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[Resolved] Player complaint: Knightroid

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BYOND Key: Mcspizzy

Game ID: bQO-brTt

Player Byond Key: Knightroid

Staff involved: Ahelped, no staff reply.

Reason for complaint: Original ahelp here (edited for grammar and the sake of clarification in the complaint): Warden cruz started her shift by asking the ai to let her into the captain's office, where she took the spare id and used it to make herself a head of staff, as there were not heads at the time. She then used her new access to use a command terminal to change the alert to blue, following the death of two crew members, and a breakin. When the crew member that was found breaking into secure areas was found, she immediately put them in a cell after stripping them of their gear. There was at no point an attempt to process them in fashion to standard operations. It was then later found that she was attempting to arrest crew members with little to no evidence or warrant (this apparently was because a EMT (Izzsi Saeed, played by munks?) was standing next to a emergency shutter).

When confronted by security for her actions, she attempted to flee, going so far as to pull out a lethal weapon and attempt to use it on security forces(she never got a shot out, but admitted her intent when drawn was to use it on us). It should be noted that security used zero lethal force during this time. It was found after the round had ended they they were not a traitor, and her initial actions possibly were not influenced by the antagonists, seeing as it happened so early in the round. It should also be noted that shortly after being brigged for these actions they ghosted and sent me messages in LOOC, such as: "You're regretting arresting me now, aren't you~?"


Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? No admin intervention occurred, i did DM sircatnip on what i should do, however.

Approximate Date/Time: 10/6/2017 4:00am EST

notes: This person just applied for Head whitelist, and it shows from their notes posted there that this is something that happens quite bit.


I will be taking care of this complaint.

This would've been an IC issue had this been an isolated incident, but as stated, in their notes and other people's feedback on the player's whitelist app, this appears to be the norm.

I will wait for other people's input on this issue, mainly:

[mention]Knightroid[/mention] and I would also like [mention]Munks[/mention] 's side on the attempted arrest, and if you have any other witnesses please point them to this complaint.


The player in question always gives me power gaming feels. I one time as the CE, I denied them insulated gloves when they asked for them. Later I entered the locker room, a electrical locker was unlocked, they sprinted into open engineering doors soon after, opened the locker I was about to lock to look of there was any insulated gloves. It was empty of gloves luckily and they soon ran out after their failure of getting gloves.

They honestly should not be doing this at all.


I had little involvement with Cruz in the shift in question, and in regards the arrest OP brought up, I get the feeling she had close to no idea what the circumstances surrounding it were. The arrest was initiated by an antagonist probably just trying to take an opportunity to get me in cuffs to potentially absorb me. Cruz simply showed up when I yelled out for her over comms and she opted to delegate the situation to the officer before leaving to tend to something else. I do not think my incident is big enough to warrant involving in this overall complaint because it was a hectic round (involving a cyborg who had just flushed someone down disposals I believe) and she made an understandable decision to defer a minor arrest to the officer involved, with no way of knowing he was a changeling using an excuse to restrain me, to focus on other matters.


Mcspizzy's statement contains several inaccuracies. First, I did not promote myself at the beginning of the shift. I only did so after there was a murder and reports of an unknown being on the station. Mcspizzy also neglected to mention that I was not fleeing; I was leaving to deal with a borg that disposaled an engineer; SleepyWolf can vouch for that. Mcspizzy cornered me in robotics, and I tried to explain the situation. Her response was for her and another officer to stunbaton me into submission, without giving me a chance to turn myself in. They restrained me; however, I managed to escape, and ran. I made it to EVA storage when they started shooting at me; it was only at THAT point that I drew my laser rifle. Like Mcspizzy said, my intent was to use it on them, but in self-defense. Besides,t he laser rifle was the first thing that I grabbed; I didn't have time to go sifting through my belt for my taser.

And you don't need a warrant to search or arrest someone if the illegal/suspicious behavior is witnessed by a security officer.

I should also mention that they used excessive force detaining me and while I was being processed. Mcspizzy's character did not give me a chance to explain my side of the story.

ANd when I messaged in LOOC "You're regretting arresting me now, aren't you~?", it was because a shambling horror was rampaging throughout security, and I was basically saying that if she hadn't arrested me, I could have gotten into the armory and armed her with lethals to take care of it.

Mcspizzy, you seem to have forgotten something important: WHen you tell the truth, either the tell whole truth, or don't tell the truth at all. The fact that Mcspizzy neglected to mention these facts makes his/her intentions clear.

ANd about the crew member that was caught breaking into a secure section, that was not true at all. I did not strip them of their gear and put them into a cell. I delegated the processing to another officer, due to another issue that came up. If I recall correctly, I tasked Mcspizzy's character with processsing them. If she neglected to process the character, then that's on him/her.

Right after I was apprehended, Mcspizzy commented in LOOC, "I really hope they're [my char] not an antag" To me, this sounds like Mcspizzy was deliberately looking for an opportunity to file a complaint against me.

