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Guest Complete Garbage
Posted (edited)
errr where the fuck did all the posts go

Either the forum's logic just fucked off or there's mod action in progress.

removed by myself. I warned Bokaza beforehand, but he made his choice.

Edited by Complete Garbage
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Posted (edited)

Frankly, trivializing a sexuality isn't going to make anything better. Trivializing characters and pretending they're the most cliche thing to happen isn't going to make anything better. Trivializing the reactions people have to your constant critiques or insults won't improve anything either. Rather, your insistence on maintaining your narrative of "oh they're gay characters they're just lesbay lol" or "oh they're shy lol so cliche". And goodness I'm not even exaggerating because you poked fun at a new player on the forums, and I assume the possibility that you're not chum and buddy with them?


holy fuck just stop

what logical individual takes this stance over a forum that consistently discusses an anomaly oft found in the north pole

what is the point of this discussion

I am lost in this desert of a topic without a logical compass

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Right so I'm gonna' have to type this one up quick since I've got 30 seconds of battery left on my laptop.

It's just a fucking video game. Your characters are not real. Any level of their stuttering bullshit that I say I hate and would murder - it doesn't exist. All of your characters are fiction, and so is the hate they endure.

It's not even about fucking narrative these days, it's a competitive video game.

None of this matters, your waifu will never actually be real, and there is no material threat from someone who tells you over the internet that your space princess doesn't deserve to live. That's literally all you need to remember when diving into this.

EDIT: Holy moly dude you're not creating a niche for yourself you're literally fitting into the inflated cliche of the worst fucking debaucherous waifus to be created nothing about them is "unique" or "an attempt to avoid being bland" it's all just you trying to make something that's attractive

being honest with yourself is constructive, so I'm being honest for you

Edited by Guest

I will say that there is a strong stereotype against female medical characters, specifically ones with Japanese names and brightly coloured hair. There has been a loooong history of such characters displaying very poor standards, ignoring their jobs, going 0-100 in a matter of seconds if someone offends them, etcetera. This isn't just Hive being silly, it was a severe and endemic problem for some time. Also, most of these characters were lesbian, and constantly sought out other women on the station. I /think/ most of them have gone, or changed now, though I don't server often, so I am probably not the best judge.


ladies, you're all really pretty

can we go back to playing 2d spess now

I seem to never get any credit for voicing moderate logic because it's apparently not fun or dramatic to hear the opinion of an outlier.

Posted (edited)

The argument has just devolved into everyone saying "it's just a game bro". So I don't see where else I can go with it where anyone will actually say something intelligent or at the very least unique. If being someone other than some meme-spouting idiot to each other is difficult and/or declaring that anyone who's bothered is overreacting is all that will come of any further discussion, then I'm not entirely sure what else to say, because I can't exactly convince anyone that it matters if they're set in the belief that it doesn't.

You don't get any credit because you're just parroting off "you're both pretty" until we stop because this argument has to involve you in some way.

Edited by Guest
I will say that there is a strong stereotype against female medical characters, specifically ones with Japanese names and brightly coloured hair. There has been a loooong history of such characters displaying very poor standards, ignoring their jobs, going 0-100 in a matter of seconds if someone offends them, etcetera. This isn't just Hive being silly, it was a severe and endemic problem for some time. Also, most of these characters were lesbian, and constantly sought out other women on the station. I /think/ most of them have gone, or changed now, though I don't server often, so I am probably not the best judge.


There are still a lot, I do keep a semi-serious watch over a lot of this shit.

I've been playing on aurora in my renewed (not) state of conscious on this matter for about a year now. I haven't had any need to put a single one of my characters in a sexual relationship. To see people marry other characters in their first round of meeting eachother (it happens more than you think) really makes you lose faith in a certain "niche" (as oni-chan put it) of player.

What I think to be even more amazing is how people let text projected over the Internet bother them so much. Are y'all so lacking in self-respect that you need to take the time out of your day to mindlessly annoy and insult each other

I mean, sure, long-term exposure around people that genuinely possess terrible attitudes and having them rage impotently at you on a daily basis certainly takes its toll after awhile, but you end up learning that there exist far more important things than getting upset about a 2d spaceman game.

like holy shit let's just make this really simple

Bokaza: Stop being a butthurt owlposter. You can owlpost, but cut the blasting from thine ass. Stop baiting.

