YourDaddy117 Posted December 22, 2023 Posted December 22, 2023 (edited) BYOND key: YourDaddy117 Discord Username: bigpapa1365 Character names: IRU-Geier Sudhir Singh Locke Stefan Zivic How long have you been playing on Aurora? Since roughly 2019, a fact which fills me with immense dread. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I was previously permabanned for posting Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy spoilers on the Relay discord prior to its merger with the main discord. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? I believe that the purpose of Heads on an OOC level is a tool to keep things in check and facilitate roleplay. Heads of the different departments have the ability to drastically alter the course of any given round simply due to the fact that they're the only sources of authority we have. That means they have a responsibility to assist in keeping the round fun by being foil to the antagonists and also as guides for newer players. You need to be capable of knowing when to act as a sort of "director" of the round and step in to make sure things stay fun. That doesn't mean a Head should be centering the game around themselves, but using their position to put others on a pedestal and even help the antag's gimmick get off the ground at times. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? As I highlighted in the previous question I believe it's very important for Heads to act as role models and guides for the other members of their departments both ICly and OOCly. Obviously your character needs to have a personality, an actual character, however your character must be one that's capable of doing their job well at the end of the day. My intention with getting this whitelist is to play characters that both act as a good representation of their backgrounds in the lore and good representations of what roleplay should be in their respective positions. It's also incredibly important that Heads are flexible when it comes to antag gimmicks and are prepared to play along with them, even if it might mean your death in that round. In a way Heads act as the sort of middle ground between players and staff at times. A good Head can diffuse a situation or guide it to a conclusion that doesn't require staff involvement on an OOC level. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. As is expected of many members of house Zhao and its affiliate houses Cornelius entered the Zhurong Officer's Academy as soon as he came of age. He would spend nearly ten years serving as a member of the Military Police within the Imperial Fleet. After hearing word that his father was ill he retired from his position with the expectations of a sizable estate and a comfortable position within the family's business. What he instead discovered was that he had been cheated out of his inheritance. Knowing what little opportunity there is for a landless younger son Cornelius used contacts within Zavodskoi to seek employment outside of the Empire, leading him to a position aboard the ship as an HOS. Captain Winslow has enjoyed many years as a submarine captain underneath the dark expanse of Europa working as a surveyor for Zeng-Hu. Becoming an old man in a profession that leaves many broken both physically and mentally is something he holds much pride for, but with the ever evolving political situation that is Sol Archibald decided that it was perhaps time for an overdue "retirement". It would be easier to sleep in a place where one didn't have to worry about the shadows the swept past the ship or the strange buzzing that only he seemed to hear. Already being well established with Zeng-Hu it was easy to simply call in a few favors and have his experience be used for something more "comfortable". What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Head of Security Captain Consular/Corporate Rep Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Cornelius Huizhong - Head of Security Archibald Winslow - Captain Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes. Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? Yes. Extra notes: I like roleplay Edited December 22, 2023 by YourDaddy117 (edited to bold the questions and fix minor spelling errors.) 2
SilverSZ Posted December 22, 2023 Posted December 22, 2023 I've known YD for years and he's always been a great role-player in my books and someone I enjoy playing with to this day. Given his whitelist was stripped due to an offense that had nothing to do with in-game conduct or conduct as a head of staff. I don't think there's any reason he shouldn't get a re-trial.
Omicega Posted December 22, 2023 Posted December 22, 2023 One of the best, most consistent, and highest-quality roleplayers on the server period. There are few people who deserve the command whitelist more.
Owen Posted January 1, 2024 Posted January 1, 2024 On trial from 1 January 2024 - 8 January 2024. During this time please try to play your command character as much as you can in order to gather feedback for this application. Remember that you can advertise your application in OOC once per round.
NerdyVampire Posted January 2, 2024 Posted January 2, 2024 Played a round with them as CE. I saw no issues, they went at the problems with the responsibility and leadership I expect from a chief engineer
SatinsPristOTD Posted January 3, 2024 Posted January 3, 2024 I didn't interact with their character on a command level, but I did get to interact with this character as an off-duty member. It's a very well wrote character, and the player is a wonderful roleplayer. The round was commanded well on a whole. I don't see issue with their roleplay at all, and I think they can handle the Command role. +1
Jaeger Brothers Posted January 4, 2024 Posted January 4, 2024 +1 Geier is nice to Interact with and His HoS which has a Name I can't Write for the Life of me brings some really good spice to the Security Gameplay and he makes good decsisons.
Fyni Posted January 6, 2024 Posted January 6, 2024 I've seen them in round as Cornelius Huizhong a few times now. While there has been some slip ups, these are merely part and parcel of leaning into command, as high pressure as it can be on Aurora. Over several rounds now I feel confident giving them a +1 after they were a good sport after I took them hostage as an antag. I'm sure given a full whitelist they will make a great member of command
SilverSZ Posted January 6, 2024 Posted January 6, 2024 Hi, I played as YD's warden for two rounds in a row just now. He did a good job as HoS both from the perspective of being a HoS and just generally being a good character that is fun to interact with +1 once again.
naut Posted January 6, 2024 Posted January 6, 2024 I did love your style of commanding as HOS, being very clear to what you expect from your officers and giving them concise orders on what to do in the event of an emergency, like teaming up. While it seems simple, it stuck out to me as something that makes you appear really competent at your job. You were interesting to have an RP discussion with too, even if only for a brief period of time - your character was very well fleshed out in terms of background. +1 from me!
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