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Vampire - Feedback


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Welp, the rewrite is livezors. And I want to know what people think of it. There are a few bugs, and I'll be shoving fixes for those into master over the next few days.

What's good about it, what should be improved, and what added?


The vampire help section should be added to our wiki, onto the powers though. Blood heal is awesome and tremendously powerful. It heals ALL damage types everytime it ticks for like 20 damage each. I foresee some problems with "presence" however. how far is this supposed to go? how amiable to your suggestions do people become? do you just become incredibly charismatic? this will probably solve itself though as more players see it.

frenzy... not sure how i feel about it. I cant find any info on what it DOES outside of makes you hulk-yell and drives you crazy. Does it make you stronger? it honestly should at least make you pain-crit immune. Or is reaching frenzy supposed to be a bad thing?


When I was "befriended" I just felt like I needed to do anything to make my "friend" happy. Obviously you should start to question a little bit when it comes to breaking serious regulations though.

I liked to roleplay it like the episode of Stargate: Atlantis called Irresistible where a thoroughly un-likeable man finds a compound which makes his charms irresistible to anyone close to him; everything he says is a good idea and makes perfect sense.


Frenzy does not make you directly stronger, nor does it make you directly weaker. It's supposed to resemble your character's willpower breaking, and them turning into nothing but a bloodthirsty, primitive hunter. Hence the additional power of grapple when frenzied.


Frenzy should help you simulate the loss of grip by making everyone's speech be incomprehensible.

For example, if a person says something, the frenzy should hear it like:

"Urist McGuy says something."

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