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[Accepted] Crozarius' Skrell Application

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BYOND Key: Crozarius


Character Names:

Sah Kuhwinla (Cook),

HIECA (Station Engineer),

Samantha Davis (Forensic Technician),

Izresoz Azkessah (Priest),

Ihhozush Srezlehi (Warden),

Akhakezs Szasekah (Engine Technician)


Species you are applying to play: Skrell


What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Turquoise


Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Before quite recently I had held a preconception that Skrell were weird, strange unknowable shifty aliens who meddled in the affairs of other species, but I realised that that'd all been based on complete misinformation once I put in the time and effort of meeting and conversing with a few Skrell - in particular one Lesh Liise (They're a priest, hope I spelled their name properly!) I did a preliminary dive into Skrell lore and I really liked what I saw, and after mulling it over I decided to make a character, because I've found that the best way to understand the lore of a species beyond a simple surface understanding is to make a character of that species and learn through experience, meeting others and having that impetus to actually look deeper into the lore and understanding it to apply it to my character, rather than just reading it.

Now, after reading through all of the Skrell wiki pages in preparation for this application, I've been struck by the thought of 'this species is perfect for the kinds of characters I play, why the hell didn't I get a whitelist before!?' I really like the Skrell: Their backstory is very interesting and loaded with a bunch of character creation/conflict potential, the cultural vibe of the Skrell as high achieving intellectuals with a penchant for curiosity and a desire to know more is really appealing to me thematically. I enjoy the portrayal of their governmental system as a sort of iron hand with a velvet glove- guiding the Skrell toward happiness and prosperity through a pleasant facade while practising arguably sinister methods of cultural manipulation and deep rooted control. 

But before I keep rambling on incoherently any further, to summarise: I think Skrell are very interesting, and their culture and demeanour is conducive to the kinds of characters that I like to play  (Which is to say various shades of cowardly nerd.)


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Skrell are amphibious lifeforms, able to survive both above water, and within it. They’re generally a bit slippery and wet because of their natural excretions, they don’t have teeth and survive on a primarily herbivorous diet- although they’re perfectly able to consume animal-based proteins if they can contrive a way to macerate or swallow whole their food. They have headtails with varying levels of prehensility. But apart from being wet and squishy squid-looking people, they’ve a unique culture and outlook based not just on how they’ve developed, but their connection with one another through the Nlom. They’re quite communal, they value intelligence and subtlety far more than strength, and their idea of humour, music and the arts are distinctly alien from a Human perspective- for example the way in which they physically perceive a humorous sensation. Also very importantly from a different-from-human perspective is that they have virtually no social consideration for gender differences between one another and view the act of reproduction in a very clinical light. And lastly, Skrell are highly emotional creatures -however this emotion is very difficult for them to convey to other species due to their features, reliance on the Nlom, and inability of many species to fully appreciate the full Skrell vocal range.


Character Name: Kipo Jhuyt


Please provide a short backstory for this character (Approximately two paragraphs)

Kipo Jhuyt is a young (by Skrell standards, anyway) Female Skrell from the Radiant Era – hatched in April of 2418 on Qerrbalak. Although progress in fertility treatments meant that her hatching wasn’t necessarily a miracle, she was still precious to her Quya who lavished her with all the attention, guidance and nurturing needed to bring her into the world; Kipo never wanted for guidance, or support, was never neglected or left hopeless: At every step through treacherous childhood and teenage years she was comprehensively supported by loved ones, confidants, tutors that kept her on the straight and narrow. Even when it came time for Kipo to leave the cloistered protection of her family’s nurturing arms and begin her pursuit of higher education, she still stayed in close communication with them and found yet more support to guide her in the form of her teachers and peers, which helped her through such relatively troubling times.


