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Ninja, but they don’t suck

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Basically all this suggestion asks is for the Ninja to get some defense buffs, because being a solo Antag is hard :(

Increased Armor Values: uh yeah just give the ninja’s suit a buff to armor. Namely brute and burn.

Nano surgery: Basically, if the Ninja is standing on a wire and doesn’t move, he can perform surgery on himself. The tools to do the surgery would appear in the same fashion the energy Sword does. Sadly due to bugs in the new tech, you can only do two surgery sessions per round. A session ends when you move or get disconnected from your power supply.

Intergrated Med-Kit: same idea as the energy sword but it’s an advanced trama and burn kit. Powered by bluespace.

Donk Pocket Injector: injects animal protein and universal enzymes into you, because the glucose is a lie.

EMP Burst: basically eats like 200 power and blows all the nearby lights, drains nearby APCs a little, and maybe have a chance for a door to malfunction and open/depower.

Deadman's Switch minus the Explosives: when the Ninja dies it’s body is transported back to the Ninja spawn area for recovery. Can’t have the crew getting their hands on Ninja gear now can we?

Mobile post pls no yell.

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Is ninja not already the most powerful antagonist? Look at its teleport and infinite power with the emergency generator. It's how it should be, but does it need more buffs? Different things to spend TC on, however, I'm all for. Built-in predator style surgery kits sound amazing, especially since self-surgery is such a hinging point on your survival as a ninja. But it should be expensive.

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Actually the self surgery was the one thing out of this list, besides the DONK, that I thought should come pre round, without TC

Ninja is in the same category as ling*, with it being dangerous to do actual Antag things for fear of Sec coming to harmbaton you.

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Actually the self surgery was the one thing out of this list, besides the DONK, that I thought should come pre round, without TC

Ninja is in the same category as long, with it being dangerous to do actual Antag things for fear of Sec coming to harmbaton you.


Yeah that's silly. The only way to stop a good ninja is to land a single slug and watch as they desperately attempt to get the shrapnel removed. In nine out of ten cases this results in them dying in some corner of maintenance somewhere because they can never stand still long enough to get the shrapnel out before security pinpoints them.

Lasers and melee are basically just an annoyance to someone who can freely teleport as fast and as many times as they want, especially when even breaking their ribs and skull just gets splinted by their RIG.

Also, don't forget the combat injector, the four TC for 30 oxycodone, 30 hyperzine, 30 synapt and glucose to stop everything from paincrit to internal bleeding. They're reaaaaaally strong already.

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