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First RP Experiences/First SS13 Servers

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Since I myself am a goon native who can't sit still for three minutes in-game, let's all talk about what our origins are.


I started roleplay back on Gmod 12 when I walked on a starship troopers server and asked a guy with a radio "How did you unlock that skin lol" and nearly got banned in my first five minutes.

I never really got the hang of playing for the game and not for yourself because the Gmod community had always been so cancerous and self-absorbed that I started to become part of it, and letting go of that stuff wasn't easy. Also, NOBODY ELSE PLAYED FOR THE GAME. I was constantly hounded with come-ons from the whores at dorm 7, spat on by the field medic codename spy super mary sue gritty backstory sniper guy, and killed in the first two minutes of every event via friendly fire.

Then I took a break and tried some HL2RP, got raped a lot, left, tried F:NVRP, got raped a lot by super mutants, left that too.

Then, outta' nowhere, my friend asked me to play this sketch fucking game called Space Station 13 that "this guy named tg made" (We were playing on /TG/ station). I joined a game as a bartender, got lost and claustrophobic, and then a space worm came through the window and ate me. The next round, some ERPer tried to ask me to fight her in the boxing ring. Whoever won the game would have full ownership of the other. I kicked the chick's ass, and found my calling in robusting nerds. Then I had the chick stab a nurse (not the ERP she had intended, but I still had ownership of her, hehe). Then I got banned.

I appealed, meta'd with some friends immediately after when we all joined as the same man and ran around talking to people, and got banned again. It was after this that me and my friends discovered there was a whole list of servers. Then we found goon and bay. I fell in love with both very quickly, played for a while, learned about Aurora, played here for a while, found out about Archangel, became mod > overwatch mod > admin > private admin security > primary admin up until the point that we got a headmin that everyone hates, and so I left because he was going to kill off the playerbase that didn't like him and just 'find one that did'. So I came back here, and I guess I'm a bit of a refugee now.


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Since I myself am a goon native who can't sit still for three minutes in-game, let's all talk about what our origins are.


I started roleplay back on Gmod 12 when I walked on a starship troopers server and asked a guy with a radio "How did you unlock that skin lol" and nearly got banned in my first five minutes.

I never really got the hang of playing for the game and not for yourself because the Gmod community had always been so cancerous and self-absorbed that I started to become part of it, and letting go of that stuff wasn't easy. Also, NOBODY ELSE PLAYED FOR THE GAME. I was constantly hounded with come-ons from the whores at dorm 7, spat on by the field medic codename spy super mary sue gritty backstory sniper guy, and killed in the first two minutes of every event via friendly fire.

Then I took a break and tried some HL2RP, got raped a lot, left, tried F:NVRP, got raped a lot by super mutants, left that too.

Then, outta' nowhere, my friend asked me to play this sketch fucking game called Space Station 13 that "this guy named tg made" (We were playing on /TG/ station). I joined a game as a bartender, got lost and claustrophobic, and then a space worm came through the window and ate me. The next round, some ERPer tried to ask me to fight her in the boxing ring. Whoever won the game would have full ownership of the other. I kicked the chick's ass, and found my calling in robusting nerds. Then I had the chick stab a nurse (not the ERP she had intended, but I still had ownership of her, hehe). Then I got banned.

I appealed, meta'd with some friends immediately after when we all joined as the same man and ran around talking to people, and got banned again. It was after this that me and my friends discovered there was a whole list of servers. Then we found goon and bay. I fell in love with both very quickly, played for a while, learned about Aurora, played here for a while, found out about Archangel, became mod > overwatch mod > admin > private admin security > primary admin up until the point that we got a headmin that everyone hates, and so I left because he was going to kill off the playerbase that didn't like him and just 'find one that did'. So I came back here, and I guess I'm a bit of a refugee now.