Kipo was an intensely curious young lady, and like many academically minded Skrell before her had a great enthusiasm for discovery! However, whereas many might put that enthusiasm to use in the formulation of new, wild theories of quantum science or in the cataloguing of exotic xenofauna, Kipo put it to use in the field of literal investigation – Forensic Science and Pathology. It so tickled her fancy that such confounding mysteries could be cracked through the application of esoteric forensic methods, gathering evidence that ranged from blatant splatters of vital fluids right down to the tiniest invisible little speck of skin mucous. She studied a program of Forensic Science with a double major of both terrestrial and aquatic forensics, and her curiosity was even enough to overcome her morbid trepidation and go on to further study a program of Forensic Pathology.


So with two programs under her belt- now very much an employable professional in Forensic Science, Kipo still wasn’t done: She had spent the last twenty years feasting on the knowledge of Skrellian forensics, but there was so much more to explore! All of the theory and concepts that she had researched and worked on through her studies had primarily been concerned with forensics as they pertain to Skrell – but there was a whole spur out there of alien races who undoubtedly had their own take on forensics- their own unique mysteries that had nothing to do with Skrell mucous residue and liquid ripple dynamics! So armed with her considerable resume she put out feelers and sought employment out in Human space – and just so happened to be picked up by the ever-famous NanoTrasen Corporation. Should her work visa application be successful, she’d be stationed at a quite well known installation in the Romanovich Cloud by the name of ‘N.S.S Aurora’….


What do you like about this character?

Having spent her entire life thus far in close, close proximity with those she holds dear- friends, family, mentors, peers – Kipo is admittedly a little unprepared, and apprehensive about this her first foray out of her comfort zone and away from the support structures that have coddled her for so long. Having been a staunch conformist, a Receiver, and having only limited contact with those of other races beyond that which she knows about them anatomically from her studies in xenobiology, to be thrust into new and exotic surrounds is certainly going to be a foundation for interesting character development, and I think that this idea of an intensely curious, bright and bubbly (For a Skrell) nerd FT  is the kind of energy I’ve been looking for in a character.



 How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I think I’ve got a solid foundation in writing, and good roleplaying ability. That’s just my own opinion though, which is obviously biased. I put a heavy emphasis on my fear/pain avoidance RP when I play – Yeah, I’m that guy who makes medical staff RP out the recovery aspect of injuries.



Kipo falls firmly into the hating (read: being completely terrified by) synthetics camp,  which is going to be a source of contention ICly on the Aurora – Obviously something she was aware of when she made the decision to take the offer and work there. She's not going to run around hitting IPC’s with fire extinguishers of course, but she won’t trust them.

Kipo is largely secular, but she does casually adhere to the Qebla faith, but it’s not very important to her personally. She’s mostly ambivalent on the matter, and could still be persuaded by outside influences.

All of this is subject to change. If there’s anything I’ve learned from my many iterations of my Unathi characters, is that the best way to understand the lore is to make mistakes and get corrected by someone, and then fix that mistake. So if I’ve made some completely idiotic slip of the lore, please let me know and I’ll address it!


I rarely find Skrell applications interesting to read(including my own), but the recent ones have been very easy to read. I like this application and you seem to understand the Skrell lore well, at least on the topics that you have covered. That being said:
Instead of crèche, the word you're looking for is Quya.



 At every step through treacherous childhood and teenage years....

Do you use treacherous here for any specific reason? People tend to not write the entire character backstory here so as to not make the application too long to read, so I'm just curious if you have more to tell about her youth or not.

Just now, BoryaTheSlayer said:

I rarely find Skrell applications interesting to read(including my own), but the recent ones have been very easy to read. I like this application and you seem to understand the Skrell lore well, at least on the topics that you have covered. That being said:
Instead of crèche, the word you're looking for is Quya.


Do you use treacherous here for any specific reason? People tend to not write the entire character backstory here so as to not make the application too long to read, so I'm just curious if you have more to tell about her youth or not.

YES! I knew there was a word for it, I just couldn't find it!


As for treacherous, no, I just meant that usually those formative years- particularly the teenage ones are normally full of a lot of adolescent highs and lows. Nothing especially tragic or confrontational there!


It's a well thought out character and you don't have any outstanding roleplay issues I see. 


I'll be accepting the application. 

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