Mcspizzy, I do not appreciate your skewing the facts to portray me in a bad light. If you have an issue with me, please discuss it with me like a mature person.


"Mcspizzy's statement contains several inaccuracies. First, I did not promote myself at the beginning of the shift. I only did so after there was a murder and reports of an unknown being on the station."

You did not promote yourself at the beginning of the shift, you did when you got /on/ the station. You said "morning all", then the ai said over comms that there were dead bodies in mining, to which you respond by asking the ai to let you into the captains office so you can change your id. These two things happen in literal moments apart from each other, i can't say that you wouldnt have asked the ai to do this even if there were no threats. And let's take a moment to talk about you giving yourself a promotion. First off, do you have the authority to promote yourself or others? no, you dont, you dont have access to the captains office, or any other heads office.

You took it upon yourself to commit grand theft of the captains spare id, to infiltrate the bridge, and to exceed your official powers to do this. All three of these are amber infractions and are things that antags normally do, and were you an antag? nope, i think you need to remember where you are ingame. You're on a high security research station with very sensitive information. A lot of this information is only privy to heads of staff, and is not to get into the hands of non command staff. What you did is, as i put it to someone, as if a janitor of the pentagon decided he wanted to take a look around the bowls of the place, and make a few decrees.

And if this isn't clear, allow me to make it: The only people who can promote people are already standing heads of staff, specifically the HoP and the captain. You cannot promote yourself for any reason. If i am wrong, may an admin please correct me.

"Mcspizzy also neglected to mention that I was not fleeing; I was leaving to deal with a borg that disposaled an engineer; SleepyWolf can vouch for that. Mcspizzy cornered me in robotics, and I tried to explain the situation. Her response was for her and another officer to stunbaton me into submission, without giving me a chance to turn myself in. "

I told you to put the weapon you were toting about in your hands outside of medbay. Lets stop here for a moment and talk about what you had: an ion rifle, a laser rifle, and and energy pistol. Why so many weapons? i could be wrong, and that you may have had more weapons than this. But i did see you walking around with the ion rifle out for a good while when there was no immediate threat, which is breaking regs on code blue. When i asked you, you looked at me, and then started walking away. I ran after you and repeated myself, again you did not respond.

Then i pulled out my baton and whoosh, there you went. Running into robotics where you got walled in between a rock and a hard place (me and a door you didn't have access to). I then stunned you, and myself and another officer arrested you. I should add, that all of security agreed that what you did was wrong, minus the one who was the ling. But after you tried to shoot us all with a laser he was quick to change sides. As for your 'explanation', you call telling the ling officer to arrest us an 'explanation'? I'd also like to know what you were going to do in robotics.

"They restrained me; however, I managed to escape, and ran. I made it to EVA storage when they started shooting at me; it was only at THAT point that I drew my laser rifle. Like Mcspizzy said, my intent was to use it on them, but in self-defense. Besides,t he laser rifle was the first thing that I grabbed; I didn't have time to go sifting through my belt for my taser.

I can accept that you might have pulled that in the heat of the moment, but really? Were you really about to shoot at three people who had not harmed you in any way?

"And you don't need a warrant to search or arrest someone if the illegal/suspicious behavior is witnessed by a security officer."

I don't really see where this come in, can you explain?

I should also mention that they used excessive force detaining me and while I was being processed. Mcspizzy's character did not give me a chance to explain my side of the story.

You spammed resist to get out of the cuffs the entire time, making it impossible to talk to you without having to flash, and then use a baton on you because i went through two flashes to get you through processing. About all i could get out was what your charges were and why you were being arrested. Not to mention, there were way bigger things going on than going back and forth with you. So do you want roleplay or do you want to bust out and beat my head in. @smirking_kirk can attest to them doing this.

"ANd when I messaged in LOOC "You're regretting arresting me now, aren't you~?", it was because a shambling horror was rampaging throughout security, and I was basically saying that if she hadn't arrested me, I could have gotten into the armory and armed her with lethals to take care of it."

Alright, but why go out of your body just send me LOOC messages? you took yourself out the the round just to gloat.

"Mcspizzy, you seem to have forgotten something important: WHen you tell the truth, either the tell whole truth, or don't tell the truth at all. The fact that Mcspizzy neglected to mention these facts makes his/her intentions clear."

Whats my intention to you, then? and if im not telling the truth...Whew, what are you doing?

"ANd about the crew member that was caught breaking into a secure section, that was not true at all. I did not strip them of their gear and put them into a cell. I delegated the processing to another officer, due to another issue that came up. If I recall correctly, I tasked Mcspizzy's character with processsing them. If she neglected to process the character, then that's on him/her."

