things like the ERP rule that just go without saying, 100% fired and 100% Banned. I'm quite unsure to be honest about how CCIA make a call, how certain things should be handled.. Its.. hard to understand. I don't quite get it all. ..... Point Two: I believe CCIA Agents would act professional outside of normal investigations. Basically to be dead inside. In this aspect I support that Pwner is mature and will likely add a pleasant dynamic and at the least have his agent act as they should. Dead inside. They aren't there to get anymore, they aren't there to control the station (Unless super cool event), Outside of investigations I'd like to point everyone in the direction when the CCIA Agent came aboard for Bri's and Gabriel's wedding. They were there to push RP! Its a HRP server so I'd believe outside of investigations our role is to answer fax and push RP. While an Agent is an IC staff, they'd also hold the roll of keeping the round going. I know as a Captain I've called for bluespace art. when everything we do fails (ERT dead, Security dead, command staff murdered) and it wouldn't be done mainly to keep the round going *You rude people <3* But I hold to the idea that Agents push RP. If they do visit it'd be to mainly add a mix of RP and some canon for fun. Though inside the round I'd say the Agents would be the professionals. They'd carry themselves with pride and care along with their Escort Trooper with the big blaster.
Elliot Posted July 25, 2018 Posted July 25, 2018 Onto my next point, the application itself. Though what is said is fine, it's the quantity which worries me. I would like clarity on the following points. To begin why do you wish to join the CCIA? this point I ask of due to the overall lack of a solid response. I would like a more fleshed out answer, wishing to assist the community is good and well but what do you wish to achieve? Why this and not the moderator or development team? My next point is in regards to the what do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent... questions. I do not think you fully understand our purpose and daily activity. Due to this I request the following: 1) A description of how you think a typical investigation pans out and what actions we take. 2) A description of how you think we act within a round (outside of normal investigation). Point One: A typical investigation unfolds with the person who was messaged (A witness, the reporter, the reportee) being contacted by CCIA to set up a meeting with an Agent. Which ever Agent is assigned or contacted (I'd think some cases would have agents assigned based on experience and/or an agent having ties to the issue. example: The report is on an Agent, The Agent's family member is involved in the case. Thats really all I can think of but I do think that'd have something to do with it). In anycase, the agent requested/assigned would talk with the person to set up for a time they can be met during a round for an interview. This could cover testimony, the reporter's view and the reportee's view. I believe that Agents would work to get as many details from each view point as possible, ask for clarification where it wasn't given and press gently for descriptions of the issue at hand. Afterwards I believe the Agent overseeing that one interview (We'll say interview A), uploads interview A's results to the CCIA forum.. Then as the other interviews come in (B, C, D, E, F) Either CCIA as a whole makes a call based on all evidence given to them to demote for a time, suspend, or if its bad enough fire the character and bar them from play. I'm sure there are probably things like the ERP rule that just go without saying, 100% fired and 100% Banned. I'm quite unsure to be honest about how CCIA make a call, how certain things should be handled.. Its.. hard to understand. I don't quite get it all. ..... Point Two: I believe CCIA Agents would act professional outside of normal investigations. Basically to be dead inside. In this aspect I support that Pwner is mature and will likely add a pleasant dynamic and at the least have his agent act as they should. Dead inside. They aren't there to get anymore, they aren't there to control the station (Unless super cool event), Outside of investigations I'd like to point everyone in the direction when the CCIA Agent came aboard for Bri's and Gabriel's wedding. They were there to push RP! Its a HRP server so I'd believe outside of investigations our role is to answer fax and push RP. While an Agent is an IC staff, they'd also hold the roll of keeping the round going. I know as a Captain I've called for bluespace art. when everything we do fails (ERT dead, Security dead, command staff murdered) and it wouldn't be done mainly to keep the round going *You rude people <3* But I hold to the idea that Agents push RP. If they do visit it'd be to mainly add a mix of RP and some canon for fun. Though inside the round I'd say the Agents would be the professionals. They'd carry themselves with pride and care along with their Escort Trooper with the big blaster. Although part one is slightly off it's fairly close. Part two looking good as well. Again agents will guide you with procedures for both to get you sharp. Again however, more on "why do you wish to join the CCIA?" would be good.
