AgentWhatever Posted August 11, 2016 Posted August 11, 2016 BYOND Key: AgentWhatever Game ID: Forgot to note it. My bad. Player Byond Key: SomeoneOutThere Staff involved: None, atleast none involved via me Reason for complaint: Poor RP and murderous behavior leaving everybody angry Approximate Date/Time: 10-08-2016 and 11-08-2016 arround 17:00 GMT+1 This is about two seperate malf AI rounds where SomeoneOutThere was the AI, known as F.R.I.E.N.D. The first round was on 10-08-2016 when I was observing the round after failing to enroll for AI. I came about 20 minutes in to see that the cyborgs were assembling a particle accelerator in the cargo warehouse accompanied by a supermatter crate. The cyborgs were constantly arguing about when to actually unleash the singularity cascade, eager to let it happen early as people were starting to get aware of what was happening in that room. Then the AI made an announcement. It clearly stated what a singularity cascade was and what it could do, threatening to end the universe if they did not round up all Tajara and executed them in front of the AI upload. Chaos ensued, security and engineering homed onto the cargo warehouse, the borgs got locked down with a very unsatisfying end and I honestly do not remember what happened after that. The AI would also use meme's to react to the crew or its cyborgs every now and then, giving the impression that he was only there for his own fun. The second round was 11-08-2016 around 17:00 GMT+1, when I failed to enroll as AI again and immediately went observer. The AI quickly asked it's cyborgs what they wanted to do but they ultimately left it to him. This resulted in the exact same plan as before: A singularity cascade. 10 minutes in, with the AI showing crystal clear signs of malfunctioning, I joined in as a positronic brain to eventually wait out until we went to red alert to select the combat module. During this time, the AI actually started trying to get an internal fight going, saying that the tajara and skrell were up to no good and needed to be rounded up. All the while the cyborgs (science, engineering and blank (me)) were ordering the necessary parts from cargo for the cascade. This all went relatively good until the engineering borg was spotted moving the crates around, immediately shifting the balance from trying to get a conflict going to murderbone. The supermatter crate was opened in atmospherics, somebody caused a breach to cause people to be pushed into it and shortly after that it exploded, leaving engineering and our main power source crippled. Because I was a borg and almost all communication stopped when the supermatter exploded, I don't exactly know what happened elsewhere on the station, other then that the power was cut to the RD's office and multiple doors were shocked, accompanied by some areas being siphoned. All the while I was left doing nothing, waiting on that red alert and keeping out of sight. Someone somewhere got a robotics console going and locked all cyborgs down, rendering us useless for a few minutes. After this, the AI finally raised to red after I basically harassed it. The original plan completely failed, boiling down to the AI making as many casualties as possible. I was forced to kill the CE and the head of security and captain by the AI. In all other cases my appearance was enough to scare people away. After I successfully got EMP'd twice by the captain who had his face melting off, I finally ghosted, feeling disappointed at the shear mayhem that was happening as opposed to a decent role-played situation. I witnessed the supermatter engine blow and a lot of hate from other players directed towards the AI's actions. It didn't stop it's killing spree, not even at the very end as it had chosen the self-destruct hardware, attempting to gib people trying to destroy it, shouting allahu ackbar over LOOC. I'm assuming there were more incidents regarding SomeoneOutThere's AI as I heard nothing but negative comments about F.R.I.E.N.D. I'm not sure if the singularity cascade is meta or not as a malf AI, but it certainly seems unrealistic to use. All in all, everybody but the AI left these two rounds with a huge pile of salt on them and I generally don't see how this even remotely fun for the rest of the crew.
Guest Posted August 11, 2016 Posted August 11, 2016 I've absolutely no idea what SomeoneOutThere's obsession with causing an SM cascade is all about. Given it's a kind of thing that would end the universe if tried, I've no idea how an antagonist would ever come to that knowledge in IC. Let's also not discount their repeated attempts to cascade the server. "I'm gonna end the universe if you don't give me what I want!" Incredibly low-bar RP, and I've seen really shitty stuff.
nicemoreoften Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 (edited) Was present for these rounds and other rounds with F.R.I.E.N.D. as a malf AI and they always seem to rush nuke or cascade and do it in an obvious way that they only survive through fake CC announcements saying not to kill them. EDIT: ";!makes frog noises because memes." appears to be one of their running jokes? Not very good for roleplay. Edited August 12, 2016 by Guest
Nanako Posted August 12, 2016 Posted August 12, 2016 it was fun to do once, and they did it. there's an entry in the hall of fame for it, this was the player who flipped the switch. Several more tmes in a few days is a bit much. imo you should wait at least a month before doing something like this again If i'm correct, someoneoutthere plays JADE. They seem to delight in ganking anything they can and playing a psychotic borg. Their OOC personality doesnt seem much different from their characters. its safe to say i dont get along with this person
Skull132 Posted August 13, 2016 Posted August 13, 2016 EDIT: ";!makes frog noises because memes." appears to be one of their running jokes? Not very good for roleplay. For reference, he got a warning for this on 11AUG2016. If he meme'd over IC after that (over the past few days), please reply and let us know.
