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Emergency Medical Access


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Medical Personnel should be able to request emergency access into restricted areas. Now, I know this sounds crazy and abusable, but I do think it could be balanced if done correctly. My idea would be to have a popup option on secure airlocks (IE Science, Bridge, Engines). This popup would give medical personnel the option of requesting 'Emergency Medical Access.' Such a request could then be forwarded to the station AI or done internally. I think having the station AI oversee this would be much better.

Once the request is sent, the AI player would be given a popup prompt. This popup would contain the name of the requested department, the life support of said department, and the number of injured in the department. I had to think long and hard about how the popup would detect players, and I think I may have figured it out. I once played around with the SS13 source code, and fire alarms were broken up by departments. So, I thought that it might be possible to add a check for injured people, or perhaps, the devs could tie it into the medical computer.

Once all the information is displayed, the AI player would be given a choice to accept the override or deny it (Deny would conflict with law??). If the Ai accepted the request, then the door would open automatically without further AI player action.

Now, what about spam? We currently have the holographic projectors that issue popups to the AI. They are rarely used; this may be due to their overall usefulness. However, if spam is truly a concern, we could impose a timer on this action by department.

Why should we consider this, we have cloning? I would think that medical personnel would attempt to save lives as their priority not create them. When it comes to a crew members life, I would think a secured room would be opened, if safe to do so, if a doctors needed to get inside for medical reasons.

I got this idea from an old episode of Star Trek where a doctor vocally requested emergency access to a crew member's private quarters.

Please let me know what you think about the idea as well as any changes you think would make it better. I must say this is a rather rough concept, so please forgive me.


Yes we definitely need this.

I would suggest a dropdown menu where you can select what type of emergency access is needed.

The following types would be included:

  • medical emergency access for when a patient needs to be rescued
  • security emergency access if there is greytider that needs to be prodded
  • engineering emergency access if there is a chair that needs to be placed
  • janitor emergency access if there is a mess that needs to be cleaned
  • qm and cargo tech mergency access for those important crates
  • hop emergency access for those urgent demotions
  • greytide emergency access so the baldies can get easier into various places (this also alerts security and enables security emergency access so they can more efficiently take down the baldie)


[/sarcasm off]

No we dont need that.

What prevents the Paramedic from just asking the AI to open that area ?

Or anyone that works in that department ?

Or any engineer thats near by ?

Or any borg ?

And if there is really an emergency, and you cant reach anyone. Just smash in the nearest window.

It seems useless and redundant and I do not see how this suggestion contributes to RP, in fact it seems to be "the easy way out" by just providing a button to click instead of being forced to ask other people for help. (Be it the Ai or whatever)

Yes we definitely need this.

I would suggest a dropdown menu where you can select what type of emergency access is needed.

The following types would be included:

  • medical emergency access for when a patient needs to be rescued
  • security emergency access if there is greytider that needs to be prodded
  • engineering emergency access if there is a chair that needs to be placed
  • janitor emergency access if there is a mess that needs to be cleaned
  • qm and cargo tech mergency access for those important crates
  • hop emergency access for those urgent demotions
  • greytide emergency access so the baldies can get easier into various places (this also alerts security and enables security emergency access so they can more efficiently take down the baldie)


[/sarcasm off]

No we dont need that.

What prevents the Paramedic from just asking the AI to open that area ?

Or anyone that works in that department ?

Or any engineer thats near by ?

Or any borg ?

And if there is really an emergency, and you cant reach anyone. Just smash in the nearest window.

It seems useless and redundant and I do not see how this suggestion contributes to RP, in fact it seems to be "the easy way out" by just providing a button to click instead of being forced to ask other people for help. (Be it the Ai or whatever)


What doesn't contribute to RP is people dying due to medical being locked out. What doesn't contribute to RP is medical having to "break a window" to do our jobs.

If you read the suggestion, then you would know the AI makes the call and is given information to allow it to determine if an emergency is actually happening. Your sarcasm is absolutely unnecessary and is the opposite of constructive. Furthermore, this is a suggestion in the "Suggestions & Ideas" thread, arguably nothing is "needed."


I just had an idea for a medical item similar to the pAI door jack, but faster. It would take about 30 seconds and would alert the AI and perhaps a computer on the bridge. It would give enough time for the AI or bridge to deny a request and shut down the device.

Another idea would be a handheld device similar to an EFTPOS that could scan another ID and act as a 5 minute temporary pass. This too could generate some kind of alert. Alternatively, it could be stored in a wall rack in medical and be programmed by the CMO to give access on the fly, but also be revoked just as fast.

I just had an idea for a medical item similar to the pAI door jack, but faster. It would take about 30 seconds and would alert the AI and perhaps a computer on the bridge. It would give enough time for the AI or bridge to deny a request and shut down the device.