LordPwner Posted July 25, 2018 Author Posted July 25, 2018 Oh my bad! I was focused on the parts! Do excuse me. The main reason I'd like to join the CCIA is... I guess after thinking about it its just one of those things you don't have a reason for you'd just like to try. I want to give it a shot to see if I'm any good at it. Also I'd like to assist because at times there are no CCIA agents on and while this could be seen as unimportant compared to Mods, since we are HRP I'd say its at least slightly important because Agents answer faxes and help be a driving force or RP. However with the new trail CCIAA this is becoming less of a problem. Though, I'd still like to get my feet wet.
Synnono Posted July 26, 2018 Posted July 26, 2018 Interview with the applicant: [7:03 PM] Synnono: We ask a set of standard questions to most applicants. More may creep in there depending on answers and who it is, etc. [7:04 PM] TSGPwner: Alright [7:04 PM] Synnono: For the scenarios, assume you're not going to get any more information from the players in the round. There's a few of those, but we'll get there in a bit. [7:04 PM] Synnono: For now, some higher-level stuff. To start, what is your idea of an ideal conflict for a given antagonist round? [7:05 PM] TSGPwner: Ideal conflict? Overall it would have to be some good RP in the start, the antag stirring the pot, as you could say, but not like murdering everything in sight. [7:05 PM] Synnono: (Also feel free to ask questions about the questions if you have any) [7:06 PM] TSGPwner: A building point where their demands/desires etc are explained and offered to the crew to either answer or deny [7:06 PM] TSGPwner: Then the last thirty or so minutes the antag trying to force their will through RP and combat situations [7:07 PM] Synnono: Do you see the combat as a necessary component of a good round like that? [7:08 PM] TSGPwner: Not always. I'm actually not a big fan of combat to be honest [7:08 PM] TSGPwner: If you don't know some mechanic or have a bit of lag you get screwed quickly and while still making for good story [7:08 PM] TSGPwner: it sucks to have to suffer from it [7:10 PM] Synnono: Indeed it do. This is more my curiosity than anything else, but can you recall a round close to your ideal round that wasn't combat heavy? And if you can, what took its place? [7:10 PM] Synnono: In terms of the escalation of conflict, mainly. [7:11 PM] TSGPwner: What do you mean by what took its place? [7:13 PM] Synnono: Generally people seem to think of the 'escalating conflict' in a round to be violent, I think. I was looking to ask for an example you liked of a round that still had an escalating conflict, but wasn't a violent round. [7:13 PM] TSGPwner: Oh [7:15 PM] TSGPwner: I believe I had a round with a wizard and a ninja that fit that, basically the wizard took crew to be his learners and had them stop working and ignoring staff. [7:15 PM] TSGPwner: The ninja then darted around, talking with people [7:15 PM] TSGPwner: So that pushed us up and then combat started as they started to threaten the crew and myself [7:16 PM] TSGPwner: But overall most of the round was pushed by the wizard just being, "I'm super cool" [7:16 PM] Synnono: Gotcha. Alright. [7:16 PM] Synnono: How do you feel CCIA staff members should be perceived by the playerbase? Does this differ significantly from how you feel CCIA characters should be perceived in the world of our setting? [7:19 PM] TSGPwner: I think CCIA Staff members should be seen as guides almost by the average of playerbase. considering CCIA should stay up to date on lore of the species and also have a general idea of what to do. I think that the characters of CCIA should be seen as an authority but also like a boss. You wouldn't be too friendly with your boss unless he goes, "Hey bud, wanna drink?" [7:19 PM] Synnono: The lore of the species? [7:19 PM] TSGPwner: Yes [7:19 PM] TSGPwner: As CCIA, ICly and OOCly [7:20 PM] TSGPwner: It wouldn't make much sense for them to not keep up with lore imo [7:21 PM] Synnono: Right, I was curious about the species lore mention specifically. There's a fair bit more than that! But the point is clarified. [7:21 PM] TSGPwner: Oh, I can go more in depth? [7:22 PM] Synnono: No, I think I understand, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something more specific. [7:22 PM] TSGPwner: Ah alright [7:22 PM] Synnono: In your opinion, how much of a role should Central Command play in the affairs of the station? When is it appropriate for them to directly intervene, and how much