Triogenix Posted February 2, 2022 Posted February 2, 2022 Ckey/BYOND Username: Triogenix Position Being Applied For: Deputy Lore Developer Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page?: Yep Past Experiences/Knowledge: I've written a lore canonization applications, and have been around discussing lore in the discord for a while now. Examples of Past Work: Extra Requirement: Wiki page addition =Guilds as a Whole= Guilds are an integral part of Unathi Society, and are a mix of state-sponsored worker’s unions and companies. These guilds can be sponsored by the Hegemony itself, or be local guilds that vary from city to city. Guilds approved by the Hegemony are called Hegemonic Guilds, and operate primarily at the imperial level, or outside of the Hegemony For a guild to become a Hegemonic Guild it must fill out an application which will be sent to Hegemonic Authorities, confirming that it does not occupy the same Niche as another guild, has at least 1000 sinta as members, and prove that it has upheld it’s guild contract for its entire existence. There are hundreds of Hegemonic Guilds, operating both in and out of the territory controlled by the Isweki, and together speak for nearly all Unathi workers across the spur. ==Guild Contracts== Central to how a guild functions is a contract. Signed by every aspirant guild member, the guild contract acts much like a social contract, giving assurances to the aspirant member that the guild will treat them fairly, and assurances to the guild that the member will pay dues and act in a way becoming of the guild. While attempting to summarize every guild contract would be an impossibility, given how many guilds exist, nearly all contain passages similar to these laid out here. ===Work=== The biggest part of any Guild Contract is stating that members will have work within their field, and be paid for it. This work can vary within a guild, it can mean being contracted out to nobles or even other guilds for work, or working at a guild facility such as a power plant. The work members get will also always be in line with the guilds specialty, so members of the Warriors guild would be Warriors, not working as Engineers. ===Negotiations=== A fixture of guild contracts is that it gives the guild the power to negotiate with nobility or other employers on behalf of its members. This can mean negotiating contracts for individuals, or a guild promising an employer a set amount of workers from their specialty, and picking members to fulfill this contract. While some sinta find this stifling, others find it liberating to not have to worry about the specifics of their contracts, or finding a job. However some guilds strike the ire of megacorporation's who find these negotiations irritating, as these guilds will only have males negotiating, who with their straightforward and stubborn nature make it difficult to come to an agreement for employees. Due to this, many guilds have either female sinta, or will hire aliens such as skrell to negotiate with non-sinta business partners, and keep males to negotiate with other Sinta. ===Information Sharing & Training=== Mostly common among newer guilds such as the Electricians Guild, contracts will include clauses which specify that information about their work and any developments within their industry will be shared amongst the guild, and not kept to the very top of the ladder. This is to theoretically ensure that all members are equal in knowledge, and prioritization for work or pay is determined by skill rather than having training or information that another does not. Other guilds such as the warrior’s guild have this done through having a standardized training regimen all members go through. In reality though, guilds will invest heavily in training those that are highly skilled(or highly connected), and give just enough information or training to the rest so that they can seem as though they are honoring their contract. ===Loyalty and Dues=== The final part of most contracts stipulate dues that members pay to the guilds, for the services provided to them. Most guilds do this through taking a portion of their members paycheck(which they probably negotiated for), per month, around 10 percent after local taxes are applied is normal. This also encourages guilds to negotiate for better pay for their members, as the more their members are paid the more they are paid. However some other guilds have a flat due which must be paid every month. ==Guild Leadership== Guild Leadership varies from guild to guild, but all guilds have a Guildmaster. It is the job of the Guildmaster to coordinate the guild leadership, decide with whom the guild will enter business with, and generally be a leader. The process of choosing a Guildmaster varies from guild to guild, with some it is a hereditary title, with others it is an elected title from among the guild leadership, and with some the Guildmaster is even appointed by the Hegemon himself. Guildmasters are considered to be in the regular guildsmen social class, but hold considerably more influence. ==How to join a guild== Acceptance into a guild is fairly easy for most Sinta, different guilds have different requirements, with some having aspirants find other sinta to vouch for them, and others merely just giving each aspirant a standardized test to take. Acceptance is limited to members of established clans, and chances of getting accept go up if a Sinta's clan has a relationship with a guild already. =Notable Hegemonic Guilds= ==The Merchants Guild== The most powerful guild within all of Sinta Society is the Merchant’s guild. The merchant’s guide rose to power underneath Guildmaster Keicacu Razi following the end of the contact war and consolidation of the Hegemony’s power over Moghes and the system of Uueoa-Esa. The merchant’s guild holds a near total monopoly on all exports out of Uueoa-Esa, as by an Imperial Decree laid down during the contact war by Hegemon S’kresti. no alien entity may