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Roderick Grey

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Everything posted by Roderick Grey

  1. Chaznoodles does not have the same case as 1138. 1138 is a different story... He's not here anymore. Some the issues shadow raised against Chaz's application were similar to some discussed in Delta's application, but you're right, they are definitely not one in the same.
  2. I'm pretty confident I have read your post in it's entirety and I have already agreed with you that escalation really wasn't an issue here due to the aforementioned bombings. The issue I'm seeing here is is you trying to use your military background to justify going toe to toe with a wizard. Your character has been bombed, twice by someone whom you believe to have supernatural powers. You claim that your character's decision-making and levels of aggression have been altered due to this, which is fair enough however this altercation happened with you walking into the wizard in maint while you're trying to bring an air-pump to, wherever. According to the logs you posted your character, whom has been bombed twice by the wizard, tells the wizard to move, ignores Morrigan's warning and then attacks them after saying "move move move move." From what I can see from the situation the issue wasn't even a matter of self-defence, the issue was the wizard wasn't listening to an atmos tech who was telling them to move, and was attacked after they gave them a warning which the atmos tech really should've listened to, unless Jorven lost all levels of self-preservation and caution in the bombings... Yeah but, they're an antag they exist to create conflict, filing a complaint is a very mundane way for a wizard to create conflict... If you knew anything about me or my history you'd know that I'm definitely not an established nor even respected player, I also have my fair share of qualms with the staff and their philosophy and methodology of dealing with the issues that arise. You need to understand that I'm not giving feedback to defend the warning, nor am I giving feedback to defend you; All I'm doing is giving you my two cents on what the issue may or may not be and why the kind of thought process that lead to this situation could be seen as problematic for your future on this server. Next to nobody on this server likes the hero; if you managed to knock out the wizard there probably would've been even more ahelps than before. I don't think anyone has any issue with you losing that fight, I think they're unhappy as to why and how you took that fight in the first place.
  3. Are you sure that burning someone's face with a welding tool after they have clearly established they could mess you up big time is a particularly sane thing to do? If your character had the means to dispatch them quickly and without risk then sure, but he didn't, you had a welding tool. All Jorven managed to do was make the wizard more aggressive. As far as escalation goes you definitely could justify retaliation but the methods employed would be something I would deem stretching the sane character guidelines. Understand that although your character had the right and the training to defend himself and the crew, the means you had at your disposal should've made it clear that your retaliation would only make the threat more aggressive. If somebody is robbing a bank with a gun and you're off-duty with only a stapler to defend yourself, so you rush them and plant a big ass staple in their face what have you actually achieved? Was that a sound move for one militarily trained?
  4. I personally find Chaz to be a very direct and genuine person if you want to give decent feedback on the lore he'll be responsive to that, it doesn't really matter who you are or his opinion of you he'd be willing to work with you if you actually have anything constructive or interesting to offer. +1 Build a wall and make the Tajara pay for it.
  5. Didn't include Cult-armor Adamantine Golems, the most robust force in the known universe.
  6. No, not really it doesn't create a trust issue between civilians and antags ooc, a reasonable and considerate antagonist would note as they barge into toxins that: A: Toxins are where bombs come from and: B: Scientists inside toxins or near toxins may indeed have a bomb. This isn't a civvie covertly chucking a grenade at antags in a hallway without provocation, this is an antag making a conscious choice to enter a high-risk area with the possibility of staff working there being potentially dangerous, especially when harmed and cornered. Antags work counter to all crew, not just security. You can't expect to blow open somebodies work place and start a shoot out near them with any kind of consequence or reaction from them. Antags always have to be aware of bystanders and civilians, ignoring certain crew members involved in the conflicts you're creating just because they're not security or part your objective is silly. I'm not saying dispatch them... but certainly consider them, why they're there and what they're doing, because if you don't it may turn out the varuca whose hand you blew off as you entered is now trapped in a room with you and has a bomb which they feel threatened enough to use... From reading that thread I think his primary issue was people hijacking a ban appeal thread to use as a platform for personal attacks, something I also have an issue with, from experience.
