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[Resolved] Staff Complaint - Aboshehab

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BYOND Key: Korinra

Staff BYOND Key: Aboshehab

Game ID: bUc-buHZ

Reason for complaint: After an IC disagreement ended with me just asking when something had changed (because obviously it had since the data on the wiki was "outdated"), and never got an answer, I posted LOOC to the person where I got the information. Aboshehab LOOC'ed in to the conversation (which clearly meant he was listening, even to the part where I said "I'm not your dude" to someone using the god-awful phrase 'my dude'. He then changes the Wiki, and in OOC (not LOOC like he had before) decides to announce the change to "all relevant parties", in a passive aggressive way since it was clear OOCly I was annoyed by the behavior of calling me "my dude". I then asked, equally passive aggressively, what would happen to a player who did that. This of course sparked more passive aggressive comments, to which I simply replied, "I asked for it to be dropped twice, so is it done yet?" He decided to keep on pushing harder and harder like a child, telling me that me ASKING if it was done was only going to prolong him being passive aggressive, rather than acting like a head admin and walking away when the PLAYER manned up and walked away. I'd like to point out he wasn't part of the initial conversation, which meant he was listening, heard it, and interjected himself passive aggressively.

Evidence/logs/etc: https://i.imgur.com/xyVE5V0.png & https://i.imgur.com/l0MsiUv.png

Additional remarks: I know he wasn't in the round, because when he LOOC'd it said this, " aboshehab: It starts empty.". But then later he couldn't LOOC because I wasn't near him? If you're not in the round, just ghost over to me. You're clearly NOT in the round, OR you're the CMO (Stella Alice) who I was talking to in LOOC, which you ghosted away from once already. So in either case using the excuse, "Too far away to LOOC" makes no sense. You were able to ghost over to me once, but when it came time to announce it was updated, you couldn't just ghost over and say, "Ok I updated it". No you had to put on a broadway show and announce it passive aggressively in OOC because I was too far away. I don't generally complain about staff, but if I had taken an LOOC disagreement (not even an argument), and passively aggressively commented on it in OOC, I'd get bwoinked hard wouldn't I? I explicitly asked for it to be dropped, I specifically didn't want to have a drawn out conversation. If the wiki was wrong it was wrong, I even accounted for that by asking WHEN it changed, but when no answer came I dropped it. When the CMO didn't OOCly, I ASKED for it to be dropped OOCly because I didn't care enough to keep talking. Then had to ask several MORE times in OOC until I just finally went silent so Abo could have the final word he so desperately seemed to need in pestering me about "why" he brought it to OOC or "why" he wasn't dropping it.


Aboshehab LOOC'ed in to the conversation (which clearly meant he was listening, even to the part where I said "I'm not your dude" to someone using the god-awful phrase 'my dude'.


I saw parts of the conversation, I saw the part where Stella did use the word but I didn't notice the part where you asked them not to.


[Medical] Landen Maclagan says, "And tricord is very useful, it's what's in hyposprays"

[F] [Common] Youssef Hammadi says, "It's "red"."


[F] [Common] Youssef Hammadi sniggers.

[F] [Medical] Stella Alice says, "Tricord isn't in hyposprays."

[F] [security] Jonas Osteen asks, "Where are we meeting at?"


[F] mouse (538) shouts, "Squeek!"

[F] [Engineering] Bryant Murray says, "Im on the evacuation bay"

[F] [Medical] Stella Alice says, "If they are in medical you can issue specific treatment."

[F] mouse (592) shouts, "Squeek!"

ATTACK: Robert Shor (vizendel) primed a grenade. (JMP)

[F] [Medical] Stella Alice says, "Tricord is not needed."

[F] Cassian Graves says, "... really."


This is Vaxen Parse!

He is wearing Eridani PMC uniform. Attached to it is the occupied waist holster.

He is wearing an ablative helmet on his head.

He is wearing an ablative armor vest.

He has a security messenger bag on his back.

He is holding a laser tag gun in his left hand.

He has an engagement ring on his hands.

He has a security belt about his waist.

He is wearing some jackboots on his feet.

He has HUDsunglasses covering his eyes.

He is wearing PDA-Vaxen Parse (Eridani Private Security).

He has a tiny bruise on his upper body.

He has a tiny bruise on his lower body.