transport goods off of a Hegemony Planet, and no other guilds are able to afford the costs of shipping their goods along the [[Imperial Route]]. The only exception to this Decree is [[Hephaestus Industries]], which due to it’s status as a protected Hegemonic Guild, is not considered to be an alien entity. This exception has been an annoyance of [[Idris Incorporated]] for some time, as it wishes to have it Subsidiary, Caishen Jeweler's be able to ship it’s Moghean Majesties brand of Jewelry off of Moghes without paying the merchants guild. With the formation of the SCC Idris took this a step further, stating that Hephaestus has been purposefully stalling the Hegemon in repealing this decree so as to make things difficult for Idris, in an act of corporate terrorism. However, given Idris’s relationship with the Solarian Alliance and Einstein Engines, Nanotrasen and the rest of the SCC threw out the complaint. This monopoly gives the Merchant’s guild incredible power, which it has mainly used to stop Not’zar from repealing his father’s old decree with threats of turning the nobility against him, in their words “So that the tradition of the Sinta may continue”. The requirements to join to guild are having 2 current members vouch for your entry and skill, and having applicable knowledge, such as knowing how to barter or a degree in accounting. The merchant’s guild rarely contracts out members to other corporations, but it is not unheard of for a [[Operations Officer]] to be a contracted out member of the merchant’s guild. The guild comprises, as the name suggests, primarily merchants, who operate across the spur from the badlands to the streets of Mendell City, and the space lanes of Xanu Prime, shipping and selling their goods. It contains the largest number of female and non-sinta negotiations staff of a Hegemonic Guild, which it uses to negotiate shipping rates with non-sinta. The current Guildmaster is Zuakza Razi, the second son of Keicacu Razi, who took over the guild when his father died. More information can be found on him [[Notable Unathi|here]]. ===The Imperial Route=== Central to the Merchant Guild’s business is the Imperial Route. A group of shipping lanes, the Imperial route is the only route for goods exiting both Dominia and Hegemony, as well as a majority of the badlands raw materials flowing to human space. The two nations currently contest the route, with small-scale starship battles, piracy, and seizures of the other ships a common occurrence. Not’zar has been wary of reinforcing Hegemonic fleets in the area with fears of escalation to war if he does so, and his strained relationship with the merchants guild does not compel him to further help them. Because of this, many Merchant Guild ships traveling the route have taken to hiring Private Military Contractors, namely the Daugmir Free Water PMC, but other human PMCs such as Index Security Solutions are not unheard of working for the Merchant’s Guild. ==The Laborer’s Guild== Consisting of mostly low skilled laborers, such as miners, cutters, sewage workers, the Laborers guild is the second most powerful Hegemonic Guild through sheer weight of numbers and its relationship with the Hegemon. Claiming the dues of nearly all Sinta working in low skill positions outside of , the Laborer’s guild boasts the biggest number of members of all the Hegemonic Guilds. Essentially the Creation of Hegemon Not’zar, the laborer’s guild was originally a local guild in the city of Imas’hi, and was uplifted to status as a Hegemonic Guild following Not’zars consolidation of power. Due to this, and Not’zar’s political compromises, it is the only Hegemonic guild that will not accept Sinta within Hegemony space, and instead refer them to a local guild. It’s purpose is to give sinta wishing to work abroad for aliens, but who did not have a guild, similar benefits to those working on Moghes, with help in negotiating their contracts or getting them jobs. While some have praised Not’zar for continuing to ensure that Sinta have a guild to work with outside of the Hegemony, others have called it no more than an underhanded political maneuver to gain the support of more sinta. The guild is currently struggling though, as many of it’s negotiators are male and agreements have been hard to reach with alien employers. The requirements to join the guild are to work outside the hegemony, and work for an alien based company. All of it’s workers are contracted out to others. The current Guildmaster is Kutazs Skiu, an old friend of Not’zars and was appointed to the position by Not’zar himself. More information can be found about him [[Notable Unathi| here.]] ==Hephaestus Industries== A strange occurrence, Hephaestus Industries is the only alien entity to be recognized as a Hegemonic Guild, and has used this recognition to carve off a slice of the hegemony for themselves none have been able to shake. A vast majority of manufacturing on Moghes is done by Hephaestus Industries, and in cities any manufactured goods bought by nobles will bear the mark of Hephaestus Industries. It has also given many unathi, noble, peasant, and wastelander the opportunity for work, and is one of the most celebrated guilds in Unathi Society. Aeson, the CEO of Hephaestus Industries is revered among unathi workers for the company for his sheer strength of both character and muscle. Hephaestus’s integration into unathi guild society has also gone surprisingly smoothly, with their decision to have a very limited human workforce within the Hegemony being credited for this, as many Sinta understand the intricacies of how a guild should operate and what should be included in contracts much better than a human, which has lead to rapid expansion on Moghes and Ourea. More information on Hephaestus Industries can be found [[Hephaestus Industires|here.] Additional Comments: Should I get accepted I would NOT resign my Wiki maintainer position, and I look forward to any questions and feedback you may have!
