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[Denied] ben10083's IPC Whitelist App

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: ben10083

Character Names: Bob Jones, Ben Smith, Carl Smith (B.O.B)

Species you are applying to play: IPC - Integrated Positronic Chassis

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I enjoy playing as B.O.B, to the point that I rarely do any round as a organic crew member. I love the concept of a synthetic crew member that can do a variety of tasks with the only limiting factor being the roles other crew members restricted them from doing. I am interested in trying out the 3 types of IPCs I can pick, each with a different levels of intelligence and mechanical factors. Overall, I want to play the unique "species" that is a IPC.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

This species does not require any food or specific gases, only a atmosphere and charge. They are able to be repaired and revived easier compared to humans, and they are in many cases stronger. IPCs are effected by EMPs and other Ion-based weaponry, and as such will be more cautious towards people who possess such a weapon. While humans are treated as equals and have no restrictions to roles, IPCs are the target of synthetic bias and are unable to be captain and require a Synthetic Command Recommendation form. to be able to be a HoS and/or HoP.

Character Name: S.A.M (Synthetic Assisting Machine)

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Necropolis Industries instructed their AI branch, ReapTec, to create a Integrated Positronic Chassis (IPC) that was to be designed to be a effective roboticist, after all, who would know how to work with machines than another machine? So ReapTec quickly went to work, and designed a IPC that was able to create and maintain synthetics.

When S.A.M was complete he was bought by Hephaestus Industries and was put to work at the HRS Lemnos, as a roboticist. S.A.M was shown to be very attentive when a synthetic enters his lab, and ensured that every synthetic that left was completely fixed, and in many cases, improved. S.A.M was also programmed to help organics with repairing robotic limbs and helped people who needed a new limb. After awhile, S.A.M was bought by NanoTrasen and was then sent to work at the NSS Aurora to fill in the Roboticist position.

What do you like about this character?

I enjoy playing as roboticist, and I love playing as a cyborg, this practically combines two things I enjoy doing.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? out of 10? 7.5

Notes: I love playing as robotic characters, and if this whitelist is accepted I can play the unique species that is IPC. EDIT: I have reworked the backround of my character...again... I really want to play this race since it has such a cool concept, yet I keep failing at making a good character, this time I think I did it well.

Edited by Guest

I'm on the fence about this one. I like you ingame (even if ICly i bully BOB teehee) but the application.. isn't great. I don't know what job SAM is gonna have, but it sounds like he's just gonna jobhop everywhere? The backstory tells me nothing about the character, I don't know what he'll be doing, what he acts like, or anything like that. I hate to say it, but this sounds more like an application for the powergaming side of IPCs, in terms of the canon jobhopping(?), rather than you wanting the roleplaying side.


Now, there are two points that I have strongly disagree should be a thing with your IPC.

This effectively made the IPC forced to follow any orders over it's own safety or safety of others


If this is to be the case, then your IPC should be placed under the same restrictions as bound Vaurca. Restricted to only civilian-level jobs, including lab assistants, security cadets, medical interns, and engineering apprentices. If it is to be taken literally that is, as in, S.A.M. would never ever disregard an order, regardless of who's giving it. It's such a glaring security risk if such an IPC is to be placed in positions of great responsibility, such as warden, medical doctor, ect.


and anything it did not know was gained through conversation or by accessing information on the web remotely and downloading the information.


No, just no. Though IPCs are allowed to be a lot more knowledgeable than humans in a shorter span of time, they aren't allowed to be the all-knowing machines that cyborgs can be. Jobhopping rules apply to IPCs as much as they do any other race, so you should seriously consider a fixed skillset for S.A.M. and leave it at that instead of frequently switching.

As it stands, the character in this application seems a lot like that of an loosely/not lawed, independent cyborg and not an IPC.


[mention]Exia[/mention][mention]tbear13[/mention] Thanks for the comments! I realized that my previous background was full of holes and that I should not try to make a IPC that can do everything, I have reworked S.A.M from the ground up, and I recommend you view it again and tell me what you think of it now!


There's still very little backstory, 95% of it is about his personality. I also didn't appreciate that you made him, in your words, very aggressive, and willing to do anything to capture someone. Security is as much about being friendly, letting minor things slide, and being a positive thing for the station as it is about arresting people and hunting an tags, nothing here shows that SAM is capable of that. IPC power gaming/valid hunting is a bad meme, and it feels like that's your purpose for applying.

Posted (edited)

Very hard -1 right now.


He allows me to play a aggressive character that wants to have criminals face justice, no matter the costs.

This alone. You're a self-admitted powergamer that wants to use IPC for its mechanical advantage and inability to feel pain/no fear RP to take everyone down. This being the core concept of your application, along with considering how you constantly try to tell people what to do because "regulations" as a stationbound without even being security module you're the last person I want to see playing security at all let alone IPCurity.