Another idea would be a handheld device similar to an EFTPOS that could scan another ID and act as a 5 minute temporary pass. This too could generate some kind of alert. Alternatively, it could be stored in a wall rack in medical and be programmed by the CMO to give access on the fly, but also be revoked just as fast.


OO, I like the sound of the first one because it keeps the AI still active in everything!


I have to agree that this process is redundant and unnecessary. If the AI manages this process, you just ask them, "AI OPEN DOOR EMERGENCY" or similar, and if they are active, they open it. Giving them a prompt to click will only cause annoyances if they are in the middle of typing or something. The areas are secure for a reason, medical doesn't get an all access pass whenever they ask.

Just because suggestions are things we don't necessarily need doesn't mean every suggestion has inherent value.


Another idea would be a handheld device similar to an EFTPOS that could scan another ID and act as a 5 minute temporary pass. This too could generate some kind of alert. Alternatively, it could be stored in a wall rack in medical and be programmed by the CMO to give access on the fly, but also be revoked just as fast.


These already exist. The guest pass terminals are located in every department, near the entrance.


Just because suggestions are things we don't necessarily need doesn't mean every suggestion has inherent value.


While I understand this, there is no sense in a person being a sarcastic dick. Be constructive or move on. His title says "coder" which makes it even worse if he is staff. Being nice to the ones who play their game is rather essential.

I never said anything about an "all access pass" please do not imply I did or that that is what I was suggesting.

Now, typing it out would be amazing if the AI was an actual AI and not a person. Sadly, the AI player has to see the typed request. whereas, this would present a nice notification of requested access. Therefore, it guarantees that the request would be seen, barring the AI player being AFK of course. This system would improve RP as the AI would seem more omniscient.


I never said anything about an "all access pass" please do not imply I did or that that is what I was suggesting.

Now, typing it out would be amazing if the AI was an actual AI and not a person. Sadly, the AI player has to see the typed request. whereas, this would present a nice notification of requested access. Therefore, it guarantees that the request would be seen, barring the AI player being AFK of course. This system would improve RP as the AI would seem more omniscient.


How do you expect this to work? From a coding perspective, I mean. If you do this on a per-door basis, it is unnecessarily tedious - you may have to go through several doors, have the AI accept the override for each, before you get there. If there are shutters in place for a valid reason you will also cause atmospheric leakage this way. On the other hand, if you want this to temporarily change the access rights of the department to include medical, that might be feasible, but if you have the AI's attention for that, they can open the doors for you anyway.

I think, if you wanted to implement this idea, going the way of the AI holopad is better. By which I mean, a simple text-window notice saying "Urist McMedic wishes access to Security Brig", with a link allowing you to quickjump your AI eye to the door in question. This way, if people DO decide to be annoying and spam it, you are capable of ignoring it, without an obnoxious popup window prompt appearing.


How do you expect this to work? From a coding perspective, I mean. If you do this on a per-door basis, it is unnecessarily tedious - you may have to go through several doors, have the AI accept the override for each, before you get there. If there are shutters in place for a valid reason you will also cause atmospheric leakage this way. On the other hand, if you want this to temporarily change the access rights of the department to include medical, that might be feasible, but if you have the AI's attention for that, they can open the doors for you anyway.

I think, if you wanted to implement this idea, going the way of the AI holopad is better. By which I mean, a simple text-window notice saying "Urist McMedic wishes access to Security Brig", with a link allowing you to quickjump your AI eye to the door in question. This way, if people DO decide to be annoying and spam it, you are capable of ignoring it, without an obnoxious popup window prompt appearing.


The original suggestion had it tied into the department itself. The fire alarms work by mapping out department areas (or at least they use to). My initial idea also said that the popup would include atmospheric information to inform the AI player if there is a danger to the outside area. All in all, yes it would be, I guess, a temporary change in access rights to the department. I agree, the need to do it on a per-door basis would be tedious. As for the coding that is outside of my area. I study law in university, not computer science.

The notification could ask the AI to temporarily add medical to the access list for a predetermined amount of time. I would consider that reasonable. This type of notification and acceptance would moot the need for atmospheric information. The medical team would be able to enter the department and see the shutters down (do the shutters detect toxins? If not then current atmos alarms for the areas could be displayed), or just give priority to atmospheric tech and station engineers first. I also lightly tackled ways to combat spamming, such as a timer.


As many others have pointed out, this is unnecessarily redundant. If you need access to a department for an "emergency" then you can bust down a window or airlock with your handy-dandy fireaxe that paramedics have. Alternatively, you can just ask the AI. If the AI fails to respond quickly enough, or does not see your message, then oh well. That's the consequence of not paying attention, and failing to pay attention should be appropriately punished - as it is now, without this crutch.

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