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[Accepted] Snoopy11's IPC Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key:Snoopy11

Character Names:Azza Nazkiin, Samara Kaytam, Legatus, Yasmine Wardah; And a fair few others who I wouldn't count as continuous characters!

Species you are applying to play: Integrated Positronic Chassis or IPC for short.

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):Roughly human-colored y’know, maybe, not blue, maybe not green? Y’know, skin-ish. Shell after all.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yup! It changes time after time but I feel I can keep up to a decent pace with it, especially after the antag contest.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:As with playing any non-human races, you face different challenges in both IC of how you interact with crew, and how your actions can be interpreted with racism or bias against said race. In the regards to synthetics, they suffer heavy bias against them due to the fact that they are considered property and largely, that they are machines obediently serve their masters, which leads to organisations such as Atlas and the Synthetic Liberation Front fighting and arguing over supposed synthetic rights.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:I’ve stated a lot in the above about what makes playing non-humans, or playing IPCs specifically different and interesting. It comes down to the heavy bias against you. However there is the element that you are now playing as a synthetic, a non-organic creation who doesn’t necessarily feel, or feel in the same way that someone organic feels; programmed to perform tasks in a certain manner.

I also have enjoyed so far displaying something close to displeasure, an emotion, in my synthetic. The conflicts where laws meet different wants and overpower the synth into actions which aren’t necessarily wanted. This same principle can be carried over into IPCs, programmed directives that must be adhered to in the form of laws- and in the case of antags the form of bad laws.

Character Name:Aaliyah

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

I have to thank Coalf for helping me find direction after I changed my mind about a previous IPC app I nearly finished, and decided against it:

IPC’s, machines capable of solving tasks, capable of killing without hesitation, working without a single drop of sweat and building without asking questions.

These machines are designed with a single purpose with mind and once they outlive their purpose they are thrown out, destroyed.

But such fate doesn’t only meet synth’s as Derek Stevens found out.

You see Derek outlived his use; he was an old man in the wrong position and so his family had him removed, taken into a nursing home to slowly rot away. His body was dying but his mind wasn’t.

Day after day the people that took care of him ran away, in tears, in pain or with curses on their tongue, something had to be done.

Aaliyah was created, if they couldn’t break Derek, they’ll give him someone he himself can’t break.

Day after day Aaliyah would get no praise, no thanks, only harsh words, punishments and constant berating, “Do this!”, “Clean that!”, “Not that you stupid robot!”.

But no matter how hard Derek was, no matter how cruel he acted the response was always the same, “I apologise, I’ll do it again sir.”.

Eventually at the age of 112 Derek died his only companion a creature made of metal, silicone, and synth-flesh.

The family rejoiced, with Derek out of the way inheritance could finally be settled, house, money, company, furniture and finally Aaliyah.

To everyone’s surprise Derek’s last audiotape regarding his inheritance was made only a month before his death in it was one last single wish.

For the first time Derek spoke a kind word about someone or at least something, Aaliyah was as he said himself the only thing keeping him going and even though he hated the IPC he just couldn’t bring himself to destroy it, and thus Aaliyah wasn’t scrapped after outliving it’s purpose, instead, it was given new purpose by new owners, who bought it for a fair price; another chunk of inheritance for the greedy few.

And what better company than the large NanoTrasen organisation, accepting of synthetic workforce, and one which they can re-program into a much needed medical field, where patience and kindness go hand in hand.

What do you like about this character?

I like this character because it falls on the serving without question theme, being sorry and apologetic about every action you take, even if those actions aren’t bad, or not even your fault. Get shut down by an EMP and rebooted at robotics? Immediately apologize for your untimely shut-down and the inconvenience it caused. Someone calls you a fuckin’ robot? Apologize for your mechanical nature. An owned robutt who serves with an emulated smile, even in a bad situation.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

Okay I guess, I dunno. I guess, not overly much of a shitter?


I rather liked Deathnote, it was a good animoo.

