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So Urgh...I possible fucked up.

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Right let's go to the start.

I live in a apartment with my Girlfriend. We regualry browse and surf the internet and it has become pretty much mandetory for us.

So me being the guy I am, order better internet for us, because the one we have now 20Down, 5 Up is fucking terrible. (TO any germans out there, don't use "Wirsnet"...) So we switch to Vodaphone for a great deal of 100Down and 50 up on two line Which is fucking sick right? Why is this a problem?

The problem: Normally you have to give the internet provider 3 months notice to when you want to switch provider. And we did all that, gave in the notice, and arranged for the internet to be there in 3 months. Then Wirsnet goes, "Oh, tell you what, we will give you two weeks notice! We are so nice and want you to have the internet earlier" Fucking Assholes... Now we asked Vodaphone if we can get it as soon as possible and they were all like, "We will do it as fast as possible, One month good sir!" And I was all like :



Conclusion: So we might be without internet for maximal of a month.. And we don't know WHEN the internet will be cut, it could be tomorrow for all I know! So, I won't be online.

The good news is: Studys are coming up and I will need to learn! And not procrastinate on this Game. Cheeri'o dear Auroraians. I wish thee a good Month!

Posted (edited)

­­>tfw no qt bf to buy internet for you

We get 7 down, 1 up. At $70 CDN/mo (55 USD?), this is considered a good deal. It's supposed to be 15 up (I think) but it's effectively 5-7, because "speed may not be consistent", which means ISPs can give us whatever they want as long as the network is theoretically capable of providing what's advertised. They don't even advertise upload speeds in Canada (because people might not know what they are for?)

I do a lot of video editing for the company I work for and uploading my files from home takes so long I've given up and started bringing a HDD to the office. I would love to see what 50 mbs/up would look like.

Good luck with your troubles.

Edit: Whoops, wrong account. How do I delete this?

Edited by Guest

Wow, that down/up for Vodaphone is pretty sick. I have TWC myself, and we only have 50 down and 5 up for $60 a month.

If TWC had provided it in my region I would sink more cash for a 300 mbps tbh

See you in a month, though, I think you just landed an amazing deal.


Don't you fear.

We have 6/0.5.

As someone who works FTP, and lives with a video editor occasionally our Internet slows to a halt when either of us upload.

Call in and they claim if we clog one tunnel we clog both of them... Which isn't how it works, just them implementing artificial limits.

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