If its not true, why did officer recker (sadly i do not know his ckey.) bring it up to me when i spoke with him about your actions? He seemed very eager to get the inmate processed and put out, and in fact let them go, as they had been in the brig far long than they should have been. And lets make it clear one more time, for two things this time: You cannot promote yourself, you had no authority over anyone for any reason. You also would not have had authority to delegate officers to process suspects. You are the warden, that is your job. see https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=CCIA_Notices#Warden_Authority

"Right after I was apprehended, Mcspizzy commented in LOOC, "I really hope they're [my char] not an antag" To me, this sounds like Mcspizzy was deliberately looking for an opportunity to file a complaint against me."

Oh yes, i made you steal the captains spare, it was my crazy convoluted plan to get you banned. are you serious? This round, was the very first round i had ever played with you. can you even give me a round other than this one that mandy and sara were in the same department? And as for the looc remark, i was not talking to you, i was talking to kirk, who had said similar sentiments. However, i will say that the remark i made is a bit distasteful.

"Mcspizzy, I do not appreciate your skewing the facts to portray me in a bad light. If you have an issue with me, please discuss it with me like a mature person."


And no, lets talk here.

Oh yeah, one more thing



"If you have an issue with me, please discuss it with me like a mature person." Is aurora general chat where you want to discuss it?


Ok, spizzy did leave somethings out of the complaint, but that only helped you save face.

Let's start with the first part


First, I did not promote myself at the beginning of the shift. I only did so after there was a murder and reports of an unknown being on the station.


[07:32:46] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) Morning all

[07:37:07] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) AI, let me onto the bridge


Not even 5 minutes in, you asked for access, informing the AI you were simply going to raise the alarm, though I believe the AI can do this themselves, either way you proceeded to promote yourself to interim HoS, which as mandy told you ICly, is breaking multiple regulations, you don't break regulations like this over some murders, if you can't operate without a head of security over a murder and """"reported"""" aliens then you really need to work on improving.

what followed later was you going on a hunt over the cyborg yourself, as the interim HoS, instead of deligating, most of your messages were one or two word replies, not only did you fail to become a HoS legally, you failed to perform the HoS's duties. then it seems you ran into someone with an agent ID card.

later you're questioned about your promotion to I-HoS and you say the following:

Line 40522: [08:25:05] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) With the AI's approval

which is a lie, and even if it was true, an AI has less authority than an assistant, it can not allow people to be promoted.

after that you were confronted, in medical I assume, where you were asked to drop your weapons twice, you had responded you had to deal with a rogue borg and ran off, which prompted the batoning (if you had communicated with the department, they may have believed the rogue cyborg issue), later in processing, you did not argue anything in favor of your actual crimes, which were infiltration and exceeding official authority by promoting yourself, all you had mentioned were things that did not really require such drastic measures and breaking of regulations and directives.


Line 40647: [08:26:47] bQO-a3JM SAY: Mcspizzy/(Mandy Blackwell) : (Ceti Basic) what you did sara, is an infraction of multiple amber infractions.

Line 40648: [08:26:49] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) I'm the INTERIM HoS

Line 40939: [08:30:53] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) Heads of staff cannot be removed without a majority of command approval

but promoting one doesn't need any command.. at all... ?

Now this part is a bonus, it's not really related to the complaint but It's interesting nonetheless

Line 41754: [08:41:27] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) I've been in a planetary defense militia

Line 41764: [08:41:36] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) I've been up against all sorts of pirates

Line 41772: [08:41:43] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) Even the Syndicate

Line 41802: [08:42:13] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) Compared from the pain back then, THIS is nothing

this is at best, saying "I've been against the west" in modern political terms, and at worst, involving the syndicate in your backstory to metagame antags, which from this part of the same round, leaves me to believe the second

Line 39100: [08:07:32] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) Well, well, well

Line 39105: [08:07:37] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) What have we here?

Line 39121: [08:07:50] bQO-a3JM SAY: knightroid/(Sara Cruz) : (Ceti Basic) A mini energy crossbow


The last part did not have much bearing on the outcome of this complaint, but I liked to point this out to you, Knightroid. Involving the syndicate must be done vaguely, and not like this.

So to conclude, I and other staff members agreed to a permanent security job ban, this is very close to self antagging, breaking and twisting regulations this much at the frequency that is shown in your notes, no. this is not acceptable security play, I decided to not ban you from the cadet job so you can take the opportunity to improve your security play.

Any attempts to bypass this by asking for promotions to officer will mean a full security ban along with at least a 3 day server ban, if you believe the situation is very dire then you can ahelp to get permission.

I will leave this open for 24 hours if there's anything else anyone might wish to add or object to.


"Right after I was apprehended, Mcspizzy commented in LOOC, "I really hope they're [my char] not an antag" To me, this sounds like Mcspizzy was deliberately looking for an opportunity to file a complaint against me."

Unfortunatly, i read this part wrong. you're putting words into my mouth. My statement in looc was the following to kirk: "i really hope that they are an antag, because the stuff they are doing is insane." Not much point to adding this, seeing as judgement from berry has already been given. But i just wanted to point this out.


As it appears knightroid has left the community before the complaint's resolution was reached, there's nothing much left here.

Locking and archiving.

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