Not really sure what to put here, truthfully.


Might I ask for a little iteration?

Why did Derek want Aaliyah to remain intact? He hated her. That doesnt sound much of any reason to keep the IPC around and not destroy it. Sure, she was sold, but why did NT buy her? Why did she go into corporate hands instead of remaining a servant. IPCs are expensive, after all. There must be some part of her that is special enough that NT would want her. I like the character concept, but I would like it expanded upon. If so, it has my +1.


Alright, first of, i have played and interacted with a few of your characters, and allmost all of the time, it has been a good and interesting interaction, showing both the ability to be funny, while at the same time keeping it at a good level of roleplaying.

Now, a few Things.

1: The backstory seems a Little confusing to me, and Dosen't really tell me much about how your IPC is, Exept that i's Canadian. besides that it was created to serve an old dying man WHO abused it alot, and that it would allways apologise for everything. Maybe expand it a bit?

2: I like the idea of an IPC with the serve without question theme in it, havent seen that alot.

Besides from the few Things listed above. i like the app and the idea overall, so it's a +1 from me.


Alright to answer these two off of the bat!

The idea behind Derek is he's an old gentlemen, a career soldier, a person who has for almost the entirety of his life shown nothing but a fearless face, to be the brave general, the commander of men. The type who will tell you to jump, and how high to do so. This is meant to come across as, when getting older, his ability to show emotion other than shouting or berating has been stunted severely which shows in the way his kids, his grand children, his great great grand children show only contempt towards someone they should love and cherish.

During the last moments of his life, it must hit one to realize the situation you are in. In a care home, where others have shown you scorn, where a human will no longer come to your side, to talk, to show emotion and contact. What a shitty way to die. Yet, this android, one who has stood by your side for days, weeks, months; years! Has done nothing but smile at you, after having smacked a glass from their hand. After telling them they did something wrong, not to your standards.

What a bastard he must have been, in that one moment, with the ongoing conflict, with SolGov now pulling out and Synths rallying everywhere; why not give this person who was bought to especially serve you, to make your life comfortable a chance to continue to exist after death? In his final moments, maybe, on his death bed with an emulated smiling servant upon his bed-side he finally had his moment of compassion, as brief as it was.

NT comes into this story as Aaliyah's new keepers/handlers/maintainers. They've bought a decent IPC for very little cost, with the only additional overhead being that they need to give them additional programming to put them up to scratch of that as a medical doctor. It does sound weak, but, it's hard to insert your character into a company I find and with IPCs this can be a little harder I think. They get an IPC with an already programmed personality which would suit their needs.

As for the apologetic bit, Aaliyah was created with the mindset of the customer is always right, no matter what. As perfect as an action can be, it is their fault if a fault is found. Serve with a smile, try not to be noticed, be in the background but be at hand. Aaliyah is meant to be the perfect servant, never questioning, only doing; and anything done should be done perfectly! And should they find it not perfect? You did it wrong; apologize, say sorry, you've caused an inconvenience.

Hope that explains it a little, I hope! Plz tell me if u wantin' da explanations bawss.


Looking good, really like the idea of a completely subservient IPC. It's a pretty uncommon style of character. There is a mandatory 24 hour grace period between the posting of an application and the verdict of an application, however, so I will come back to this later today to determine the outcome.


I've had quite the amount of interactions with Snoopy and I have to say they are quite top.

And even though I don't have any regards to your character I do have a few points to make about you as a player and your previous characters.

Calm down with the memes , yeah it's funny but a few times you were quite close to the bwoink line and although I can appreciate a good joke it can get a bit, well stale from one player.

Also one big prop I have to give to snoops in the end is the fact that when he's playing his security cat he actually attempts to talk to semi-hostile antags instead of going in with the flashbangs+.45 gundown, don't see many sec officer's willing to take the risk just for some extra RP and I can respect that.

All in all a good player. +1

but holy shit dud deathnote is like the most normalfag animu get sum taste bruh

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