Hive: just take a minute and realize you're the one person that takes shitposting about fictional space lesbians so seriously to the extent that one might think you believe that they are literally worse than ISIS. You lack so much self-awareness it's not even funny.

The rest of you: Quit being spineless eels. I'm fairly certain the majority of you possess sufficient enough self-esteem to not be hot and bothered over what a shitposter has to say about your low-quality ERP bait 2d waifu or whatever. Who the fuck cares, honestly? Do you? If you continue to be directly offended by people over the smallest things, it goes to show that you as a person probably hold way too much attachment in regards to criticism about your characters. So what if they're actually garbage? They reflect absolutely nothing tangible about you as a person. Unless your characters are legit self-inserts, in which you do actually have everything to be apologetic about.

One side needs to tone back the defensiveness, the other side needs to reel back the assclownry. It's disgusting that the two extremes are unable to find any common ground and maybe not be so bothered that something they don't like has some level of existence in their video games.

Grow the fuck up.


But no-ones talked about their characters all my problems are with the community OOCly It feels like everyone is just skirting around this issue because no-one wants to face it :/

The argument has just devolved into everyone saying "it's just a game bro". So I don't see where else I can go with it where anyone will actually say something intelligent or at the very least unique. If being someone other than some meme-spouting idiot to each other is difficult and/or declaring that anyone who's bothered is overreacting is all that will come of any further discussion, then I'm not entirely sure what else to say, because I can't exactly convince anyone that it matters if they're set in the belief that it doesn't.

You don't get any credit because you're just parroting off "you're both pretty" until we stop because this argument has to involve you in some way.


Then leave.

If you feel like you should be allowed to play a really fucking trashy miku, do so.

Just don't do it here, because we don't like that. :)


The fact that we are, for some reason, discussing sexuality and all the related baggage is amazingly disappointing. What does lesbay even have to do with any of this?

As far as I'm tracking, Nikov and Zundy are on point. The rest kinda went. What.

Posted (edited)

So I don't see where else I can go with it where anyone will actually say something intelligent or at the very least unique.


Oh, yes, you are introducing revolutionary concepts and nobody in the history of ever has voiced the same opinions that you do. You are clearly the center example of intelligence and uniqueness. Just like everyone else thinks they are.

No, you're not special. We are all people with our own varying levels of depth and differing thought processes, different aspirations and different moral values. Accept that, or you're still just a bigot like the people you claim to be complaining about.

And you're accusing me of making this topic focused around myself. Page 1, you brought up your own personal sexuality which has almost zero bearing on actual gameplay and I don't even anyone could be inclined to care. Who you identify as doesn't make your argument stronger. What points you make, what the weight of your actions and your words make your argument carry its own weight in a discussion.

Everyone needs to treat each other right, or nobody will treat anyone with respect at all. Find your off-switch, reel the line back and try another approach of doing things, because violently tossing the line far out in the pond will end up in you losing your point if you're unlucky enough.

Edited by Guest

Enough, stop.

Lucy can have different opinions than you that's fine but do you even look at that you’re saying?

You’re attacking someone over and over just because of a character? Just because their opinion is different to you? Maybe you just don’t like them but you’re just proving their original point and my current point.

This community has some really toxic people in it, people who will just attack you if they don’t like what you say, no discussion no room to talk to them they just try and Bully you into sharing their views or not talking, Hive and Delta really are showing this off rather well.

This is the exact reason why I’ve had so many reservations to join the sprite and coding team, exactly why a bunch of people told me “I shouldn’t play Aurora the player base is terrible”, I like you as people I think you play great characters and you have cheered me up when I was down before.

But Hive, Delta seriously

You’re just being needlessly mean and frankly and the sad part is this isn’t the first time and you guys aren’t the only ones, I don’t mind the jokes but they go /way/ too far sometimes and then stuff like this happen and I start to wonder if they were jokes at all.

Please I know you guys are better than this.

Enough, stop.

Lucy can have different opinions than you that's fine but do you even look at that you’re saying?

You’re attacking someone over and over just because of a character? Just because their opinion is different to you? Maybe you just don’t like them but you’re just proving their original point and my current point.