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As far as RPing goes, I didn't really play any RPing games like this in the past. There was a text based free-form chat I used back in the day for some RPing, but it was largely different from what you'd expect in a game like this. Then I was playing D&D, still do. It's still not the same. It was actually durring a game where I met MonkeysFist and he told me about SS13. I was intrigued and he figured Aurora would be a good server to learn on due to the Heavy RP tag. He didn't want me getting my ass kicked in 5 seconds I assume. After getting in trouble over my name my boring self just kinda fell into the crowd. I've not played much on other servers as I got too used to our custom code and dislike learning different systems in the same platform.

Boring story is boring.

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As far as RPing goes, I didn't really play any RPing games like this in the past. There was a text based free-form chat I used back in the day for some RPing, but it was largely different from what you'd expect in a game like this. Then I was playing D&D, still do. It's still not the same. It was actually durring a game where I met MonkeysFist and he told me about SS13. I was intrigued and he figured Aurora would be a good server to learn on due to the Heavy RP tag. He didn't want me getting my ass kicked in 5 seconds I assume. After getting in trouble over my name my boring self just kinda fell into the crowd. I've not played much on other servers as I got too used to our custom code and dislike learning different systems in the same platform.

Boring story is boring.

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Hold on, that's a rather boring story.

So, my first time was a usual one, a naked baldie on paradise/hippie, wrecking his face with a jumpsuit, before learning how to put on a jumpsuit. So, some time later, I joined Aurora. I was a security officer, without flavor text, or records. I joined late, just before a crew transfer or an emergency shuttle, I thought that rounds are basically a groundhog day, so when the round ends with an emergency shuttle, your character will stay there forever, until the station runs out of air. I started hitting a random security officer, and got hit by a truck named "EoR grief week ban" and "heads of staff ban". I don't know why, but that's what I think happened. I was lurking forums, and found out that its nice in here, and stuff. Decided to wait some time, and come back.

During one changeling round, I was brought to processing, in the old-red-brig, because I assaulted someone. There was no one to actually investigate my stuff, and properly sentence me, so I had to stay for a whole hour. And someone had to watch me. I was roleplaying (or trying to) a sobbing, scared chemist, that tried to sedate Samantha Mason with a syringe, but was caught due to my un-robustness. Hopefully, there was that one security officer, that decided to watch over my character. They even told me a story about life, and how important it is to not give up, and stuff. I don't really remember much about it, but I am sure that the security officer made me stay on the server for longer, and that there are people who care about new players and who care about non-regular, usual players. That security officer was Skull's Kiberly Dawkins. It made me stay on Aurora.

Later, I got some warnings about ganking, and decided to not play antagonistic roles ever again. I may come back to it some time in the future. And I was pretty scared about applying for a head of staff whitelist, because in the 'preferences' screen, all head of staff roles were crossed out, with big 'banned' words. I also tried to stick to a not gimmicky, not interesting, boring android. With no unusual accents, or a snowflakey backstory. That's how Graphite happened.

I was also a forum lurker for some time, slowly getting courage to speak up, and express my opinion.

Also, I had a non-lesbian, stuttering, underage, girly medbay chemist.

Also, I am not really happy that I had no chance to roleplay enough with some wonderfully done characters. Mainly, with Elena Raschnikova and Haruspex.

Also, I am not-native english speaker. It's pretty hard for me to play SS13 (but easier than a year ago), and I always have google translator opened in my google chrome. I'm also from Poland, that battle scarred land between Russia and Germany.

I also watched some cool players leave, and some other cool players join. It's pretty sad.

Now, I am a happy Aurora player (Aurorian?). In year's january, I will be an Aurora player for a long, whole year.

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Hold on, that's a rather boring story.

So, my first time was a usual one, a naked baldie on paradise/hippie, wrecking his face with a jumpsuit, before learning how to put on a jumpsuit. So, some time later, I joined Aurora. I was a security officer, without flavor text, or records. I joined late, just before a crew transfer or an emergency shuttle, I thought that rounds are basically a groundhog day, so when the round ends with an emergency shuttle, your character will stay there forever, until the station runs out of air. I started hitting a random security officer, and got hit by a truck named "EoR grief week ban" and "heads of staff ban". I don't know why, but that's what I think happened. I was lurking forums, and found out that its nice in here, and stuff. Decided to wait some time, and come back.

