GrazalThruka Posted February 18, 2023 Posted February 18, 2023 BYOND key: GrazalThruka Discord Username: GrazalThruka#5399 Character names: Daniel Berkland, Uzors Kzeskis, ACCE-364, Gargoyle, Randall How long have you been playing on Aurora? 4 months, plus a little bit. Going off my vaurca app since my brain doesn’t register time as real Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Got bwoinked once over my misunderstanding of the borg laws. Only a “verbal” warning. Other than that, no. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? Heads of staff exist to give their department order. And orders. They can act as an intermediary between the command department and theirs, letting the captain give general orders to his heads instead of micromanaging them all. This also works the other way around, meaning the head can relay important information to the captain or handle the requests themselves. Essentially, they’re the “captains” of their department so the captain can captain command instead of everyone. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? Whitelisted players are expected to maintain a higher quality of lore adherence and RP than other players. Whitelists exist to make sure both OOC responsibilities and IC lore are understood and give a mechanism to revoke the associated privileges if those are violated. Me upholding those personally would be more reading and understanding of lore. I tend to dry-run characters a few times, which would be replaced with more lore research beforehand for command characters. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. Trent’s job is highly reliant on phoron, making the shortage especially scary for him. With the development of the Leviathan, he eagerly accepted a job on board to supervise the weapon’s testing and operation. He’d likely be a little trigger-happy to test it, just to avoid the dreaded Zavod Cuts before his retirement. Also, if he can help find more phoron, they definitely wouldn’t lay him off before then. Larry views himself and others like him as the backbone of the spur. It’s loyal to Hephaestus, not any nation. As such, the various fracturings and warzones that have developed have only strengthened its resolve. No matter what’s going on, things need to get places. And that’s Larry’s job, so by God, it’s gonna get done. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? OM, RD, and maybe XO. Post-trial, I might also mess around with corp-rep if my whitelist is accepted, as playing sleazy businessmen is fun. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? The ones I have concepts for, yes. I’ll review the others before I make a character in those roles Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Trent Corbin, Research Director. A Zavodskoi theoretical propulsion specialist and weapons developer from Valkyrie. He’s struggling to keep up the performance levels expected of him until his pension kicks in. He’s very low-key and chill until results stop rolling in. LARE-2930, Operations manager. Logistics Application Robotic Engine. Formerly a standard box-moving G1 on various Heph vessels, Larry displayed an aptitude for organization even before it was free, directing its siblings on more than one occasion. When it had earned its freedom, Heph offered it a (relatively) lucrative contract to remain with the company as an administrator. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yessir Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? I think so, yes
eddymakaveli Posted February 19, 2023 Posted February 19, 2023 Grazal plays really grounded characters who are accurate to lore - and I've never seen him abuse powers or go out of his way to mess with gimmicks. A real team-player. +1
ReadThisNamePlz Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 I will need more feedback before I can give a trial.
GrazalThruka Posted February 20, 2023 Author Posted February 20, 2023 Yep, I'm in the process of seeking more
Mortecai4 Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 Grazal does realistic believeable characters and would make a good RD. +1
RustingWithYou Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 Grazal is a good roleplayer. In my experience with mostly Daniel and Kzeskis, both of them are compelling enough characters that I think he'd be a great addition to the command playerbase. +1
La Villa Strangiato Posted February 20, 2023 Posted February 20, 2023 (edited) I think Grazal plays very well-rounded, compelling characters, but I find he struggles with making their voices stand out amidst the crowd, and he might have trouble with making himself known over command. He is a very mechanically competent player, but sometimes is not always the fastest to act or make decisions. Nevertheless, I think he would benefit greatly from a trial and the opportunity to learn and show his stuff. +1 Edited February 20, 2023 by La Villa Strangiato
ReadThisNamePlz Posted February 23, 2023 Posted February 23, 2023 Hi, I'd like to see more to your answer about heads of staff and their role OOCly. You have a good grasp on their purpose icly, but I would like to see more detail regarding their purpose oocly.
