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[Accepted] Jackboot Head of Staff Whitelist

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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In game bWQ-aDdS, you confronted a CMO as a Head of Security for locking down his department as a result of a littering crewman.

In that game, as a Head of Security, you deliberated giving that CMO a criminal charge, but decided on a verbal warning instead. The two of you didn't speak about the incident significantly, after that. The incident was resolved within the round. Your HoS even apologized to the CMO at the end of the round, with no mention of any persisting conflict.

As soon as that CMO's player decided to post negative feedback on your re-application, a day later, you immediately posted an Incident Report incriminating the character for the actions you had already resolved within the round.

Is this the kind of behavior that we can look forward to, with you as a new whitelistee?

Guest Marlon Phoenix

In game bWQ-aDdS, you confronted a CMO as a Head of Security for locking down his department as a result of a littering crewman.

In that game, as a Head of Security, you deliberated giving that CMO a criminal charge, but decided on a verbal warning instead. The two of you didn't speak about the incident significantly, after that. The incident was resolved within the round. Your HoS even apologized to the CMO at the end of the round, with no mention of any persisting conflict.

As soon as that CMO's player decided to post negative feedback on your re-application, a day later, you immediately posted an Incident Report incriminating the character for the actions you had already resolved within the round.

Is this the kind of behavior that we can look forward to, with you as a new whitelistee?


I went to sleep after the round ended (Last Monday at 1:24 AM) and then when I woke up at 10am I went to work. I was away from my computer until 6pm.

I described the incident to another player during my lunch-break at work several hours before Resilynn even posted her response to this thread, saying I was going to file an IR when I got home and around to it. I was then made aware of Resi's post in this thread several hours later by this same player, Garnascus, who can collaborate the validity of these timestamps (and my being unaware of Resi's post in this thread) if you would like to ask him for his testimony.




I did not actually leave work early to file the IR. I was late getting home because I stopped for a milkshake then went to the store to get a pizza because I decided a milkshake wasn't enough but didn't want to go all the way back through the drive thru.

Resilynn did something that I identified as bad, and I wanted it addressed in a way that I was incapable of addressing as a head of security. Just because she made the first complaint about the situation does not make her right. I am not going to race to be the first one to lodge a complaint; my IR or complaint will land when it is suitable to me within a reasonable frame of time from the incident.

So, yes, you can continue to look forward to this behavior because my behavior was in no way wrong.

Can you please describe for me how I should have continued the confrontation with the CMO to make an IR more valid? Bear in mind we had emergencies that made any decision to arrest or otherwise butt heads with the CMO a losing prospect.




He tried to talk to me about the round the night before too, but instead I went to bed after I got home from work (I closed at my store on Sunday). There was another mention where he said he was going to file an IR on Resi earlier than this one, but it was in the context of him not wanting to influence my opinions on their candidacy for Skrell lore dev due to bias.


From our subforum rules:


  • You are expected to try and find a resolution to situations in the round within the chain of command. You may seek further action on unresolved issues via an IR. Attach what investigation findings you can in the additional info section. Making no effort to resolve an issue may cause the incident report to be closed without investigation unless a very good reason is specified.


If this was a complaint-worthy issue, you certainly didn't do anything to help it prior to submitting the complaint. Your character had the immediate authority to resolve the issue you had with another character in the round. You chose not to, lent the impression that there was no outstanding conflict after giving your warning, and later on you filed a complaint.

Several of your command characters butt heads with people, and particularly this CMO. In the past, you've made OOC complaints about his player for them using the IR system against you, and you both push each other's buttons all the time. While you are not the only person to blame for that, only one of you is on a whitelist trial. We want to stop incidents of command players ego-sniping and undermining each other.

You are both the oldest and most prolific user of Incident Reports on our server, and I can't quite believe you don't know exactly what you're doing when you submit one. The timing is suspect, regardless of who you messaged beforehand. I don't believe we can process this report in good faith, and I encourage you to make a character or player complaint if you have outstanding issues with that character/player.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I did not feel comfortable escalating the issue with the cmo at the time. Arresting another head of staff is a big deal. I believed that it was not my place to go after another head of staff because all signs pointed to them raising hell. All I could have done otherwise was fax cc an additional complaint, which would just be asking them to babysit us when I'm fully capable of filing an ir. On top of that we got attacked by a blob and raiders so I had to prioritise....

The apology was for yelling at them about the ambush because they had a valid reason to find it suspect.

The kidnapping was not resolved but I did not want to give a backhanded apology. I find it strange you are suggesting I need to continue to raise a fuss, even at round end, in the same breath you mention you tiring of command sniping at each other?

If I did as you said then I'd be in a situation where fernando is dragged kicking and screaming to the brig and then you come to me and demand to know why I arrested a cmo when we had a blob and raiders to deal with shortly after. I still wouldnt have time to fax you because of later antags. Youd be saying I arrested them only to satisfy my ego.