  7. I'm struggling to understand why hurling a bomb at an antagonist that from the player's standpoint, had just blown up the room they were working in plus their hand and were now, without a word "attempting" to shoot at them is an issue? I feel like using the bomb, which they were told to make and had at their disposal is a sound move ic and ooc. The situation from the player's standpoint had already escalated to a kill or be killed. Just because from the mod's and the antag's perspective that actually wasn't the case doesn't really matter, as the player was mutilated in the antag's explosion and woke up to gunfire, which renders the players observation to be pretty well justified. From my perspective it appears that Catnip saw what had occurred, received an ahelp after a gibbed antag didn't understand why some random scientist they weren't paying any attention to just blew them up and I think that's a totally fair complaint to make.I'm assuming the interaction between Absynth and Catnip, from what I saw of the previous thread with absynth attempting to justify himself was very emotionally charged, and/or poorly explained and taking into consideration Absynth's supposed "history" would render the science ban a fair move to make in the situation. But now that Absynth has calmed down a bit and explained his reasoning clearly, unless it's entirely false, I don't think punishment is really necessary. What I do think you need to realize Absynth is that the staff aren't going to respond well to aggression, sarcasm or mockery so just keep that in mind when you're trying to plead your case, especially on the forums.
  8. Edgar used to be a canonically terrible Xenobiologist with the amount of times he ended up releasing the slimes during extended rounds but he's vastly improved since then, enough to be RD? Not sure.
  9. I've enjoyed the rounds we've played together and I don't think I'm alone in wanting to have you back but I think giving it some time for the issues you've had with staff to collect dust before applying would lead to you enjoying your time here a lot more. If you argued your way back in and had to deal with staff with these issues still fresh I feel it may spark another incident. Maybe give it a break for a while and come back later?
  10. When was this done? I'm asking as I had some problems a while ago pertaining to Detectives and when they can/cannot perform an arrest, while discussing it with an admin out of curiosity they told me the page was incorrect/out of date, I later talked to Jackboot about it who made a clarification on the page, this was about a month ago. EDIT: Reread the wiki page seems immensely better than it did a month ago which I'm assuming is Severis' work.
  11. To be honest this seems like a pretty valid reason to remain inside provided you weren't performing any mundane work while still being hurt by the pressure. There's still a grey area though about the information your atmos tech was operating under when they entered unprotected; from your account lives were in danger and your character wanted to help them which is totally fine, but going back to the fireman metaphor an unprotected fireman doesn't enter a flaming building if there's other firemen with protection already inside, or making their way inside. I understand that your character wanted to ensure those people were safe, and were willing to put themselves in harms way to do it but them doing that can be extremely detrimental in a variety of circumstances. Did Manfred ask the CE what was going on? If any other engineers were geared up in handling it? Was Manfred aware of other crew better equipped to deal with the situation than he?, was any effort made to make himself aware before putting himself at risk? I understand in a crisis situation a moment can mean the difference between life and death, as your character cares about his co-workers he wants to do the best he can for them but rushing head-first into situations unprepared both mentally and physically isn't beneficial to anyone. From these accounts it appears there were other people operating alongside you, and realistically the CE, as he was aware you were putting yourself in serious danger should've immediately diverted his/someone else's efforts to getting you the fuck out of harm's way because, if you're a fireman with protection in a burning building, another fireman without protection getting his skin toasted infront of you is more of a liability than an assest to any rescue effort, and Manfred, as a professional and one that takes the lives of others seriously should know that. If Manfred didn't see anyone trying to handle it and asked if anyone was there handling it, or nearby, or prepping for it and then made a reasonable and informed decision to act then the ban should be lifted because in my mind that's sound and sensible RP for his character. If Manfred wasn't aware of any crew handling it, but made no effort to inform himself before going dick-deep into low pressure land that's a pretty questionable area as I feel characters like that wouldn't live/stay employed very long, that's some pretty risky behavior for a trained professional to be doing, the sort of behavior that would warrant a warning. If Manfred was aware of crew attempting to handle it, attempted to get a sitrep but they didn't respond then I think that fits sort of between the two listed above as in crisis situations people with good intentions can make mistakes due to a lack of communication. If Manfred was aware of crew attempting to handle the situation and didn't attempt to communicate with them, instead trying to go hero mode along side them without protection or information then you start to enter poor OOC play, the kind of play that could be justifiably met with things like warnings and bans in my own opinion.
  12. From your account it seems to me like you went into a dangerous area with good reason but poorly prepared (not super important) and then instead of leaving you then attempted to make it, or atleast a portion of it habitable which to me definitely seems questionable. I can understand your argument and your sound methods for making the area you were in a safe place for you to be in, but do you understand that leaving the area would definitely be the more sensible option if your presence there wasn't doing anyone any good? I'm interested in what attempts at communication you made during the chaos aswell; what did Manfred actually understand about the situation before putting his life at risk? You relate your account to firemen, but it would take a lot of information for a fireman to rush into a burning building without protection. Them doing it if they could get in, save someone and get out quickly is definitely plausible but spending time searching fruitlessly and then barricading yourself inside the burning building until the flames subside is pretty iffy. Could you explain in a bit more depth your reasoning for staying, did you go too far in until escape wasn't possible?