Caelphon Posted February 2, 2022 Posted February 2, 2022 Hi there. Spoiler 1. Hypothetically, let's say you have complete and unfettered access to take lore in any direction you want. What would you do? 2. What do you not enjoy about Unathi Lore? How would you remedy this? 3. How do you feel about interspecies coordination? 4. Do you understand that the Lore Team sometimes has team projects and that you may be expected to contribute to such? Do you see yourself having issues with working on non-Unathi lore? Goodluck. There are no wrong answers.
Triogenix Posted February 2, 2022 Author Posted February 2, 2022 10 minutes ago, Caelphon said: -snip- 1. I think the big thing I'd do, for unathi atleast, is make the hegemony appear much more splintered. Having a few articles where nobles infight against each other and Nat'zor sitting on the side not wanting to get involved for fear of having to use military force. I'd also have one or more lord(s) split away from Nat'zor, probably a more traditionalist, over a reform introduced, and have to be put down using force, but only after something horrible happened because Nat'zor wanted to hold back and try to negotiate. Besides that, expanding the notable unathi page and the personalities of the different lords and characters that are currently found on the Moghes page, and adding more about life under their rule is something I would want to do. I'd also expand on how tradition and technology interact in Unathi Society, like having fishing guilds fish in old proven wooden boats, but mark their catches on advanced human tablets and computers. 2. The only thing I can say I really dislike about unathi lore is the lack of information on the wasteland. While it has some good themes, I think more on how outposts function, what industry there might be besides scrapping and raiding, I think a few canonical wasteland settlements who still manage to squeeze out mining, and resist the hegemony in the desert would be interesting, and make for backgrounds other then, "Hey I'm just a savage or someone very lost." that can be interacted with through IC updates and goings-on. Besides that I think they need more ties to the setting at large, they currently have a massive imperialistic fleet, how is the scarcity affecting this? Has the scarcity really effected life on Moghes at all? Things like that I dislike not having because it makes it seem as though they're not truly within the universe, and just in their own world. 3. Interspecies coordination is good, normally, but it can be taken to a level that is too far in my opinion. Old Dominia is a perfect example of what I think is too far, a human nation founded by unathi, using a near copy of unathi religion, with a very similar code of honor to unathi, and imperialistic like the main unathi faction, is too much. Thankfully this is being moved away from. However, a lesser level of coordination, or merely species cohabitating a planet, is always interesting. Things like c'thur in the federation, or Ourea are good examples of this. 4. Yes, and I do not forsee any issue with this for me at all.
Caelphon Posted February 6, 2022 Posted February 6, 2022 Hi there, me again. 1. What do you believe is the first problem to tackle for post-KOTW? You mentioned in lore general that they area of lore has stagnated. Do you have any proposals for how to get it moving and grooving again, 2. Do you mind writing up something small for perhaps a piece of Unathi-Skrell relations? Where do you see it going? 3. Similar to the above, can you write something small on a piece of Unathi-Tajara relations? Goodluck. There are no wrong answers.
