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[Accepted] Sonicgotnuked Unathi app

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: SonicGotNuked

Character Names:

Kalla-Ka'risco Cama, Iska-Fa'ri'dis Sc'ria, Akra'scea Sque, Ali-Rea'can Freza, Ikre-Ka'zhan Rrea.

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Green

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, jackboot is a meme.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I want to try my hand on another lore platform and history. Liggers clan system is really interesting to me. I also think it would be fun to break away from cats for a little.

Breacher suit fam

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Role playing liggers can be really diffrent then humans. Their ideology is completely different then the human one with the honor based system and military strategy that is mainly infantry.

Edit 1

Unathi roleplay has an entire range of emotions you can express with the tail, chuffing of the throat, etc. I would love to try out these new things with the people I interact with through a Unathi. Another great things that makes role playing different is with the clan based system, guilds, guilt, honor, etc. I seen some great examples of Unathi head of staff trying to run the security department for example as their honerable clan.


Character Name: Zanun'kza Guwan

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Zanun'kza, was born along side his brother, a hatch of two inside a small clan in the year 2415. He was in awe at the weapons his clan owned. His father taught him and his brother how to fight at a very young age. Zanun'kza got a sense of honor for his family and clan. As the years dragged on, his father started losing his honor, constantly fighting with his wife and the two brothers. He reflected what he was doing during these years and decided to take the title of Guwandi when he and his brother was 15 (year 2430). This was a start of conflict in his life as he deeply missed his father that never returned. He was afraid to miss his father, convincing himself that showing emotion for the lost soul is weak and not honorable.

He grew a deeper connection to his brother as they practice their combat together. The clan saw the two brothers spar together every day, soon slowly turning away from their mother. The clan respected them more and more as they grew older.

When 2433 came around, he was interested in the new contact of the humans. He personally never saw a human, only once watching a shuttle pass over their small clan. He was part of the Izweski Hegemony, slowly respecting the humans as what it is, believing that everything can change and not all Unathi need to stick with traditional things.

2437, when he was 22, him and his brother was one of the first males to join the war effort against the Traditionalist Coalition. He believed that the war will bring him honor if he fought alongside his brother in one on one battles, completely going in blind what it really was. When he joined the war, the first thing he was taught was how to operate ranged weaponry. This was a blow to him, he went out to battle with questions about if fighting is really honorable. He quickly learned that all war does is run you around, following your clan leader, and trying to take out as many targets as possible. He was conflicted, he did not want to be weak... But he also wanted to leave the war effort when he learned the truth. He fought dishonorable battles for two years.

2439, he witnessed the suffering, each flash of a distant atomic bomb burning a hole inside his soul. He still fought while questioning why he fought. He saw the suffering that the bombs brought against many Unathi. He started becoming afraid as he was ripped apart slowly. For a year, he started questioning why he was fighting the war that was adding suffering to the weak, he saw the war as a useless waste of time.

2440, he was sick of fighting, getting afraid and convincing himself that this is a dishonor. He ran, he ran from the war effort he ran away and deserted the battles and his brother.

2449, he saw the destruction the war caused, the end of the war also brought his sins back as his clan found him and dragged him to trial for the dishonor and weakness he presented to the clan, the clan was offended. He was forced to take the title of Guwan and his clan exiled him off to space after his brother (Who he had not seen for nine years) protested against executing him, claiming that a exile to space will remove him from the clan. The clan eventually accepted his brothers proposals due to his brother gaining multiple titles over the course of the war, sending him off the planet.

2551, He got swept up in a wave of NT recruiting, he looked deeply at this contract offer to become a janitor. It payed good, and hell, he can buy a place to live. His mental checks passed and he signed the contract to work as a janitor on a station far from home.

What do you like about this character? I like his life conflicts and how it shows not all liggers are about "Muh honor" It reflects how people go into war thinking they will have tons of fun blowing shit up, but learns that war is horrible. That is what I tried to get with this.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10

Notes: I suck a backstory making, Tbh. I think it is better then my cat app (I don't understand why you accepted that jackboot, it was shit fam)



I clarified the "what makes role playing this species diffrent then human." I also made why he got got such a light punishment, why his father left, and why he joined NT a little better.

Edited by Guest

SonicGotNuked is a player I very much like and enjoy playing with, his OOC conduct is exceptional, and so is his play of antagonists and heads. He has also shown that he can play an alien character to a high standard, as shown with his plethora of cat characters, and I always love to play a scientists under Kalla-Ka'risco Cama particularly.