He has a pair of tiny bruises on his head.

He has a pair of tiny bruises on his left arm.

He has a robot Human Synthskin right leg. It has some dents!

He has a tiny bruise on his left hand.

He has a tiny bruise on his left foot.


[F] Cassian Graves asks, "I guess we're going all out with these drills, eh?"

[F] [Medical] Davis Logue asks, "Dr Alice, could you make an announcement about suit sensors to max?"

[F] Xenya Blueson asks, "Myes?"

[F] [Medical] Landen Maclagan says, "You should check what's in your hypospray then, I'd be curious what that got changed to"

[F]|[E] [Engineering] PAL-9000 states, "Head south, and towards the elevators, Mr. Murray."

[F] mouse (151) asks, "Squeek?"

[F] Fel'siti Rummka'nen says, "Grreetings."

[F] Fel'siti Rummka'nen asks, "How goes the shift?"

[F] Xenya Blueson says, "Hi there"

[F] mouse (538) exclaims, "Squeek!"

[F] [Medical] Stella Alice says, "The hypospray starts empty."

ATTACK: Robert Shor () primed a grenade. (JMP)

ADMIN LOG: Explosion with size (1, 3, 7) in area Locker Room (96,115,6) (JMP)

ADMIN LOG: Explosion with size (1, 2, 4) in area Locker Room (99,116,6) (JMP)

[F] Vaxen Parse says, "Rules of engagment, sir? Are there civilians we should be concerned ab-"

[F] Cassian Graves says, "Can't even-- shoot..."

[F] mouse (27) asks, "Squeek?"

ADMIN LOG: aboshehab/() jumped to coordinates 99, 116, 6

[F] [Medical] Stella Alice says, "And, I can do such."

[F] Ekon Seelig says, "Uh."

[F] grey baby slime (24) chirps, "So... hungry..."

[F] Cassian Graves says, "The fuck."

[F] Xenya Blueson says, "Pretty well. Very deadly in here, so I advise against entry"

ADMIN LOG: AUTOTRAITOR: Attempting autospawn.

ADMIN LOG: AUTOTRAITOR: traitor selected for spawn attempt.

ADMIN LOG: AUTOTRAITOR: Failed to proc a viable spawn template.

[F]|[E] PAL-9000 states, ":d Don't mind security, they are conducting a drill."

[F]|[E] [Common] PAL-9000 states, ":d Don't mind security, they are conducting a drill."

[F] Xenya Blueson says, "Science astounds~"

[F] [Medical] Landen Maclagan says, "Really? When Doctor Gonzels is on it starts with Tricord for some reason, weird."

[F]|[E] [Common] PAL-9000 states, "Error. Miscomm."

[F] [Common] Arrivals Shuttle Oversight states, "Central Command Arrivals shuttle inbound to NSS Aurora. ETA: one minute."

[F] mouse (592) asks, "Squeek?"

[F] [Common] Robert Shor says, "Uh.."


This is Robert Shor!

He is wearing a scientist's jumpsuit.

He is wearing a science winter coat.

He has a scientist's duffel bag on his back.

He is holding a Zippo lighter in his left hand.

He has some black gloves on his hands.

He has PDA-Robert Shor (Scientist) about his waist.

He is wearing some jackboots on his feet.

He has a cigarette on his face.

He has a science radio headset on his left ear.

He is wearing Robert Shor's ID Card (Scientist).

https://i.imgur.com/KPR6nrO.jpg A r... More...


[F] [security] Jonas Osteen asks, "Hello?"

[F] Cassian Graves says, "Move. Elevator."

[F] [Engineering] Youssef Hammadi says, "Camera alarms in locker rooma nd primary tool storage."

[F] Robot Talk, Ares Model 6 states, "Camera Alarms Detected in Locker Room and Primary Tool Storage."

[F] Fel'siti Rummka'nen says, "He wishes you luck..."

[F] Ekon Seelig says, "Begin Ex then."

[F] [Medical] Stella Alice says, "Then Doctor gonzales most likely makes tricord for himself for his hypospray."

[F] Ekon Seelig says, "Go."

[F] [Medical] Stella Alice says, "Because it definitely starts empty."

[F] Xenya Blueson says, "Much thanks"

[F] mouse (155) shouts, "SQUEEK!"

