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IPC Heads?


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Just been wondering, do we even have any IPCs that are certain heads? I also want to know of any notable IPCs that are head of staff


Any IPC IAA Agents around?

Do we even have IPC CEs or RDs? I think I seen one RD but not sure

most importantly....Have we ever had a IPC HoP?

I am really curious, so if you are a head of staff that is a IPC let me know.


Sieverts is an IPC CE. Felix and one of K0nfl1qt's RDs are IPC RDs. I've seen Calion as an IPC HoP.

I don't remember if we allow IPC IAAs anymore. We had one a long time ago but that mess dissolved into cancer, fast.


Becoming an HoS/HoP as IPC is somewhat harder because you need to get a recommendation (because of stupid changes and ignorance to the fact that the CE/RD would have more access to sensitive information that the HoP and HoS), so CE/RD are very common for IPCs. CMO's as well, we have Chesire and RIP. Clav.


Regulations have changed. IPCs may now become a HoP or HoS without recommendation, with G2 and Bishop frames being barred entirely from HoS.


NanoTrasen released a statement along with the completion of the negotiations;

"NanoTrasen is an equal opportunity employer, and we recognize that synthetics make up a wide array of the specialization in our big family. Synthetics were already previously allowed to assume responsibility for many other critical roles in our installations. Now, we have widened those roles. Qualified IPCs can now take up head of security or personnel positions on any required facility, as well as other opportunities elsewhere."


Taken from https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=2981&p=93075&hilit=Dorn#p93075

IPCs may also play IAAs as well.




What they said here. Recommendations are no longer required, and G2 industrials plus Bishop frames are barred from the HoS position.

IPCs whom are placed above organics are probably scrutinized a lot more by other characters IC. It's easier to jump in with a no-name HoS human than even promote a well-known IPC to HoS or HoP. Alas, they still exist, just in few numbers. Given time this may change.


personally with the way IPC characters usually are

i would definitely have an issue with a TV-headed dweeb named "THROATFUCKER 9000" or "anime lover" giving me orders, especially if they're doing the riotous gimmick of talking in a wacky and ever so hilarious manner. YEAH MAN. talking like a homestuck character WILL gain EVERYONES respect,


I fail to see how that's a relevant issue with IPCs in command positions. Just like stupid human characters are smacked for being heads of staff, so too will IPCs. The standard is the same.

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