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General Staff Complaint - Handling of OOC

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BYOND Key: Isuckatroleplaying

Staff BYOND Key: Aqy, ChrisCa

Reason for complaint:

-Overly aggressive stance and attitude in trying to defuse a situation

-Intervening in a non-problematic solution


Full logs:


OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: New race?

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: Wolf race plox

OOC: Alberyk: Fox race.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: not reskin plox

OOC: SierraKomodo: You mean the cocksalamis?

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: Fox race is ok.

OOC: LiquidRecluse: snake race plz

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: you mean unathi

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: we have those

OOC: Alberyk: ayy lmao

OOC: LiquidRecluse: no snake people

OOC: SierraKomodo: Baka's sticking her sausage in things, halp

OOC: Alberyk: No more beastmen, plox

OOC: Nanotoxin: Ayy coccasslani.

OOC: Letz Shake: Fox race. yes. Finally we can take some heat off the Tajaran

OOC: Letz Shake: Get the furry haters on board.

OOC: Ryan falco: Fluffy space raptor

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: I saw those

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: they seem pretty cool

OOC: Letz Shake: I think if we really need hate magnets, we can get space My Little Ponies.

OOC: SierraKomodo: Noty

OOC: Letz Shake: The anti-furry mob isn't enough.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: BE careful of what you say about furries and bronies- We have quite a few in the community.

OOC: Ryan falco: I think space raptors would be cool, because space raptor antags would have to take a whole diffrent approach.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: Lets not offend anyone.

OOC: CakeIsOssim: we need more xenos that aren't just humanoid earth animals/plants

OOC: Letz Shake: I know we do, because I've seen how loud certain people get about attacking them.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: yes precisely

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: I just dont understand why equality is such a hard thing to achieve... -_-

OOC: Alberyk: But, starfish aliens aren't that useful, however

OOC: Aqy: We should get those floaty guys from Mass Effect that speak through your mind.

OOC: Alberyk: Ic racism is cool m8

OOC: Letz Shake: But yeah, I think if another xeno race was added it hsould be organic, not just adding one because people want a new one

OOC: Ryan falco: I would rather have raptors you can kidnap and stuff in your backpack with a muffle.

OOC: Alberyk: remove catbeast

OOC: Letz Shake: IC Racism is cool. Loud obnoxious IC racism is just like having a 'crazy' character or a violent character.

OOC: Ryan falco: Would I be the only one who would muzzle the raptors and stuff them into my backpack

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: Catbeasts are cool /WHEN THEY FOLLOW LORE/

OOC: Letz Shake: It's just a product of someone trying to be edgy

OOC: Nanotoxin: We can't ablosih racism cause Tytos exists

OOC: Alberyk: muh edgy

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: I second nano

OOC: Ryan falco: Like the full tajaran emo security

OOC: Ryan falco: Who brood in the bar about their tragic pasts

OOC: Letz Shake: Person who searches a tajaran crew member the second a bombing happens is good racism

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: I have never met tytos- but hearing about him and seeing his forum posts. I feel we ar epolar opposites.

OOC: Nanotoxin: implying humans don't do that.

OOC: Letz Shake: Person who sits around in the bar screaming about 'catbeast' and 'liggers' wouldn't be employed

OOC: CakeIsOssim: you'd probably get mauled

OOC: CakeIsOssim: because muh progressive aliens

OOC: CakeIsOssim: also

OOC: Ryan falco: I remember a CE mauled a person so bad they had to have broken bone surgery, and facial reconstruction surgery

OOC: CakeIsOssim: why don't analyzers work on pipes

OOC: Letz Shake: 'I don't actually have something to say about this subject. So I'll just say 'muh such and such' and pretend that's a counterargument.

OOC: Ryan falco: CE only got assault because the person was racist

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: I think IC racism, to a degree is normal.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: and acceptable rp.

OOC: Letz Shake: I agree.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: but- you dont run around screaming liggers

OOC: Letz Shake: I think it's an important part of the lore

OOC: CakeIsOssim: because i don't feel like explaining my whole point

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: and catbeast

OOC: CakeIsOssim: that sums up my point. right there

OOC: CakeIsOssim: you'd get mauled for being racist because almost every xeno ever thinks it's acceptable to nearly kill someone just because they don't like what species they are

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: let me put it this way- Would you run outside in the southern united states. point at the first black person you see and scream Ni***r?

OOC: Letz Shake: I also think if you're an outright loud racist, eventually someone might beat you up. And honestly both should face consequences

OOC: CakeIsOssim: it happened, still happens, and will probably continue to happen.

OOC: Ryan falco: Yes fritz

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: no- becase you would die a horrible painful death as they maul you.

OOC: Mikalhvi: Would you do that anywhere unless you had a death wish?

OOC: Aqy: If there was any place that you could actually do that, it would probably -be- the deep south.

OOC: Letz Shake: It happens. it will continue to happen. However those people would probably not be employed at a research facility

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: precisely

OOC: CakeIsOssim: searching someone after an attack because you're racist, is nothing like calling them a racial slur

OOC: CakeIsOssim: do not compare the two.

OOC: Ryan falco: I'm in the deep south and no one does that

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: aqy- have you ever been to the deep south?

OOC: Magnificent Melkior: you owuld if you dont fear the minority because you actually have a position of power over them unlike black people irl with "institutional racism"

OOC: Aqy: It's mildly naive to believe that people don't still say those things.

OOC: Letz Shake: ... that's literally what we were saying cake.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: No- its the LAST place you can do that.

OOC: Ryan falco: Regionist!

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: ever.

OOC: Nanotoxin: What human race doesn't get upsetti spaghetti when someone is racist towards them? G

OOC: CakeIsOssim: so, why are we complaining?

OOC: Letz Shake: We are saying they are not the same. We are saying the the former is okay and the latter is not

OOC: Nanotoxin: Some humans over react, so why is it crazy that a species would be the same

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: exactly nano

OOC: Aqy: I've been to the south, yes. And especially in places like Florida, you will hear it. And if you think you won't. Then I dunno what to tell you.