You're blaming me first off for retaliating with an IR and then changing to say the IR is baseless regardless of the evidence because of a nefarious conspiracy.

You also ruled on the complaint you mentioned that filing irs like you claim I'm doing now isnt retaliation. But now it is for me? I can't win this catch-22.

I thought I could trust ccia to handle a command vs command issue since you're giving all the initiative and power during the IR process. I'm suprised and deeply disappointed that you consider me a manipulative person.

Thank you for your criticism and I will try to find methods to incorporate your concerns in the future.


I will say this as a Central Command Internal Affairs Agent player who has been here for longer period time and will remain neutral on [mention]Synnono[/mention] and [mention]Senpai Jackboot[/mention]'s side regarding Command vs Command issue. This is a sticky issue for all of us, there are some positives and negatives on each other.

Synnono, we were presented evidence by Mofo and Jackboot himself, he has not done anything wrong to file an incident report later. This can't be accounted against him otherwise would be uncalled for. Synnono, Senpai Jackboot, and I should agree on OOC and IC being parallel, not interfering with each other on a daily basis. In other words, IC stays IC business while OOC stays OOC business. You can't deny that all of us do often leak our OOC anger to IC business. We can agree that Jackboot has attempted to separate IC and OOC issues by confronting Mofo and Garn, that's something not many people do. It's very respectful and daring to go great lengths. Should a Head of Security arrest a Chief Medical Officer, it would create issues and more people will be "punished" for it, no? Now, as a CCIA to a CCIA Leader, I'd advise not to drop this incident report due to rampant over each other. We've had other incident reports like this and we continue business as normal. I understand your frustration and that is an acceptable frustration. Even I am frustrated that we have command staffs attempting to get at each other, we (you included) are already working on that. Aurora Station was not like this when Aurora Station 2016 was here, the trend has gone into the wrong direction as such we are responsible to be working on it behind the scene the best we can be.

Jackboot, CCIA do know who and what command staff butts with another and we are working to reduce that. It so happens to come up that your character whom are command staffs headbutting with another command staffs. I believe better questions would be to ask Jackboot, "How do you think you portray yourself to another Command Staffs?", "What do you think other Command Staffs sees you as?", "What and how do you think other Head Whitelistees sees you?", "In each round, what's your end-game goal playing as a Command Staff?", and "You and others have mentioned that people are weaponizing IR, why do you think so?". Central Command Internal Affairs Agents do handle command vs command issues but we want you to try to resolve the issue yourself so that this does not become a repetitive issue. I am slightly disappointed in the reported and reporting party in the incident report, obviously the team was not working together and attempting to get back at each other. Keep in mind that you have less than 12 hours find methods to incorporate Synnono's concerns as promised before the end of your whitelist trial.

Now, I've said my neutral piece. As such, I will neither support nor oppose Jackboot to being a Command Staff Whitelist. I want to ask all Head Whitelist players that are reading this to read this.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Thank you for your thoughtful response [mention]UnknownMurder[/mention] and I will try to answer your questions as best as I can.


"How do you think you portray yourself to another Command Staffs?"


My primary roles are Head of Personnel and Head of Security; both of these roles require a lot of interaction with the rest of Command and the station as a whole. I play with a large benefit of the doubt for players and characters under Command and this philosophy can butt up against the philosophy of other command players. I try to ask "Well, why do you think this?" and "Well, don't you think we can. . .?" when another head of staff suggests we do something. I do think that sometimes my attempts to start a dialogue can come off as undermining them. This tends to manifest the most when I am HoP and there is a Captain who wants to play more of a hardball against the visitors. I think it is a difference in their justifiable priority of protecting the station (ic) as well as beating the antagonists (ooc) and my priority of public relations (ic) and trying to reasonably sprinkle some water and potting soil on gimmicks, antag or no (ooc)


"What do you think other Command Staffs sees you as?"


I'm going to answer this for my characters; I believe Triaka is more or less ok for other command members, and I think Jawdat is pretty mixed in how people see them.


"What and how do you think other Head Whitelistees sees you?"

I really can't talk for other people; based on the feedback in this thread to say it there are some strong opinions on either side; it's actually pretty weird the level of intensity this has reached


"In each round, what's your end-game goal playing as a Command Staff?

Stamp off on people doing whatever it is they want to do and see what comes out of it, and see what roleplay comes out of it all.

"You and others have mentioned that people are weaponizing IR, why do you think so?"

I consider weaponizing an IR to be when a command character threatens to file an IR on someone unless they do/do not do something. This could be a research director demanding charges be dropped or they will file an IR, or filing an IR in retaliation for an action or behavior they do not like, to shut down a non-intrusive gimmick or project by other players, or when the filer knows they did something wrong but wants to frame themselves as the victim. I would call it extortion but that would be a really dramatic way to frame political subterfuge in the ooc meta of an online roleplaying scifi videogame

I try to file IR's when I encounter behaviors that I notice are long-standing or are particularly really egregious that I don't think any punishment I deliver is satisfactory. I disagree vehemently that if I find a character problematic that I should PM them to talk about it; I am not at all interested in trying to police someone elses' play. I'm not on the CCIA or mod roster and I've got no business telling people what to do with their character unless they explicitly ask for my feedback with a character feedback thread or their own PM. The only thing I am proactive in policing are whitelist standards because that is well within my lane. So when I encounter problematic behaviors that are either recurring or especially problematic I either ahelp or write an IR.