should they attempt to shape the round when they do? [7:25 PM] TSGPwner: In most rounds CC shouldn't really get into the station affairs much. There's Command Staff to run the station while Central is the hub for all station and operations. I'd say appropriate times for them to intervene is if they are aboard and by some frank mistake all of Command staff just up and die. I also think that if there is only antags left on the station or something like that CC could use the bluespace art. Though when it comes to shaping the round they really shouldn't too much. I'd say it would be good to keep the movement of RP flowing but its not good to grab it and force it into a direction everyone has to take [7:25 PM] Synnono: Fair enough! We've got a few scenarios now: [7:26 PM] TSGPwner: Alright [7:26 PM] Synnono: Early in a round, command staff faxes you about a Central Command Update that you did not send. The fax asks you to explain why the station is being leased to another company. How do you respond and why? [7:26 PM] TSGPwner: So I didn't send it.. Would I know if another agent/admin sent it? And would I know the round type? [7:26 PM] Synnono: You do know the roundtype. You don't know who sent it or what it said. [7:26 PM] Synnono: Firsthand, at least. [7:29 PM] TSGPwner: alright. Well I'd probably quickly message an admin or ahelp to find out if they did it before I reply. If they are doing an event I don't want to overstep it or make it bad for everyone. While messaging them however, I'd asked for a copy of the fax to be sent to me so I can see the document I'm making a comment on and inform the station we will get back to them soon while I wait for the admin [7:32 PM] Synnono: In the middle of a different round, the Captain faxes you about a Central Command Update that you also did not send. The message demands that you explain why she is being relieved of her command. You are aware that a traitor character sent this update via the fake announcement item purchasable by the syndicate uplink. How do you respond, and why? [7:34 PM] TSGPwner: Oh thats a tough one. So its for an announcement yes? [7:35 PM] Synnono: Yes. The traitor character used an antag item to prompt the big red Central Command Update and wrote a convincing message. [7:37 PM] TSGPwner: I would take the middle ground informing the captain I was not the agent who sent that report but would remind them that there are many agents and the announcement system is secure [7:38 PM] Synnono: So you'd be enabling this particular tactic, in this case? [7:39 PM] TSGPwner: I'd push for operating that ICly its seen as almost impossible to break into the CC uplink channel. But yes. Though I can see the story building you could also do by shutting it down [7:40 PM] Synnono: Alright, got it. [7:40 PM] Synnono: When we are supporting the Revolution game mode, CCIA can optionally choose to take a more antagonistic approach to its interaction with the crew. The Head Loyalist of the round creates a Central Command announcement that states all Tajara employees are to be 'heavily scrutinized' due to reports of widespread terrorist acts across Tau Ceti. You receive a fax from a concerned Head of Staff asking for details about the specifics of these instructions. How do you respond and why? [7:46 PM] TSGPwner: I'd say to have the tarajan crew members temporality demoted to assistant, searched and have their records searched as well. If someone up the chain asked for the crew to be looked over. It would be best to make sure they are have the records to make their employment, the medical records to match their required checkups, and to make sure they are regulation abiding. Also to make sure they have no contraband. I think there have been a few canon times in the past were certain crew had to be looked over shift, after shift for something to do with lore at the time. I believe the Tarajans were the targets of that [7:47 PM] Synnono: And what's your thinking behind these calls? [7:49 PM] TSGPwner: Well my thinking behind this calls would be is that an antag is trying to do something that could be very interesting and make good RP. Of course thats not always the case. Sadly enough. And to be honest. I probably always wouldn't answer with the whole idea of allowing the antag to go forward. Its just what I'd do more commonly to kinda give them a gently push here and there. While also giving Command Staff a push from time to time. [7:50 PM] Synnono: Alright. That's descriptive enough. [7:51 PM] Synnono: Late in a round, you receive an