OOC: SierraKomodo: Because furries

OOC: Letz Shake: ^

OOC: Ryan falco: Because tajarans expect that kind of treatment

OOC: CakeIsOssim: i live in the northern US and I still hear it.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: ...I used to live in the deep south.

OOC: Nanotoxin: I'm not even a furry, I play taj cause playing humans are boring to me

OOC: SierraKomodo: I play a Tajaran that has an anger issue, and a backstory to fit it

OOC: Letz Shake: Really that's what it comes down to. People want to label everyone as a furry, and use that as an excuse to give them shit

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: mississippi.

OOC: Letz Shake: because it's fashionable to do so

OOC: CakeIsOssim: also, what ryan said

OOC: SierraKomodo: I havent actually had any issues with her

OOC: Mikalhvi: Aqy - by the way, the mildly naive thing? It could also be a cognitive functioning/reasoning variance too. In my case, I still don't udnerstand WHY some people are needlessly cruel.

OOC: CakeIsOssim: because the xenos have some sort of weird entitlement about them

OOC: CakeIsOssim: that they think they have

OOC: CakeIsOssim: which, in reality, they do not

OOC: Letz Shake: Not wanting to have slurs screamed at you. Fucking entitled brats. How could that upset anyone?

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: I think both sides of the spectrum are doing things wrong.

OOC: Ryan falco: I mean, people who just constantly scream it over comms all round aren't RPing correctly.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: Fact is- tajaran players are not following lore. and those who are racist players are taking it too far.

OOC: Letz Shake: Man I had a character get beaten to death for making fun of Samantha Mason's fake-ass speech impediment once

OOC: Nanotoxin: Okay

OOC: CakeIsOssim: people who scream racial slurs constantly are not doing it right

OOC: CakeIsOssim: nor are they the majority

OOC: SierraKomodo: As a Tajaran player, I'm following lore the best I can

OOC: Letz Shake: Nobody batted an eye. Even security didn't care

OOC: Nanotoxin: A server full of weeaboos is gonna say it's ridiculous for Tajrans to accept other peoples culture as their own?

OOC: Alberyk: Not really, there are people which do that and it is gud rp

OOC: SierraKomodo: I've got traditional tajaran, I've got tajaran that have adapted to human life

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: given that most racist players are furry-haters /openly/ witch is wrong.

OOC: CakeIsOssim: on another note, seriously, why can analyzers not be used on pipes

OOC: Letz Shake: ^

OOC: CakeIsOssim: that's the dumbest thing

OOC: Aqy: Alright, we are -NOT- going to criticize people's characters. If you have a problem with this, take it to the forums. Otherwise there is no reason for this argument to go any further.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: you shouldnt be hating anyone for any reason openly, let alone a group of peop- yes aqy.

OOC: Nanotoxin: It's a discussion Aqy, it's exaclty what OOC is for. There's no personal attacks going on, except maybe the mention of Tytos earlier.

OOC: Letz Shake: This is actually the first time I've seen this discussed intelligently. If it goes to the forums, it's just going to be "HURR HURR FURRY CATBEASTS" every post

OOC: Ryan falco: I hate nazi's openly

OOC: Ryan falco: cough

OOC: SierraKomodo: Grammler did nothing wrong

OOC: CakeIsOssim: gas the drones, synth war now

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: ryan...Thats uh- thats different

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: its kind of like openly hating daesh- its ok because of what they did/do.

OOC: Letz Shake: So Fritz what you're saying is that you openly hate people who openly hate people?

OOC: Ryan falco: Not really Fritz, I'm pretty sure humans are mostly racist against tajarans because tajarans had a HUGE WAR and they see tajarans as potential terrorists.

OOC: Letz Shake: Humans of course have never had war ever

OOC: Nanotoxin: Because earth didn't blow itself up X years ago

OOC: Letz Shake: peace and prosperity for all time

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: thats--- moghes that did that nano

OOC: Magnificent Melkior: I'm racist against taj because they are dumb and needed humans to uplift them, proving their inferiority

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: unathi

OOC: Ryan falco: People tend to forget their own mistakes, and focus on others.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: No no- im not begrading the racism- I know it sounds like it.

OOC: CakeIsOssim: the tajara also bomb human colonies, i think

OOC: Letz Shake: Anyway, I'm not saying IC racism shouldn't exist. It makes the world more interesting

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: heres my problem- my biggest one.

OOC: SierraKomodo: It's the way it's portrayed

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: we are racist against tajaran- but I have never seen somone racist against an unatho

OOC: Alberyk: Both of them had wars due to it.

OOC: Ryan falco: Because unathi are bigger then tajarans.

OOC: SierraKomodo: Thats because those who are racist don't live to spread the racism

OOC: Ryan falco: ^

OOC: Letz Shake: I'm saying that people call it 'realistic' but not 'realistic' when people respond. Like the minority group is required to be the bitch of humanity and none of them can have a problem with it.

OOC: Alberyk: Muh energy axe

OOC: Nanotoxin: Because people don't like furries. Meanwhile people play Taj for the different RP expirience.

Serric Smith says, "No Problem Cous."

OOC: Letz Shake: Which is creepy on a psychological level.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: witch humans have more cause to be racist against- they stole a colony from an ally and are actively against humanity and its allies /right now/

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: why are we not hating them?

OOC: Letz Shake: That there are people who honestly think that's the 'correct' thing. That the group that's getting trampled on should lick boots and say 'may I have another'.

OOC: Ryan falco: Because unathi can rip your head of with their bare hands

OOC: Magnificent Melkior: Unathi are more laid back. They don't rub their uniqueness in your face like taj do

OOC: SierraKomodo: Well, it's the Tajaran Lore master who's been saying that Shake

OOC: Letz Shake: Says the guy who gives himself superpowers every round

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: I have never personally see a tajaran do that.

OOC: SierraKomodo: She's the one who started the whole thread/deal with Tajaran aggression

OOC: Aqy: AGAIN. We are not attacking eachother.

OOC: Magnificent Melkior: pretty irrelevent shake

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: im not saying it doesnt happen, just never seen it.

OOC: Aqy: And you WILL be muted.