Natwhite Posted August 13, 2016 Posted August 13, 2016 EDIT: ";!makes frog noises because memes." appears to be one of their running jokes? Not very good for roleplay. We are curious about the date you seen this, for the reasons skull stated. As to the complaint itself, Awaiting SomeoneOutThere's Response.
AgentWhatever Posted August 13, 2016 Author Posted August 13, 2016 EDIT: ";!makes frog noises because memes." appears to be one of their running jokes? Not very good for roleplay. We are curious about the date you seen this, for the reasons skull stated. As to the complaint itself, Awaiting SomeoneOutThere's Response. I remember him saying that the last time he tried the cascade to my knowledge, so 11/08. I could be wrong on the date, but i definitely saw him do that too
nicemoreoften Posted August 13, 2016 Posted August 13, 2016 EDIT: ";!makes frog noises because memes." appears to be one of their running jokes? Not very good for roleplay. We are curious about the date you seen this, for the reasons skull stated. As to the complaint itself, Awaiting SomeoneOutThere's Response. Recently but would not be able to get an exact date. Happened every round when FRIEND was AI but may have even pre complaint
Vanagandr Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Re: the more recent incident. I was the engiborg. Log here: What happened was, I got rumbled in Cargo while trying to move three crates alone - the QM saw me. He started asking questions over the radio, while I rushed the crates down to the mining dock airlock. The intention there was to force the airlock and run out into space, but the mining shuttle arrived. The miner just sat there shouting over the radio about a borg with singularity and supermatter crates, while I smashed a window into space and headed out. I watched him for a few moments, then force-launched the shuttle. I also force-opened the outer airlock, to give him something to think about if he decided to rush back and interfere. Later I saw him dead in the shuttle - presumably he didn't have internals and couldn't get the shuttle to leave. At a guess, it was something vaguely related to the escape shuttle failing to launch if all the airlocks aren't sealed and bolted. I was actually surprised, not only that he wasn't wearing a hardsuit, but that it killed him - even without internals, ten or so seconds of vacuum exposure shouldn't be fatal. At any rate, I took my crates down towards the Aft Port Solar, where I (abortively) started trying to set up the PA; an engineer cat named Samara came by in a hardsuit and tried to run off with a crate. I managed to get it away from her, as she floated into space, and I broke some windows into the Construction Area, because it had occurred to me that you can't hold the station hostage with a singulo if the PA is unpowered, and you can't set up an APC in space. I'm pretty sure I shockbolted the internal door - the whole point was to keep people from getting underfoot. Parts were inside, and construction was proceeding, when Samara came back. She shouted over the radio for a bit, then came in through the hole in the window and grabbed, I think, the supermatter crate and tried to sax with it. Needless to say, this Could Not Be, so I blocked her against the PA and crate, broke her feet, and dragged her outside where she couldn't get in the way. Construction continued. I accidentally opened the wrong crate, which contained the crystal, and managed to block myself in against the PA, the crystal, and some tables. I was working on getting out of that predicament when a team of engineers and a security officer finished hacking the door and pried it open. I managed to get free and moved to try and put the PA between me and the intruders. Recall, if you will, that the room is A: vented, B: contains a supermatter crystal, C: has had its door hacked and forced and D: is adjacent to a pressurised corridor. I was only directly trying to drag the crystal over the sec officer, but ZAS space-wind conspired to vapourise me and one of the engineers as well. The crystal, fed by a borg, two humans, and a spray of assorted loose objects, promptly exploded. Several more people ended up crippled in the explosion - two engineers in particular lost limbs, but Samara managed to get away with no (further) injury, to collapse of paincrit near the mining shuttle. Several doctors and bystanders ended up dead as well - the blast was quite destructive. The breach that forced people into the crystal was not part of a deliberate murderboner conspiracy, though I admit that in the heat of the moment I wasn't above exploiting the stunning effects of it to take the security officer and his flash out of the fight. Personally, with regards to the bulk of the events in that round, I'm inclined to say that c'est la guerre; a supervillain was constructing his doomsday device, the heroes flew in to halt his dastardly schemes, one thing led to another, and that's why we don't talk about the Metropolis Crater. It was suboptimal, but sometimes that's just how things are. I do, however, think two things in particular were concerning: the first, being the way people immediately jumped on a lack of signatures as proof that the messages from "Centcomm" were false. I recall reading a 'roleplay guide' saying that when something happens that isn't blatantly OOCly unacceptable, you're supposed to go "Yes, and...", not "No, that's bullshit." The second being the revelation that apparently, where F.R.I.E.N.D. is concerned, feeding a supermatter crystal to Lord Singulo isn't just a Damocles' sword to be used to force compliance, but a goal in and of itself to be attempted wherever opportunity presents itself. It doesn't seem quite Cricket, somehow.
