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Shit Ops - 2015


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I'll make this short (it's 4:15 AM). So our plan was to nab one person and bomb their station after nabbing them. The problem is security came and we couldn't get her. So we ended up walking around for an hour doing jackshit. Josh left us due to tiredness (and boredom). Due to my lack of knowledge of the nuke, and my eagerness to end the fucking round, I left it on the asteroid because that's where everyone was. Not knowing it can't be detonated there. We talked shit as we returned to base and ended up taking a single hostage and some technology (nuke didn't activate). Their ship was badly damaged but not destroyed. A shameful way to end the round. Apologies to everyone that had to be apart of that round. We weren't the best but we began very coordinated. I would do it again with the knowledge I have gained. Again, sorry to everyone that had to deal with our general stupidity (mainly myself).

Posted (edited)

i bad at ops

northwest part of maint being vented was my fault because dumb - but I have no idea what happened down near Research.

In retrospect, a plan that involves "kidnap someone alive" should probably not involve elements like "blow gaping holes in the station".

And how DID she get away, anyway? Not criticising, because she got away from me when I tried to kidnap her a few days ago, but...

Edited by Guest

dead hour nuke rounds aren't meant to succeed and be fun for everyone if you're gonna nuke shit

better off pulling off a (fun) RP gimmick over killin' everybody

daytime/afternoon for EST leads for more funstuff, given that is our peak hours

but wha tthe fuck do i know, i need sleep right now and my rationalization is shit

dead hour nuke rounds aren't meant to succeed and be fun for everyone if you're gonna nuke shit

better off pulling off a (fun) RP gimmick over killin' everybody

daytime/afternoon for EST leads for more funstuff, given that is our peak hours

but wha tthe fuck do i know, i need sleep right now and my rationalization is shit


We were gonna try and get them to come save her IIRC. It was a plan put together by myself and Josh. We didn't get her so we didn't have much to do (I think her name was Karmia, or something. She is a Tarja.)

We've been trying to get her FOREVER.

i bad at ops

northwest part of maint being vented was my fault because dumb - but I have no idea what happened down near Research.

In retrospect, a plan that involves "kidnap someone alive" should probably not involve elements like "blow gaping holes in the station".

And how DID she get away, anyway? Not criticising, because she got away from me when I tried to kidnap her a few days ago, but...


Our plan was basically soiled by an officer who followed her (or was called by her) and I attempted to stun/kill the officer but he got away and called for backup. Then the armoury was blown and everything went hectic. Because of her ID she could get around most of the Science Wing, and both Josh and myself were shot by a taser, so we couldn't catch her. She ended up with security. Shortly after I patched myself up (was in critical from laser wounds, and the pressure crushing me) and kidnapped a guy named Garry. Then, everything went to shit.

i bad at ops

northwest part of maint being vented was my fault because dumb - but I have no idea what happened down near Research.

In retrospect, a plan that involves "kidnap someone alive" should probably not involve elements like "blow gaping holes in the station".

And how DID she get away, anyway? Not criticising, because she got away from me when I tried to kidnap her a few days ago, but...


They were distracted and I bolted. Hue.

You're kidnapping a non-combatant. Nevermind if you point guns at a terrified researcher who doesn't know what in S'raandar's mercy is going on - she's gonna freeze up in total terror.

I reaaaaally don't wanna give tips on how to succeed in a kidnapping, buuuuuuuuuut....well....

1. You never cuffed her.

2. the minute you turned your back on her, she bolted.

3. you never pointed the guns at her - aka, targeting with a little circle marker. Karima is licenced in weaponry, within the restriction for research. Meaning she generally knows if a gun has the safety on or off, if it's being handled by a professional who means business, or if it's held by a rookie that can go off in misfire. Her knowledge of weaponry is all based on scientific knowledge - she can observe, but she very much likely cannot fight back.