OOC: LiquidRecluse: my god guys

OOC: LiquidRecluse: calm down

OOC: SierraKomodo: Uh. Who's attacking who?

OOC: SierraKomodo: I'm confused

OOC: Alberyk: I wish I could rip people's head as unathi in game so easily

OOC: Ryan falco: Were not attacking anyone lol

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: somones being attacked?

OOC: ChrisCa: kdhgauio dghajkldg hasdfuigj klhfguilk fnhgk jsdghilajk sgdl gjkahfgui gnl fguijksdg uaisdgh asngeisau fngsrdgiuafvn dfganiwehjagsdugiahg n dfgvi ughasdn gfsweruighsndfklgjeruighnfgs

OOC: Alberyk: Time for the forums; "pls allow unathi to rip off heads,thanks"

OOC: Ryan falco: Were talking about the way people hand IC racism and such.

OOC: Letz Shake: I came out to have a good time but I'm feeling so meme right now.

OOC: Ryan falco: Yes alberyk

OOC: SierraKomodo: I'm just saying, it's Sue that put up that state of the tajara thread that sparked most of the recent talks/rants/discussions on Tajara racism

OOC: Aqy: I'm not referring to that

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: aqy- its ok dear. nobody is being attacked. we are having a rather calm intelligent discussion actually.

OOC: SierraKomodo: I must have missed something then

OOC: Alberyk: where are the serious discussion at

OOC: Letz Shake: Anyway yeah, back on the original subject, Yes. But I think people are over-generalizing what Sue said

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: Here is my thing about the current lore leader.

OOC: Letz Shake: Yes racism should be expected, and YES that means you shouldn't go walking around like you own the place

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: /where/ are they?

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: why are they in charge of lore when they are not on our server? /ever/

OOC: SierraKomodo: Sue was acting on second-hand information she received from a few vocal people when she popped on the forums but hadnt actually on on the server, so there is that. There /was/ an issue with a couple characters here and there, but that's been settled now

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: and openly stated they wont be coming back

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: Thats my thing.

OOC: Alberyk: Give taj lore to me, they will be spess cat warriors.

OOC: SierraKomodo: That's something to ask Skull/admins

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: Just my can of beans there- I dont know about you guys.


OOC: LiquidRecluse: can i ask something

OOC: Letz Shake: Why don't you just turn it off, Chris

OOC: Alberyk: No.

OOC: Ryan falco: Don't leave me ooc

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: sup liquid

OOC: Letz Shake: You can toggle it off for yourself


OOC: ChrisCa: I don't need to hear bout this again and again it just creates shit for everyone is the problem


OOC: Letz Shake: Then turn it off



OOC: Aqy: It's not the point of turning it off, it's the fact that mutliple times now people have been insulted, and this is a topic for the forums, not for OOC.

OOC: Nanotoxin: If you don't need to hear about it, you can mute OOC for yourself.

OOC: ChrisCa: NO that's not the problem

OOC: LiquidRecluse: why are certain diona so violent in the holodeck while they're supposed to be passive tree-men

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: WOOT!

OOC: SierraKomodo: Because holodamage isn't real injury

OOC: SierraKomodo: Idk

OOC: Alberyk: Dionae new cop.

OOC: Letz Shake: I don't think anybody's been insulting anyone, that I've seen.

OOC: LiquidRecluse: but dionae are HIPPIES

OOC: Alberyk: Because, liquid, in a real combat, they would get rekt


OOC: Alberyk: And since, they can't feel pain, they rule holodeck

OOC: SierraKomodo: Chris has a point there

OOC: ChrisCa: That's not what OOC is for

OOC: SierraKomodo: So. How about them Raiders

OOC: ChrisCa: OOC is for small convos and random shit

OOC: LiquidRecluse: how about dat heist that'll never happen

OOC: Nanotoxin: speaking of Diona, check me out fam http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=4176

OOC: Letz Shake: Toxic discussion didn't happen until the guy spamming gibberish and screaming in all caps, complaining people are talking about something he doesn't like

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: You might want to cut down on the all-caps, it's the most bothersome thing I had to witness in OOC this whole conversation >.<

OOC: Letz Shake: ^

OOC: Alberyk: Heist sucks, man

OOC: Nanotoxin: And who's to say what OOC is for.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: no- nobody has been insulting anyone- this is an intelligent discussion that has been handeled calmly and intelligent stating nothing but facts.

OOC: Letz Shake: Only thing toxic in OOC is you, buddy

OOC: ChrisCa: take everything else to some other form of communication to where it's only the people wanting to talk about it

OOC: Nanotoxin: Why can't it be about big discussions? It'd be so much quicker to hash it out here than on the forums.

OOC: SierraKomodo: At this point the conversation may as well be over. So back to the game.

OOC: Magnificent Melkior: Shake you said "hurr no u" in response to my reason why unathi dont catch as much flack, and you're being salty AF.

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: >several people holding a reasonable discussion

OOC: Letz Shake: Guess they got what they wanted, but it's a horrible way to abuse your power.

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: >nobody wants to hear about this

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: say oh-

OOC: ChrisCa: I didn't mean excatly the fourms but say maybe invite them to a skype group or teamspeak or whatever

OOC: Nanotoxin: Because the last time a group of people wanted to discuss stuff in skype, it went so well for everyone?

OOC: ChrisCa: Well people who don't wanna hear bout the shit a few people are argueing bout shouldn't have to be forced to turn off OOC

OOC: Nanotoxin: It wasn't an argument, people were having a discussion.

OOC: Letz Shake: Okay so everyone has to stop talking abotu anything that someone doesn't want ot hear?

OOC: ChrisCa: and not even know when the shitstorm is done

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: People who wanted to discuss the actual game calmly shouldn't be forced off OOC either :(

OOC: ChrisCa: No

OOC: Magnificent Melkior: Discussion has been successfully derailed at this point Chris, you are making a tactical error by continuing this line.

OOC: Nanotoxin: So people who want to discuss in OOC have to pander to the small percentage of people who don't want to ?

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: I generally don't talk in OOC but from what I could see the most bothersome thing was you and Aqy using allcaps to strongarm people into listening to you

The OOC channel has been globally disabled!