I love the concept of a synthetic crew member that can do a variety of tasks with the only limiting factor being the roles other crew members restricted them from doing.

Then you're not going to care much for IPC because they still have only info related to their department.

Edited by Guest

I am not doing this app just to have the mechanical advantage, I simply wish to be able to play the IPC species because I do not enjoy playing as my other human characters. The fact he is aggressive in his security ways does not make me a "power gamer", and I thought it would be interesting to play as a security IPC.


ReapTec had the brain of the IPC have positive utilon value for doing security-related tasks, and they made sure to have a large positive utilon value over neutralizing the violator, non-lethally or otherwise. They also had a large negative utilon value over disobeying orders from superiors and breaking the law.

The last part raises several questions in my mind. If you were to latejoin and the station was a mess due to antagonist actions throughout the round, would S.A.M. enter areas he would normally not be allowed in if, extraordinary circumstances aside, it would constitute as trespassing?

And as for the first part it links to....

and would show little mercy to those who violated the law..... rude and rough with violators of the regulations he was programmed to follow.

Now, I don't think security is about giving many chances to those who have broken regulations time and again, but the reason this scares me is because if you put the "large positive utilon value over neutralizing the violator, non-lethally or otherwise" together with "little mercy to those who violated the law" and this


He allows me to play a aggressive character that wants to have criminals face justice, no matter the costs.


you get someone who doesn't negotiate (shows little mercy) , charges at antags straight up because they've been doing bad with no sense of self-preservation and would have zero qualms putting the crew and/or station in danger should a chance at neutralizing the mastermind be present (face justice, no matter the costs). That's my long answer.

The short answer is that I agree with Tbear in saying that this application does seem like you're applying for a better species to secure valids with, just by quoting several sections without taking anything out of context.


Like I said, the application is lacking. The backstory consists of him being on the Cephus, and moving to the Aurora. The roleplaying differences you wrote are all mechanical, nothing about roleplay. He still sounds more like an emotionless unlawed Borg, not an IPC. SAM needs a goal, emotions, something to make him a character, y'know what I mean?


Isnt something with no emotion still a interesting way to RP with? IPCs are unique because they can be programmed a attitude and goals. They can be limited and emotionless, or extremely emotional. I want to play this race because I love the concept of playing a humanoid robot that wants to do it's best despite the synthetic bias and general distrust of them.


An emotionless Borg with hands isn't what security needs, and it's not going to produce interesting RP. I don't see an interesting character in this application. He has a vague backstory, a lack of goals, and not enough of a personality.


I once again remade my backround, I decided that the way I presented my character and reason to be a IPC was wrong or seeming incorrect, so I once again remade my character. I URGE you to once again look at my new character and give me another shot.

Posted (edited)

With the focus taken off of playing a sec terminator I'm at least willing to give it a shot just to see how it works out.

Edited by Guest

With what I've seen of your roleplaying as a cyborg, I'm afraid I'll have to -1 your application for now. Your roleplay is not exactly great, and there's much room for improvement. Before you play a whitelisted species, you should be able to play human characters that are memorable - characters that are not exact copies of eachother. As of right now, your RP is not very good exactly for that reason - you don't really pay too much attention to roleplaying at all.

Maybe you'll have a better chance in the future when you're a better roleplayer. But I do not think you're ready for a whitelist yet.



I played along side B.O.B once or twice.

Station bound synthetics are expected to be competent in the role they perform, but that particular round I'm thinking about left an impression that you're not there yet.

But that's a different issue altogether. Putting that aside, why play a synthetic in a department that doesn't benefit from it mechanically (like medical)? Well, probably because you like roleplaying synthetics.

I'd support it (for none other reason that I LOVE synthetics and I think you made the right choice), BUT ...

From what I've read (and it looks like it went through multiple revisions), you don't demonstrate much knowledge of IPC lore (read a bit about it, including the Skrell lore). I believe it's important for a rich roleplaying of an IPC.

I'm not sure about what value you'd bring as an IPC. A bland unmemorable machine is supposed to be a stationbound, not an independent positronic...


So, I can see you are struggling here, and that's okay. Unfortunately, I still have to deny your application, but it's mainly so you can get another attempt at a clean slate. I'll present to you a few things you can do better. You can also PM me on discord for help any time.

First, and I see this a lot, "Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human." I'm not looking for mechanical/gameplay differences here. I already know that IPCs don't need to breathe, need to be repaired, et cetera. Identify what makes roleplaying this species different from a human. Be creative!

Then, I see your application's backstory has gone through many revisions. The first one was valid-oriented, it seems. This one that you have now is sadly very bare bones. I understand it was an attempt to avoid the "machines are violent" nature, but a little more information than that would be wonderful. Flesh out your character a little more, give me a taste of them before coming out with the main course.

I highly encourage you to apply again as soon as you feel like you are ready.

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