As for the application, it's all good, except I think it would benefit from more detail on the differences role-playing an unathi. I think that the only relevant comment there is the comment about the honour based culture, which is of course, particularly important for Zanun'kza Guwan. The rest of the answer to that question I can't see having an effect on the on-station roleplay.

The backstory written interests me greatly. It's a refreshing break from the multitude of coalition "muh honour" liggers, and I like the fact that this guy could even be considered dishonourable, and his role as a janitor is perfectly fitting. I can see his backstory actually having a large effect on his roleplay.

Overall, Sonic is a great player, with great characters, and this character should be no exception. Please develop the answer to one of the questions.

Definitely a +1. Can't wait to see this guy.


Alright, first of.

Sonic is a nice chap, i've talked with them alot in the discord, and they appear chill, and mostly allways up for a chat. As for ingame interactions, Kella is the one that i've had most interaction with. however most of it has been antag related, GAS THE CATS. however the few times i've had non-antag interaction with them. they appeared to be knowing what they where doing, and from what i know. i Think Sonic would be pretty interesting in the Unathi role.

I also like the backstory, i think it depicts the expectation of going to war VS the reality of it pretty well, and i find the idea of a Unathi that isen't just MUH HONOURH BREACHER SPEAR.

Overal. i think Sonic would be an interesting addition to the Unathi playerbase. and i give him my full support. +1 from me


Before I start relentlessly insulting you and being a right piece of shit, +1. You're a good lad OOCly, and I have no doubt you can play the race quite well.

Basically, I don't interact well with you as a head of staff. Often, I feel like you're completely disconnected - from having to call you countless times over the radio, to having you start working in my lab while completely ignoring me. Your character does appear to be quite well fleshed-out, but my issue stems from the fact that I can't see that. You're not doing it to be malicious, and I'm sure it's either purely IC which accidentally slips into OOC frustration, or it's an OOC mistake that clearly not many people are having issues with.

I feel comfortable that you know how to play the race, and play a believable character, just try to make sure you use this opportunity to interact with crew. So, I give a semi-tentative +1, and good luck on your app! :)

Basically, I don't interact well with you as a head of staff. Often, I feel like you're completely disconnected - from having to call you countless times over the radio, to having you start working in my lab while completely ignoring me. Your character does appear to be quite well fleshed-out, but my issue stems from the fact that I can't see that. You're not doing it to be malicious, and I'm sure it's either purely IC which accidentally slips into OOC frustration, or it's an OOC mistake that clearly not many people are having issues with.

I think it is a OOC thing from what you explained and I do agree with you when you pointed it out. I understand how this can be a problem and I will try and interact more.


Alrighty, lets get to it then.


Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, jackboot is a meme.
no he's not


I seen some great examples of Unathi head of staff trying to run the security department for example as their honerable clan.
This sounds a bit weird and I don't really understand it, if you mean a Head of Staff is claiming a department as their own clan and running it as such then such a Unathi would probably be declared to be on some line of bonkers.


As the years dragged on, his father started losing his honor and decided to take the title of Guwandi when he and his brother was 15 (year 2430).
This also sounds weird, it's not every day that you can show people what an honorable lizard you are. So what disgraceful act or series of disgraceful acts would these dishonorable incidents be? I'm mildly skeptical that he'd just decide he's not honorable and pack up one day, unless it was a set of escalating events stemming from him starting to not care.

Basically I want to know what the guy actually did.


He believed that the war will bring him honor if he fought alongside his brother in one on one battles,
Personally I think even for a sheltered Unathi, you'd have to be pretty dense to think of battles going to be one on one. Of course, I'd imagine it's perfectly plausible for him to be unprepared for the Izweski's fairly pragmatic approach to warfare, just not...one on one.

Maybe you want him to have been especially dense in those early years but that's my two cents anyway.


2440, he was sick of fighting, getting afraid and convincing himself that this is a dishonor. He ran, he ran from the war effort he ran away and deserted the battles and his brother.

2449, he saw the destruction the war caused, the end of the war also brought his sins back as his clan found him and dragged him to trial for the dishonor and weakness he presented to the clan, the clan was offended.

Personally I'm wondering what he was doing for 9 years, but I don't see that as too important as some of the other things I'm bringing up.


He was forced to take the title of Guwan and his clan exiled him off to space. The clan saw Zanun'kza weak and wanted him to get humanized for the dishonor he caused, seeing humanization a worse fate than beheading to give to him.
This sounds a bit...eeh.

Although I haven't conferred with Jackboot, I do not think Unathi see humanization as that much of a tangible bad thing compared to Tajara, overall it sounds like a somewhat bizarre punishment, "For your dishonorable crimes, you must live with humans and adopt their culture!" It just sounds off. (especially in that they consider this to be worse than death.)