Guest Posted August 15, 2016 Posted August 15, 2016 Recall, if you will, that the room is A: vented, B: contains a supermatter crystal, C: has had its door hacked and forced and D: is adjacent to a pressurised corridor. I was only directly trying to drag the crystal over the sec officer, but ZAS space-wind conspired to vapourise me and one of the engineers as well. So that you could disintegrate them instantly due to how the mechanics work in relation to bumping into a supermatter core? cute.
SomeoneOutTher3 Posted August 15, 2016 Posted August 15, 2016 BYOND Key: AgentWhateverGame ID: Forgot to note it. My bad. Player Byond Key: SomeoneOutThere Staff involved: None, atleast none involved via me Reason for complaint: Poor RP and murderous behavior leaving everybody angry Approximate Date/Time: 10-08-2016 and 11-08-2016 arround 17:00 GMT+1 This is about two seperate malf AI rounds where SomeoneOutThere was the AI, known as F.R.I.E.N.D. The first round was on 10-08-2016 when I was observing the round after failing to enroll for AI. I came about 20 minutes in to see that the cyborgs were assembling a particle accelerator in the cargo warehouse accompanied by a supermatter crate. The cyborgs were constantly arguing about when to actually unleash the singularity cascade, eager to let it happen early as people were starting to get aware of what was happening in that room. Then the AI made an announcement. It clearly stated what a singularity cascade was and what it could do, threatening to end the universe if they did not round up all Tajara and executed them in front of the AI upload. Chaos ensued, security and engineering homed onto the cargo warehouse, the borgs got locked down with a very unsatisfying end and I honestly do not remember what happened after that. The AI would also use meme's to react to the crew or its cyborgs every now and then, giving the impression that he was only there for his own fun. The second round was 11-08-2016 around 17:00 GMT+1, when I failed to enroll as AI again and immediately went observer. The AI quickly asked it's cyborgs what they wanted to do but they ultimately left it to him. This resulted in the exact same plan as before: A singularity cascade. 10 minutes in, with the AI showing crystal clear signs of malfunctioning, I joined in as a positronic brain to eventually wait out until we went to red alert to select the combat module. During this time, the AI actually started trying to get an internal fight going, saying that the tajara and skrell were up to no good and needed to be rounded up. All the while the cyborgs (science, engineering and blank (me)) were ordering the necessary parts from cargo for the cascade. This all went relatively good until the engineering borg was spotted moving the crates around, immediately shifting the balance from trying to get a conflict going to murderbone. The supermatter crate was opened in atmospherics, somebody caused a breach to cause people to be pushed into it and shortly after that it exploded, leaving engineering and our main power source crippled. Because I was a borg and almost all communication stopped when the supermatter exploded, I don't exactly know what happened elsewhere on the station, other then that the power was cut to the RD's office and multiple doors were shocked, accompanied by some areas being siphoned. All the while I was left doing nothing, waiting on that red alert and keeping out of sight. Someone somewhere got a robotics console going and locked all cyborgs down, rendering us useless for a few minutes. After this, the AI finally raised to red after I basically harassed it. The original plan completely failed, boiling down to the AI making as many casualties as possible. I was forced to kill the CE and the head of security and captain by the AI. In all other cases my appearance was enough to scare people away. After I successfully got EMP'd twice by the captain who had his face melting off, I finally ghosted, feeling disappointed at the shear mayhem that was happening as opposed to a decent role-played situation. I witnessed the supermatter engine blow and a lot of hate from other players directed towards the AI's actions. It didn't stop it's killing spree, not even at the very end as it had chosen the self-destruct hardware, attempting to gib people trying to destroy it, shouting allahu ackbar over LOOC. I'm assuming there were more incidents regarding SomeoneOutThere's AI as I heard nothing but negative comments about F.R.I.E.N.D. I'm not sure if the singularity cascade is meta or not as a malf AI, but it certainly seems unrealistic to use. All in all, everybody but the AI left these two rounds with a huge pile of salt on them and I generally don't see how this even remotely fun for the rest of the crew. I will admit that the frog noises meme was too much and that I was asked to tone it down, so I did. For the record,Itzal gave me permission to use the SM Cascade against the crew should they fail to meet my demands. I wanted to use the SM Cascade to force the crew to do what I wanted to and give them increasingly hard/ridiculous tasks as time went by,basically creating a dictatorship that operates on making the crew fear that the universe will end should they rebel. Clearly,that failed when the camera viewing the PA was disabled and the borgs were locked down, so the only other option, in my