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Gabby's Warble Arc Is Now (Skrell App)

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BYOND Key: SimpleMaroon
Character Names: Most currently played character include Claudia Arcavius, Yanna Trevidic, and Ziv Blum
Species you are applying to play: Skrell (Axiori)
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Dark green
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I've read a good deal of it all in the past, and am currently focusing down the points I want to incorporate into my character!

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
I recently had a good experience, being brought into the Srom as my character, Arcavius. It made me realize that Skrell have a lot going on for them, and that I'd like to be part of that and experiment with the different cultures and origins.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Skrell have a far longer history than humanity, and their psychology is developed around that. They are often pursuited to innovation and discovery, at their core (at least as far as the Federation goes), and biologically, their amphibious and psionic nature defines them as a unique species among the rest. The different phases of their lives also take place over a much longer span than humans, up to 500 years with proper medical care.

Character Name: Urna Alagog
Please provide a short backstory for this character
Urna is a Receiver Axiori, born in Oibuish in 2152, March 2nd. Because of their home city, they were brought up to be more distrustful of synths than most after the Weilshi Sea Crisis. Having decided they would go into medicine during coming-of-age, they immigrated to Aliose, where they studied at the AUMS for Depth College, becoming a Qro'vesi.

They would go on to practice in Haq'tola'zlip, even providing services at the Veteran's Lodge, before deciding to take their studies of biology in a different direction: They took an interest in the Dionae students coming to and going from Aliose, even forming a partnership with The Success of The Stalwart Many, who intended to study at the AUMS themselves after passing through Hap'tola'zlip.

Saying farewell to their new partner while they studied, they flew to the fledgling nation of CT-EUM in 2392, studying the cultures of a couple of the independent city-states, including the Gleaners of Bliss and the Zilm Choir, as well as reading the Deathflower Journal in their spare time. They would also collect citizenship for the CT-EUM during this time, remaining in Nral'Daaq for a few years while their partner finished their studies, writing letters back and forth between them until Success was able to fly to the CT-EUM themselves, whereafter they would remain for several decades until the 2460's, wherein they would join the Horizon mission, with Urna beginning work exchange through Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals as a physician.

Due to their status as a practicing physician, their status as a follower of Qeblak, as well as their studies in the CT-EUM, their SCS is a respectable 6.37 as of their arrival on the Horizon. They have a profound respect for Dionae, with a far bigger misunderstanding and mistrust of humans and other species, besides the C'thur. They will be talkative, not always to the benefit of themselves, and preferable to the company of other Jargon or CT-EUM citizens.

What do you like about this character?
Much of Urna's interactions, I think, will revolve around their appreciation of and knowledge of Dionae, including their very own Qu'Poxxi. There aren't, to my knowledge, many at all instances of Skrell on-ship who have any involvement with the CT-EUM as well, which I think will make for great discussion with others.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?
Very good, in lieu of a 1-10 rating. I think I can fulfill a character's goals, desires, and behaviors well, and keep them separate and unique from each other while still being interesting.

Notes: Urna will be the Zeng-Hu physician that exchanges with Claudia Arcavius, my current medical character, for the purposes of her starting work in the Federation on Aliose. As such, they will have met her through holocall and known a few things about her, albeit not much. I hope this is acceptable for the purpose of the application.


I've interacted quite a bit as Claudia with my character Frank, and I've seen this player make a concerted effort to learn about Skrell ICly and OOCly. I feel confident that they understand enough of the lore that, given a bit of time to acclimate to some of the facets of roleplaying that are unique to Skrell, they'll make a very good frog. The only thing I find myself wanting to know about Urna that isn't covered in this WL is what their relationship with psionics is like, especially considering they've made a diona their qu'poxxi. Is the existence of this relationship a secret? If so, what lengths does this character go to prevent other people from finding out in Srom?

For whatever it's worth on a species whitelist, +1


Interacted a lot with Claudia as my Ta Nangeren and have nothing but praise. I trust they have a solid understanding of skrell lore and look forward to seeing their skrell aboard.


Big ol +1


Hi there! I have some questioned:


1. Urna was born during the twilight era of Glorsh-Omega. How did this impact their life? Information can be acquired from here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Synthetic_Age & https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Recent_History 

2. Your Skrell follows Qeblak. How has this impacted their character development? Are they a devout follower? Information can be acquired from here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Faith

3. What does your Skrell do in their free time? Do they have any hobbies? Some information may be gathered from here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Cinematography & https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Culture

4. Does your Skrell harbour any anti-Federation sentiments? How do they feel about anti-Federation groups? Information can be found here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Federation_Crime_and_Resistance

Goodluck. There are no wrong answers. 

5 hours ago, Caelphon said:

Hi there! I have some questioned:

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1. Urna was born during the twilight era of Glorsh-Omega. How did this impact their life? Information can be acquired from here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Synthetic_Age & https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Recent_History 

2. Your Skrell follows Qeblak. How has this impacted their character development? Are they a devout follower? Information can be acquired from here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Faith

3. What does your Skrell do in their free time? Do they have any hobbies? Some information may be gathered from here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Cinematography & https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Skrell_Culture

4. Does your Skrell harbour any anti-Federation sentiments? How do they feel about anti-Federation groups? Information can be found here: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Federation_Crime_and_Resistance

Goodluck. There are no wrong answers. 

1. Urna lived in fear of Glorsh for decades until its disappearance; having been given the X'Lu'oa (genophage) at a young age, they still feel the effects of that era to this day. When prompted to speak on those days, they will most likely be taciturn due to their trauma, as well as their dislike of speaking on synthetics in general, attributing Glorsh's actions to their sterility.

2. While not devout by any means, Urna is still a convicted follower of Qeblak, and took the time to go to services in their local Observatory Dome, including in Nral'Daaq during their time in the CT-EUM, which likely may not have been as extravagant as elsewhere, but serviceable for their needs. They had no chance of joining the clergy due to their average psionic ability, but they still follow the doctrines of Qeblak to the best of their ability.

3. Urna was always a fan of Swimstars, due to the relatability of college life; however, they do not enjoy it as much as they could, because of the human protagonist. They were an active user of Viv-ID, and will remain as such during their time on the Horizon, believing in the effectiveness of the algorithm. As far as food goes, they prefer to stick to authentic Skrellian cuisine (or at least what passes for authentic, on the Horizon), enjoying the taste of aqoliz in particular, as well as nycii. Of course, they are always sure to eat Mon, as per their culture and belief in good health.

4. Urna has always been loyal to the Federation, seeing it as a matter of normalcy. They take little interest in the subversive elements of the Traverse, as such. Of course, some may question why they flocked to the CT-EUM so suddenly, and why they take such a strong interest in Dionae, which may or may not affect them down the line. In the end, however, they are strictly openly pro-Federation.

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