EBS broadcast from the station AI, requesting an immediate Emergency Response Team. How do you respond, and why? [7:52 PM] TSGPwner: I probably start off with "AI, you're not meant to be speaking with me unless its dire. Can you explain whats going on and why you're even using the EBSB?" [7:53 PM] Synnono: Anything else, or do you think you shouldn't, here? [8:04 PM] Synnono: Did I lose you? [8:06 PM] Synnono: I'm going to give this fifteen more minutes. [8:07 PM] TSGPwner: Sorry [8:07 PM] TSGPwner: had to run to the store for the great grandparents! [8:07 PM] TSGPwner: Very sorry [8:07 PM] Synnono: Please warn me, otherwise no worries! [8:08 PM] TSGPwner: Well I'd wait for the AI's reply, if it really couldn't give me a straight answer I'd just ignore it. If it gave me photos of a bunch of dead command staff I'd most likely send one [8:08 PM] Synnono: Alright. [8:08 PM] Synnono: Last scenario: [8:08 PM] Synnono: You are playing in the round as the Captain. After a heated argument with your Chief Engineer, Central receives a fax from the CE asking CCIA to intervene in the dispute on her behalf. You are the only CCIA staff member available. How do you respond, and why? [8:11 PM] TSGPwner: I'll just be honest, I'm not sure if in the heat of the moment I could make a true judgement call with myself involved. Though I'd reply with the Captain's authority directive and then state to the CE if they believe their actions are a breach of regulation or have no justification they may make an after shift Incident Report on the Captain. [8:11 PM] Synnono: Alright. [8:11 PM] Synnono: The next few deal with the off-server stuff that we do, which takes up most of our time. [8:11 PM] TSGPwner: Alright [8:11 PM] Synnono: What do you believe is the purpose of the Incident Report system? [8:12 PM] TSGPwner: To handle issues that could not be solved within the round because of lacking resources, time, etc [8:12 PM] Synnono: Can you clarify on what you mean by issues? [8:13 PM] TSGPwner: Like a Head of Security arresting someone without evidence then lying about it to his fellow Command Staff to hold this man. [8:13 PM] TSGPwner: Crew disobeying a Captain's orders that caused issues [8:14 PM] TSGPwner: Like "Please fix the breaching of Red Dock" [8:15 PM] TSGPwner: And engineering basically shot it down while there was no security aboard [8:15 PM] Synnono: When you say the purpose is to handle issues, to what end does the system do this? [8:15 PM] Synnono: What is the end-goal? [8:16 PM] TSGPwner: To find out what went wrong, and to handle it. To correct the offenders or those reporting, depending who is the wrong. I'd say the end-goal is to fix it so it doesn't happen again. [8:17 PM] Synnono: After claiming an Incident Report to work on and sending out notices to the people involved, you realize that the players you are trying to meet with can't accommodate your timezone and schedule, and it is unlikely you will be able to meet with all of them for several weeks or longer. What would you do, if anything, to address this issue? [8:19 PM] TSGPwner: I'd probably ask if any other Agents are free to help me with the issue. Its probably not good to keep an IR open for long because they may start to pile up. I'd try to have as many interviews as I personally could. Mainly I'd just ask for another Agent to grab those I would be unable to meet with [8:20 PM] Synnono: Works for me! [8:20 PM] Synnono: After completing your investigation of an Incident Report, you find that an officer escalated to a forceful arrest when a crewmember resisted detainment. While the original reason for the arrest is determined to be invalid, the officer argues that in resisting arrest, the crewmember legitimized the detainment. How do you interpret this event? [8:23 PM] TSGPwner: Thats a heavy grey spot. I'd say they did resist arrest, but that wouldn't have happened if the officer in question never arrested them falsely in the first place. So the blame would stall fall onto the officer in question [8:27 PM] Synnono: Would you take any action on the crewmember? [8:27 PM] TSGPwner: I'd probably say that the Officer be moved to a Cadet for retraining. [8:28 PM] Synnono: I meant the crewmember who was arrested, sorry. [8:29 PM] TSGPwner: I'd also contact the crewmember for in future to not resist but if they have evidence of any future false arrest they should make an IR on the crew members that do it to them. [8:31 PM] TSGPwner: Wait [8:32 PM] TSGPwner: I'd also contact the crewmember for in future to not resist and