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[Rescinded] Bear's Moderator Application

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Posted (edited)

Server Moderator Application

Basic Information
Byond Account: abigbear
Character Name(s): Eric Bayer, Gabe Sinclaire, Lachlan Wallace, Sarah Nievan, Yahir Na'Zirah, Rashaan Mi'khail, Brrahmin Ikramullah, Uzrra Al-Saiad, Amal Sharifullah, Thomas Whitewall, Rrhazumar Mrrazhugran 
AI Name(s): Jetsam
Discord username + tag: Bear, bear#0117
Age: 26
Timezone: CST
When are you on Aurora?: Usually 2p-8a is my play time, night shifter.

How long have you played SS13?: Since around February of last year I believe
How long have you played on Aurora: Since February, started in CM for a few days then came here and have been here ever since.
How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I have a good grasp on the mechanics of the game in every department.
Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: None asides from my time in the CCIA
Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yes
Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No


Why do you play SS13?: I was originally introduced to this game by a few friends who have since stopped playing the game at the beginning of last year after quite some time of putting off trying ss13. I finally yielded and have been in love with the game and the environment ever since.

Why do you play on Aurora?: The roleplay the server provides along with the community. With a plethora of a diverse and interesting characters, the Aurora provides a constantly new and interesting environment to immerse one's self in. On top of that, the community itself is a genuine joy to interact with, good and bad there is always something happening somewhere and the playerbase we have always make for fantastic interactions from different people from all walks of life.

What do moderators do?: Guide and assist new players, handle ahelps, settle disputes, and enforce the rules that have been laid out for the server.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: A moderator for the server takes the additional responsibility and time to preform the tasks described above and more. The help handle the OOC issues and ensure our roleplay environment and immersion is preserved and protected without overly encroaching on IC issues. The moderate, mediate, and settle disputes between players and community members in a way that settles things peacefully if able and protects the thing we are all here for: Fun.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I have enjoyed my time and influence in the CCIA, I'd like to increase my investment in the server by also branching into the moderator team to continue to give back to the community.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: While I may not have been around as long as some of the greybeards in this community that have watched the creation of time and the start of the server. I do tend to think of myself as a level headed player who is able to discern and think critically in most situations. I have a pretty solid understanding of the server rules that have been set always try to communicate clearly and resolve misunderstandings at the earliest possible point. I'm an active player and one not afraid to take initiative to do what needs to be done. 

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Doing what I do as a day job. All of these feelings and more are a very normal and common experience. Insults do not phase me, and the ability to handle and operate under stress and anger is something I have learned to do long ago.

Anything Else You Want to Add: So I'm not actually sure if I can hold both a CCIA and Moderator position at the same time, however, I definitely think myself able, willing, and capable of handling both responsibilities ^^ Thank you for taking the time to look this over.

Edited by Pratepresidenten

It has been a standing rule that a member of the modmin team cannot be a member of the CCIA team and vice versa; the only "exception" being the admin position of CCIA liaison.


Ignoring that, I'm not particularly sure what to make of this application. The reasoning boils down to "because I want to", with little further elaboration, and your responsibility responses are rather short. which combined, make it hard to meaningfully gauge your commitment as anything other than low. Your membership of the CCIA team is a plus, but the workloads and expectations of the two teams are wildly different, and I can, from personal experience, tell you that adjusting to the difference will be a good amount of effort. You will have higher expectations of on-server time, on a more consistent basis, while potentially actually playing less to handle your administrative responsibilities. I'm not familiar with your current frequency of playing the server; but the fact that you, in this application, seem so nonchalant about """upgrading""" your responsibilities concerns me in terms of you actually being ready to commit to them.


Bear was one of the first friendly faces I came to know on the server and it's possible that I may not have stayed had I not met him. He is open to instruction, knows a lot about the game and is overall a kind person. Additionally, I believe that he would be able to handle the stresses that come with moderation and I commend him for that. Lastly, we always need more moderators on what is typically the Asia/Australia server time zones.


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Doc said:

It has been a standing rule that a member of the modmin team cannot be a member of the CCIA team and vice versa; the only "exception" being the admin position of CCIA liaison.


Ignoring that, I'm not particularly sure what to make of this application. The reasoning boils down to "because I want to", with little further elaboration, and your responsibility responses are rather short. which combined, make it hard to meaningfully gauge your commitment as anything other than low. Your membership of the CCIA team is a plus, but the workloads and expectations of the two teams are wildly different, and I can, from personal experience, tell you that adjusting to the difference will be a good amount of effort. You will have higher expectations of on-server time, on a more consistent basis, while potentially actually playing less to handle your administrative responsibilities. I'm not familiar with your current frequency of playing the server; but the fact that you, in this application, seem so nonchalant about """upgrading""" your responsibilities concerns me in terms of you actually being ready to commit to them.

I did look around, however noted no point saying one could not be CCIA and a Moderator. As for the lack of superfluous texts and explanations, that is simply who I am. I prefer clear and concise, but open communication. Do not mistake it as a lack of willingness to commit or effort. I consider myself a very open and available individual and am very present on the Aurora and have been for a little while now, considering how much time I spend in the game and with the community and increased expectation is quite fine with me as I am already exceeding it. However, please do not mistake my confidence in the ability to handle increased responsibility for a nonchalant or uncaring attitude.

To answer your point of my reasoning being, "Because I want too." Allow me to counter that with a question. Is there a better reason to apply for moderator? The increased responsibility and effort that comes from the position needs and requires a clear want to do it. A want to put time and effort into the playerbase and community. A want to better the server. A want to deal with the more tiresome aspects of server moderation that goes without praise. A want to move to the sidelines and take the time to guide new players in the effort to guide and retain them to strengthen our own playerbase. All of this requires a want and drive to do so. A passion if you will. I possess this.



11 minutes ago, Resilynn said:

We need you in ccia. >:c

I want to be clear. If I cannot be both CCIA and a moderator then please discard this application. I am not abandoning one set of responsibilities that I've taken for another. This would be an addition too my current responsibilities as a CCIA member.

Edited by Bear
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