OOC: Tablespoon: ive told people are being bad in ooc

OOC: Tablespoon: stop being bad

OOC: ChrisCa: If it's a topic of the toxic nature and it last sayyyy more then a 3-4 minuites with everyone typing paragraphs LIKE WE ARE DOING now it should be taken somewhere else

OOC: ChrisCa: OH

OOC: ChrisCa: Shit sorry

Tablespoon Announces:

......While it's easy to talk to multiple people over ooc, please try to keep the conversation civil.

The OOC channel has been globally enabled!

The important bits:


OOC: Aqy: Alright, we are -NOT- going to criticize people's characters. If you have a problem with this, take it to the forums. Otherwise there is no reason for this argument to go any further.

______(when no characters relevant to the Tajaran discussion were mentioned - Samantha Mason's speech impediment was called "fake-ass")

OOC: Letz Shake: Which is creepy on a psychological level.

OOC: Letz Shake: That there are people who honestly think that's the 'correct' thing. That the group that's getting trampled on should lick boots and say 'may I have another'.

OOC: SierraKomodo: Well, it's the Tajaran Lore master who's been saying that Shake

OOC: Letz Shake: Says the guy who gives himself superpowers every round

OOC: SierraKomodo: She's the one who started the whole thread/deal with Tajaran aggression

OOC: Aqy: AGAIN. We are not attacking eachother.

OOC: Magnificent Melkior: pretty irrelevent shake

OOC: Aqy: And you WILL be muted.

OOC: LiquidRecluse: my god guys

OOC: LiquidRecluse: calm down

OOC: SierraKomodo: Uh. Who's attacking who?

OOC: SierraKomodo: I'm confused

OOC: ChrisCa: kdhgauio dghajkldg hasdfuigj klhfguilk fnhgk jsdghilajk sgdl gjkahfgui gnl fguijksdg uaisdgh asngeisau fngsrdgiuafvn dfganiwehjagsdugiahg n dfgvi ughasdn gfsweruighsndfklgjeruighnfgs



OOC: Letz Shake: Why don't you just turn it off, Chris

OOC: Alberyk: No.

OOC: Ryan falco: Don't leave me ooc

OOC: Letz Shake: You can toggle it off for yourself

OOC: ChrisCa: I don't need to hear bout this again and again it just creates shit for everyone is the problem

OOC: Letz Shake: Then turn it off

OOC: Aqy: It's not the point of turning it off, it's the fact that mutliple times now people have been insulted, and this is a topic for the forums, not for OOC.

______(afaik, the "multiple people being insulted" consists of one instance of ad-hominem)

OOC: ChrisCa: NO that's not the problem

OOC: Letz Shake: I don't think anybody's been insulting anyone, that I've seen.


OOC: SierraKomodo: Chris has a point there

OOC: ChrisCa: That's not what OOC is for

OOC: ChrisCa: OOC is for small convos and random shit

OOC: Letz Shake: Toxic discussion didn't happen until the guy spamming gibberish and screaming in all caps, complaining people are talking about something he doesn't like

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: You might want to cut down on the all-caps, it's the most bothersome thing I had to witness in OOC this whole conversation >.<

OOC: Letz Shake: ^

OOC: Nanotoxin: And who's to say what OOC is for.

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: no- nobody has been insulting anyone- this is an intelligent discussion that has been handeled calmly and intelligent stating nothing but facts.

OOC: Letz Shake: Only thing toxic in OOC is you, buddy

OOC: ChrisCa: take everything else to some other form of communication to where it's only the people wanting to talk about it

OOC: Nanotoxin: Why can't it be about big discussions? It'd be so much quicker to hash it out here than on the forums.

OOC: SierraKomodo: At this point the conversation may as well be over. So back to the game.

OOC: Magnificent Melkior: Shake you said "hurr no u" in response to my reason why unathi dont catch as much flack, and you're being salty AF.

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: >several people holding a reasonable discussion

OOC: Letz Shake: Guess they got what they wanted, but it's a horrible way to abuse your power.

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: >nobody wants to hear about this

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn: say oh-

OOC: ChrisCa: I didn't mean excatly the fourms but say maybe invite them to a skype group or teamspeak or whatever

OOC: Nanotoxin: Because the last time a group of people wanted to discuss stuff in skype, it went so well for everyone?

OOC: ChrisCa: Well people who don't wanna hear bout the shit a few people are argueing bout shouldn't have to be forced to turn off OOC

OOC: Nanotoxin: It wasn't an argument, people were having a discussion.

OOC: Letz Shake: Okay so everyone has to stop talking abotu anything that someone doesn't want ot hear?

OOC: ChrisCa: and not even know when the shitstorm is done

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: People who wanted to discuss the actual game calmly shouldn't be forced off OOC either :(

OOC: ChrisCa: No

OOC: Magnificent Melkior: Discussion has been successfully derailed at this point Chris, you are making a tactical error by continuing this line.

OOC: Nanotoxin: So people who want to discuss in OOC have to pander to the small percentage of people who don't want to ?

OOC: Isuckatroleplaying: I generally don't talk in OOC but from what I could see the most bothersome thing was you and Aqy using allcaps to strongarm people into listening to you

The OOC channel has been globally disabled!

Some additional things I noted from Chris after the mute, explaining his reaction:


OOC: ChrisCa: Last thing i'mma say bout it "It seemed like a convo that could offend or rustle up people"

OOC: ChrisCa: Yeah but the point was it was a paragraphs long coverstaion between 4-5 people taking up OOC

OOC: ChrisCa: about a semi or what could turn into a toxic subject yes

OOC: ChrisCa: that's why I said take it to another chat

Additional remarks:

-I think both members of staff were overly aggressive in pushing their agenda. The use of capitals and angry-toned messages was the primary reason why the conversation derailed.

-Aqy intervened in telling two people to knock off actual insults/attacks. I believe his tone was inappropriate for doing so, though, given the circumstances.

