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Character Feedback Thread - V2

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Old topic repurposed because PHPBB is retarded with merging.

Since the old one is ancient as fuck, and probably not relevant anymore, I think it's time to start a new one. I'll be merging all of the, "What do you..." threads into here. Because, too many similar ones ;-;

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Partially a joke on how much Meta's thread exploded, but I'm also curious for advice on the following:

1. My quality of (E)RP

2. Suggestions/criticisms/praise for my character

Some valid answers which are totally welcome can also be criticisms or praises of me OOCly. I'm considering making a new character and want to do it with knowledge of my strengths and weaknesses in mind so that I can work on them.

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1- I love the way we ERP <3 just don't tell anyone

2- Bring back the beared man ..

Isiah is one of the greats, atleast for me :)


1. Noone has to know bby <3

2. The beard will make its triumphant return.


mods pls help I can't figure it out.

1. idk

2. I like how whenever anyone threatens to do illegal stuff you're just like "Ok." unless your job makes you responsible for it.

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mods pls help I can't figure it out.

1. idk

2. I like how whenever anyone threatens to do illegal stuff you're just like "Ok." unless your job makes you responsible for it.


1. If you report me to Jagex mods, I'll pk you in the wildy noob.

2. I'm actually not sure if this is a good feature of my character or not. I've really tried to paint him out as a guy who's job and professionalism means the whole world to him. But at the same time I tried to make him really friendly to facilitate integration into the Aurora community, which is why he isn't known for being a snitch. I think it's a bit of a fine line to walk between the two at times, but it at least makes for stimulating rp for myself.

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A competent science minion I can rely on not to be a goofball or chucklefuck. That's some pretty high praise, especially when comparing with characters like Illdenberg.

If LiLITH ever took the time to get to know her subordinates/coworkers I'd probably have more good things to say, but she doesn't, so I don't really know much about your character.

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A competent science minion I can rely on not to be a goofball or chucklefuck. That's some pretty high praise, especially when comparing with characters like Illdenberg.

If LiLITH ever took the time to get to know her subordinates/coworkers I'd probably have more good things to say, but she doesn't, so I don't really know much about your character.


A very IPC-sounding response from a very IPC-oriented player. It's still good to know that Fraser has a reputation for competence among his superiors.

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Isiah Frasser is the most common smart man there is, he appears normal and he acts normal he's generally a good guy but when you interact with him on the daily you notice things about his personality... like how he's a good guy... because he's good guy... even as a antag... He's a GOODGUY.

But in all honesty, he's just a fun person to hang with in the lab he'll crack corny jokes once in a while and he's easy manipulated ( >:) ) I think it's because he's a nerd but, eh.

He's cool :) 10/10

It's dull without him around. :(

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Isiah Frasser is the most common smart man there is, he appears normal and he acts normal he's generally a good guy but when you interact with him on the daily you notice things about his personality... like how he's a good guy... because he's good guy... even as a antag... He's a GOODGUY.

But in all honesty, he's just a fun person to hang with in the lab he'll crack corny jokes once in a while and he's easy manipulated ( >:) ) I think it's because he's a nerd but, eh.

He's cool :) 10/10

It's dull without him around. :(


I should probably work on not being a good guy while antagging, but he is easily manipulated. Part of trying to make him seem more cowardly was making him more of a pushover, especially to fems. But Seon-rin is his best friend for sure and so has an even easier time manipulating him.

It's also super dull for me when Seon isn't around :/

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Isiah Frasser is the most common smart man there is, he appears normal and he acts normal he's generally a good guy but when you interact with him on the daily you notice things about his personality... like how he's a good guy... because he's good guy... even as a antag... He's a GOODGUY.

But in all honesty, he's just a fun person to hang with in the lab he'll crack corny jokes once in a while and he's easy manipulated ( >:) ) I think it's because he's a nerd but, eh.

He's cool :) 10/10

It's dull without him around. :(


I should probably work on not being a good guy while antagging, but he is easily manipulated. Part of trying to make him seem more cowardly was making him more of a pushover, especially to fems. But Seon-rin is his best friend for sure and so has an even easier time manipulating him.

It's also super dull for me when Seon isn't around :/


The thing is when you're antag you can be good or bad, that's why the name antag is a bit misleading. (Unless you're a traitor...)

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The thing is when you're antag you can be good or bad, that's why the name antag is a bit misleading. (Unless you're a traitor...)

Yeah, but I have a lot of work to do before I git gud as an antag. I've only been an antag like eight times, and still have to figure out how to make it interesting.

Remind me to kill you next time I'm a changeling though.

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I like her a lot, she's one of my favorite characters. As a department head, I like that she mobilizes the scientists in a research project often. Its probably very welcomed by the scientist players, and I even get involved when I'm in genetics sometimes. This seems to me how a Research Director would actually behave.

Her mental processes seem almost Vulcan to me. She understands human emotion and how to emulate it better than synthetics, even high functioning ones, typically do. This ties into my appraisal of her uncanniness. Her flavor text is certainly uncanny, but the way she speaks and emotes is very smooth, natural. So much so that it makes me not think of her as creepy. I'm not sure if you find this desirable or not, but its how I see it.

That said, I do think she is portrayed faithfully to what she is: A clever imitation of a person. Any issue that is serious enough tends to expose her for the cold synthetic she really is. One example of this is when you were still a surgeon and I and another geneticist tried to convince you to revolt during a particularly brutal "bluespace virus" round where the sham had been exposed, and you determined that it was no threat to you so you'd just stay loyal, but there are other examples too.

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LiLITH is the research director I've worked the most with aside from possibly Tony Smith. All though she is cold and impersonal, features which are slightly off-putting, she is nothing short of professional. When she's on duty I can always rest easy knowing that the department will operate, more or less, like a well-oiled machine. She's definitely good at keeping the denizens of science in line. I think that her continuing chemical research is also really interesting, because it provides a certain sense of continuity between shifts in a really nice way. All in all, one of my favorite research directors.

Also is this just a science department meme now? What do you think of X? I wonder who's next...

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Lilith is my favorite boss she's a bit bossy but it's because she's a boss, she never shows emotion and/or care's about your status she's strict with all her rules too.

To Seon... she's a lifeless toolbox which she thinks she can confess all her troubles to something not human she could talk to for clarity, though they go back and forth when trading words she still sees her as a person she can talk to clear her mind, but one thing Seon really wants from her is to show her some feeling.

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