Triogenix Posted February 6, 2022 Author Posted February 6, 2022 (edited) 2 hours ago, Caelphon said: -snip- 1. I think the biggest & first problem that needs to be tackled is the longer lasting tangible effects of KoTW for the spur at large. We know generally how each faction has been effected by KoTW, Biesel got a bunch more territory, Sol shattered and is under a military Junta, the Federation opened it's borders up to human megacorporation's, etc, but there is very little on the spur wide implications beyond "No more phoron, bluespace engines hard to use now, warp engines are much more reliable." Having an idea if it is a total economic depression, or just a small recession is needed, as well as lore on if things are getting more expensive for the average person, are there supply chain issues due to the scarcity of phoron, are companies and others buying anything like raw materials anymore, stuff like that needs to be answered first before anything else happens. After that is tackled, I would propose one of two things. First would be to write articles and really get the proxy wars going in the wildlands, and follow that as a spurwide diplomatic issue, with shifting alliances, intelligence officers, and mercenaries, with the general "culture" of the conflict modelled after those that occurred in the resource rich areas of post-decolonization Africa. The second would be to, again through articles, show how the cultures/conditions of certain planets are interacting with the scarcity, and ramp up the conflict around this. An example would be anti-corporate riots on NHP outside of a Hephaestus building that have to be put down by force, or a Xenophobic Riot in Biesel by dissatisfied people currently struggling to pay for basic standards of living with the scarcity with wages depressed by cheap immigrant labor. For Unathi, or more specifically the Hegemony, I think the first thing that needs to be tackled is the expansion of the guilds, as they are the economic heart of the hegemony, and then how it's export focused economy is coping with the scarcity of phoron. This ties into what I said needed to be done earlier, because if people across the spur are closing their pocketbooks trying to ride out the recession, or spurwide trade is falling, they might start doing a 1700's Britain and imposing strict laws, taxes, and other things that favor Moghes on their colony worlds to try and make up on their lost revenue. I would also try and ramp up the conflict around Gakal'zaal, as another colony world could be invaluable for the Hegemony right now, but before anything I'd want to sit down with the Tajara team and hammer out how it should be done, if it should be done. If other resources have become scarce due to supply chain issues, I would also try to introduce alot of smuggling into the wasteland and any non-hegemonic areas of Moghes, and write a few articles on that and the Hegemonies attempt to combat the circumventing of their tariffs. the Tl;dr of it is to hone in on the economic effects for the entire spur, quantify them, then take that and use it to show how the different economic systems and general cultures of the spur are effected by it, and what steps are being taken by those systems and cultures to combat it. 2. General relationship: As with many things, the relationship Unathi have with Skrell is built upon the foundations that the [[Contact_War##First_Contact|First Contact]] between the Solarian Alliance and Isweki Hegemony laid. Skrell, more specifically the Jargon Federation, in collaboration with the Solarian Alliance decided on a policy of attempting "uplift" Unathi, through sharing technology, assisting in colonization efforts, and expanding Moghes ties with the wider spur. This policy would eventually be the kindling that the [[Contact_War#Ourean_Catalyst|Ourean Catalyst]] would set alight, resulting in the devastating contact war. Obviously because of this, many traditionally minded Sinta lay the blame for the resulting ruined state of Moghes onto the Jargon Federation and other "interfering Xenos." The extremely robust espionage agencies and meddling nature of the Federation further adds fuel to this arguement, and has given many Sinta, including within the Hegemony, a belief that skrell are a duplicitous species who's true intentions cannot be known. This has resulted in a few times where skrell researchers have been attacked when venturing outside of Hegemonic controlled areas of Moghes, which has lead the Federation to advise it's citizens not to travel to Moghes or the Hegemony. However, on the opposite side of the coin many Sinta, including Not'zar Isweki himself admire Skrell and their culture, and wish to further ties with the Federation. Where to go next: I think the main place I would want to take this relationship between Skrell and Unathi is in a direction that furthers the Progressive/Traditionalist conflict present in the unathi lore, perhaps having Not'zar make a few deals with the Federation now that they are becoming less Isolationist, while more traditional lords and Sinta protest that it is inviting a dishonorable species into the Hegemony's territory. Perhaps capping off an article arc with the Hegemony allowing Federation Military vessels to utilize hegemony ports and becoming a bastion of influence in the badlands for the Federation, in exchange for technology or assistance in cleaning up Moghes radiation blasted wastelands. 