[F] Robert Shor says, "Crazy goddamn shift."

[F] Vaxen Parse asks, "What about that explosion?"

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Camera Alarms Detected."

[F] Davis Logue says, "Huh"

[F] Vaxen Parse says, "With respect, sir."

[F] Davis Logue asks, "What's the matter?"

[F] [Engineering] Zhu Hsiung says, "Odd."

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Location: Locker Room, Primary Tool Storage."

PDA Message - Youssef Hammadi -> Ekon Seelig: Camera alarms in locker room and primary tool storage.

[F] [Engineering] Zhu Hsiung asks, "Vandalism?"

®Landen Maclagan/()(JMP): Per wiki: This is your medical tool, your lifeline. It's a fast injector (dealing bursts of 5 units, with a fill limit of 30 units). It starts with 30 units of Tricordrazine. You need to get rid of the chemicals inside before you can fill it with different medicine, and the only way to get anything out is to inject it into somebody. It's considered very bad form to just go around injecting people however.

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Camera disabled."

[F] Ekon Seelig enunciates, "The board ordered this."

[F] [Engineering] Youssef Hammadi says, "Dunno."

®Landen Maclagan/()(JMP): Just a heads up

[F] Youssef Hammadi says, "E Informed command."

®Stella Alice/()(JMP): The wiki isnt up to date

[F] Ekon Seelig enunciates, "Just do it."

[F] Davis Logue says, "Report them now"

[F] [Engineering] Youssef Hammadi says, "Informed command"

ADMIN LOG: Explosion with size (1, 3, 7) in area Surface Lvl. Hallway Aft (113,83,6) (JMP)

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Reported to AI and Dr. Logue."

[F] [Medical] Stella Alice says, "((the wiki literally isnt up to date my dude))"

[F] [Engineering] Youssef Hammadi says, "They'll tell us whether to move."

[F] Davis Logue says, "To the whole crew"

[F] Zhu Hsiung says, "Mr Murray."

[F] Bryant Murray says, "Hey"

[F] Zhu Hsiung says, "Your workplace is over here."

[F]|[E] [Engineering] PAL-9000 states, "There has been an explosion on the surface."

®Landen Maclagan/()(JMP): ((Sorry I'm not your dude))

[F] Zhu Hsiung says, "At the end of the hallway."

[F]|[E] [Engineering] PAL-9000 states, "That's what destroyed the cameras."

[F] Davis Logue says, "Report to security"

[F] Ekon Seelig says, "The board ordered it."

[F] [Medical] Landen Maclagan says, "((I'm not your dude))"

[F] mouse (690) shouts, "Squeek!"

[F] Bryant Murray says, "Ok, thanks"

[F] [Common] Ares Model 6 states, "Camera Alarms Detected in Locker Room, Primary Tool Storage, Surface Level Aft Hallway."

Now following Bryant Murray

[F] [Common] Robert Shor says, "Wish we had a Chef."

No longer following Bryant Murray

Now following the mouse (690)

[F] Ekon Seelig says, "Just do it for god sakes."

No longer following the mouse (690)

Now following Landen Maclagan

No longer following Landen Maclagan

[F] cow says, "moo"

[F] Davis Logue says, "Much better"

[F] [Common] Xenya Blueson asks, "Ugh, how do I fix this PDA spam?"

[F] [Engineering] Zhu Hsiung says, "Explosion. That's serious."

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Camera Alarms increasing."

[F] mouse (155) asks, "Squeek?"

aboshehab/(aboshehab): It starts empty. My LOOC comment when I jumped to Landen

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Surface Maintenence."

ATTACK:/(Fel'siti Rummka'nen) placed *no key*/(monkey (260)) in a disposals unit. (JMP)

[F] mouse (151) asks, "Squeek?"

[F] Lt. Columbo exclaims, "AUUUUUU!"

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Atmosphere alarms detected."

[F] [Engineering] Zhu Hsiung says, "Atmosphere alarms too."

[F] [Engineering] Zhu Hsiung says, "Let's get geared up."

[F] [Common] Youssef Hammadi says, "Explosion on the surface. Evacute area."

[F] mouse (68) asks, "Squeek?"

[F] [Common] Ares Model 6 states, "Atmosphere Alarms Detected: Surface Level Aft Hallway, Surface Maintenence."