GrazalThruka Posted February 23, 2023 Author Posted February 23, 2023 OOCly, a head of staff's job is to provide aid to newer players as well as an example of good RP. They have more power when it comes to antag/ghost spawn gimmicks, and can use that power to make sure roleplay occurs and is good (e.g. hold fire so we can negotiate with the mercs, instead of just opening the crew armoury and declaring a kill order at the first sign of trouble). From personal experience, heads also allow players to feel more comfortable doing things out of the norm (large scale engineering modifications, potentially dangerous but fun science projects, etc), especially when the relevant head not only grants permission, but enthusiastic support. For helping newer players, heads of staff can provide guidance as to what the less clear jobs entail (scientist particularly comes to mind). They also ensure that people playing the trainee roles are receiving the role training they'll need OOCly, either through delegation or personal attention, since I've found the wiki is usually only good for guidance rather than a full understanding. To make this simpler, heads of staff are given a lot of IC power that they are expected to use in the best interest of foster OOCly fun roleplay, as opposed to using said power to "win" or beat the antags at all costs.
GeneralCamo Posted February 24, 2023 Posted February 24, 2023 I granted them interim Head of Security. They honestly already had the department's leash, and everyone was listening to them, so I made it official. They did well leading the department until an actual head showed up. I would like to see them in a more permanent capacity however, in a full trial. +1
ReadThisNamePlz Posted February 26, 2023 Posted February 26, 2023 Trial begins today and will end 03/04/2023. Good luck, collect as much feedback as possible!
limette Posted February 26, 2023 Posted February 26, 2023 So, I enjoyed the RD as Tsisana Caladius so far. This is feedback which I will likely try to update should I play further, but - my briefest impressions are that your RD play was an asset to the round. You tried to be an active presence, which a lot of RDs fail in, by checking in on work and conducting tests yourself. The character was fun to interact with as well. I was away from the ship for most of the round so I can't give any more feedback than that, but at the least my impressions are not negative.
NerdyVampire Posted February 26, 2023 Posted February 26, 2023 I think you did fine as RD, you were certainly not afraid to handle the AI when an ion law was discovered. I'm sorry I had to fritz you, but it is important to remember the procedure for handling AI's. As a director you are the main player, but until a captain level decision is passed I am supposed to keep everyone out of my core - including command staff. But you persevered and fixed me in the end I also saw you interacting with your (small) department, do some experiments and try to involve the other scientist. Hopefully I will see you in a situation that requires more authority so I can see how you handle that
GrazalThruka Posted March 3, 2023 Author Posted March 3, 2023 Can I get my trial extended? Was not able to play as much as I'd hoped this week
La Villa Strangiato Posted March 4, 2023 Posted March 4, 2023 I already chipped in, but LARE was a fun and interesting ops manager who really tried to engage with the crew, esp. with promises of pizza.
Warbidon Posted March 5, 2023 Posted March 5, 2023 Pretty cool guy, good interaction as a I talked to them as a CMO. they really crack the whip with getting stuff done in that department.
ReadThisNamePlz Posted March 5, 2023 Posted March 5, 2023 I posted on this when I was on a boat so my post didn't go through. Trial extended until 3/11/23
eddymakaveli Posted March 13, 2023 Posted March 13, 2023 I already chipped in but now that I've actually played rounds with Grazal, I have actual feedback. As a machinst, LARE really worked hard to make sure I didn't feel isolated on my opposite end of the ship - but also kept constant contact to make sure bounties were being done as well as IPC/prosthetic repair. I never felt micromanaged, but moreso like I was actually working with an Ops Manager. I also saw them out completing some bounties themselves during their rounds around the ship. From an RP prespective, LARE engaged the crew and was easy to talk to, but it never felt like too much - or a character that was trying too hard to stand out. Goes without saying but again, +1
ReadThisNamePlz Posted March 13, 2023 Posted March 13, 2023 I gave this a few extra days. I did some digging and, from what I've seen - I can say that this can be passed. Congrats
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