The first step in identifying if someone is weaponizing an IR is if they say to the person they are arguing with, "If you do not do X, I will file an IR." This is not the only identifier, but it can show the intention.


Central Command Internal Affairs Agents do handle command vs command issues but we want you to try to resolve the issue yourself so that this does not become a repetitive issue.


With this specific issue in question I feel like the context of the situation is being butchered to fit a narrative, and that my attempt to follow the spirit of command to command behavior is being used against me. I am really surprised that it is being considered unreasonable that I would be uncomfortable matching the escalation by Fernando Gonzales, when I am on a trial where everything I do can and will (and has) been used against me. In the power dynamic I am at a severe disadvantage. I have to constantly play defense here, and my crime was feeling uncomfortable with escalating the issue.

In the past I have ahelped a situation where I felt unsure about escalating an issue with another command member to become an arrest of that command member, and despite getting ooc clearance from the admin I fell into IC hot water for it. So I tried to play this safe and give the CMO a warning but the matter was NOT resolved.

The second part of my problem is that it is being used against me that I did not put Fernando on blast for the rest of the round. Triaka is a stoic character who does not carry on grudges or openly express her contempt. For me to satisfy Synonym's expectation that the incident remains unresolved, I would have to openly express my contempt for the CMO or keep up the momentum in complaining about them.

The fact this thread has exploded into the head of the CCIA department declaring me manipulative enough to weaponize IR's, and making me have to field questions about my moral character, is exactly what I was afraid I would have to deal with. Far from taking the IR on its own merits, Synonym has basically accused me of metagrudging and has thrown out the entire IR on the merits of a conspiracy.

This is doubly annoying because I openly told Resilynn in their skrell application that I would be recusing myself from handling them on the merit of my IR on them and their post in my feedback thread here, specifically to avoid any unintentional bias or optics of there being intentional bias.

In short:

1) I did not feel comfortable arresting Fernando Gonzales due to the power dynamic of their player over me in the form of my trial keeping me on the defensive in any situation. Any person on any trial feels this power dynamic; trialmods, trial command players, trial admins.... I think it's ludicrous to say otherwise

2) I felt the best way to resolve this issue (of which I have IC and OOC noted a trend of Gonzales abusing his power over petty matters (which Resilynn has openly admitted in this thread)) would be to file an IR, which would satisfy my desire to see the matter investigated by CCIA, who are not affected by me being on trial and can't exactly be intimidated or put on blast effectively

3) My character conceding they acted poorly in one incident is being painted as broad declaration of capitulation for all incidents that occurred

4) Synono is assuming that I am acting in bad faith at every step.


Okay I'll rule this out simply.

From the story I collected neither the Blob or the Raiders were present on station when the whole situation with shutting the shutters happened.

Both the HoS character AND the CMO characters over-reacted like absolute idiots, yet I believe JB's character backed out of their resolution into a warning while I don't believe the CMO ever decided to open the shutters.

The situation was resolved WITH an agreement on a WARNING, we're done with that. The IR is an in-character IR and by that standard it doesn't violate any of the whitelist specifications we put out. It doesn't ruin a round, it doesn't prevent communication and if anything it served the round better to start shit AFTER the emergency then BEFORE the emergency.

Both characters over-reacted, if I took actions against one I would have to take action against the other.

Thus both players can regard this as a verbal warning that their COMMAND jobs PRECEDE the CUNTINESS of their characters.

Character integrity is important, but if your character is such a cunt that he cannot keep his cuntiness contained even during such simple issues, he would not have gotten the job in the first place and thus is an UNBELIVABLE command character.

To continue, ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, the presumption of innocence.

There is no concrete evidence to suggest foul-play besides timing and history of both players.

I took both into regard, looked at what both sides presented and found the defendant not guilty. There is nothing that confirms malicious intent, Jackboot presented his timestamped post and Mofo the fact that JB was open to have a dialogue about the IR before being posted. Processing the IR is on the CCIA's but I won't take his whitelist because of the IR.

If anything I'd say making an IR after a round is better than causing drama in-round.

There is a lot of word-souping that amounts to absolutely nothing, Jackboot has answered everyones questions, no other IR has arised during his time as a head and he has gained positive reviews from many involved players.

To put it simply, I'll accept this application and U R G E people to contact me, Alberyk or Matt if they THINK they saw foul play and neither of them is present on server. Further we'll keep an eye on BOTH offenders.

Application accepted, case closed, go home people.

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