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Everything posted by Tequilajoe

  1. I've known Covert0ddity for awhile from other RP settings/games and I can attest to his roleplaying ability. I have full confidence in him that he'd make an excellent vaurca. Considering that he pretty much created them, I'd consider this application a mere formality, and I see no problems with the app itself. +1, Glad you're back.
  2. BYOND Key: TequilaJoe Game ID: bOg-dnhO Player Byond Key: Muncorn Staff involved: Delta This screenshot says it all, really. But I'll go into some detail, for the sake of a proper post. I saw this, and ahelped. Delta responded, saying that he agreed it wasn't appropriate, but he mentioned that antagonists have more leeway in naming conventions. While this is true, I think using actual ss13 memes in your character names, even as an antag, is totally unacceptable in a high RP environment. Right, I know, we're all in to have fun and we can't be TOO serious, I've seen some funny antag names that gave me a chuckle, but this is just ridiculous. We've gone too far and tossed high RP out the window if this is acceptable. I recall reading at one point that the term "ligger" was purely an OOC ss13 slang meme and not to be used in game at all. In fact, I believe it was Alberyk who said this. If that is the case, then why should using the term Spess Wizwoz be acceptable IC?
  3. I think Sharp put it well already. Moondancer's obsession with synthetics and their lore makes them a perfect candidate for an IPC. When I say I can't think of anyone better, I'm not just saying that, I truly can't think of anyone more suitable. +1
  4. While I've run into some issues with SGN, one thing I can give him credit for is playing the race properly. He displays a general competence with RP and shows a genuine interest in the lore, from my perspective. Additionally, I don't see anything blatantly problematic with this app so I'm happy to give it a +1.
  5. We need more flirts, now that Manfred doesn't seem to show that often. But seriously, TrickingTrapster is a phenomenal player with a far greater capacity for RP then a lot of players. I don't see anything blatantly wrong with this application so I'm more than happy to +1 it.
  6. Alright there's a few things I'd like to talk about here.... First of all, I'd be totally fine leaving cloning as it is, I don't really see the big issue. But if change is going to happen regardless, lets not do anything too crazy. When it comes to changing things, we don't need to have some massive update that kills cloning, maybe just add one or two limitations and see how it goes. I'll start by saying making surgery a requirement after cloning is a mistake. Aurora is already critically low on decent surgeons at certain times of the day, and they often find themselves overworked as it is once things get crazy. And it would make cloning such a pain in the ass that it simply wouldn't get done. The defects also sounds like a poor idea. Fines would be inconsequential and could be added but wouldn't really do much for gameplay purposes. But I think limiting the amount of cloning in a round is a very good idea. Particularly, if each person is only allowed to be cloned once. This will prevent players from throwing caution to the wind and getting themselves killed. I notice this behavior in some security characters. If they only get cloned once, they will take their safety a little more seriously. As for an IC reason, just say its company policy! After all, if someone is dumb enough to get themselves killed more than once in a two-hour span, why should they being cloned? To take it a step further, medical could be remapped to not include cloning machines at all. Science would have to build them. That gives science an opportunity to be more useful as well as restricting cloning if you don't have competent staff to build the machines. It would make players think twice about running off to die. Now for my biggest point: Before we worry about cloning, I really think devs should add defibs. They would give an option before resorting to something "drastic" like cloning, and it just makes IC sense to have them!
  8. I like the idea, I really do. But don't really see how this could ever apply realistically. If the station is at a point where the captain would be willing to sacrifice himself and every innocent crewmember in a suicide detonation, the captain is almost definitely not going to be in a position where he has safe access to a fax machine (or even a command console for the emergency message) and the luxury of time to wait for CC response. Not to mention, the announcement requirement to alert the antags, who, if they do indeed have control of the station, will likely stop him easily. Any antags who have gathered enough power to overthrow the station will almost certainly have control of the bridge, and probably the vault. In the future, I'd really like to see this policy taken a step further. I want to see the captain have a more expedient method of detonating the nuke. For example, removing the announcement requirement, and perhaps having a different way of obtaining the code should contact with CC be impossible (And if the situation is so bad that this suicide option is being considered, faxing CC will no doubt be impossible) Of course, this would require some thought into just how that would be implemented, and a lot of trust in our captain players, but thats why we have the whitelist. Just a suggestion for the future.
  9. I find cult to be tremendously annoying at times, particularly when I get stun-talisman'd and converted 10 minutes after I join. But I have to disagree with the suggestions, because I feel that cult doesn't bind you as tightly as you say. I have RP'd many, many different ways when I was forced into the cult. Sometimes I join in the carnage, but there have been rounds where I don't assist at all, I merely carry on with my day and let the other cultists have their fun. As long as you aren't directly impeding other cultists as a cultist, nobody will care what you do. I find vampire to be FAR more restrictive: If you're made into a thrall, you're forced to follow your vampire's wishes no matter how inane or idiotic his commands can be. While I do enjoy vampire, I think being a thrall would probably suck hard. And don't even get me started on cortical borer. Other gamemodes can be even more punishing: traitors and changelings usually gank to kill, and stash your body somewhere where it might never be found, at least cult usually gives you that option to join. I just don't think that you're making a very good case against cult, when its much more forgiving than other gamemodes.