3. General Relationship: While previously there was not much contact between the two species, Tajara and Unathi have recently come into conflict over the Colonial world of [[Gakal'zaal]]. Just outside of the Hegemony's borders, the world been controlled by the Tajara faction of the [[Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai]] for the last 2 years, and holds a primarily Tajara population with a Unathi minority living on the Equator. However with the mounting economic issues made manifest by the phoron scarcity, many within the Hegemony believe now is the time to retake the world, as it could supply another source of income for their struggling economy. It is even rumored that there have been meetings between high level military officials from the [[Peoples Republic of Adhomai]] and those of the Hegemony discussing the situation on the planet and potential cooperation. Even if these meetings have happened, Not'zar seems ever wary of using force, or getting involved in the Tajara political situation, though mounting pressure from a struggling economy and military leaders saying they have a solution may force his hand. Where to go next: I think where I'd like to take this relationship is to keep it very political, not really having the cultures interact as I wish with the skrell one, but more about furthering the Hegemony's mperialism and economic narrative. Things like trade agreements, talks on piracy, and other situations in the badlands would be what I want to see. Perhaps should the planet itself change hands, some cultural conflict could come into play on it itself, but if it's just what I propose, I think having it be more about politicking would be good. Edited February 6, 2022 by Triogenix
Caelphon Posted February 9, 2022 Posted February 9, 2022 Hi there, me again. If possible, do you mind writing a small extract (between 300 - 500 words) for a new faction situated within the Wasteland? Or, something relating to Ouerea (this might be something like Cuisine, Daily Life, or anything else that you'd fine interesting). Goodluck, look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Haydizzle Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 I have some questions; feel free to be however brief or elaborate you want with the answers. 1) Both applicants talked about guilds, which I thought was an interesting topic. Would you say guilds are unimportant in the political sphere? What is their role in the grand scheme of things? 2) While I enjoy having deputies that agree with my vision, I think it's also important for them to stick to their guns on their thoughts if we disagree. Have you ever disagreed with any lore developments I've either helped in or done myself? Notable ones are but not limited to: any parts of the religion page, the prosthetics page, the Aut'akh rework, the articles regarding Ouerea, the Dominia additions for unathi, the unathi clothes additions in game. 3) Lore writers nowadays are expected to contribute on greater team projects, so chances are you will get to contribute on things for megacorps, projects for Biesel, and things that are outside the purview of any one species' lore. Taking this position means contributing on these is a given, but is there anything outside of unathi lore that interests you? Sometimes, if you have a passion for something and want to write about it, you can get approval to write about it on a maintainer or loremaster's behalf. 4) Now, time for probably the most important question in my eyes. This is perhaps a couple of smaller questions rolled into one. Something other lore teams have taken to is adding new subspecies through lore developments. Dionae got a quicker and younger group, Vaurca had a large story and arc around introducing Bulwarks, and Skrell have one that got tails. In the wake of this, a lot of people make either idle remarks or full-on suggestions for adding a unathi subspecies. As a disclaimer, I'm neither condoning nor disapproving of the proposal and am using it as a method of gathering your thoughts. Often, you will be approached with ideas regarding the lore, so I think this is a good hypothetical. Do you think adding a subspecies for unathi specifically is a bad or good idea? What would qualify needing a new subspecies? How should a new subspecies be introduced? How would you reply to a player that disagrees with you and is adamant on their point of view on the matter?
