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About Bedshaped

  • Birthday 28/10/1990

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  • Byond CKey

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Bedshaped's Achievements

Chief Engineer

Chief Engineer (23/37)

  1. This is me as I enjoy your ongoing punishment:
  2. What gives you the right to disrespect these forums with your presence?
  3. Our overlords have likely seen this and deemed it not worthy of their time. All hail the leaders. All hail the leaders. All hail the leaders. All hail the leaders. All hail the leaders. All hail the leaders. All hail the leaders. All hail the leaders. All hail the leaders. All hail the leaders.
  4. The real crime is acknowledging crew as a drone. I sentence you to 5 shifts in furry crewed Engineering.
  5. I hope it gets forgotten. Actually it's been 3 weeks and I don't think you've convinced any admin of the merits of repeal. Bumping isn't the same as making salient points.
  6. Delete all non-human species IMHFO
  7. Mel Max Gibson?? Can you be a shake more creative there?
  8. Thanks for the info here. It's all very interesting and will be saved for future ref.
  9. How long until the voting ends? edit: I forgot all the names of my favourites
  10. I would love to implement this planet
  11. I remember the dark old days of visitors walking onto the Bridge and expecting everyone to hand over command to them. It was stupid.
  12. How will we know who are the admins and devs?!? It will be Anarchy.
  13. It doesn't make sense for English, Spanish and Portuguese to merge. It would make much more sense for these languages to merge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romance_languages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_languages
  14. I was hoping this system could finally give us Physics and Theoretical Physics research. Maybe telescience isn't enabled by default until it's been researched?
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