This community has some really toxic people in it, people who will just attack you if they don’t like what you say, no discussion no room to talk to them they just try and Bully you into sharing their views or not talking, Hive and Delta really are showing this off rather well.

This is the exact reason why I’ve had so many reservations to join the sprite and coding team, exactly why a bunch of people told me “I shouldn’t play Aurora the player base is terrible”, I like you as people I think you play great characters and you have cheered me up when I was down before.

But Hive, Delta seriously

You’re just being needlessly mean and frankly and the sad part is this isn’t the first time and you guys aren’t the only ones, I don’t mind the jokes but they go /way/ too far sometimes and then stuff like this happen and I start to wonder if they were jokes at all.

Please I know you guys are better than this.


If you had done back and read my posts rather than immediately assuming I was siding with hive, you can tell I was making fun of him.

He's a joke. Don't consider anything that he's said in this thread with anything beyond a grain of salt because he has nothing intelligent or noteworthy to say in any capacity.

The rest of you need to stop falling for the bait. That's all he's doing, he's playing on your emotions and trying to see how far he can tug you before you end up falling in the river with him. We call that trolling.

Enough, stop.

Lucy can have different opinions than you that's fine but do you even look at that you’re saying?

You’re attacking someone over and over just because of a character? Just because their opinion is different to you? Maybe you just don’t like them but you’re just proving their original point and my current point.

This community has some really toxic people in it, people who will just attack you if they don’t like what you say, no discussion no room to talk to them they just try and Bully you into sharing their views or not talking, Hive and Delta really are showing this off rather well.

This is the exact reason why I’ve had so many reservations to join the sprite and coding team, exactly why a bunch of people told me “I shouldn’t play Aurora the player base is terrible”, I like you as people I think you play great characters and you have cheered me up when I was down before.

But Hive, Delta seriously

You’re just being needlessly mean and frankly and the sad part is this isn’t the first time and you guys aren’t the only ones, I don’t mind the jokes but they go /way/ too far sometimes and then stuff like this happen and I start to wonder if they were jokes at all.

Please I know you guys are better than this.


If you had done back and read my posts rather than immediately assuming I was siding with hive, you can tell I was making fun of him.

He's a joke. Don't consider anything that he's said in this thread with anything beyond a grain of salt because he has nothing intelligent or noteworthy to say in any capacity.

The rest of you need to stop falling for the bait. That's all he's doing, he's playing on your emotions and trying to see how far he can tug you before you end up falling in the river with him. We call that trolling.


But you're just being as bad as him really, it doesn't matter who you're making fun of when it comes to topics like this you really shouldn't.

Theres a time and a place for jokes.

The fact that we are, for some reason, discussing sexuality and all the related baggage is amazingly disappointing. What does lesbay even have to do with any of this?

As far as I'm tracking, Nikov and Zundy are on point. The rest kinda went. What.


To be honest, the topic is on OOC rudeness, and I'm seeing quite a bit of rudeness here.

That said, Lucychan, you shouldn't be getting offended at memes that are this clearly off topic and ironic. If you are, I don't know what to say. You really sound like you want this place into a hug box.

Like I said, it's just a game. I mean, fuck's sakes, are we really this upset about comments about the sexuality of fake characters? They don't exist. It's like making a distasteful joke about Paul McCartney being dead. Distasteful and ass-blasting Sorry I cant read or send texts I'm driving it is, there's no actual material to be upset at.

And Brightdawn, maybe you should have checked out Borna's posts about tricycle autists before they got deleted. Me and Delta are being tame af.

Enough, stop.

Lucy can have different opinions than you that's fine but do you even look at that you’re saying?

You’re attacking someone over and over just because of a character? Just because their opinion is different to you? Maybe you just don’t like them but you’re just proving their original point and my current point.

This community has some really toxic people in it, people who will just attack you if they don’t like what you say, no discussion no room to talk to them they just try and Bully you into sharing their views or not talking, Hive and Delta really are showing this off rather well.

This is the exact reason why I’ve had so many reservations to join the sprite and coding team, exactly why a bunch of people told me “I shouldn’t play Aurora the player base is terrible”, I like you as people I think you play great characters and you have cheered me up when I was down before.