During one changeling round, I was brought to processing, in the old-red-brig, because I assaulted someone. There was no one to actually investigate my stuff, and properly sentence me, so I had to stay for a whole hour. And someone had to watch me. I was roleplaying (or trying to) a sobbing, scared chemist, that tried to sedate Samantha Mason with a syringe, but was caught due to my un-robustness. Hopefully, there was that one security officer, that decided to watch over my character. They even told me a story about life, and how important it is to not give up, and stuff. I don't really remember much about it, but I am sure that the security officer made me stay on the server for longer, and that there are people who care about new players and who care about non-regular, usual players. That security officer was Skull's Kiberly Dawkins. It made me stay on Aurora.

Later, I got some warnings about ganking, and decided to not play antagonistic roles ever again. I may come back to it some time in the future. And I was pretty scared about applying for a head of staff whitelist, because in the 'preferences' screen, all head of staff roles were crossed out, with big 'banned' words. I also tried to stick to a not gimmicky, not interesting, boring android. With no unusual accents, or a snowflakey backstory. That's how Graphite happened.

I was also a forum lurker for some time, slowly getting courage to speak up, and express my opinion.

Also, I had a non-lesbian, stuttering, underage, girly medbay chemist.

Also, I am not really happy that I had no chance to roleplay enough with some wonderfully done characters. Mainly, with Elena Raschnikova and Haruspex.

Also, I am not-native english speaker. It's pretty hard for me to play SS13 (but easier than a year ago), and I always have google translator opened in my google chrome. I'm also from Poland, that battle scarred land between Russia and Germany.

I also watched some cool players leave, and some other cool players join. It's pretty sad.

Now, I am a happy Aurora player (Aurorian?). In year's january, I will be an Aurora player for a long, whole year.

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Well, the first time I played ss13 was seven months ago, when friends of mine hosted a local server where we used to play. That ended at some point because the quit ss13. Sooo, left with the game knowing nothing except mining, I joined a random server. So, I basically didn't even know how to talk over the common channel. So I bashed my head with a extingusher until some mod bwoinked me and after 20 minutes of writing I headed to cryo and quit. I stopped playing ss13, but a month later I found Byond in some folder on my desktop. So, once again I joined another server, this time the Aurora. I didn't know anything about the game so I played miner. Well, after that I decided to study the wikis. Well, after reading through the wiki I decided to play other jobs like Roboticist. So, I always hoped that I will be malf one day. That was the day Murphy was born. I constantly played AI just to be malf at some point. Which happened. But stupid me didn't know what I was doing because I was so excited and I stealthmalfed. I didn't even say a single thing. Well, at the 1:45 mark I called code delta and everything exploded a few minutes later and skull bwoinked me about it. Well, after that I stopped playing antag because I am unrobust as hell itself and I just didn't like playing antag. Well... Time passed and I met the best androids/borgs the AI could have. Which was Graphite. Players left, others came. And now I am here as mod with my little scrubs.

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Well, the first time I played ss13 was seven months ago, when friends of mine hosted a local server where we used to play. That ended at some point because the quit ss13. Sooo, left with the game knowing nothing except mining, I joined a random server. So, I basically didn't even know how to talk over the common channel. So I bashed my head with a extingusher until some mod bwoinked me and after 20 minutes of writing I headed to cryo and quit. I stopped playing ss13, but a month later I found Byond in some folder on my desktop. So, once again I joined another server, this time the Aurora. I didn't know anything about the game so I played miner. Well, after that I decided to study the wikis. Well, after reading through the wiki I decided to play other jobs like Roboticist. So, I always hoped that I will be malf one day. That was the day Murphy was born. I constantly played AI just to be malf at some point. Which happened. But stupid me didn't know what I was doing because I was so excited and I stealthmalfed. I didn't even say a single thing. Well, at the 1:45 mark I called code delta and everything exploded a few minutes later and skull bwoinked me about it. Well, after that I stopped playing antag because I am unrobust as hell itself and I just didn't like playing antag. Well... Time passed and I met the best androids/borgs the AI could have. Which was Graphite. Players left, others came. And now I am here as mod with my little scrubs.