-Chris isn't a mod, so the part of the complaint against him could be considered a player complaint, though he does represent the server

-I'm not mad at Tablespoon for muting OOC. It did stop the staff and users from arguing, by muting the users :T


The reason I use caps is yes to get attention definitely when chat is moving so fast that you can't read half a sentence. Also as I said in my explanation after the fact is all I have to say bout this pretty much. I've seen this type of talk turn into toxic back and forth arguing so I'll take whatever punishment I don't care. I'm just tired of OOC turning into dumb arguments that can be taken elsewhere very easily instead of 20+ people just having to either turn off OOC deal with OOC or try to ignore it. I understand why OOC is there but at this point almost every round it seems to spark an argument here and there about people on the server or a certain race or something else stupid. Now i'm not stating NO YOU CANT EVER ARGUE BLAH BLAH but it really either needs to be toned down or taken elsewhere if you have a problem. IE some kind of chat room or IRC or whatever just leave it out of OOC when it last longer then like 5 to 10 mins.

Side note: are you using a different CKEY now cause I didn't see your name pop up once. If so at least I can stop complaining about how you keep making these fucking complaints against people without even being on the server

The reason I use caps is yes to get attention definitely when chat is moving so fast that you can't read half a sentence. Also as I said in my explanation after the fact is all I have to say bout this pretty much. I've seen this type of talk turn into toxic back and forth arguing so I'll take whatever punishment I don't care. I'm just tired of OOC turning into dumb arguments that can be taken elsewhere very easily instead of 20+ people just having to either turn off OOC deal with OOC or try to ignore it. I understand why OOC is there but at this point almost every round it seems to spark an argument here and there about people on the server or a certain race or something else stupid. Now i'm not stating NO YOU CANT EVER ARGUE BLAH BLAH but it really either needs to be toned down or taken elsewhere if you have a problem. IE some kind of chat room or IRC or whatever just leave it out of OOC when it last longer then like 5 to 10 mins.

I think you're being a little too harsh. The conversation really wasn't bad, somebody used ad-hominem once (which the mods should be able to moderate), but besides that it was really one of the most reasonable conversations I've seen OOC have about fantasy racism :(

Anyway, my main issue is that using caps and asjsfdjh is generally a pretty bad move, no matter what you're out to do (unless your purpose is specifically derailment lol). It puts people on the defensive and makes them feel like others are angry at them and they should have to defend themselves. It doesn't put in their mind that you're a rational individual trying to get a point considered, it makes it look like an attack.

Also, do you want mods to mute all OOC discussions that are taking too long? Why? (I think the argument "so we can keep having the short OOC discussions" is recursive.)


Side note: are you using a different CKEY now cause I didn't see your name pop up once. If so at least I can stop complaining about how you keep making these fucking complaints against people without even being on the server

All the relevant info is in the OP. Honest question, though: should we care about who brings the arguments, or should we care about what the arguments are?

The reason I use caps is yes to get attention definitely when chat is moving so fast that you can't read half a sentence. Also as I said in my explanation after the fact is all I have to say bout this pretty much. I've seen this type of talk turn into toxic back and forth arguing so I'll take whatever punishment I don't care. I'm just tired of OOC turning into dumb arguments that can be taken elsewhere very easily instead of 20+ people just having to either turn off OOC deal with OOC or try to ignore it. I understand why OOC is there but at this point almost every round it seems to spark an argument here and there about people on the server or a certain race or something else stupid. Now i'm not stating NO YOU CANT EVER ARGUE BLAH BLAH but it really either needs to be toned down or taken elsewhere if you have a problem. IE some kind of chat room or IRC or whatever just leave it out of OOC when it last longer then like 5 to 10 mins.


I think you're being a little too harsh. The conversation really wasn't bad, somebody used ad-hominem once (which the mods should be able to moderate), but besides that it was really one of the most reasonable conversations I've seen OOC have about fantasy racism :(


As I said It could've gotten toxic and things along the same line have before and unlike some, I do believe in preemptive strike


Anyway, my main issue is that using caps and asjsfdjh is generally a pretty bad move, no matter what you're out to do (unless your purpose is specifically derailment lol). It puts people on the defensive and makes them feel like others are angry at them and they should have to defend themselves. It doesn't put in their mind that you're a rational individual trying to get a point considered, it makes it look like an attack.


If you've been on the server you would have noticed that the jibberish typing thing is what I do just to do it. I do it when I join the game or just at random times. as for the caps it grabbed your attention and that's what I was aimming for cause in the choas you have to standout sometimes to be seen or heard right


Also, do you want mods to mute all OOC discussions that are taking too long? Why? (I think the argument "so we can keep having the short OOC discussions" is recursive.)


Did you even read my post, I said No I don't mean every arugement(or discussion) to be gone just tone it down or if it looks like it's going to be super long then yes take it somewhere else(It's hard to focus on the game with paragraphs or OOC going on when it's something that can be discussed outside the game


Side note: are you using a different CKEY now cause I didn't see your name pop up once. If so at least I can stop complaining about how you keep making these fucking complaints against people without even being on the server


All the relevant info is in the OP. Honest question, though: should we care about who brings the arguments, or should we care about what the arguments are?


Yes because it seems to most of us and/or some of the staff that you are getting the information for your complaints from a third party. which that party could be lieing or keeping things from you to push their agenda since you post the most and have the 'loudest' voice ATM because of how much and often you post about things

Yes because it seems to most of us and/or some of the staff that you are getting the information for your complaints from a third party. which that party could be lieing or keeping things from you to push their agenda since you post the most and have the 'loudest' voice ATM because of how much and often you post about things

I base my posts primarily from firsthand information. When I don't, it's mostly because I make observations off things that have been primarily said on the forums.

When I can't confirm things for sure, I make a point to actually say so. It's important to avoid hasty judgments u_u

Posted (edited)

I was part of the conversation, so I think I have an okay to post here. We were having a discussion. It wasn't any more hostile than the greif everyone gives Voltage when he comes online.

This isn't just Chris' doing. This happens a lot. Whenever a passionate discussion get's going, and OOC starts filling up with that blue text, admin's don't like it. I've seen discussions about music get shut down. Chris is just another cog in the machine. Censorship when it's not needed is what we need. If we're trying so hard to not replicate last december, is the pre-emptive strike method honestly what we should be doing?

