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Everything posted by Tequilajoe

  1. Despite a relatively low play time, Lohikar's skill at engineering and atmospherics exceeds that of most players, maybe all of them. He has, time and time again, proven his worth as an exceptional member of the engineering staff. I feel bad for antags who would try to sabotage engineering under Riley Finlay's watch. His fancy redundant atmos systems, creative engine design, and overall exceptional engineering skill make the department run better then ever before, even in the face of any adversity. When he has to, he will give orders or suggestions that are timely and relevant. There is no question, this guy was better then half the CE's I see when he had only been playing a month. Now he's one of the best. He roleplays well too. Whats not to love?
  2. Your ability to RP as a diona was satisfactory, I'm sure you can handle playing an IPC. If anything, hopefully it will mean you spend less time being a dirty catbeast +1
  3. I've always found Aurum to be a pretty good IPC and can appreciate his RP +1, we need more Vaurca
  4. Zahra Karimi's fame on the station is not unfounded: She is easily one of the most well-played characters I've ever seen. Her RP is so good it makes me envious. +1
  5. I've always been a fan of Chapman and how he's played. RP is high quality and he seems to know his stuff. Highly reliable as far as security goes, he'd probably make an excellent HoS. +1
  6. After encountering your other characters, I think its safe to say that your roleplaying ability is good enough that you ought to be able to make a vaurca +1
  7. +1, had fun RPing with Bassan, even if he makes fun of me, that asshole.
  8. Great at RP, actually smart and motivated enough to use telescience, probably wont let xenobiologists engulf the station with slimes and eldritch horrors. Overall a wonderful candidate for RD, I was amazed at how helpful he was in helping me understand and learn to use telescience. +1
  9. -1, too many stinkin robots and not enough emp grenades on the station jk, you rp and play fine, +1
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