to try to handle the issue with Command Staff on Duty before filing an IR with us. If that does work, THEN make a IR on the crew members involved [8:34 PM] Synnono: Alright, that's noted. And a good clarification to make, too. [8:34 PM] Synnono: That's the end of the prepared questions, but I do have one regarding your application. You seem to want to join our team for the heck of it. Why is that? [8:36 PM] TSGPwner: To be honest, I have no real answer. I just thought it would be a good experience to have and something that would be nice to jump into. [8:38 PM] Synnono: It can be a surprising amount of time spent. You and I have been talking for an hour and forty minutes, and interviews like this will be normal for you if you were to join. [8:39 PM] Synnono: Do you see yourself sticking with it, three months in? [8:39 PM] TSGPwner: While college might demand my time. I'd be willing to handle it for three months plus. [8:40 PM] Synnono: That's a note to close out on, then. We're done, but if you have any questions for me about the team or the process, I'd be happy to answer them.
UnknownMurder Posted July 26, 2018 Posted July 26, 2018 I've known you for about one and a three-fourth years and I've seen you appearing and making players their day. I know you're hiding your potential to be the best you can be. I'm going to draw your potential out right here, right now. Judging from this applicant, I can say one thing that divides Synnono, myself, Mofo, and JMJ from the other CCIAAs (for time being). LordPwner is most likely going for part time CCIAA position and part time CCIAA positions do not last very long however they can spend their time contributing their best to us. Currently, we do not need a dire assistance. Granted, LordPwner is barely scratching through surface of "need-to-know-CCIAA" and gets a C- as a passing grade from me. This is the same for all of us when we first applied for CCIAA/DO. Everyone will stay, but they will eventually have to go for many different reasons. It's undeniably continuous behavior of Internet communities. I think CCIA Staff members should be seen as guides almost by the average of playerbase. considering CCIAAs should stay up to date on lore of the species and also have a general idea of what to do. I hate to break the news to you, CCIAAs do not stay up to date on each lore of species but we do have a general idea of how we should interact with different species including humans. I believe the reason you are under impression of CCIAAs and said that we are held to higher expectation than than any other staff groups thus we must have to know almost everything. Unless, I am wrong and you were following down a different thought process of how you truly viewed CCIAAs?. As for the CCIAAs controlling the round, I believe you were seeing us from a point of view that we're telling you to do A., B., C., before you can do D. We only tell people to do A. and leave the rest to them because some are already covered in directives. We want to allow people to have independent actions in how they want their RP to go in a specific direction. I noticed that he supports RP whether it be or antagonist or non-antag approach; I do appreciate seeing people saying that CCIAA were there to push RP for people, that does bring a smile on my face.
LordPwner Posted July 26, 2018 Author Posted July 26, 2018 [mention]UnknownMurder[/mention] Thank you for the feedback and your input! Also I can see that CCIA wouldn't know everything about every single species as that might melt my own brain if that was a requirement. I really meant the basics, cultural No's and such. Nevertheless, thank you for commenting.
Synnono Posted August 2, 2018 Posted August 2, 2018 Thank you for your interest in the team and for submitting your application. For now, I've decided to deny this one. My main concern here is that you don't seem to have a good reason to want to be on the staff team. Most of what we do is not all that exciting, and can in fact detract from your enjoyment of the game as a player. Plenty of people who have joined the team have taken an IR or two and then gone inactive, and that's not the kind of team member we want. If you want to volunteer because it's a 'good experience to have,' my impression is that you won't be invested when things inevitably get unfun, and we'll lose you fast. You're free to apply again in the future. I'll be locking this here and archiving it soon, but feel free to DM me with any questions.
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