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Lets see....at some point I really don't know when, a friend started playing SS13, after a long while I eventually started looking into it, got BYOND, joined some server (Yog, I think? I really don't know.), sort of floundered around and then got robusted by some random guy, don't remember if I started the fight or not, quit, then I got Aurora suggested to me.

I really didn't have much experience with this thing you call RP, or SS13, so I made an idiot of myself for a long, long time, (Some could argue that I'm still making an idiot of myself.) I somehow never got boinked or banned, even though I've sort of broken a fair few rules, then I realized how much of an idiot I was being and retreated into Cyborg and pAI roles, which don't have quite as much capability to mess up, fast forward a month or two, I somehow swindled a IPC whitelist out of you lot, stopped playing all antag roles except for Nuke and Vox because I decided I couldn't do it right without someone else there to help, and sort of found my stride and I'm doing sort of okay.

Also according to my forum account join date I have been here for almost a year.

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Lets see....at some point I really don't know when, a friend started playing SS13, after a long while I eventually started looking into it, got BYOND, joined some server (Yog, I think? I really don't know.), sort of floundered around and then got robusted by some random guy, don't remember if I started the fight or not, quit, then I got Aurora suggested to me.

I really didn't have much experience with this thing you call RP, or SS13, so I made an idiot of myself for a long, long time, (Some could argue that I'm still making an idiot of myself.) I somehow never got boinked or banned, even though I've sort of broken a fair few rules, then I realized how much of an idiot I was being and retreated into Cyborg and pAI roles, which don't have quite as much capability to mess up, fast forward a month or two, I somehow swindled a IPC whitelist out of you lot, stopped playing all antag roles except for Nuke and Vox because I decided I couldn't do it right without someone else there to help, and sort of found my stride and I'm doing sort of okay.

Also according to my forum account join date I have been here for almost a year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was a poorly written thing I did maybe a two or three years ago.. It was one of my first ss13 rounds...

The station AI chimed in over the intercom once more, its synthetic smooth and strangely attractive feminine voice echoed "All Personnel report to aft airlock; personal transport shuttle eta 5 minutes"

He turned and looked around the lush green hydroponics bay, standing in the open doorway to the main corridor; it offered a unique view of the room rarely experienced as this door was almost always sealed shut during operations; can't have unauthorised persons in here, food security and personal safety demands such actions.

He sighed deeply, adrift in the sights and smells wafting from the room as he balanced in the threshold of his unique vantage point. glancing around he noted the healthy abundant state of the food and plants, from strange blue tomatoes, stalks of corn, to sunflowers bigger than your head to potatoes barely contained in their soils from size even banana trees!.

His eye stopped on the banana tree a mischievous grin crept across his face as he dashed into the room and quickly grabbed a banana from a bin at the base of the tree and stuffed another in his pocket, calmly walking back to the open door it was clearly a lot more busy in the hallway beyond, stragglers hastefully scuttling along from the medical and research departments, dropping research papers and clutching samples, he had almost forgot this was the last time he would set foot in this lush eden of his creation, the banana in his hand was all but three flapped yellow peel before he reached the open door, yellow peel quickly vanished into his pocket and was replaced with the other whole banana from the same pocket; hungrier than he had thought it seemed strange that the cook had packed up and vanished almost two days ago. maybe he had foresight of this sudden evacuation but his disappearance left a lot of hungry faces at my service window looking for food, i guess because people know the botany department grows food, that he would automatically know how to cook it.

With a surprising abundance in bananas requested from the cook in the days leading up to now, they seemed like a quick easy option to feed the hungry faces and would otherwise go to bio-reprocessing and now even to waste, it worked! people were charmed with the novelty of fresh bananas and they where indeed yummy! Suddenly the captain was in the open doorway to the lab, eyeballing the open door as she glanced into the room looking for him no doubt.