[F] Davis Logue says, "Report this to engine- Nevermind"

[F] mouse (592) exclaims, "Squeek!"

[F] Davis Logue says, "They have found out"

[F] penguin shouts, "Grah!"

[F] mouse (27) shouts, "SQUEEK!"

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Affirmative."

[F] Vaxen Parse says, "Yes."

[F] Davis Logue asks, "Any more camera alarms?"

[F] mouse (538) exclaims, "Squeek!"

[F] Ekon Seelig says, "Fine I will clear it then."

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Checking, please wait."

[F] Vaxen Parse says, "Sir, we're unable to fire these weapons."

[F] [Medical] Stella Alice says, "((Just wrong then.))"

[F] mouse (151) asks, "Squeek?"

[F] Ares Model 6 states, "Negative. Current three alarms only."

[F] Cassian Graves says, "I don't think he gets that."

[F] Davis Logue asks, "Where's the locker room and primary tool storage?"

[F] Davis Logue asks, "Are those on the surface?"

[F]|[E] [Common] PAL-9000 states, "Please avoid the area near Primary Tool Storage, there has been an explosion."

[F] [Medical] Landen Maclagan says, "((I dropped it, RE-HEALLY wish you would too))"



For transparencies sake, some logs were modified to hide the account names of players. You'll note the empty brackets.

This is precisely what I'm seeing from an observers point of view. So yes, I was watching to a certain degree, I had alt tabbed to verify the wiki and the code. So yes, I do apologize again as I have before for using "My dude" later on, as you did not like it, that's fine and fair.


He then changes the Wiki, and in OOC (not LOOC like he had before) decides to announce the change to "all relevant parties", in a passive aggressive way since it was clear OOCly I was annoyed by the behavior of calling me "my dude".


Yes, I did go to OOC with the changes. There were multiple members of medical aboard and I felt that it was better to post it in OOC, which is way more visible than LOOC, especially with the color chat I have.


Aboshehab: For relevant folks, I fixed it.

Aboshehab: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Chief_Medical_Officer#Hypospray

Aboshehab: Point stuff like that out to the wiki team pls


This is all I said. I cited no specific person, I was general.


I then asked, equally passive aggressively, what would happen to a player who did that. This of course sparked more passive aggressive comments, to which I simply replied, "I asked for it to be dropped twice, so is it done yet?"


Korinra: If a player brought an LOOC disagreement to OOC, I wonder what would happen them

Korinra: Just a weird thought

Aboshehab: As long as they're civil in their discussion, don't see the issue.

Korinra: If one of the parties explicitly asked for it to be dropped?

Aboshehab: Sometimes you're not near enough for LOOC.

Korinra: Is that civil?

Aboshehab: You can report it and we'll look at it. I can't give you a blanket answer for that.

Worthy: if youre the doctor that presumed to know more about the hypospray than your boss

Worthy: i didnt take it to ooc.

Aboshehab: Okay, let's stop.

Worthy: Abo isnt the player of the cmo.



I'm not sure where the passive aggressiveness is from me. I didn't even realize you were being specific to me. When Worthy interjected, I did assume that you perhaps thought I was the CMO, so I did ask for it to stop then.


He decided to keep on pushing harder and harder like a child, telling me that me ASKING if it was done was only going to prolong him being passive aggressive, rather than acting like a head admin and walking away when the PLAYER manned up and walked away. I'd like to point out he wasn't part of the initial conversation, which meant he was listening, heard it, and interjected himself passive aggressively.


Korinra: Well IC I asked, "When did that change", meaning I didn't 'act like I knew more' at all

Korinra: But ok fuck it, I'm done

Korinra: I asked for it to be dropped twice

Korinra: And somehow it's OK to keep bringing it up

Korinra: So is it done now?

Worthy: Abo only corrected the wiki

Worthy: I'm not sure what you mean by bringing it up again.

Aboshehab: Yes. I only linked it because people pointed out inaccurate information which I double checked and fixed.

Korinra: Yeah that's adorable, is it done YET?

Aboshehab: My dude, it won't stop if you keep asking if it's done.

Korinra: For the second time, I'm not your dude

Aboshehab: Second time?

Korinra: [Medical] Landen Maclagan says, "((I'm not your dude))"

Aboshehab: I'm not in-game.

