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[Retracted] Sandvich123's Moderator application

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Server Moderator Application


Basic Information I work as an police officer in real life, so my life can be quite stressful at time, I come to ss13 to relax and have some fun with my second family.

Byond Account: Sandvich123

Character Name(s): Lynsey Feufer/ T.I.C.K.E.T

AI Name(s): N/A

Discord username + tag: F.B.I.#0314

Age: 20

Timezone: EST time

When are you on Aurora?: After 6pm-1am. On weekends, when ever the sun shines.


How long have you played SS13?: A good year and a half

How long have you played on Aurora: About two months after I came from hippie

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I know the game mechanics as well as any player does. I am not a master though.

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes, SCP 13, it is HRP and I deal with the grey tides and other....characters. We have a bit of a problem with the lack of staff, so sometimes I have to act like an admin.

Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yes, I believe I do

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I have been banned before....a lot actually due to poor RP, another time for glass in my back. Here is a photo of all of my ban record https://gyazo.com/5e4cccc5c4e033d4bf57f4670e14743d

Personality I do enjoy talking to people when they are not being rude to me, or cunts to everyone. I also hate when people judge me on pass experience when I have tried extremely hard to change my ways.

Why do you play SS13?: You can do so many things in this game, that other games can't even offer, and Aurora is like a second home to me.

Why do you play on Aurora?: Like I said, Aurora is a second home to me, and I love the people that play on it.

What do moderators do?: Moderators help the admemes keep order, and deal with smaller tickets, and gather information on the bigger tickets for the admemes. They also help teach new players the basics, clarify the rules, help run events ,and make sure those grey tides don't ruin rounds for anyone else.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: You are showing what the server is all about when a new character hops out of cryo, and pms you for help. You also show other servers what Aurora is all about.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I love this community, I hope to give back what joy they have given me over the years. and I hope they give me a chance to help them with RP on day to day bases.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: Since I do work as an officer, I deal with cunts all the time, so my patience's bar is very high, and I have dealt with grey tides before

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I can handle them well, if they get to my breaking point, I usually ask for someone to take over the ticket for me so I don't freak out and start screaming at them.

Anything Else You Want to Add:

I know my ban record is quite long, but all I ask for is a chance from my friends and others in the community. I have been trying to increase my RP level, such as the bluespace Sol Gov agent, and trying to talk with antags instead of shooting them and getting away with it. I also quit the security force after taking in fed back, and went into medical instead. I hope you guys do give me a chance!


-1. I wouldn't at any level stick around with you as a moderator. While you do decently with RP, your conduct in play leaves a lot to be desired. I've seen you do stupid shit in power ICly on Bay, not a month ago. While yes that's a different server and from a while ago, it's hardly been enough time for me to accept your change (if there even has been one.) in this time-frame.

This is also your jobbans, which were very very close together from what I can see. Beyond, this you're already active 'staff' on another server. I've seen you once or twice in the past week, today not included. This may be due to my schedule, but it may also be due to you just not being around. I can't entirely or accurately say here.

I also don't enjoy your answer to what you think it means to be a moderator. It's much more than just helping new players who hop out of cryo and representing the server. While it's true, and this is part of it, there's a much larger side of things in the administration of a server. Your reasoning for being a Moderator also irks me a little bit, how would you help RP as a moderator? You could do this by simply RPing.

Formally stating that administrators are 'admemes' in your application regarding 'what moderators do' makes me a little uncomfortable, because you seem to treat it rather casually, where I believe when you're trying to get power in something you should at least take it a little more seriously. Furthermore, Moderators while not able to take heavy action, are still moderators. Administrators have more power, true, yet a Moderator is still capable of opening and closing many many tickets resolving situations.

All in all, I honestly really dislike the things I've seen about you. You're free to reply and prove me wrong here, but with moderation it's quality over quantity. You need more than experience with a playerbase to become one.


TheSleepyCatmom, I just want to say, you are right for the most part about change in a short time. I have given it my best effort, I guess it wasn't enough for you to notice. My jobans were from when I didn't exactly understand RP, I was also the very valid type. I have been trying hard to fix that again, I would say I have done better to the feedback I am getting. But I want to note, if you have seen me once or twice, why are you judging me so hard already, especially when it was from bay. Moving on onto the Mod part, helping RP as a mod means, stopping people do the mistakes I have and end up with a lengthy ban log. Seeing if you can help someone do something different as wizard, such as instead of being wizard, they are an agent from Sol Gov with an unstable bluspace bag. To be honest, you seem a bit to bias on the things that I did long ago, and you are not even willing to give me a chance


I have you the chance to explain yourself and change my mind. That's more than simply stating I have a bias and getting defensive. A month isn't that much time, so in my honest opinion you turning to 'I did long ago' isn't quite entirely truthful.

