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[Accepted]Bunky Become Tree - Dionae App

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BYOND Key: BunkyB

Character Names: Oliver Kurtis, Amira Farideh, Siavash Erdashi, P.E.T. (pAI)

Species you are applying to play: Dionae

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I've read over most of the pages a handful of times.


Why do you wish to play this specific race:

When I play as station-crew, I try my hardest to avoid antags, which is why my primary characters are non-essential roles; however if I create a Dionae character, I believe that antags will generally avoid me due to my characters pacifism, this will open up a few more roleplay opportunities such as; interacting with the antag, questioning them about the things they are wearing/doing.

I've never had a Dionaea whitelist before, on any server and I've only ever heard bad things about the race, however I'd like to try it for myself, it sounds fun being a slightly clueless plantman.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:


Dionae and Diona Nymphs have their own unique language, Rootsong. Rootsong is a collection of natural sounds that the Dionae creates by rustling it's it's vertebrae, it often sounds like leaves moving in the wind among other things. To Dionae, Rootsong is a complete and defined language with it's own deeply complex connotations; to anyone that doesn't understand Rootsong, the language just sounds like an orchestra of natural sounds.

Dionae and Diona Nymphs feed off of radiation, most commonly ultra-violet radiation, if a Dionae is not exposed to radiation for an extended period of time, it would 'die', as such, your Dionae character could express themselves that they are uncomfortable standing in a poorly lit enviroment and make the attempt to move out of it and into a better one.

Dionae and Diona Nymphs can consume almost everything and turn it into nutrition they can use, this can create varied situations where a Dionae character is happy eating literal trash in front of others, Dionae can also regenerate missing limbs with their own biomass, causing them to quickly become hungry for more. This can lead to situations where a one-legged Dionae is waddling around looking for anything he can consume.

Dionae Cyclops can come from almost anywhere in the known universe, with Dionae clusters in every large part of the orion spur, from the Emperors Royal Garden, a Dominian based cluster to the highly diverse and unique The Narrows cluster based in the human frontier. All different clusters have their own sub-culture that a Dionae gesalt adapts to before it proceeds outwards into space, allowing for a really large variety of different Dionae characters.


Character Name: Insatitable Hunger for More Meats

Please provide a short backstory for this character:

Insatiable Hunger for More Meats was grown aboard the NSS Aurora by Xenobotanist Taika Thompson, Thompson nursed the Diona Nymph into a Dionae Cerberus, helping the Dionae find their way to the Biesellian Choir, letting them slowly figure out more about their own species; finding another Cerberus Gesalt to merge with, turning into their own Cyclops.

Insatiable Hunger for More Meats gained their name from their first experience of become a Cerberus, they found themselves to be incredibly hungry, the Xenobotanist, Thompson kept feeding them tins of spam, corned beef and meat pies; allowing them to grow into a fully healthy Cerberus, the Dionae remembered the hunger they felt while injured and without limbs, while slightly traumatizing to them at the time, this was their first memory as a Gesalt and that influenced the food they ate and the things they did.

Insatiable Hunger for More Meats doesn't find themselves to be as religious as other Gesalts in the Biesellian Choir, as they've not been around for long enough.

Through Xenobotanist Thompson, Insatiable Hunger for More Meats was introduced to NanoTrasen and their workforce, eventually getting a low-priority job in the service department, eventually gaining enough education to become a Lab Assistant.

Insatiable Hunger for More Meats doesn't understand why people go home on the transfer shuttle, instead opting to stay on-station to complete more of their work, if forced to leave the station they would return to the Beisellian Choir.

What do you like about this character? 

This character gives me a lot of chance to expand and write, evolving their character as I go on and learn more about Dionae, as they've not conformed to any of the clusters and instead are their own separate entity.

I'm happy to try Dionae and I think a blank slate character like this would be a great introduction.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I believe I'm decent at roleplaying, I'm not the best and I can't handle a lot of situations in a good manner, however I do try my hardest to incorporate roleplay into everything I do.

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Great app! I especially like that it's a continuation of a gestalt grown on station. A couple of questions:

-How does Meats feel about other Dionae and the Choir?

-It strikes me that Meats would align very well with the Blood Eternal following, what are your thoughts on that?

-What sort of role would you have Meats do on station considering they're new born?

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Hi, thanks for the quick reply.


Meats gets along well with a large majority of other Dionae, asking them to share their experiences to acquire a better grasp on things that go on around the Orion Spur as most Dionae they meet are ages older than them. A place Meats commonly frequents is the Biesellian Choir as Meats tries to figure out how to align themselves with the rest of the Dionae they meet, Meats doesn't see the Biesellian Choir as much more than a hub for them to visit, however this may change with time as the character learns more about them self and other Dionae.


Meats is acutely aware of the different followings that Dionae obsess about, OOCly I do plan to have Meats eventually fully follow the Blood Eternal following, however when the character is initially introduced, they won't be aligned with that at all.


I've planned for Meats to be non-essential roles that require little involvement. The jobs I want Meats to be in are Janitor, Assistant and Lab Assistant; Meats is in the Lab Assistant role to better connect with the person that grew them.



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On 29/01/2021 at 10:06, BunkyB said:

Dionae and Diona Nymphs can consume almost everything and turn it into nutrition they can use, this can create varied situations where a Dionae character is happy eating literal trash in front of others, Dionae can also regenerate missing limbs with their own biomass, causing them to quickly become hungry for more. This can lead to situations where a one-legged Dionae is waddling around looking for anything he can consume.

Thanks for reminding me I needed to think on how to enhance the eating mechanics, otherwise if your gestalt were to lose a limb. Would this be a major occurrence? Assuming it was by force.

Other than that, the name and ideas are fine and young gestalts can be quite interesting! Have you thought much into how the fledgling gestalt's internal collective functions? Are they a democracy voting, or do they have the social nymph take hold of most actions, do they even have a socially inclined nymph yet? Most of these are rhetorical just as a food for thought.

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On 30/01/2021 at 20:53, Lmwevil said:

Thanks for reminding me I needed to think on how to enhance the eating mechanics, otherwise if your gestalt were to lose a limb. Would this be a major occurrence? Assuming it was by force.

Hi! Sorry for the wait, I misread your last sentence.

I'm assuming the only question you want me to reply to is the quoted one? If so:

Meats remembers the trauma they faced when initially growing their limbs, as they felt an unbearable amount of pain after growing their legs.

If such an occurrence were to happen again, Meats would remember the trauma and likely retreat from the danger and locate a quiet corner where they can consolidate their feelings and attempt to regrow the limb they lost.

Meats does not wish to separate a Diona Nymph from their gesalt as they fear the same trauma would happen again, however they are not adverse to removing a Nymph if the situation calls for it.

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