Aboshehab: But if you'd rather I don't say that, then fair.


I still stand by my statement, which was pointing out the fact that you constantly asking for it to stop in the way you have, doesn't actually stop it. I think I've been cordial with you the entire exchange, and I deny any allegations of passive aggressiveness and trying to get the last word in.


I know he wasn't in the round, because when he LOOC'd it said this, " aboshehab: It starts empty.". But then later he couldn't LOOC because I wasn't near him? If you're not in the round, just ghost over to me. You're clearly NOT in the round, OR you're the CMO (Stella Alice) who I was talking to in LOOC, which you ghosted away from once already.


I addressed why I said this in OOC. I also do not play Stella Alice nor did I even play in that round. I was around this round strictly for server administration purposes. I saw another Admin play and I decided I'd let him enjoy himself more as I took some issues.


So in either case using the excuse, "Too far away to LOOC" makes no sense.


Not an excuse. It was a statement to your question in OOC that I didn't realize was an accusation to me. I didn't realize it upset you so I took it as a general question.


No you had to put on a broadway show and announce it passive aggressively in OOC because I was too far away.


I still deny this. As I said before, I felt I was cordial and did nothing with any malicious intent. Per my previous quote, I didn't realize it upset you.

The only thing I'm marginally guilty of here is using a term you dislike which was "my dude", and even then it wasn't out of malice. I often use terms such as fam, buddy, pal, friend and dude, this is the first instance where a person has disliked it. I still stand by the fact that by both my intent and execution, I was cordial to you. My interaction with you was devoid by passive aggressiveness and malice.


For clarification, I was not here for this, it's just what was said in the additional remarks section that seems incorrect.

LOOC always displays your ckey over your character name if you're observing in any capacity. Ergo, as a ghost, if you LOOC to someone, it will display your ckey only.


If you're not in the round, just ghost over to me.


He would have to, in order for you to even see the LOOC. Anyway, that's all.


1) Ok, well you hopped in instantly during the conversation, so sorry if I assumed you were watching.

2) Yes, you did say it was fair that I asked not to be called 'my dude'. You didn't apologize the first time, you just said it was fair, but NOW I accept the apology you are offering, as it's not a huge deal to me, I just find it an annoying phrase.

3) There were two of us who asked about it, one of which asked to drop it. You could have LOOCed the other, or both. Bringing it to OOC is not necessary after it was clearly stated that I wanted to drop it, which your first log shows me asking VERY explicitly. Additionally, you commenting wasn't what initially bugged me, it was the player of the CMO adding that little smirky face after your update that bugged me. I asked HIM to drop it, and he didn't. Then you didn't say anything to him. NORMALLY, if someone has a disagreement LOOCly, and asks to drop it bringing it up in OOC is grounds for bwoinking. But because he was basically just responding to you, it seemed like you just didn't say anything to him because /I/ was the outsider. But /I/ was the one who asked for it to be dropped.

4) Note this:

Korinra: If a PLAYER brought an LOOC disagreement to OOC, I wonder what would happen them

Korinra: Just a weird thought

See I changed it to show the word Player in all caps, because I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the CMO. Then you decided to just instantly side with him for some reason. Interesting choice.

5) Normally when adults disagree, one asking to drop the matter is grounds for the other to just say, "OK I agree to disagree" or something along those lines, not use little passive aggressive comments like, "my dude" to someone who is clearly not in the mood. If you had replied to me saying "I asked to drop it, so let's drop it", with something like, "That's fair". Fine, no problem. I asked to drop it, it wasn't important anymore, but no. No that wasn't enough, it still needed more for some reason, what did that benefit by pushing more out of it?

6) I kind of assumed initially that you weren't the CMO, because I assumed Worthy was the CMO, which again is why I used the word "player" and not "admin"

7) "Not an excuse. It was a statement to your question in OOC that I didn't realize was an accusation to me. I didn't realize it upset you so I took it as a general question."

Excuse me if I'm a bit confused by this logic since until your comment OOCly, I hadn't once said a word in OOC chat, only LOOC. Can you be more clear?

8) In your initial "hey I updated this" you were cordial, YOU were anyway. I don't think you realize WHY I'm upset at all based on this phrasing. So I'll stress it, I said, "Player", not "Admin". I wasn't initially upset at you until you sided with the annoying comment the player made after I specifically asked that player to drop it.