*edit, I was so tired when I first wrote this. Holy shit.

Edited by Guest

Surprisingly; I'm actually on Frances' side on this one. Just because a conversation can go toxic, doesn't mean it will; this isn't the minority report, where such things can be predicted. We don't ban balds when they join because they /might/ do something.

In addition, practicing ad hominem against Frances in no way helps your case, and I'm alarmed about how quickly you dropped to that level.


I'll refer to the things I saw in OOC as this conversation continued to go on.

OOC: Letz Shake : It's just a product of someone trying to be edgy

OOC: Nanotoxin : We can't ablosih racism cause Tytos exists

OOC: Alberyk : muh edgy

OOC: Ryan falco : Like the full tajaran emo security

OOC: Ryan falco : Who brood in the bar about their tragic pasts

OOC: CakeIsOssim : you'd get mauled for being racist because almost every xeno ever thinks it's acceptable to nearly kill someone just because they don't like what species they are

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn : Fact is- tajaran players are not following lore. and those who are racist players are taking it too far.

OOC: Letz Shake : Man I had a character get beaten to death for making fun of Samantha Mason's fake-ass speech impediment once

OOC: Nanotoxin : A server full of weeaboos is gonna say it's ridiculous for Tajrans to accept other peoples culture as their own?

OOC: Magnificent Melkior : Unathi are more laid back. They don't rub their uniqueness in your face like taj do

OOC: Letz Shake : Says the guy who gives himself superpowers every round

OOC: SierraKomodo : She's the one who started the whole thread/deal with Tajaran aggression

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn : Here is my thing about the current lore leader.

OOC: Letz Shake : Yes racism should be expected, and YES that means you shouldn't go walking around like you own the place

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn : /where/ are they?

OOC: Fritz_Kuhn : why are they in charge of lore when they are not on our server? /ever/

OOC: SierraKomodo : Sue was acting on second-hand information she received from a few vocal people when she popped on the forums but hadnt actually on on the server, so there is that. There /was/ an issue with a couple characters here and there, but that's been settled now


OOC: Letz Shake : Only thing toxic in OOC is you, buddy

OOC: Magnificent Melkior : Shake you said 'hurr no u' in response to my reason why unathi dont catch as much flack, and you're being salty AF.

((Edit: These are not continuous with one another, but picked out to show what I was reacting to.))

So yes, after seeing people repeatedly being passive aggressive and rude to each other. I am going to tell them to stop. This player base is not composed of children children, and they're not going to be treated as such and coddled, and talked to as if they're too sensitive to handle being told to stop. Just because my tone was not overtly friendly does not mean that I was inappropriately aggressive. My tone was not angry, nor did I use caps in an angry way. I used them for emphasis.

My problem wasn't initially with this topic, but when it got down to what I've posted above, that's when it becomes an inappropriate thing for OOC. When it becomes less of a conversation, and more of "Let's see who can piss off who enough so that they stop talking," I'm going to step in. And yes, if people choose to insult characters, and each other over OOC they will be muted. Being told to stop and take it to the forums when something gets out of hand is not some attempt to silence you and never allow discussion again, it's keeping OOC civil. It clearly was not civil, and I stand by my decision.


I read through the logs. And I also got ChrisCa's opinion on this while not exactly asking for it, but sure. I actually didn't see any hostility in the discussion, up until everyone started splerging out after Chris started shouting in big capital letters. The conversation still had a point to it, even after the few off-key comments by whoever (like Letz_Shake). And as Sierra, an active participant in the conversation, said, he didn't even notice them. Further more, the remarks you bring out are singular, if not even constructive. An example is this one:

OOC: SierraKomodo : Sue was acting on second-hand information she received from a few vocal people when she popped on the forums but hadnt actually on on the server, so there is that. There /was/ an issue with a couple characters here and there, but that's been settled now
This is not hostile, nor is it destructive. It is constructive, on point, and yes, critical of someone's actions. But if we want to treat out players as adults, should we not permit constructive criticism? Obviously, stupid/overly aggressive cases excluded, but this discussion seemed like a rather decent one. And miles better than any debate about politics or the usual furry-related things that devolve into memes about 15 posts in, and then get muted.

I will also write out what I said to Chris. Chris pulled an ad-hoc explanation whenever he discussed the matter with me. "These discussions always end up in passive-aggressive flamewars," he told me. Alright, that's fine, but we'll deal with it then, and not preemptively. Because once in a while, people will legitimately surprise you. In fact, the conversation derailed right as Chris rolled in, and derailed it. Which is a shitty thing to do. (After which point, yeah fine, a mute was a way to defuse it. But I'd rather just that we not have ended up there in the first place.) At least, that's how it seems to me. If I am wrong, please correct me.



Yes, I do have thoughts. You've managed to pick out a response to what was an example, that was not insulting in itself. To say that the things I posted are constructive, and not hostile is searching for any excuse to give the benefit of the doubt to something. And this was -not- preemptive. I participated myself in it a bit, until specific characters were called out. Which is when people were told not to insult characters, and to take it to the forums. If that's wrong of staff to do and will be called unfair, or shitty to do. Then I'm at a loss for words, and have to question what the hell I'm doing on this server, because it clearly can't be called moderating.

Yes, I do have thoughts. You've managed to pick out a response to what was an example, that was not insulting in itself. To say that the things I posted are constructive, and not hostile is searching for any excuse to give the benefit of the doubt to something. And this was -not- preemptive. I participated myself in it a bit, until specific characters were called out. Which is when people were told not to insult characters, and to take it to the forums. If that's wrong of staff to do and will be called unfair, or shitty to do. Then I'm at a loss for words, and have to question what the hell I'm doing on this server, because it clearly can't be called moderating.


I am somewhat at a loss for words at well, while Im not so sure about muting the whole OOC thing, I understand and agree with Aqy's point. What shocks me the most is that she

/got a complaint against her for this/.