  13. I would definitely recommend 5th edition just for how easy it is to pick up. Unless most of the players are more familiar and fond of another go with 5th. If you do choose fifth here's some awesome resources: Status effect ref-sheet: http://crobi.github.io/dnd5e-quickref/preview/quickref.html Rules: https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/BookIndex Character creator point-buy system: http://1-dot-encounter-planner.appspot.com/point-buy-calculator.html Another 5e SRd: (the one I use) https://5thsrd.org/ 5e spell lists: https://5thsrd.org/#spellcasting
  14. I was never contacted by a moderator about this, it was entirely resolved ingame I'm not sure where you're getting the mod poking from, I'm assuming you ahelped it but it was never addressed. I never kicked anyone's head in, nor injured any crew member during that entire shift, the closest I came to harm crew was my foot flying off and hitting a detective's head after you ioned me I'm also not familiar with his reputation of being a: "Greytiding shitbot" this might be your unfortunate habit of thinking your opinion is one that is widely held. Yeah, I ran past you and stood at the doors trying to indicate, that I wanted to leave and wasn't going to stop, because I still had tasks to fill while you and other sec wordlessly batoned and shot at me. Okay, first of all you could've used the one method of non-lethal force that actually works, CQC, disarming tabling, grabbing, all of those are viable, and as I was clearly not trying to harm you that would've been the smart choice instead of unloading stun guns and rubbers across your brig and at no point in that conflict did you make any order or request, you opened fire, tried to baton and flash me, then you ran got an ion rifle and wordlessly killed a crew member, I wasn't mal-functioning you were just being the shitty HoS you're reputed to be. I had plenty of opportunities to fetch your officers weapons, I never used them against you or your crew, the times I accidentally picked them up I threw them away and continued standing by the door. Yeah, you seem fond of talking about how officers should communicate without actually resorting to your own guidelines yourself, CQC and communication are both on there, you had four officers surrounding me when you chose to use lethals. No, the mod was helpful they also said they were going to inform you on how to deal with IPCS as it was clear you struggle, you're literally the only officer/HoS that's had to resort to ioning Helper. I assumed the person who takes themselves as the sec player who "wrote the book" would be open to discussing feedback, especially in lieu of you so called "assblasting" my sec play. I realized after you jumped from quoting rules to quoting definitions that any kind of discourse we had wasn't going to be beneficial. You are a fan of dealing with all drama publicly I don't really think people expect you to justify it by now. http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=7051&start=30 Take a good hard look at your tone towards me in this thread in regards to my sec play, then look out our brief interaction and tell me which one strikes you as sperging. I had no intention of interacting with you further although if starting shit isn't your objective you might want to start looking at your snarky petulant attitude, the offhand insults and that weird grudge-tango you do with chaz, that I was fortunate enough to be a part of. You're probably the absolute worst offender of this on the forums or server, you reap what you sow. I dedicated about 5 minutes of my time telling you essentially that your ingame actions were hypocritical then when you started acting standoffish I pretty much called you an uptight cunt, and from what I've seen from you, I honestly don't think that's an unreasonable stance to take. as far as the verdict goes whether it be an IPC ban or another ban I'm honestly not fussed at this point, the more I see 1138 having tantrums on the forums and in ooc the less I want to be involved with this community.
  15. Alright, I think there's been a lot of player feedback but I haven't really heard a lot from the banning staff member, I'll try to talk with them in PMs about the reasoning in-depth and see where things should best go from there.
  16. I think you're mostly embellishing examples from a single round, but you raise some good points, although I'd like you to expand on the station command portion as I haven't really noticed that. In regards to delta I have no qualms with criticism as long as it's both true and somewhat constructive; accusing me of driving a wedge between community members and betraying the staff aren't either of those things. I understand that Delta beneath the sarcasm and condescension believes his input has value, and in a broad sense it does, the problem was he took his frustration from the one incident that sparked the ban and used it as fuel to vent his frustration and attack my sec play in it's entirety which I don't really think he has the familiarity with, or insight into my play to do. That's something I took issue with, but really it boiled down to him describing his actions as "assblasting" in a thread that's here to discuss my sec play, that's when they really need to take a step back and consider what they're doing, why, and how it's coming across.
  17. Isn't this why we have appeals? So we can get some transparency from the staff as form of justification? I would definitely prefer a cadetship as it would allow me to observe and interact with other sec players directly and would benefit my sec play far more than a permanent/arbitrary-length ban. Is there a reason why this wasn't considered?