But Hive, Delta seriously

You’re just being needlessly mean and frankly and the sad part is this isn’t the first time and you guys aren’t the only ones, I don’t mind the jokes but they go /way/ too far sometimes and then stuff like this happen and I start to wonder if they were jokes at all.

Please I know you guys are better than this.


If you had done back and read my posts rather than immediately assuming I was siding with hive, you can tell I was making fun of him.

He's a joke. Don't consider anything that he's said in this thread with anything beyond a grain of salt because he has nothing intelligent or noteworthy to say in any capacity.

The rest of you need to stop falling for the bait. That's all he's doing, he's playing on your emotions and trying to see how far he can tug you before you end up falling in the river with him. We call that trolling.


Even though that's untrue, it does seem you've fallen in some form or another of a bait boat.

My points are genuine. It's a game and the characters shouldn't fear persecution for how they're designed because they don't actually exist. Whatever you say about them doesn't even matter.

To think it does is just... I don't know, but it's stupid.

Posted (edited)
Theres a time and a place for jokes.


Look, this is a community of friends playing 2d spess men. We laugh, joke and get rickty rickty wrecked. It's what we do. If you don't like it then I'm really sorry but this community isn't for you. You're a cool bean, so i'd rather you and Lucy didn't go, but this is how this group operates and if you don't like it, well, we're not changing the rules for two people.#

Edit: Literally how Hive? Everytime I make a post you've made like, ten thousand in the space of my one.

Edited by Guest
Guest Menown

This is a post from Bokaza, who is apparently forum banned. He wanted me to relay this.


Well, that was fast. Sadly, no one understood my claver metaphor about being offended and it was promptly deleted. Being the robotic autocrat as he is, Skull decided to ban me. Regardless, I feel inclined to keep sharing my wisdom through Hive, glorious Honorary Owl that he is.

So, Nanako... well, Nanako has his/her/xer flaws, as we all do. It what means to be human. However, all humans are a mix of bad and good things. Despite having the capacity to post suggestions at the speed of a random text generator linked to the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare dislike button and somewhat lack-luster self-awareness skills, he/she/xe (idfk how you write it) has the worth ethic of a cybernetically enhanced bee. In the two weeks Nanako has been a loredev, they've done more work on the wiki than I did in my six months time on the lore team.

Hold your horses, before you delete this. Reason I'm going for Nanako is because this all started with my stupid shitpost on their feedback thread. It's not even that bad. It actually inspired me to give a suggestion to Jackboot about potential 'Psykers' on station and thoughts on how it can be implemented, but that is beside the point. My point is, as I said, that we all have good and bad sides.

Some of us are shameless about our 'bad' sides, to the point of inspiring nothing but ridicule from the community. Some of us are so ashamed of our bad sides, like our glorious Admin staff, that they've become so reclusive and detached from the community it ain't even possible to pick on them. When you do get picked on, getting defensive as fuck about it makes you only look like a killjoy. Beiing offended is a choice, it is not a obligation. At least in my eyes.

About respect, however, I only have actual respect for a few people, no offense. It is earned, not owled. Yes, this is a perfect time for an owl pun. One of them is Skull, who I'm surprised isn't a nervous wreck after trying to keep this community together for so long. Which is saying much after he just fucking banned me for using my right of free speach.

As for people that get butthurt for SSLs, Milcurity, Catmafia, Cyborg roboticist babes and pornstar nurses, I give no credit to them. It's a fucking game. If seeing those in your ArrrrrPeees gives you angst, go see a doctor.

Posted (edited)

Me and Delta are being tame af.


Please do not couple me with you. I claim zero affiliation and I would rather not be in the same sinking boat, tyvm.

My point has been driven across several times. This thread deserves to be destroyed or at least displayed in a special subforum called "Shameful Topic Warehouse" along with the following:




(bonus round) http://www.colonial-marines.com/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=6750

I'll brief you really quick on what these threads have in common. Namely, these sorts of topics suffice to do nothing but bait and switch people into retarded debates over unimportant shit that doesn't warrant discussion.

Report or deal with problematic individuals. Don't bitch about the community as a whole. You do nothing but cause unnecessary bullshit and divide the community against each other to lash out at each other's throat. Divide et impera. Well played, OP, you did a really good job at that. Are you happy you got an owlposter all riled up over this and banned? And potentially set up Hive for more trouble, too? Allow me to wring my hands for you.

