TheGreyWolf Posted October 2, 2021 Posted October 2, 2021 BYOND Key: TheGreyWolfDiscord Username: TheGreyWolf#0535Character Name: Kathira El-Hashem Item Name:NKA side: handmade royalist cloakIdris side: handsewn Idris cloak Item Function(s): It is a cloak that can be shifted between two variants of itself. One matching Idris and one closer to the NKA. Item Description:NKA side: A blue cloak with the symbol of the New Kingdom of Adhomai proudly displayed on the back. Upon closer examination it appears to be a patchwork of older textile and newer fabrics, with the inside of the cloak appearing to be colored differently.Idris side: A carefully handsewn cloak proudly emblazoned with the symbol of Idris Banking in silver treading and the words ‘Astronomical Figures. Unlimited Power.’ Embroidered beneath it. On close examination, the inside of the cloak appears to be colored differently. Why is your character bringing this item to work?: Beside being one of the reminders of her home, Kath made it to work both when she is free and at work and it is rare she leaves it far away due to the ‘barrier’ it provides between her and other people. How did your character obtain this item?: Kathira herself made the cloak over time, using her old cloak as the base for the NKA side of it, as she finally decided to take a contract with Idris, clearing the permission with one of the liaisons she has been talking with about it. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: The cloak shows Kathira’s attempts to fit in where she can and the influence the corporations have on her and her loyalty towards her employer ever since she left Adhomai. That isn’t to neglect her loyalty towards her home country as can be seen with the more traditional side of the cloak or the way she continues to keep patching the cloak she had since Adhomai even as her situation slowly improves. For the few who knows her closely, they would also notice that unlikely how her previous cloak was, this one shields her less from the world around her as she gets more comfortable with living among humans. Sprites: Kathira cloak.dmiAdditional Comments:
Chanterelle Posted October 6, 2021 Posted October 6, 2021 I think it looks great and would make for an awesome addition! Definite +1!
Connorjg1 Posted October 6, 2021 Posted October 6, 2021 As the Liaison in question I think this has come out looking excellent. +1
TheGreyWolf Posted October 19, 2021 Author Posted October 19, 2021 So an update: I made a coatrack version of the cloak too. kath coatrack.dmi
RyverStyx Posted October 19, 2021 Posted October 19, 2021 +1 the sprites look very clean and fit in with the current style excellently! The coatrack additions are also incredibly neat.
ShesTrying Posted November 7, 2021 Posted November 7, 2021 Hello! Sorry for the wait. These look good! I like that it’s two sided. Please enjoy! And then flip it inside out. And then enjoy again!
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