I suggest rephrasing it as something along the lines of forcing him to never see his home again, not being able to live among his kind in familiar surroundings, etcetera. Although the result is the same, forced to leave and live with unfamiliar aliens, it sounds a bit more convincing a punishment, forced to leave all that you could call home instead of forced to adopt alien culture.

However, as Jackboot said on Discord, such an exiling is a really light punishment for something like desertion.

As such, I suggest bringing the brother back into things, (if you're going to go with my suggestion of changing the context of the punishment anyway) they sounded pretty close, no? Perhaps his brother survived all those years later and returned, and was distraught with the prospect that Zanun'kza might be put to death. So he protested and managed to convince his clan that he should be banished from Moghes instead.

I think it'd be a bit more plausible overall anyways.


2551, NT noticed him and his basic education from his childhood. He was one of the Guwan to face the manipulation from NT. His mental checks passed and he was manipulated to signing a contract to work as a janitor on a station far from home.
This also sounds a little off to me, in my opinion Nanotrasen operates by temptation when it comes to workers, all those poor Tajara on Adhomai seeing it as just a better option, the same applying to various Guwans. (Certainly not tracking down random people down in the dumps and offering them some sort of devil's bargain at any rate.)

So how I would do it, would be to say Zanun'kza can't find a good job in Tau Ceti, some people don't want a Unathi without a tangible education, they're violent y'know, others might not want a Guwan, they're all exiled criminals y'know, and so on, and then he finds Nanotrasen, big human corporation, they're willing to take him in, he doesn't need to do much, just clean this and pick up that, and holy hell the pay isn't half bad compared to his other options, so he readily accepts.

Maybe you could say that counts as being manipulated into signing on but I wouldn't say Nanotrasen "noticed" him at any rate.

And that's all I really have to say, consider me neutral for now.


While I've run into some issues with SGN, one thing I can give him credit for is playing the race properly. He displays a general competence with RP and shows a genuine interest in the lore, from my perspective. Additionally, I don't see anything blatantly problematic with this app so I'm happy to give it a +1.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! Sorry for the delay.

You have lots of positive feedback which is encouraging. Choosing to apply with a Guwan is always adventurous because you are applying with a character that subverts the expectations of the race. Before I ruled on the application I wanted to ask some questions.

1) Despite being a Guwan who was banished for being a coward, does he still follow his old codes of conduct? How 'Unathi' will he be on station? How will he behave and deal with his past?

2) You say his father lost 'honor' for fighting with his kids, and how the Clan started believing in the kids because they sparred a lot. What are the major traits of honor that you are trying to put across? What made him lose honor by arguing with his kids and wife enough that he committed ritualistic suicide?

Hello! Sorry for the delay.

You have lots of positive feedback which is encouraging. Choosing to apply with a Guwan is always adventurous because you are applying with a character that subverts the expectations of the race. Before I ruled on the application I wanted to ask some questions.

1) Despite being a Guwan who was banished for being a coward, does he still follow his old codes of conduct? How 'Unathi' will he be on station? How will he behave and deal with his past?

2) You say his father lost 'honor' for fighting with his kids, and how the Clan started believing in the kids because they sparred a lot. What are the major traits of honor that you are trying to put across? What made him lose honor by arguing with his kids and wife enough that he committed ritualistic suicide?


To answer your questions

  • He will somewhat follow his codes of conduct and still believe that fighting can be honorable with one on one duals/sparring. He would still keep his old pre-war code of conduct and honor. He will also be a little fresh inside human space after he was banished, constantly fighting off the culture that is being pressed around him, for example if you had a completely different culture then the rest of the world around you. He will slowly slip over the course of time (He could have a internal conflict to fit in also) When people mention how he is not trustful, he would try to shrug it off, get away from the person, and get his job done. He will have the "past is the past" mentality and try and move on in a human world.
  • His father would always try to train him as the best with his brother, but had a sort of hostile personality and knew that he was getting older. He constantly tried to force his views onto his wife and children with constant arguing with his family. He finally got frustrated enough and his anger got the better of him and he beat on his wife. He realized what he did after it has been done, spending a few days reflecting on his life and some of his lazy tendencies before packing up his bags and committed ritualistic suicide. The fathers main honor traits would be all of the Unathi Honor Code, but he lost Righteous with lieing to his wife about places he has been, he lost mercy for beating on his wife, he lost Integrity due to slipping in his lazy habits. Over the years his loss in the Unathi Honor Code caused him to become a Guwandi.
Guest Marlon Phoenix

Sounds good to me! Application accepted.

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