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i don't think it's entirely negative, i've seen many people use it to describe themselves with varying degrees of irony

autismfort is a pretty descriptive term, its rather elegant. describing a fort with impressive complexity and attention to detail, in a single amalgamated word. Calling something an autismfort is a jab at the person who made it, but also a compliment to the quality of their work

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Guest Menown

Oh thank god. I thought this was about actual memes. I use the lore from Biesel's meme exhibit often, when I make dank memes ICly, so I was really worried.

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i don't think it's entirely negative, i've seen many people use it to describe themselves with varying degrees of irony

autismfort is a pretty descriptive term, its rather elegant. describing a fort with impressive complexity and attention to detail, in a single amalgamated word. Calling something an autismfort is a jab at the person who made it, but also a compliment to the quality of their work


Are you even paying attention to how people use this, or are you actually just sort trying to find some way to refute this? When has 'autismfort' ever been used as a complement to someone's quality of work? It is flat out intended as an insult to people.

I don't even... Nanako, even if there is a specific instance where someone is using this as some kind of affectionate insult, that isn't what this thread is about. It is about people who go on long, ranting diatribes about engineering making an autismfort or some nonsense.

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For reference, "autismfort" has never been used in a negative connotation as far as I've seen. The one with the extraordinary claim must provide proof, ergo, please provide instances where it is used as such.

Beyond that. I don't fully get this. Actually, I don't get this at all. It sounds like you're wanting us to crack down on a specific word because it's... Used to describe a lot of things, and thus, has lost its dictionary meaning? As if we were here to protect the English language?

That seems silly and violates a rule: never do things in half measure. It's dumb beyond belief to pick a list of specific words and to censor them because of the murky as hell reason you've provided up there. Why? Because once we go through with this, a "Part 2" will pop up, and then a "part 3", followed by a "part (n + 1) * 3". Sooo, either run it to the full extent, or don't start. At all.

And what is "Full extent"? Well, you either was to establish a general rule of, "Don't shitpost," or a zero-tolerance policy on terms and jokes that are derogatory beyond an acceptable point (ala how GOON does it).

Unless the point of this topic flew right past me, at which point, please, do feel free to clarify.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix
For reference, "autismfort" has never been used in a negative connotation as far as I've seen. The one with the extraordinary claim must provide proof, ergo, please provide instances where it is used as such.
I would rather not have debates with chucklefucks building autismforts, making the excuse that "The CE didn't say it WASN'T okay"



Jackboot went extremely moreso autistically apeshit than he's describing of me


filled with idiotic Mikus (the second this isn't the case feel free to correct me swat) with behavioral patterns symptomatic to 6 year old autism.


This ride will not stop until the angst and autism levels are high, we gotta go FASTER to speed this shit along.


Edit: Sentence restructuring because heavy level autism-spasm.


Keep lifeweb out of my spaceman autism simulator please.


This thread is literal autism and it's absolutely mindfucking to even read over. Requesting a lock.


Now. I've aware that small part of your community consists of autistic three wheeled cars, but that has very little to do with anything now does it?


The fact that the unfortunately autistic furfandom usually also has diaper fetishes and shit like that to go with their pet fucking is cancer.


well the people who take lore too seriously tend to be more autistic than the general population


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Is "autism" a bad word now?

Is identifying certain individuals to those with crippled, inhibited or those with null social capabilities offensive, especially when those individuals are displaying behavior like it? In addition to identifying the behavior stemming from those sorts of people.

When are we going to start placing discussion guidelines based on a talking points system? As in, say "Wow, this community has a lot of potential, it's a wonder it's survived over two years now and it can only improve in some aspects" and you're above the line, you're saying exactly as scripted. Say anything like "This community as a whole have some serious issues and there are individuals exacerbating them to an unreasonable extent" and nobody knows or associates with you. A ban is likely, though optional, if anyone were to go even slightly off the reservation. Dissent is not OK.

I'm otherwise genuinely curious, is it offensive to say that certain people are almost completely unable to hold civil, normal discussions with one another without one side or the other immediately exploding due to social impotence and a lack of understanding on how to treat people?

Because autistic people have to go through with that and it's of no particular fault of their own. Everyone else, however, to my knowledge, is a normal person and should not have to 1.) Tell malicious lies for the intent of damaging player reputation, 2.) over-exaggerate issues to push either a grudge or a personal agenda but offer zero feedback or participation in issues they have zero stake in, 3.) scream very loudly and emotionally as to why they are right and everyone else is wrong but offers no actual logical premise for anyone sympathetic enough trying to follow their argument.

So unless you can offer a doctor's note with a legitimate diagnosis, though, the "certain people" who I won't outright name, but will quietly acknowledge the existence of, are not exempt or excused from being held responsible for their actions and for their words.

Being autistic is not a good thing, it's even worse when normal unaffected human beings act like they're victimized damaged goods in order to be able to wave a false flag in order to garner attention.

Anyway, thanks for mentioning me into the conversation, I totally asked to be in this discussion and I do so love being a center of Jackboot's attention. (I don't.)

Sorry for identifying a growing cancerous trend in the community, I guess.

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Not a single one says autismfort though

Autismfort: a hideout, shelter or bunker made by a spessman, usually an assistant or engineer for the sole purpose of building, spessmen often compete at how creative or fully equiped their autism forts are, and building one is one of the great ways to learn construction.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

The OP was speaking mostly of the use of autism itself as an insult; autismfort was only an example. I disagree with his intended solution - but he just deleted the OP so it's mostly null now.

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