4. Because you never targeted her, she gathered enough wits to send a very fast PDA message for help - once the initial shock had passed. If she was targeted, she would never have risked it. (because she would get shot the moment she touched her PDA)

5. Those guns were set to lethal, while trying to take a live hostage. The knowledge that lethals are being used, is enough to scare the target to 'fight or flight' the moment the opportunity arrived.

6. I actually got away a lot of the times by hiding in closets when I hit dead ends. the whimpering on the radio, mostly because there was a nuke ops walking past her hiding place.

7. you gave her a nuke-op suit, which at first, I thought was very clever. BUT. You never activated the camera. I found this out when I accidentally activated it myself. It could have saved you a lot of trouble in locating her.

8. She is not stupid. She is not rambo. She is terrified. and a kidnapee will do a lot of things that a kidnapper does not want them to do.

Basically the only thing that worked in your favor was that you didn't give Karima an O2 tank, so she couldn't EVA and hide out in space. >.<


Oh. And. Ehm. Another thing. Although this is purely for Karima and not just generic hostage. (Why I am explaining this I do not know...gyah. The amount of times Karima has escaped kidnapping is far too often to just be based on lucky flukes.)

It doesn't really matter if you take a hostage.. Not when she is surrounded by security personnel carrying weapons and guarding her. She will go and give up all fighting when there are much more capable people to make decisions. Uaekis told her to stay, she stayed. Issa said get on the shuttle, she gets on the shuttle. Why? Because she /knows/ they are trained in what they do. Better than her. She will not listen to people that are not trained, nor people who have failed to be reliable in her eyes. That means she won't listen to her coworkers that are freaking out and yelling at her to go to arrivals/bar/etc. She listens to those trained to do their jobs.


Gonna be completely honest here and say something I notice;

There's been a lot of nuke ops circulating over stealing the same person over and over.

I know there's a bounty, but you have to remember: You are here to make roleplay interesting for everyone, not just one person.

Gonna be completely honest here and say something I notice;

There's been a lot of nuke ops circulating over stealing the same person over and over.

I know there's a bounty, but you have to remember: You are here to make roleplay interesting for everyone, not just one person.


Yeaaaaaaah...........I can't really complain, since I'm being treated to the center of the arpee. But only if it's Karima and her close friends/family/nuke ops that partake in it. Anyone else gets pushed to the side.

And honestly, with 4-5 attempted kidnappings, NT would probably move her and her clan to some very high-secured location and try to figure out what is it she's working on that has syndicates so intent on stealing. Or just terminate her contract.

Although, I will say, sometimes I get tired of people trying to stick their nose in the Arpee and MAKE A MESS OF THINGS. I try not to do that with Karima... >.< meh. I'm tired. I probably shouldn't post stuff when I'm tired.


The kidnappings from the nuke ops should be consider non-canon, since, you know, antagonistic actions shouldn't be carried from round to round. It's kind of frowned upon.


Oi, I feel like I should throw my two cents in here. I wouldn't say the word "Shit" because we did destroy all the stations research and for a while we were in control from what I remember. I didn't leave because I was bored, left because I was passing out at my keyboard and literally could not keep going without shooting one of you in the head (( Which, to be fair, was my plan but had to adjust after a while)). But lets address some key points!

1) Karima: Ah, the 100,000 bounty, everyone guns for her. After about my second mission I realized that, everyone keeps gunning for her and that is never a good thing. But its very hard to justify "Lets not get the 100,000 bounty and instead go for the 15,000" in character, so we have to find either 1) A reason to not make bounties the number one priority and instead find a truly creative reason to attack the station instead of "Lets grab this person and run"

2) Bombing: Bombs...are a tricky topic. If bombs are too big, you are gonna have a bad time. If you have too many bombs, you are gonna have a very bad time. Bombs should be tactical, small to reduce casualties yet cut the station off from important things. I caused two explosions last night, one in front of Sec maintence after checking if the area was all clear, and one in the maintenance tunnels near Arrivals to create a access point for me to re-enter through and partially separate the station. When your bombs kill more then three people, its no longer "This round is fun" its "How do I make sure I live as long as possible" as people focus on surviving.