  10. I would love to see a veteran of the engineering department working on the mapping team, I can't really think of anyone else I'd trust more to set up a coherent map. Let me re-emphasize this: Nikov far more than a veteran of engineering. Many regulars know engineering and atmospherics very well. But few can boast playing chief engineer 4-5 days out of the week for... however long he's been playing. I know its been longer than me, and I've been playing on Aurora for nearly a year. And from what I've seen in this application, he is clearly willing to put forth good effort, so I don't think LordFowl should be concerned with his work ethic. I noticed that LordFowl also feels that Nikov would have to display competency as a general mapper rather than a quality of life/atmospherics specialist, and I think he'd have no issue with that either, considering his extensive game experience. As an engineering player myself, I find that working in engineering teaches you as much about other departments as it does your own. LordFowl, even were you to decline Nikov as an official mapper, I sincerely hope that you'd continue to take any advice he has to heart. This application shows some very helpful, some even critical (like adding missing firelocks), updates to the map.
  11. I have never met someone more passionate about synthetics and the ideas behind them than XenosTiger. She's been chomping at the bit to make an IPC, and I'm more than happy to support the app, which seems well-written and properly done to me. I cant wait to see Angel and/or Epsilon in their ultimate glory. +1
  12. I want to give you a -1 so that you'll be more likely to play Raymond. He's my favorite. But I can't do that, you're a phenomenal player with a level head and excellent RP. The kind of person who will stop and ask questions before acting. Your application looks good to me, I dont know a thing about Unathi, but I dont see any glaring issues. Go ahead, take your +1, but make sure you don't forget to play dear old Raymond every so often, okay?
  13. I've seen Nikov do some questionable stuff, but never thought he did anything that amounted to a ban from engineering. And this most recent issue, from what I'm reading, seems trivial. Getting banned for a little N2O innovation is silly, its not like he was dumping phoron around. He knows how to run the department better than anyone, and he contributes far more than he takes away, in terms of both gameplay and RP. People see him try new things and call him incompetent, when he's more often experimenting with new ideas; a concept that we ought to embrace in SS13. While I agree he does go a little overboard on occasion, I definitely dont think this ban should stick. Manfred keeps engineering interesting.
  14. I see such behavior from a lot of characters, but Hammerstein's is particularly problematic since he plays so often and does it every round. What really gets me is that he's so damn rude on top of it all.
  15. This is an interesting idea. I like some things, and there are other things I'm not so sure about. But it sounds like its all going to happen so come what may and I'll probably get used to it. Here's a big question however. You say the RD chooses what to spend the points on, in game. As someone who plays RD, I realize that is a huge decision: this will give RDs unprecedented power. They will have the only job that will be able to make game changing decisions that can last for hundreds of rounds. That being said, how will this work with antags? What if Kyle is standing at the console, scratching his beard thinking of what to spend the hard-earned RMPs on, and Urist McTraitor walks up behind him, clubs him over the head, takes his ID, then buys bluespace rubber ducks or something that nobody wants? (Not that we dont want Bluespace rubber ducks, its just an example). What if Kyle is a traitor himself, and decides to spend all the points he can to further his nefarious ambitions in a particular round? Just something to think about!
  16. While your tenacity is commendable, I simply don't think you have what it takes to be a head of staff. You do know how to play the game, and you understand how to do various roles with competency. However, you are completely devoid of meaningful communication skills, so your ability to lead, delegate, and roleplay are in question. I know this sounds harsh, but I don't do this because I hate you, I want to see you improve. Improve your attitude in ooc, communicate more with your coworkers, dont try to do everything yourself, maybe teach others how to do things, and most importantly, laugh and cry with your coworkers so we know that Edgar is human and not some soulless robot (or rather, that you are capable of roleplay). -1, Give it a few more months.
  17. While playing Monique, I've spent entire rounds with MAKE at her heels, and I've loved every minute of it. Toasterstrudel is a fantastic player with good ideas and even better RP. Always eager to learn, they have caught on quickly to the finer points of engineering and gameplay in general. Though I have only seen KELT once, I do recall him as a xenobiologist, and he didn't die or let hostile slimes loose the entire shift. Considering that's far better than most xenobiologists, I'd give him a positive feedback just for that. I could go on all day, but to summarize, this player is one of my favorites. +1
  18. Sanu is well-known, and his player overall displays good RP and a solid understanding of his race's lore. If Riqpley can do taj, they can do unathi too, I'm positive. +1 EDIT: I got excited for a minute when I got the alert that someone actually quoted me! What a shame it was not for positive reasons, eheh... Regardless, I stand by my feedback even if Loow disagrees, as I think the positive reputation of the player should be taken into account. I would not post positive feedback for a player I've had problems with. The biography indicates thought and effort, and while I'm not particularly well-versed in Unathi lore, I dont see any glaring issues with the application. Perhaps my standards are too low, but this app looks good enough to me.