Triogenix Posted February 15, 2022 Author Posted February 15, 2022 (edited) 8 hours ago, Haydizzle said: -snip- 1. I would say that guilds are very important to the political sphere. While in the Hegemony Guildsmen are not on the same level as powerful nobility, as a whole the guilds represent the beating heart of economic power for the hegemony, and without them the hegemony's economic system does not work. They have the power of a crucial, near irreplaceable lynchpin, one that ensures the nobility and the hegemony as a whole continue to make money, have electricity, and their elevated way of life above those of the wasteland. This doesn't mean they should all have the power of the landed nobility, different guilds should have different levels of political influence, with the Merchant's guild being the most powerful(as outlined in my little wiki proposal), with similar power to a single powerful landed noble. But given our setting with a heavy focus on economics and the power of megacorporation's, having the economic heart of a nation have no influence over said nation wouldn't really make much sense in my eyes. 2. I personally disagree with the seeming priority of the religion rework. While well written and interesting, I believe there were other pieces of lore that were in much more need of expansion, and would create better RP in-game. I think a better use of time and effort would have been to expand on conflicts intrinsic to every Sinta that really aren't anywhere on the wiki, expanding on what life is like for many Unathi in Biesel, cultural clashes both within human states and their home of Moghes, and while both religion reworks did this to an extent, playing off the opposing religions, Th'akh for Aut'akh and Sk'akh for Si'akh, I think that with a focus on something else could create better and new conflicts could have been brought to the forefront and given players something new to pick at each other with. Though I would also like to hear your reasoning behind the reworks, as I may be a victim of my own bias's and experiences of what I've seen players focus on. For the Ourea articles, while I'll never truly knock on any IC development no matter how small, I think they could have been taken to another level, perhaps after the attempted killing of the Hephaestus representative, we could have seen Hegemony wide crack downs on Aut'akh, with raids conducted by hegemonic forces on their communities, giving the players something to talk about beyond, "oh there was a terrorist attack and now a city is under a state of emergency." Perhaps even giving a Hephaestus response on the oracle or Tau Ceti times to give players/characters who aren't normally paying attention to Unathi lore a reason to ask questions to their unathi co-workers and create some interesting RP would have been something extra do as well. 3. I think, outside of Unathi lore, I have a desire to expand on the fundamentals of how basic things work, for example, legal systems for all the different factions, ways of enforcement, economic systems, naval systems, etc. I think with alot of lore there's a focus on the flashy stuff like planets, big cultural/economic ideas or developments for factions, and not so much on the nitty gritty basics that everything should be built off of. I think going to more lengths to nail down all that would allow for more consistent lore in the future, when other people eventually take over from the current team. Using a recent example, as of now there is very little about how the Solarian Corporate Authority functions, and if Lain were to be pulled away from writing lore by something IRL, or resign, the next maintainer might have wildly different ideas about how it should work, and use it in a way that was not intended within Human Lore. While this may not necessarily be a bad thing, I think consistency despite transfers in writers is something to strive for, and writing down basics is a good way to ensure this. This also carries over to writing notable members for other species, I think every notable member from Dorn to High Queen C'thur needs to have their ideology, personality, and general desires written down in a similar way to the Unathi Notables, or the Tajara notables to make it so that they do not seem like wildly different people when being used by different maintainers to push a story forward. 4. I think that a new Unathi subspecies is alot of un-necessary work for what would be something that I feel is unneeded. While it could be interesting, I think without massively reworking Unathi History, very little of substance could be added to the lore of the species as a whole with the introduction of a sub-species. To use Roosters introduction of the Bulwark as an example, the introduction both allowed for something new with which players could experiment, and also forwarded a narrative between the hives, and the states that support them. I don't really see a way of doing this in Unathi Lore, they don't really have a way to introduce a new species that I think could be done within the confines of their narrative. However, if someone, whether it be another lore staff or player pointed out a place in which they could be introduced and backed it up with a good supporting argument, my mind might change on this. What I would look for in this argument supporting an addition for qualifiers is that, the new subspecies in some way furthers the narrative of Unathi, even if the subspecies is never played, that the subspecies will have a place in Unathi lore in which it could interact with the wider setting(no cave people who rarely leave), and finally that there is a way of introduction that does not require massive changes in Unathi Lore as a whole. Should someone make an argument that does not have these 3 qualifiers in it, and is still adamant about their position, I'd probably politely but firmly tell them, "As of now this isn't happening, these qualifiers need to be fulfilled in order for it to happen, if you can write a proposal which does so, it will be considered." Hope that answers all your questions! Edited February 15, 2022 by Triogenix
Haydizzle Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 To briefly touch on the subject, religious tension is supposed to be one of the core themes of unathi and their history. A lot of recent strife (like the crusade against the Akhandi, the Civil War that happened regarding the Church of Sk'akh versus the Hegemony, and the general tension between Traditionalists and Izweski) can be attributed to religious tension, and I wanted there to be fleshed out religions to highlight their differences further. That said, when I tackle something, I want that page/area of the lore to basically not need any other major additions so I can move on to the next major project. This way, I'm not going back and needing to expand drastically on Aut'akh communes or what Th'akh's ancestor worship looks like later on. Thanks for your answers. I'm looking to reach a verdict after Clem replies to the questions as well.
Haydizzle Posted February 16, 2022 Posted February 16, 2022 Thanks for applying! Both you and Clem had great qualities fit for lore, so it ultimately came down to a matter of which writing style and point of view I wanted for the team. Welcome aboard!
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