3) Hostages and You: Two things I will mention here. The situation with Karima and the Situation with Essel. We will start with Karima, as I knew everything on that entire list minus the camera, as when I accidentally busted out of the locker, I was almost certain Karima was going to warn everyone as she had a huge chance to run since I don't do the target system and usually try to RP it. Usually. This is more of a in character issue, but I suggest when a situation like this arises next time, to composate for most of that list, you put the hostage in the middle of the two ops, in case they try to run. The moment we saw Security, one of us should have grabbed her, stood behind her and let the other fight long enough to cause a small break. Security was a non issue as they were not armored and it only took us a few moments to be back up to mostly healthy.

Essel: Never. Ever. Kidnap someone whey they are AFK. Be I a nuke op or a crew member...or a replacement for another nuke op, if you do this, I will mow thy ass down with my SMG faster then you can say "Oops". I do appreciate you let them go when I told you too, but for whoever took Essel, the cuffs should never have been on her wrist in general, we should have kept moving and pretended we simply did not see her for whatever reason.

4) Maybe its just me:

I don't know how to describe this, but...What we did was nothing special. We robbed, we blew stuff up, etc etc...its the same thing every nuke op does and its the reason hate nuke. While being in that much power is fun, we have to remember there are players on the other side. Going after the same bounty is....boring for most players outside that group. Robbing the station and leaving....done already. There is nothing wrong with these plans and if you really want to do these, then all the power too you.

I just believe, when you walk into a nuke round, do something that people will remember, that people will be like "Wow, that's new". Sure, I can't talk a whole lot for Stein since, to the crew and dead, he just sits there and taunts people over the radio, with the occasional hostage situation. But we should always try to be as creative as possible with our plans, the giant life or death DnD game, the gameshow for Ziva's life, the Many vs the Few choice when you have actual power to make a deal like that, I could list a ton of interesting ideas already done and ideas that could be done. Thing is, you can walk into a nuke round and it can turn out the way it did for us, with upset people and being forgotten about in a few days, or you can make a nuke round where people start to remember your ops, starting hoping your ops are the one picked because they know something crazy could happen.

I think I'm trying to say, go for the crazy plan knowing that your entire crew could die trying to set the mission up rather then the blow up the station plan. If your entire crew does die, then maybe go with the "Safer" plan on what to do from there, but just try to do something that is new when you are a nuke op, do something where people will remember your name and hope to see you again, even if they hate you. I think thats all I have to say.


Ops doesn't do good. Either people kill them within a few moments, or people complain that they power gamed when they win. It's an endless argument. Like the chicken and the egg.


The last nuke round that happened today ended in about 13 people dying. I didn't really feel it was perfectly executed at some parts, but consider this.

Not a single person ahelped or complained in deadchat.

Good? Bad? Don't know, it wasn't terrible. Last night's nuke round wasn't awful either.

It's all about perspective.

The last nuke round that happened today ended in about 13 people dying. I didn't really feel it was perfectly executed at some parts, but consider this.

Not a single person ahelped or complained in deadchat.

Good? Bad? Don't know, it wasn't terrible. Last night's nuke round wasn't awful either.

It's all about perspective.


Well, the last nuke round started truly awful for the ops. We were three agents, even before reaching the station one of us got lost in space (he landed on the clown planet), and the other killed himself while destroying the mining telecom. Also, the other op lost his bag with his weapons and equipments while we were stealing the engine. It could have been worse.

how do you even steal the engine

like, does it even fit on the shuttle?


Stealing it was easy, since it was still unattached from the floor and the ship was big enough to fit the entire engine, I was also planning to steal all the emiters too, but security was aware of us there. Also, we stole some slimes (but it died because of space), more science things and even Lamarr.

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