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Record Formats, Blanks and Examples

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Antag Exploitable Examp/Exp/Blank

I wasn't satisfied with some of the formats provided, and opted to create my own here partially inspired by various different kinds of real world corporate/police/medical records for my own characters and decided it'd be dandy to share them here.

I'll provide base formats that explain what each line is for, as well as example forms, then finally blank forms. This entire thread will be updated as time goes on whilst I clear my own premade records and ready the forms for here.

Advice: Some of the lines in a record too much detail for you? In my own laziness, I have that covered! Just place the following under the line you opt not to fill, though please don't do this for something simple like Name/Gender:

[ERROR: Records currently unavailable!]

Employment Record Example:

|Name-: Doe, John

|Sex-: Male

|Marital Status-: Married

|Date of Birth-: January 1, 2400

|Date Hired-: December 5, 2430

|Employee Status-: Active



St. John's University

-Bachelor of Science; Criminal Justice, July 2430

|Employment History-:

-SpessDonalds, Cashier, June 2420 - August 2421

|Employee Skills-:

Trained in NanoTrasen Law, Criminal Investigations, and IEVA Operations.

Skilled in usage of Ballistic Firearms.

Fluent in Sol Common, Tau Ceti Basic, and Tradeband.


|Employee Licenses-:

EVA; Basic IEVA Operations

(Expires: 7/58 - Issued 7/30 - Renewed: 7/57)

|Expired Licenses:

Piloting; Durand MK-01 Exosuit

(Expired 9/56 - Issued 9/53 - Renewal Required)


Employment Record Explanation:

|Name-: [surname, Forename]

|Sex-: [Male, Female - Biological Gender]

|Marital Status-: [Married, Single, Divorced, Widowed, or N/A if you don't feel like being specific]

|Date of Birth-: [Month + Day, Year]

|Date Hired-: [When did NT pick them up?]

|Employee Status-: [Active/Inactive - Are they working or off-duty? Only reason this should be anything other than Active is if you're exclusively playing visitor for some reason]


|Education-: [This is for Doctors, Detectives, Heads, etc. to put their degrees in and everyone else to put the date of their high school graduation in]

[university/High School]

[Degree/GED/Date of Graduation]

|Employment History-: [For those who have worked at somewhere other than NanoTrasen in their life]

[business, Position, Hiring date - Resignation date]

|Employee Skills-: [What's (s)he good at?]

Trained in [Formal training and the like]

Skilled in [skills and other things usually not learned via a formal education, optional]

Fluent in [Languages go here]


|Employee Licenses-: [Pilots, CPR/first aid, prosthetic maintenance, IEVA licenses and so on]

[License category; what you're licensed for]

(Expires: [same month as issued] - Issued [Month+year issued] - Renewed: [When it was last renewed])

|Expired Licenses: [For when you decided not to renew your driver's license or such]

[License category; what you're licensed for]

(Expired [same month as issued] - Issued [Month+year issued] - Renewal Required)


Employment Record Blank Form:



|Marital Status-: 

|Date of Birth-: 

|Date Hired-: 

|Employee Status-: 



|Employment History-: 

|Employee Skills-: 
Trained in 

Skilled in 

Fluent in 


|Employee Licenses-:

|Expired Licenses:

- - -

Security Record Example:

|Name-: Doe, John

|Sex-: Male

|Date of Birth-: January 1, 2400

|Marital Status-: Married

|Social Security-: AAA-GG-SSSS


|Race/Ethnicity-: Caucasian

|Height (in/cm)-: 72 in/182.88 cm

|Weight (lbs/kgs)-: 180 lbs/81.65 kg

|Eye colour-: Blue

|Hair colour-: Brown


|Address-: 123 Smith Lane, Simpletown ST 12345

|Country-: Sol Alliance


|Aliases-: Johnny Doe, Jon Dow

|Language(s)-: Ceti Basic, Sol Common, Tradeband




Optical Sensors - Orbit


Prosthetic Right Arm - NT Model-CV02


Security Record Explanation:

|Name-: [surname, Forename]

|Sex-: [Male, Female - Biological Gender]

|Date of Birth-: [Month + Day, Year]

|Marital Status-: [Married, Single, Divorced, Widowed, or N/A if you don't feel like being specific]

|Social Security-: [Geographical location, group number, serial numbers; Bullshit this one or ERROR it as necessary, it's not that important]


|Race/Ethnicity-: [Caucasian, Hispanic, etc. -- If alien, feel free to replace 'Race' with 'Species']

|Height (in/cm)-: [Calculate either value via google if you are confused]

|Weight (lbs/kgs)-: [As above]

|Eye colour-: [if you put this as something unusual for your species and your character lacks mechanical eyes I will personally whip you with a belt]

|Hair colour-: [Natural, dyed, whatever they so happen to be rocking to work.]


|Address-: [street address, postal code, planet if you feel like; This one might be fiddly if your character lives in an apartment, feel free to improvise here with the address format]

|Country-: [Obvious. Look them up via the aurora wiki if you're confused.]


|Aliases-: [His friends call him Jimmy? He change his name in the past? Criminal pseudonyms? Put 'em here]



|Identifiers-: [Tattoos, cybernetics, scars, etc.]


