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D'Jar Sa'kuate's Zandiziite Cape

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Firstact
Character name: D'Jar Sa'Kuate
Item name: Zandiziite Cape

Why is your character carrying said item to work?
In a canon round on Jan 6, D'Jar won the wrestling competition in the Zandiziite games and was proclaimed Zandiziite Aurora, in a Dominia based event. D'Jar would likely want to wear it to work when on light duties (code green) or primarily if visiting or as part of his uniform if he ever is re-evaluated and approved for Head of Security. It serves as a healthy bit of positivity for him considering he's rather pessimistic, and D'Jar would appreciate being allowed to have something off-uniform, since he's been one to stick strictly to uniform most of the time.

Item function(s):

Exosuit item, can attach to armors like other capes/accessories.

Item description: A Dominian cape, with a clasp bearing the symbol of a champion Zandiziite wrestler. It looks well worn, of the finest material.

Item appearance: File below; black cape with a simple clasp.

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?

It's a great conversation starter and a remnant of a canon event that I think would simply be fun to have around, with little drawbacks to it aside from possibly being out of uniform. While I wouldn't plan on wearing it into any situations as D'Jar believes in appropriate attire, and values it, I do believe it could lead to interesting points of RP with antagonists, despite being just a wrestlers cape. It would also likely have much more weight to his personal value of the item when/if he attended the Zandiziite competition on Moghes, later on. Since it just happened however I'm not planning anything particular with any of this.

Additional comments:

Pegasus approved of this and confirmed that it would be canon for D'Jar to have won and received the cape, along with a mask that isn't in this. I've always wanted to make custom items for D'Jar, however most ideas felt disingenuous because there'd be no reason to wear it. Seeing as he's officially Zandiziite Aurora (for now) I think it's a fitting first/only custom item of sentimental value.



Edited for formatting and spelling because I'm bad at forums.

Edited by firstact
  • 2 weeks later...

There's no feedback because this is an extremely solid idea. If it's an item from a canon event with a solid lore grounding, there's little to say except "yes, of course." I would be extremely surprised if this is denied.

  • 3 weeks later...
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