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Character Feedback Thread

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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I think I've seen a lot of Andys/Androids. Yours is a roboticist?


Normally Andy is a Roboticist, so you probably saw mine, yes.

I haven't seen any other characters named Android with the nickname Andy, so you probably saw mine in other cases, too. Lately Andy has gone from Roboticist to Psychologist.


Then I like him. Displays a lot of patience as a synthetic would, and isn't an asshole. I saw a lot of IPCs display emotional breakdowns.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Given that many recent issues that have been cropping up in character complaints have been inflamed by a lack of communication or understanding, I'm going to strongly encourage that we utilize this thread more. If you have any issues with a character, it would be best to air them here.

The catch, of course, is that where character complaints have their confrontational atmosphere or fear of moderator action, we have to keep this thread as a place of fair and open dialogue.

I will make the first example.

Baka, I said in a former thread that while Elena is not a bad Captain, I still feel there's work she could do on communicating with fellow Heads. Outside intentional antagonist roles or rp, the command staff should trust each other or on the basic level communicate.

This is an issue, but it's not an issue big enough for an entire complaint, and it's not me complaining. but bringing up a possible problem that could be resolved with better OOC communication... (and this is about IC communication, but that's a coincidence)


The catch, of course, is that where character complaints have their confrontational atmosphere or fear of moderator action, we have to keep this thread as a place of fair and open dialogue.


This is sort of the issue I have with the thread now that it's progressed to the point where everything that was nice was already said in the first 4 pages.

Any kind of negative feedback can be interpreted as unfair or confrontational.

And, summarily, those posts are moderated because people report them for the content that they find inconvenient or critical.


Baka, I said in a former thread that while Elena is not a bad Captain, I still feel there's work she could do on communicating with fellow Heads. Outside intentional antagonist roles or rp, the command staff should trust each other or on the basic level communicate.


It's Boka, not Baka :cry:

That said, yeah, I agree. Albeit, I've honestly been in the bad mood lately, as I feel I can't say anything without getting a complaint thrown at me, making me a bit more defensive than usual. I'll try and improve on that aspect.


The catch, of course, is that where character complaints have their confrontational atmosphere or fear of moderator action, we have to keep this thread as a place of fair and open dialogue.


This is sort of the issue I have with the thread now that it's progressed to the point where everything that was nice was already said in the first 4 pages.

Any kind of negative feedback can be interpreted as unfair or confrontational.

And, summarily, those posts are moderated because people report them for the content that they find inconvenient or critical.


Some people will always take offense at criticism, even if it's simply telling them they have room for improvement. Bringing that criticism up publicly only makes matters worse. But, nonetheless this is a feedback thread, so criticism is implied. People should self-moderate and make sure they don't look like assholes doing it.

That said, I think saying just nice things will lead this thread into the opposite direction, a circlejerk. Keep the feedback balanced.


On another forum I frequent, if a post nets someone an infraction (except for certain cases like, blatantly inappropriate content IE extensive gore or literal porn) the post is kept, with an adendum on the top noting the fact that it was infracted.

I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on how I could improve my main, Paul Fauteux.

I, for one, always feel a jump of joy when Paul (and Conservan) join the round. Especially as Nasir. The two of you together are one of, if not the most, dependable pair in engineering.

That said, I'd love if one or both of you pushed your backstories a bit more (or developed them if they aren't). It's tricky to get to know Paul as a person, rather than as a co-worker (Though I'm not blameless in this either. Rush rush rush...). Learning more about him would be fantastic!

Some antaggery would be lovely to see from him too. I've never seen Paul as a traitor, and I feel like a bit of potential is wasted there.



Yeah, I've always wanted to get more into Paul's life outside of work, but every time I see an opening to start talking, I feel like it would feel too forced/awkward. But I'll try.

Also, I'm probably one of the least devious human beings in the history of the world, so I tend to stay away from antag roles, especially traitor... But I might give it a try. Thanks for the feedback!


As I said about Fortune in the other thread. She's probably the most reliable Scientist I've met. I can usually come into Research and know she will actually be helpful. Be it prosthetic repairs, information or dealing with unknown tech. People will give the character a hard time due to her hair but when it boils down to it, she's one of the better played characters in Research. There's others obviously, but eh.

Also Elena Seto, because Bokaza has been anticipating some feedback on the character. She's pigheaded, socially inept and occasionally rash. But then again, she isn't petty nor prone to bitchfits on little things, in my experience. I assume she's from some sort of military background, giving her general response and attitude to most things but she's not exactly a heartless, arrogant or corrupt bitch. So props to her, she just needs to grow as a character.


I'm trying to get con's backstory in on his records. I actually have a fair bit thought up and done for him i just haven't written any of it down.