Security Record Blank Form:



|Date of Birth-: 

|Marital Status-: 

|Social Security-: 



|Height (in/cm)-: 

|Weight (lbs/kgs)-: 

|Eye colour-: 

|Hair colour-: 








- - -

Medical Record Example:




Patient has requested to have their remains stored safely in the morgue, to be returned to their family.



Optical Sensors - Orbit


Prosthetic Right Arm - NT Model-CV02

|Medication Sensitivities/Allergies-:



|Name-: Doe, John

|Sex-: Male

|Date of Birth-: January 1, 2400

|Marital Status-: Married

|Race/Ethnicity-: Caucasian

|Preferred Language-: Ceti Basic

|Height (in/cm)-: 72 in/182.88 cm

|Weight (lbs/kgs): 180 lbs/81.65 kg


|Insurance-: Royal Cross

|Social Security-: AAA-GG-SSSS

|Next of kin-: Doe, Jane


|Address-: 123 Smith Lane, Simpletown ST 12345

|Country-: Sol Alliance


|Contact Information-:


|Emergency Contact Information-:


Doe, Jane






123 Smith Lane, Simpletown ST 12345


Sol Alliance


|Active Medications-:

Inaprovaline - .33u Tablet every 12 hrs

|Scheduled Treatments-:

Orthopedic Diagnostic - February 2, 2440 - Dr. Frank East


|Immunization History-:

Influenza - January 8, 2400

|Medication History-:

Nitroglycerine - .66u Tablet daily - Jan. 1 2420 to Feb. 2 2420

|Treatment History-:

Oral Surgery - Root Canal, 35 36 37 - Mar. 15 2430


Medical Record Explanation:

|Alerts-: [important things that the doctor should see first]

--D.N.C [Do not include if you want to be cloned]

-Instructions [What the doctors are meant to do if your character kicks the bucket. Don't be too silly here.]

--Cybernetics [Do not include if you have none]

-Location [Replace this with Head, for implants and such in the head, and create additional lines if you have multiple locations such as Chest, Limbs, etc.)

|Medication Sensitivities/Allergies-: [Allergic to peanuts, Bicaridine give you hives? Put it here]


|Name-: [surname, Forename]

|Sex-: [Male, Female - Biological Gender]

|Date of Birth-: [Month + Day, Year]

|Marital Status-: [Married, Single, Divorced, Widowed, or N/A if you don't feel like being specific]

|Race/Ethnicity-: [Caucasian, Hispanic, etc. -- If alien, feel free to replace 'Race' with 'Species']

|Preferred Language-: Ceti Basic [Alternate options include native languages, but remember the main language of where you work]

|Height (in/cm)-: [Calculate either value via google if you are confused]

|Weight (lbs/kgs): [As above]


|Insurance-: [You can bullshit this part if you're feeling creative]

|Social Security-: [Geographical location, group number, serial numbers; Bullshit this one or ERROR it as necessary, it's not that important]

|Next of kin-: [Wife, son, or whatever you feel like, this is where backstory comes in]


|Address-: [street address, postal code, planet if you feel like; This one might be fiddly if your character lives in an apartment, feel free to improvise here with the address format]

|Country-: [Obvious. Look them up via the aurora wiki if you're confused.]


|Contact Information-: [This can be your spess emails, spess phone numbers, or whatever you feel like.]

|Emergency Contact Information-: [As above, but for a family member, spouse, etc.]


--Relationship [brother, Sister, Husband, etc.]

-Contact [Just like the contact info above, but for the family member, spouse, etc.]




|Active Medications-: [Your heart meds, diabetes meds, and so on]

|Scheduled Treatments-: [Physical exam, heart surgery, dental appointments, whatever seems appropriate]


|Immunization History-: [Your smallpox, your influenza, your yersinia pestis, whatever they've received their shots for]

|Medication History-: [You can go into more detail here, or not, it's just fluff]

|Treatment History-: [As above, go into detail or opt not to]


Medical Record Blank Form:


|Medication Sensitivities/Allergies-:




|Date of Birth-: 

|Marital Status-: 


|Preferred Language-: 

|Height (in/cm)-: 

|Weight (lbs/kgs): 



|Social Security-: 

|Next of kin-: 





|Contact Information-:

|Emergency Contact Information-: 






|Active Medications-:

|Scheduled Treatments-:


|Immunization History-:

|Medication History-:

|Treatment History-:

Edited by Guest

I think it'd be a good idea to have "Place of birth" too. When you've got a whole range of different stations and colonies that someone could be coming from, it seems like important info to me.


Security Record Explanation:

|Weight (in/cm)-: [As above]


Heh, shouldn't this be lbs/kg or something ?

I'm stupid, hold on whilst I fix it,

Done. Tell me if you catch anything else I messed up, I'm going to go fix my text files and server records now.

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