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Add IAA's to "Species approved for Head of Staff positions"


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Why there? Because it's a clear guideline to what species can play what role.

Why? To avoid any possible confusion in the future. I've ahelped today about one IAA IPC and one Mod had to wait for the DO's to come online to ask them. It would be nice to have it in there, considering that IAA's are whitelisted.




-Head of Security

-Chief Engineer

-Head of Personnel

-Chief Medical Officer

-Research Director

-Internal Affair Agent


Might also want to update the job guides on the wiki to include what species are allowed to play these jobs. But only after adding IAA's. But who reads these.


Any race that isn't Vaurca can play IAA, and that's because IAA are under special conditions rn.

Personally, I'd prefer if IAA was human and Skrell only like CCIA is, but *shrug* .

Any race that isn't Vaurca can play IAA, and that's because IAA are under special conditions rn.

Personally, I'd prefer if IAA was human and Skrell only like CCIA is, but *shrug* .

something something communication between the staff themselves regarding how to deal with something And you failed.

This thread was created solely because I ahelped about a IAA IPC, and the mod couldn't get the answer if it's allowed or not. He was saying that DO's think it's not, but one headadmin thought it was thing sometime ago. Or something, I think.

And I don't like IPC's (and Dionea, but what do) being IAA's, because they are the scum of the universe, and will have it even worse after the new antag contest. There's a reason why IPC's can only be CE's, CMO's and RD's. And that's because these jobs don't really require much loyalty and trust. And IAA's have occupation qualifications close to those of other heads of staff. And if DO's don't trust IPC's to be HoP's, I can't see how they would trust them to be IAA's.

But whatever.


IPC's are allowed to be IA's according to Owen, who got the information from me. IPCs are allowed to be Internal Affairs solely because there has ben no ruling against it made either by the lore team or more recently the Duty Officers.

Loyalty Implants do not work on IPCs. However, this still has not created a ruling against them being in Internal Affairs. If you would like them to be removed from internal affairs, suggest it to the DOs.

Also, the primary issue with the staff is not communication. Both these incidents of "miscommunication" are actually the byproducts of on-the-spot decisions by admins, because they don't want to keep your RP on hold while they go reference the NSS Aurora Legal Dictionary of All Things Allowed and Disallowed, Minute and Major. It's a courtesy to you.


I just said that they were allowed because it never has been directly stated that they couldn't be one. I think it makes sense for them not to be in the IAA position as they aren't allowed in many valuable positions. After the antag contest IPCs will be allowed to be in all of command or not at all anyway so I'd just go with what the administration says for now.

Edit: Saw previous post. Open to making a temporary ruling if needed until the contests results come in.


Whos and who don'ts aside, it would still be nice if the lists were updated to exclude Vaurca at least, for clarity's sake. I still support the suggestion. Would take @TishinaStalker just a second to fix it.


Since this falls in the purview of the admins, I'll flag the head admins to take care of this. If they don't, proceed with the lynching.


Alright, after disussing it with Garn, we will update the thread with what species is allowed to be IAA, and what not.


- Human

- Skrell

- IPCs*

- Tajara

- Unathi

Not allowed:

- Diona

- Vaurca

*We used the excuse that they have a loyalty chip, Jackboot and Botanist will correct me if thats not possible.

In case the IPCs lose the antag contest they won't be allowed to be IAAs anymore.

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