9) You're not "marginally" guilty of anything, that's not even possible. You either are or are not guilty of something by definition. Again saying you're "marginally" guilty of something is passive aggressive. You ARE guilty of that minor infraction, but again, I accepted your apology. I'd RATHER you not try to be passive aggressive about something I've twice told you before annoys me, but you did apologize so I'm willing to drop that small part of it if you are.


For clarification, I was not here for this, it's just what was said in the additional remarks section that seems incorrect.

LOOC always displays your ckey over your character name if you're observing in any capacity. Ergo, as a ghost, if you LOOC to someone, it will display your ckey only.


If you're not in the round, just ghost over to me.


He would have to, in order for you to even see the LOOC. Anyway, that's all.


Look at the third line in the second link in the original post where he says, "I can't LOOC you because you're too far away", but he's not in the game... so my point is, if you can't LOOC me because of distance, Verb FOLLOW, click my character name (since you interacted with it I know you know which one I am already), and click OK, now I'm NOT too far away.


For clarification, I was not here for this, it's just what was said in the additional remarks section that seems incorrect.

LOOC always displays your ckey over your character name if you're observing in any capacity. Ergo, as a ghost, if you LOOC to someone, it will display your ckey only.


If you're not in the round, just ghost over to me.


He would have to, in order for you to even see the LOOC. Anyway, that's all.


Look at the third line in the second link in the original post where he says, "I can't LOOC you because you're too far away", but he's not in the game... so my point is, if you can't LOOC me because of distance, Verb FOLLOW, click my character name (since you interacted with it I know you know which one I am already), and click OK, now I'm NOT too far away.


My reply was to your question. A player may currently be in-game and a discussion may have occurred in looc. In the event that neither of you are close enough for LOOC usage, some discussions can be taken to OOC. A player cannot ghost over to a person when they're currently playing, hence why I included the part about distance. I never said I was too far away. I simply did it because it was easier and showed the link to the whole department in one go along with others that may be interested on the modification, as the link took you directly to the Hypospray section.


For clarification, I was not here for this, it's just what was said in the additional remarks section that seems incorrect.

LOOC always displays your ckey over your character name if you're observing in any capacity. Ergo, as a ghost, if you LOOC to someone, it will display your ckey only.

He would have to, in order for you to even see the LOOC. Anyway, that's all.


Look at the third line in the second link in the original post where he says, "I can't LOOC you because you're too far away", but he's not in the game... so my point is, if you can't LOOC me because of distance, Verb FOLLOW, click my character name (since you interacted with it I know you know which one I am already), and click OK, now I'm NOT too far away.


My reply was to your question. A player may currently be in-game and a discussion may have occurred in looc. In the event that neither of you are close enough for LOOC usage, some discussions can be taken to OOC. A player cannot ghost over to a person when they're currently playing, hence why I included the part about distance. I never said I was too far away. I simply did it because it was easier and showed the link to the whole department in one go along with others that may be interested on the modification, as the link took you directly to the Hypospray section.


OK let me break it down again because there is miscommunication.

An LOOC conversation took place between me and the CMO. I told the CMO I wanted to drop it and it ended.

An admin posted in OOC.

Why as that post not just LOOC for me, the CMO, or once for both of us? Admins can privately message players, so distance is NEVER a factor. There was an argument that ended with one person telling the other they wanted to drop it, a quick, Bwoink, "Hey I updated the wiki you guys were talking about". would have been sufficient.

If it were a friendly chat where everyone was just talking about how a Wiki page was confusing, and then you updated it, then OOC is fine. But this wasn't a friendly chat, there was an argument that ended with one person telling the other, "I dropped it, I wish you would to". Bwoink, "Hey I updated it since it wasn't up to date" to both people, and now the conversation is still dropped. OOC opens the conversation back up, I dropped it but now the admin is talking about it in OOC, so now it's OK to comment again.


Bringing it to OOC is not necessary after it was clearly stated that I wanted to drop it, which your first log shows me asking VERY explicitly.


Not your call to make. Given the reasoning for abosh doing it i find it pretty reasonable actually. It is really bizarre to me that you think this is passive aggressive at all. This Complaint is invalid. Locking and archiving.

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