>She told players not to call out other players in OOC

>Was just doing her job

>Gets complaint against her for doing that

>Players get their feelings hurt for staff doing their job

>its like we have to sugar coat everything

>Not gonna happen

Im sorry if you find us "Too aggressive?", but as of late, its been decided by a number of staff that this whole "Slapping someones wrist when they do a no no" and asking nicely over and over "If you could please stop, because we really need you too". So, if you find staff having a backbone being "Too aggressive", My answer is.

Too bad, because its really not. Its us doing our jobs,


Im sorry if you find us "Too aggressive?", but as of late, its been decided by a number of staff that this whole "Slapping someones wrist when they do a no no" and asking nicely over and over "If you could please stop, because we really need you too". So, if you find staff having a backbone being "Too aggressive", My answer is.

Too bad, because its really not. Its us doing our jobs,


Nogo breaks onto the scene! Probably breaking rules, but given the circumstances of the complaint it just 'really' was bugging me to give my own two cents on what I'm seeing here despite not really having been there.

First, in comment to the post in mention. While I can see there is some passive aggressiveness from the players in mention when they are talking, it seems much more a thing that could have been settled by talking to aggressive chatters directly rather than the shutting down of OOC. I recognize the confusion that must have been going on but that seems like all the more reason to be vigilant against those people who really 'are' causing trouble. I agree with the incentive to shut down OOC for a short time to get things figured out and then turn it back on, provided ample reasoning was provided before shutting it off, but that's a means to an end rather than an end in and of itself.

Secondly, I feel the need to pop in and say the same thing time and time and time again. Characters are characters, players are players. I don't understand what the issue with insulting to characters is, because they are not supposed to be representative of the people they play. Too many people see insult to characters and immediately jump to insult to players. It's just...Jeeze.

(EDIT: This passage above is about 75-80% of my post. Jaysus Kriste~)

Thirdly, the button isn't there for stopping something before it starts. It's there to stop something that is happening. It's like shutting off OOC because someone could spam the entire thing. It's difficult to read the future, so I don't see any reasoning for that.

Finally, oh thank god finally, in response to what's been said from my friendo that I've quoted. This is-...I just-...I have to find proper words to address this. That quote is mostly why it is that I've decided to work up a spine and maybe tippy toe about the conversation like I am now (Let's hope I don't get deleted!), but there are distinct differences between being firm and being aggressive. I understand the need for admins to be firm in their actions completely and the need to enforce something they say that they will do. Typically you don't ask over and over again if you're being firm. You ask, and if it continues, you then shut down. The problem isn't that, though. There are 'so so so so so' many ways to moderate and administrate without having to become aggressive and that very attitude is something that drives people away. Seeking and destroying isn't doing a job, and it's something that can result in lots and lots of admin complaints. The person who can best do their job is someone who is able to actively enforce what it is they are supposed to uphold while still being open and able to communicate and express their own reasons as to what it is they're doing.

You can moderate with an attitude like that, it's true. But it's not the best way to go about it. If you're looking to "Just do your job" that might be how you do it, but if you're looking to be a positive driving force in the community you can't take up an attitude like that.

As pertaining to this complaint, I'm happy to say at the very least that this does not look to be one of those cases. It is not so outright aggressive an action to mute OOC as it seems to be more relating to confusion and the attempt to help with something, which is honestly understandable. Given the situation (And my general confusion), I can easily see myself doing the same thing in their place. The only lack thereof is a reasoning behind what it is that they did and the way in which they did it. This isn't a "Just doing our job" attitude that I see from them instead of just a differing opinion on how things should be done from players. I'll call unprofessionalism on both sides as to what went down, but that's a minor gripe I feel when its between players and volunteers.

So, in short, I'm not for the action, but this seems like one of those things I would do myself then look back on and say "Oh jeeze, I could've handled this slightly better". I hope what I said was in some small way constructive to the topic at hand and might build a bit on the understanding of stuff. It's too easy to forget that player or staff, no matter the expectation, are still human, and might do so and so every now and again.

Welp. Here's hoping I'm not deleted and flagged. Enjoy the big wall of text!


Im sorry if you find us "Too aggressive?", but as of late, its been decided by a number of staff that this whole "Slapping someones wrist when they do a no no" and asking nicely over and over "If you could please stop, because we really need you too". So, if you find staff having a backbone being "Too aggressive", My answer is.

Too bad, because its really not. Its us doing our jobs,


Nogo breaks onto the scene! Probably breaking rules, but given the circumstances of the complaint it just 'really' was bugging me to give my own two cents on what I'm seeing here despite not really having been there.

First, in comment to the post in mention. While I can see there is some passive aggressiveness from the players in mention when they are talking, it seems much more a thing that could have been settled by talking to aggressive chatters directly rather than the shutting down of OOC. I recognize the confusion that must have been going on but that seems like all the more reason to be vigilant against those people who really 'are' causing trouble. I agree with the incentive to shut down OOC for a short time to get things figured out and then turn it back on, provided ample reasoning was provided before shutting it off, but that's a means to an end rather than an end in and of itself.

Secondly, I feel the need to pop in and say the same thing time and time and time again. Characters are characters, players are players. I don't understand what the issue with insulting to characters is, because they are not supposed to be representative of the people they play. Too many people see insult to characters and immediately jump to insult to players. It's just...Jeeze.

(EDIT: This passage above is about 75-80% of my post. Jaysus Kriste~)

Thirdly, the button isn't there for stopping something before it starts. It's there to stop something that is happening. It's like shutting off OOC because someone could spam the entire thing. It's difficult to read the future, so I don't see any reasoning for that.

Finally, oh thank god finally, in response to what's been said from my friendo that I've quoted. This is-...I just-...I have to find proper words to address this. That quote is mostly why it is that I've decided to work up a spine and maybe tippy toe about the conversation like I am now (Let's hope I don't get deleted!), but there are distinct differences between being firm and being aggressive. I understand the need for admins to be firm in their actions completely and the need to enforce something they say that they will do. Typically you don't ask over and over again if you're being firm. You ask, and if it continues, you then shut down. The problem isn't that, though. There are 'so so so so so' many ways to moderate and administrate without having to become aggressive and that very attitude is something that drives people away. Seeking and destroying isn't doing a job, and it's something that can result in lots and lots of admin complaints. The person who can best do their job is someone who is able to actively enforce what it is they are supposed to uphold while still being open and able to communicate and express their own reasons as to what it is they're doing.