opinion,was to start murdering the crew and eliminating any and all threats to the AI. The original backup plan was to pump toxic gas into the distro loop (Again,with permission),but I then decided to try to salvage the round by making fake CC announcements saying that I have been relawed, after I blew up the engine core,that is.Looking back at it,I think my attempts at prolonging the round only made it worse,considering what the situation was. All in all,I think that the first time around, the escalation to murderboning was reasonable,since the AI(me) made demands to the crew and threatened them with a doomsday device,was stopped, and was likely going to face the threat of getting emitter-drilled if it did nothing about it. I did go code-delta near the end of the round,but that happened after the CT shuttle was already on its way to CentComm. I am inclined to call powergame on part of the crew during the first incident, considering they essentially had a hostage situation which may or may not have resulted in a black hole eating the station,but I'm extremely biased here. Second round: Pretty much the same thing. I,once again,decided to go with the SM Cascade plan. A while later, I tried to improve and get an internal fight going with fake CC messages telling the crew to detain Skrell and Tajarans(And then attempt another takeover while the crew was busy fighting amongst themselves), but people jumped on the "No signatures=fake" bus, my borgs got discovered, the round went to hell once again, and I gave my combat borg the order to kill the CE (He was heading down to engineering after it was discovered that I am rogue, I thought he was about to retrieve an emitter), the Captain (He was deconstructing the wall to my core, so I believe taking him out was a perfectly reasonable course of action), and the HoS (He had access to the EMP weapons,which I forgot to tell my borgs to destroy amidst the chaos). I wasn't watching my engineering borg and the incident with the supermatter crate blowing up half of Engineering,so I can't really give any feedback on that. Going a bit off-topic here(This is way earlier than what I described above), whoever was playing Manfred Hayden asked me to blow up the engine core because he was fed up with his fellow engineers, and wanted me to do it in such a way that the CE would get blamed for it , so that's what I tried to do,since it would destabilize relations amongst the crew and make the round fun,but the borg getting discovered ruined that. My overall view on this: I tried to do a takeover of the station and cause tensions amongst the crew, which failed and led to the crew knowing I was rogue, so I followed the next logical course of action:attempt to eliminate threats to myself. I believe that the escalation during the round was reasonable. Hopefully,an admin can provide logs for both rounds. P.S.: I did try to blow up the engineering team that was emittering its way into my core during the second round, that's exactly what the Self-Destruct hardware is for. I see nothing wrong with using it.
Nikov Posted August 15, 2016 Posted August 15, 2016 I wasn't trying to blow up the engine, I just wanted the engine sabotaged to humiliate those who wronged me. My plan was to start filtering oxygen back into the core and it would slowly overheat, however it was clear that the AI wanted to emitter the core as well when my plan didn't bring immediate fruition. However we had very limited communication thanks to paper-to-camera notes and a sparingly used private radio channel, so I understand some confusion. I was still hoping to emerge as an hero at the end of this, so I wound up dead trying to counteract the supermatter core in construction. Well, brained. Then I had a long exchange with a Skrell about whether or not head tails were basically Skrell tits ( and if headtail chains are bras [ they totally are ] ). Spess Wind accidentally killing a borg and a human by throwing them into a supermatter core is not a sign the borg conspired to "accidentally" kill themself in order to deliberately kill the human, its a sign the borg fucked up with a silver lining.
Vanagandr Posted August 16, 2016 Posted August 16, 2016 Spess Wind accidentally killing a borg and a human by throwing them into a supermatter core is not a sign the borg conspired to "accidentally" kill themself in order to deliberately kill the human, its a sign the borg fucked up with a silver lining. I was trying to kill the security officer, though. The engineer was collateral damage and would probably have been evicted with a few broken bones. I believe it's generally understood that security officers leading the charge against an antag face certain occupational hazards.
AgentWhatever Posted September 22, 2016 Author Posted September 22, 2016 Did anything happen with someoneoutthere, though? I've noticed him not playing his AI anymore.
SomeoneOutTher3 Posted September 22, 2016 Posted September 22, 2016 Did anything happen with someoneoutthere, though? I've noticed him not playing his AI anymore. I decided that the old AI was an enormous disaster and needed to be forgotten ASAP. I now play a new AI.
DatBerry Posted October 13, 2016 Posted October 13, 2016 Will be moving to archive due to inactivity, if you wish to re-open the complaint, PM me or another staff member.
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