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Community Quality Control

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tl;dr: Rip off Polaris' Quality Control Ban policies to better moderate who gets to participate in the community or not.


There's been a banwave recently of particularly toxic players not only on the main Aurora server but with the other Aurora affiliate servers, the NT Personal Terminal being a notable area under consideration. Stuff like this happens naturally of course, but on the main Aurora server you genuinely have to be trying to be an ass to get banned, meaning that any of the little interactions you have with other people tend to slide and get unnoticed, and oftentimes unreported because even the players feel like they won't get taken seriously for reporting something they think is too small/incomplete to report.

Nonetheless, however, we've had people not only lately but also in the not-so-distant past that broke few rules but generally conducted themselves in pretty awful ways that should've copped a perma sooner rather than later. It's members of the community like that, that end up killing the enjoyment of the regular players here on the server. Pretty much every person here has experienced not wanting to join the server to play because they see a character name that is known to be attributed to a problematic community member.

If we care at all as a community about being a high quality gameplay/roleplaying experience, I highly suggest the admins take inspiration from Polaris' QC bans and apply them as policy for outlier situations pertaining to problematic community members. It's understandable to want to enforce the rules like an altruist because it makes an admin feel morally good and justified about themselves, but altruism for one shouldn't be exercised at the expense of everyone else's enjoyment. Preserving a friendly, constructive, high-quality roleplaying venue should be considered the top priority. Bigots, trolls and selfish individuals have no place here and they should be shown the opportunity to go find other servers that cater to their lower standards.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

There needs to be accountability on when QC bans are justified.


Funny enough, this would apply more restrictions than there currently exist for removing people at staff discretion.


Staff can already ban anyone from the game for any reason they deem necessary. There is no formal approval process required for this, there is no "Signing off" nor majority voting required. A moderator or an administrator can simply enact their own judgement as they see fit.

I don't think this would up our rates of banning for rule 1 violations (which is what most of these would fall under anyways). I also suspect this might cause people to submit requests of this nature, which will get stupid in return.

Admins are free to disagree, if they find my opinion erroneous tho.

  • 8 months later...

Given that none of the admins have disagreed with skulls interpretation here, I will move that to the implemented policy forum as this is effectively implemented already.


Staff can already ban anyone from the game for any reason they deem necessary. There is no formal approval process required for this, there is no "Signing off" nor majority voting required. A moderator or an administrator can simply enact their own judgement as they see fit.

So if you believe someone deserves a ban for w/e reason, file a player complaint and it is upon the administrative staff to decide if and what sort of punishment is needed.

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