You can moderate with an attitude like that, it's true. But it's not the best way to go about it. If you're looking to "Just do your job" that might be how you do it, but if you're looking to be a positive driving force in the community you can't take up an attitude like that.

As pertaining to this complaint, I'm happy to say at the very least that this does not look to be one of those cases. It is not so outright aggressive an action to mute OOC as it seems to be more relating to confusion and the attempt to help with something, which is honestly understandable. Given the situation (And my general confusion), I can easily see myself doing the same thing in their place. The only lack thereof is a reasoning behind what it is that they did and the way in which they did it. This isn't a "Just doing our job" attitude that I see from them instead of just a differing opinion on how things should be done from players. I'll call unprofessionalism on both sides as to what went down, but that's a minor gripe I feel when its between players and volunteers.

So, in short, I'm not for the action, but this seems like one of those things I would do myself then look back on and say "Oh jeeze, I could've handled this slightly better". I hope what I said was in some small way constructive to the topic at hand and might build a bit on the understanding of stuff. It's too easy to forget that player or staff, no matter the expectation, are still human, and might do so and so every now and again.

Welp. Here's hoping I'm not deleted and flagged. Enjoy the big wall of text!


I just did a quick skim, and if I need to reply further I will. But, I dont know why you think it will get flagged and deleted?

You have the right to speak your mind, and I have the right to disagree, but I won't be like "NO TALKING OUT AGAINST ME".

So...no worries?


I just did a quick skim, and if I need to reply further I will. But, I dont know why you think it will get flagged and deleted?

You have the right to speak your mind, and I have the right to disagree, but I won't be like "NO TALKING OUT AGAINST ME".

So...no worries?


The only post if involved stuff. Unfortunately, I'll admit that I'm not involved to the situation at hand but /REALLY/ wanted to speak my mind on that specific thing.

Yes, I do have thoughts. You've managed to pick out a response to what was an example, that was not insulting in itself. To say that the things I posted are constructive, and not hostile is searching for any excuse to give the benefit of the doubt to something. And this was -not- preemptive. I participated myself in it a bit, until specific characters were called out. Which is when people were told not to insult characters, and to take it to the forums. If that's wrong of staff to do and will be called unfair, or shitty to do. Then I'm at a loss for words, and have to question what the hell I'm doing on this server, because it clearly can't be called moderating.



I don't have an issue with you reacting to people saying rude things, and trying to stop them. I actually think you were on point with choosing to intervene when you did, but it's the specific phrasing that I think was less than perfect.

When somebody made fun of Samantha as a passing remark, you criticized the whole conversation as having no point unless it was taken to the forums (I think you were trying to say that criticism should be posted on the forums? But it sounded like you wanted the whole conversation to stop because of that one thing.) I think it would've been better to say "hey, just don't make fun of other people's characters" or something like that, I don't really get the forum bit (though feel free to explain it, maybe I'm wrong.)

As for the rest, I just don't really like the use of an urging tone and caps for emphasis. You could have conveyed the same message in a much gentler way, and I think being gentle would have been a better approach because being aggressive put everyone on the defensive and sorta started the whole argument about "is this conversation offensive" along with Chris.

Does that make sense? :?


Obviously, you can see in what I linked that there were more jabs beyond Letz Shake's comment, although that was the one that made me say enough. No where at all did I ever criticize the conversation as having no point, and that is a heavy misrepresentation and incredibly wrong assumption of what I said. As for not liking my tone. Neat, I guess.

Obviously, you can see in what I linked that there were more jabs beyond Letz Shake's comment, although that was the one that made me say enough. No where at all did I ever criticize the conversation as having no point, and that is a heavy misrepresentation and incredibly wrong assumption of what I said. As for not liking my tone. Neat, I guess.

So you really don't see where I'm coming from, with tone and all?

I've probably heard from 4-5 different staffmembers this week that tone doesn't matter and that if we don't agree with what staff are saying tough shit, but fact is, it does matter a lot with how receptive people are. If only because speaking to people this way doesn't do anything good. (And, like, yes, you can yell at people over the internet, but it carries little to no authority. At best it will have literally no effect on the situation, and at worst people won't take you seriously. I get that not everybody will always listen to you, no matter how you say things, but you have tools for that, yelling at them isn't the solution.)

Also, can you quote the others things you considered attacks? I still can't find them after reading through the logs.


Approaching things in an abrasive or abrupt manner makes people dig their heels in, and try and irritate you. It's just how people are. But if you are polite, and they ignore you, then it's all on them, they can't put up your conduct as a defence for their shitty behaviour.

I think that's what Frances is trying to convey.


The admins, mods and I may need to have another bash over this topic of tone. Apparently something that's slipped off my original agenda, wee. As it stands, and from what I've gathered, the tone is acceptable and should be treated as apart of standard moderator MO. As such, the complaint should be void. This will be done over the next 7 days, due to me being mostly inaccessible over the next 3 days. Though, do not take this as, "I will make sure this doesn't happen again." I want to review where the team is on the topic, why they're there, and then adjust if necessary.

Anyways, my personal gripe with the situation was the fact that Aqy chose to call out someone publicly, instead of PMs. The logic is, if a discussion is going on, you don't want to derail it by calling attention to a mistake someone made. Instead, you poke them and let the convo keep rolling. Unless the entire convo is crud, at which point, global mutes and public berating, ahoy! This was discussed with Aqy, and the rest of mod staff, however, and resolved.

Also, I feel the need to poke this in. Everyone, over these two complaints, has tossed the word "adult" around. But no one seems to grasp the full understanding of it. Point one, being an adult means being able to suck it up and deal with things. Point two, being an adult means knowing how to approach a situation. Point three, being an adult means that you don't let someone sidetrack you so hard that you end up causing OOC to get muted by tossing silly comments around (psst, simply avoid people like that), and then whine about them being a bad man. Srsly.

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