Edited by Guest
Enough, stop.

Lucy can have different opinions than you that's fine but do you even look at that you’re saying?

You’re attacking someone over and over just because of a character? Just because their opinion is different to you? Maybe you just don’t like them but you’re just proving their original point and my current point.

This community has some really toxic people in it, people who will just attack you if they don’t like what you say, no discussion no room to talk to them they just try and Bully you into sharing their views or not talking, Hive and Delta really are showing this off rather well.

This is the exact reason why I’ve had so many reservations to join the sprite and coding team, exactly why a bunch of people told me “I shouldn’t play Aurora the player base is terrible”, I like you as people I think you play great characters and you have cheered me up when I was down before.

But Hive, Delta seriously

You’re just being needlessly mean and frankly and the sad part is this isn’t the first time and you guys aren’t the only ones, I don’t mind the jokes but they go /way/ too far sometimes and then stuff like this happen and I start to wonder if they were jokes at all.

Please I know you guys are better than this.


Fucking have to triple post because I'm on a phone and trying to navigate anything is a fucking minefield

Anyways, I totally agree for a bit. However where you say there are toxic people I kinda have to disagree. Toxicity is proven in actual hostility. There are people being hostile in the thread, but it's not like they mean any actual harm. I myself know Delta has severe problems with handling his rhetoric and saving the good old ad hominem, as well as I can't go there posts without making a joke about purging filth.

That said, your characters are never going to be safe from criticism, and the flow of OOC complainers about depicted sexualities won't stop either.

If I'm correct, this topic is about OOC rudeness to other OOC players. I am rarely rude to other players in OOC in a way that shouldn't be taken as a quick laugh and jab with no real offense intended.

Some people here I'm not so sure about lol but anyways

It seems Lucychan is mistaking OOC criticism presented in an abrasive manner but directed towards a character as a personal fuck you because the character is a spruced up busty self insert. All I can really say is oh well, since they don't have to at all, but instead choose to take things that are so insignificant you don't remember them 30 seconds later so personally.

Me and Delta are being tame af.


Please do not couple me with you. I claim zero affiliation and I would rather not be in the same sinking boat, tyvm.

My point has been driven across several times. This thread deserves to be destroyed or at least displayed in a special subforum called "Shameful Topic Warehouse" along with the following:




(bonus round) http://www.colonial-marines.com/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=6750

I'll brief you really quick on what these threads have in common. Namely, these sorts of topics suffice to do nothing but bait and switch people into retarded debates over unimportant shit that doesn't warrant discussion.

Report or deal with problematic individuals. Don't bitch about the community as a whole. You do nothing but cause unnecessary bullshit and divide the community against each other to lash out at each other's throat. Divide et impera. Well played, OP, you did a really good job at that.


And so the real troll reveals itself, good work delta you've done it now big boy

(Sorry for the fucking million posts guys I literally can't see a fuckimg thing on my phone I can read like three words per line and then just go off of instinct and try to slide the screen over to the submit button

Skull pls fix the forums or I'm unbanning Borna)

Anyways Delta now you're REALLY off topic dude, this is a thread about respect and how OOC criticism of characters presented in a mean fashion is taken seriously as OOC hate on OOC players and frankly it should stay this way until we can all get out rhetorics sheathed

It's not about Lucychan having a fucking ISIS agenda to divide Aurora like she's a fucking Cassie sleeper agent delete your posts dude

EDIT: No one has posted in a while. here comes the shit


I never said it was about character at all could you please stop changing the goal posts.

Its about how people treat other people and stuff like saying;


It's not about Lucychan having a fucking ISIS agenda to divide Aurora like she's a fucking Cassie sleeper agent delete your posts dude


Just proves the point, you keep avoiding the issue, turning it into something else or just avoiding it.

Just stop being so rude dude its all we're asking.

Guest Complete Garbage

Tbh, the bottom line is you take the bad with the good in communities centered around games like SS13. Even OOCly, because shitposters are sadly a vocal minority here. Find a group of constructive people who will provide legit criticism and also support you all the same when you need it, and report to the staff anyone that breaks the rules. But for real, if anything anyone else says online personally offends you, deeply, and to the core, you should probably visit your local mage, buy a spell tome of oakflesh, and get some thicker skin.

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