  19. Having encountered Mix and Noel Dustine many times now, Pratepresidenten's ability to RP is indisputably excellent. I can also vouch for his knowledge of game mechanics; I've seen Mix countless times working in medical and is definitely one of the better players in the department at any given time. Now that I can see Mix on the manifest, I always keep an eye out for him before I decide to do something dangerous But seriously, I cant think of any better player to play CMO that isnt already a CMO. +1
  20. BYOND key: TequilaJoe Character names: Monique Byrd, Kyle Lombard, Felicity Blaine (This does not include characters I no longer play) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Around 6 months ago is when I started playing seriously. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I have been very interested in playing in a command role for a long time and feel that I finally have a reasonably well-established character that fits the base requirements. Why did you come to Aurora?: Easily the best roleplaying SS13 server available. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: More the once. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay, when done properly, is creating a character with predefined values and characteristics and acting upon those aspects of the character in the game's environment. Not unlike an actor in a play, you act as the character you created would act based on various situations, and you interact with other players in a way that facilitates their roleplay as well. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A head of staff fills many important roles. Primarily, heads of staff bring order to the chaos, and act as a final say when decisions that affect departments or the entire station need to be made. They can also direct and assist those within their departments and lay down guidelines for department operation. Resolving disputes within departments is a critical function of heads of staff too. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Whitelisted players are those who have played for a decent amount of time and proven that they can be relied on to play the game properly and roleplay. That being said, those on the whitelists should set a good example for other players, in both roleplaying and following rules. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Kyle Lombard Character age: 41 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Kyle is a tall, lanky man characterized by his disheveled look and a red labcoat. He was born and raised on Isis, and studied in Oran. He worked for Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals much of his life, as a researcher and a roboticist. He also studied xenoarchaeology, and was lauded for his advancements in the field regarding a precursor civilization on Akhet. In recent years, he decided to move to Tau Ceti and seek employment with Nanotrasen for a variety of reasons, mainly driven to drastic change in the midst of a mid-life crisis. He deeply regrets allowing Zeng-Hu to pressure him into swapping one of his arms in favor of a cybernetic "upgrade", and finds himself with a renewed appreciation for his own humanity, as well as that of others. As Kyle began working with cyborgs and other synthetics as a roboticist, both on and off of the Exodus, his sympathy for them has grown. Feeling that he can no longer remain neutral, but not rebellious enough to join the SLF, Kyle decided he should work towards earning a position of at least some importance for his opinion on the matter to have any sway. Now, he strives to impress his superiors with his technical knowledge, charisma, and work ethic in an attempt to secure a promotion... What do you like about this character?: Kyle Lombard is known for his friendliness, politeness, and compassion. He actively tries to befriend everyone around him and encourages cooperation. He enjoys his work, but also appreciates his free time and the time he spends with those he considers his friends. An incredibly curious man, he loves discovering new things and sharing his findings. What do you dislike about this character?: Beneath the surface, Kyle is plagued by low self-esteem. In some conflicts, he may try to remove himself instead of resolving the situation, and when confronted directly, he can become distraught. His nagging fear of being unappreciated can push him to seek attention or confirmation from others. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Kyle is generally extremely level-headed. He is often entirely in control of his emotions, and never raises his voice or acts in anger (except perhaps in the most extreme situations). He is generally humanitarian, and focused on the health and well-being of the crew over other things. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'm sure we all think our particular way of roleplaying is the best way to roleplay, and I wont say I'm any different. I feel that my roleplaying is effective and fun, and I do well at keeping memes and other shitty behavior at a minimum. More often then not, I prefer facilitating the roleplay of others over projecting my own. Except maybe when I play Monique. Extra notes: I'd like to point out that this is not to make Monique Byrd into a chief engineer. She is four years too young and despises NT, I dont think I will ever play her as CE, other than her occasional promotion to interim. EDIT:I'm sorry Kyle was too uninteresting, as Vilefault said, I did not want to reveal much about him. But if I talk about Felicity, people will think I'm shooting for HoS and nobody wants an unrobust POS like myself in that position, trust me. So I decided to go ahead and expand his biography. I hope it is sufficient!
  21. We became great online friends through Aurora and its mainly due to XenosTiger's friendliness and ability to RP well. Very level-headed and always eager to learn, despite being pretty new, I think XenosTiger would make a great moderator.
  22. Have you considered having the librarian be able to research the wizard, perhaps? I feel that the chaplain already counters cult (somewhat), but having the librarian have some sort of edge over the wizard would be very cool, and give them a gameplay purpose, at least for that one gamemode. Just as how the chaplain's time to shine is during a cult round, the librarian's claim to fame would be trying to beat the wizard.
  23. I havent encountered the other characters but Searen White has always been a very good character in my opinion. Quality RP overall, clearly makes an effort. I imagine you'd have no trouble being a good skrell. +1
  24. I dont recall most of these characters but I have had good experiences with Dragonsnap. Good roleplaying, competent at the game. I think this player deserves a chance to play a skrell. +1
  25. I am against time compression, I'd rather not change something that doesnt need to be changed.
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