Slim, tall, middle aged no jokes sort-of woman with fiery red hair, beautiful but hardened in her stance, Like a soldier, stern and beaming with protocol and demands of respect, she was the sort to airlock people into space when even suspected of mischief on her station.

She eyeballed the banana in his hand as he approached, her stare a calculating accusing look in her eye, his hand moved slowly to offer her the holy fruit but stopped at the sound of her voice "Have you been giving these to the crew" she pointed with a stare at the banana now paused in transit between the two of them, she did not seem to happy about the whole prospect and had made no move to accept the offered item.

"Yes i...." he started to explain but she stopped him with a quick and stern voice "Did you know the Janitor vanished three days ago? none has been cleaning the station and now there are banana peels everywhere!" He looked at her humbly with a touch of fear, details in her demeanor started to emerge now, lost to his eye before in the shock and awe of her surprise visit. a small bruise on her head, her hair slightly scuffed and out of place, her uniform twisted and unkept, he even noted the slit in her low hem skirt had been torn almost all the way up her thigh, she had certainly taken a fall, maybe even more than once!

Terror filled his head at the thought that she may actually space him for feeding the crew? his heart raced as his glance went from her to the banana and back again, he slowly lowered the item as if to take the food back but her firm yet gentle grasp on his wrist suddenly stopped him, she an awkward smile ; her eyes darting between his hollow stare and the food item, suddenly life and relief rushed back into him in a closed mouth sigh that hissed from his nose, "even the mighty captain was effected by the cooks sudden vacation" he thought, and he was right, she was starved! it had become clearly apparent on her face at the sight of his taking the offered food back, she hastefully grabbed it with a warm thank you smile, spun quickly on the spot with grace and marched down the hall too busy or too prideful to admit her hunger of course. "Last Call! All Personnel report to aft airlock; personal transport shuttle eta one minute" The station AI's synthetic voice still calm and smooth echoed louder this time.

He took one last look into the lush green lab took in its fresh smells, with a sigh he slapped the panel on the wall and stepped clear of the door, its large steel parts sliding together effortlessly and with a gentle grace, like an elevator door that weighs several tons and could crush a man, never to be opened again.

"This is your captain speaking all personal report to aft airlock this is a warning to all personal the AI core is now dissolved and the station will be shutting down, you DO NOT want to be here when the shuttle leaves! drop what your doing and head to aft airlocks now or risk certain death"

He was in no hurry, he could see the aft holding area from the botany lab door, where people had started to gather to wait for the shuttle, even the captain vanished down that hallway, not wanting to chance being left behind thou so he ran quickly to the holding area and before he knew it, found himself 2nd in line outside airlock number two, it only took a moment to notice he was standing behind the captain; her banana nowhere in sight he remembered the peel in his pocket, The large airlock door hissed open, the shuttle was here and it was time to load on, he could feel the restrained energy of the masses behind him like a coiled spring ready to pop, the energy of such kept only in place by the captain at the head of the line like a cork.

As the captain gracefully and quickly scuttled into the ship almost seemingly at a run he felt the pressure of the crowd behind him push forward in a sudden surge it was now or never! quickly he grasped for the the three flap peel in his pocket and slowly slipped it out onto the airlock floor with the stealthy grace of a ninja unnoticed by the masses behind him, with a grin he made haste onto the shuttle slightly ahead now as to escape what was to come next! suddenly his footing became unsure, he slipped stumbling inside with a thump to the shuttle floor almost knocking the captain down ahead of him.

Landing on his front and catching himself he quickly turned over to look at his feet, a peel lay partly mushed by his foot, split into four neat yellow flaps holding its end pointed high ready for the next unwitting person to step on and crash to the floor his gaze found its way to the captain now seated and facing away from the entrance her own gaze quickly turning away masking a smile, but not before her look told him everything he needed to know, it was her peel.

More cries and thumps started to ring out from inside the airlock where he had left his peel, amplified even more so as the stumbling masses came in for round two off her peel.

Chaos ensued as more people slipped on the peels as they loaded into the shuttle; pushed forward by the masses from behind all scrambling to strap in before takeoff.

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