My comment about seeing you once or twice was moreso for your activity on the server, due to that being a requirement you said you checked. As a moderator, especially on a trial, it'd likely be a good idea to be on the server for this time, instead of jimmying your prybar of time between two or three servers. My seeing you RP as an observer hasn't at all improved my thought of you. However, I will note that while close together, those bans /were/ months ago. And unless you're not including the entire log, that's certainly improvement over where it was.

A major part of moderation is after something's been done, but prevention is good too. But it's incredibly difficult to do so. If that's your reasoning for becoming a moderator, I request you think about the long-term goal beyond 'I want to prevent people from doing what I did.' While gimmicks are fun and dandy, they're up to the player to decide. Putting yourself into AOOC to give gimmick ideas without the Antagonist requesting it likely won't go over well with other administration staff, or the antagonist.

But before I nitpick everything about your post once more, I'm going to leave it with a 'I'm not impressed that you're unwilling to take my criticism seriously.' While I may have prior, negative experiences with you, I don't want to sabotage you. These things are relevant to take into consideration for someone who wants to become a moderator, simply put.


Sleepycat raises some concerns I want to echo. I won't touch the issue of having bans, and I don't play other servers, so I'm going by the app itself and my personal experiences with you.

Back when you first came here a few months ago, you weren't someone I enjoyed working with. Feufer wasn't fit for security. T.I.C.K.E.T. had a really rough start. But since then, and since Feufer has moved to medical, I've seen noticeable improvements. I think you can continue to improve, and that's great.

You have been a bit less active as of late. You're juggling multiple servers. I'm not sure you're active enough currently to warrant being a moderator for this server. Your answers are very bare-bones, and I don't think your response to Sleepycat does you any favors when looking at how well you take criticism. As staff, you're going to face a lot. I'm not sure at this point you can handle it, but I may be wrong.

Your enthusiasm is good. You've improved yourself. But given the app, response made, and my experiences with you, I'm hesitant to offer this my support. I hope you take more time during the interview to answer questions, and am eager to see if your other-server mod experience shows. If you do not get accepted, then I suggest you continue to improve yourself as you have been, and spend more time being active on the server, forums, and to a lesser extent, discord. Good luck.


I like you as a person, Sandvich, and I hope you don't take this personally.

From the RP I've had with you, and seen from you... and just generally how you act on server... I don't see you as Aurora moderator material. You have changed quite a bit since first coming here, I'll admit that. Feufer isn't the same character he was last month, but you still need a lot of work in terms of RP stability and character development. We need to see well-constructed RP from you to judge how well you'll show others the right path to take.

And a moderator app isn't just based on how you Roleplay, but a good chunk of a moderators job is guiding players in the right path when it comes to their characters, how they interact with bad situations, and de-salting a situation. Moderators on Aurora pick up a lot of slack. Short of actually messing with the VV panel or ckeys, they handle a majority of the ahelps. (This isn't to put down our admins, they're busy doing more crap than I'd like to think about.). You're not just guiding RP with new players. You're investigating grief with the admins, handling complaints about the antags, DE-escalating situations between regular players, and so much more.

My biggest concern comes from the sheer amount of ahelps I've had to make to get mods to ping you when you go AFK on server for 30+mins as a fairly important job. I've done this more times than I'd like to count, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You tend to be a little.... wishy washy and just because you "log onto" the server doesn't mean you're active on the server. You've gone AFK 5mins into a shift with me and not returned for 25mins or longer, only to cryo. If you get moderator, would this change? or would you become an AFK mod, only on the server to show your name in the staff list, have people rely on you be there, and in the end.... fall short when you're really needed? This isn't an "I went AFK for the bathroom, or to grab food." This is a constant of going AFK for long periods of time (sometimes it happens literally right when you get out of cryo), and then returning ages later. Yes, we all have real lives but... I don't know if that's stable enough to staff properly.


Saint, you are right, I have been going AFK a bit to much, more then I want. But I have been working to improve that even since I got banned for going AFK as security. I hope I can do better then before


Doxxmedearly you are right about not only dealing with RP, I should take that more into account instead of just rp, like a wizard who just starts to grief. I will take this into account


TheSleepyCatmom You are right, I did get a bit defensive about my application, because this means a lot to me. When instead I should be reading and trying to take them into account, instead of calling you bias. I will take your help at any time


That's a good display of honesty and maturity. I hope I see you continue on this path of growth. If you decide to apply again in the future, after taking all these things into account as you say you are going to and making more noticeable improvements, I will be happy to vouch for you getting a trial. Sounds like you're still a few months and a long path out, but I believe you have the ability to do so. Take things easy, don't rush, and just keep doing better.

See you on the server.

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