I need a formal psych eval on medical records and that'd give a pretty full picture


Also Elena Seto, because Bokaza has been anticipating some feedback on the character. She's pigheaded, socially inept and occasionally rash. But then again, she isn't petty nor prone to bitchfits on little things, in my experience. I assume she's from some sort of military background, giving her general response and attitude to most things but she's not exactly a heartless, arrogant or corrupt bitch. So props to her, she just needs to grow as a character.


Wow, thanks for the honest feedback, much of it is spot on. I wouldn't agree so much on pigheaded, she changes her mind when sufficient reason is provided. Otherwise, it's just a matter of not listening to know-it-alls when they should be following chain of command. I guess other two would be my inherent traits as a person, so those are hardly going away. Otherwise, it's her querk as a character to be proud as all hell and stuck up a bit. And yes, she's from military background and is slowly growing, I just tend to make her a private person so people don't notice.


Any feedback for Lockie, Zheng Lu, Chandrakanta Bhattacharya, Wang Shui, or any other characters of mine?


Lockie! Everyone loves Lockie! She's the kindest doctor, albeit seems to stick to her circles of friends. It's honestly the above mentioned issue of mine I'm unable to actually give good feedback on your and other people's characters. I just can't do social RP.

Guest Marlon Phoenix
Any feedback for Lockie, Zheng Lu, Chandrakanta Bhattacharya, Wang Shui, or any other characters of mine?


Lockie is a good character up until she starts screaming, and once she starts screaming she doesn't stop. It's usually directed against members of security, during an alert, when she should be doctoring. The only known way to contain SCP-69 "the Screecher" is to utilize flashes or other "stop" equipment.

I mean she's a good doctor and character, she just gets waaaaaaaay too goofy with anger. I remember when she was standing in the medbay entrance arguing with a security guard while corpses and injured were being shuffled in and out, and she refused orders left and right until someone had to flash her and drag her to the brig.


With the death of the late Emma Godswood, Niklaus Lux has replaced her as my main, he has been refined since he was previously used (pre-intial Captain ban era) and I'd like some general feedback on him from the community, and some pointers on how I may improve! I'd use the Feedback thread, but hot damn that thing is a mess. So, uhm, feedback appreciated! Thanks lovelies! <3


He's pretty okay, if not being a completely unrobust bureaucratic sissypants who dies to cult oh god.

But that's fine, you don't need to be a robust captain anyway. I like his tie-in with the Godswood tragedies.


What interactions I have had with Lux have been exceedingly pleasant. He is exceptionally good at delegating, and great to chat with even when playing a Lowly EMT. He isn't individually very good at fighting, but he is good at getting people to do what is necessary when it is necessary. He is also great about getting folks into places where they work. He is the only captain I've seen that makes use of the guest pass terminal, and when you need a door open RIGHT NOW it's often Captain Lux who is there just in the nick of time to open the door.

10/10, would repair his face again.

Any feedback for Lockie, Zheng Lu, Chandrakanta Bhattacharya, Wang Shui, or any other characters of mine?


Lockie is a good character up until she starts screaming, and once she starts screaming she doesn't stop. It's usually directed against members of security, during an alert, when she should be doctoring. The only known way to contain SCP-69 "the Screecher" is to utilize flashes or other "stop" equipment.

I mean she's a good doctor and character, she just gets waaaaaaaay too goofy with anger. I remember when she was standing in the medbay entrance arguing with a security guard while corpses and injured were being shuffled in and out, and she refused orders left and right until someone had to flash her and drag her to the brig.

Thanks for the feedback! To be honest that's me letting my OOC aggravation bleed out into my IC behavior. I'm gonna really try to work on that. And please, do feel free to point out if I'm not improving in that regard!

I will hate my self, but what are your thoughts on Fortune? oh, i will hate myself for doing it.

I actually like Fortune and don't know what you're afraid of, haha.

Perhaps because of the amount of time you spend playing her, I would say she is one of the most mature and established characters on the station. Her presence is very agreeable, she's personable, friendly, and generally feels reliable and mature both as a scientist (well, roboticist) and RD.) I've made jokes about her hair, but honestly, she feels like a very natural character and I have no problems seeing her around v.v

She seems to be responsible and have a good grasp of things, but it also doesn't feel like she's trying too hard, or is overconfident.

He's pretty decent. The only bad thing I can say is he's a massive liability when dealing with dangerous xenos and criminals.


I like squishy captains (Not in the Skrell way. But, you know, Skrell are nice, too). We've come to expect our captains to be security-oriented with the ability to robust. Fact is, captains can be a liability in dangerous situations. Robustness does not equal good captainness.

I like him. Go against the grain. Do not gain robustness.

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