  18. All but one of those are notes, but I have received feedback in-regards to jumping the gun aswell, it's not something I'm denying. I'm not really sure what you mean with this? I'm not turning people against eachother, I think the only person I've said anything negative about is you, mostly because you're rambling mal-formed opinions and coming across as a condescending dick; I'm not sure if you are usually this toxic, or if I'm a special case but you really need to step back, chill, and ask yourself if you actually have anything worth contributing at this point. Yeah there is evidence of shoddy sec play, definitely, and each time they rose up they were discussed, I'm not disputing that my sec play needs work, what I'm disputing is are the steps taken in regards to it justified, or if my play really as bad as it's being made out to be. No, they didn't, although notes, like warnings usually don't include shining praise of positive RP contribution, kind of a weird question to beg.
  19. The first note in this was a situation I was present for, but really not invovled with, the primary issue around that was a HoS and a Detective opening fire on unarmed crew for no valid reason, I was one of the sec there but I was not an offender, I wasn't even armed with lethals. I was the one who ahelped and explained the situation to Severis, I also asked if there was something I could've done better in that situation, I did literally nothing wrong. That has to do with antagging, not sec play. that was me ahelping for being arrested for suspected murder, but being charged for contraband, as the sec officers oocly believed scientists could not make a stun revolver without Security consent, when I attempted to explain how contraband works they started insulting me in LOOC, so I ahelped the mod failed to understand the issue which lead to a lot of exasperation on my part. This situation was also discussed with one of the offenders in their whitelist app: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=6879
  20. I'm not really sure what kind of improvement you expect a ban to create as there's only so much one can glean from observation. I've made a constant effort to seek feedback from sec players who's sec play I seek to emulate and I've always been open to advice/criticism that has more substance than "it's bad" or "improve" which seems to be the kind of response I've been receiving from the staff that get confused when their actions don't result in the impact they expected. What I took from tablespoon's sec ban was that I needed to take the HRP atmosphere and the role as sec a lot more seriously than I was previously, the incident that sparked it was pretty much me chucklefucking and breaking the round's immersion as I didn't think the wizard was engaging the crew so I sought out means to entertain myself and others, which took the form of me breaking into the captain's office with help so we could mess with Bay mechanics in an effort to create a death tug... I did take the ban seriously and discussed it with other players and mods present in the incident, as I wanted to avoid this sort of situation in the future. Really the week sec ban Tablespoon issued probably should've been a temp server ban, as it was more my overall server play that was the issue, the fact I was sec at the time didn't really change much. The steps I took to improve from the ban was mostly to improve my RP, I started fleshing out my characters more, creating backstories and rapport with other characters sec and otherwise during quiet rounds I instead looked to interact with the characters others had invested the time in making instead of messing around with the game mechanics and I looked at the kind of character Hague was and contrasted it with the kind of character I wanted Hague to be, after settling that matter I started playing with more tame/relaxed characters like Annex, Fenrir and Fitzwallace I also started antagging differently with them, with Hague I'd usually resort to directly attacking and interacting with the crew, forcing extreme conflict which a lot of people didn't like, with Fitzwallace I went a different route, taking on the guise of the mysterious Agent White, and subverting the heads in an effort to manipulate the crew into fueling conflict with themselves and eachother. I've always been seeking to improve my sec play, I've read most of the forum resources and the wiki articles, I bug several HoS/officer players constantly, notably Aboshehab and Sircatnip for feedback, for their two cents on any actions I thought were questionable, for their views on how I'm progressing and my sec play as a whole and I attended that Sec panel some of which I found interesting. I do genuinely want to improve my sec play and I do make a consistent effort to learn from my mistakes, maybe I'm taking the wrong things away the problems/complaints that arise but I can find it difficult when a lot of the feedback are non-specific judgements or a broad denouncement of my sec play, I can't really work with that, just like I wont really improve my sec play with a permanent sec ban. If you genuinely want to see improvement from me a permanent ban isn't going to give you that, if you just want to stop me from playing sec for an arbitrary amount of time only to lift it when you feel better about it you might aswell not, because I doubt my sec play would've altered enough for it of suddenly become a non-issue from your perspective.
  21. I have next to no warnings regarding my sec play, so I'm assuming it'll mostly be notes that I haven't been able to appeal or even view. You can post them here.
  22. Buddy, I don't care about "winning" if you run past with the captain in cuffs before I can speak I'm going to chase you, antag or no. I changed sides because I didn't really see an IC reason for Fenrir to actually be a rev unless under immediate threat, I didn't tell you that I got converted (by an admin) because I really don't need to. the Captain and I wanted me to be undercover, so I did that. I'm not under any obligation to tell you if I'm still a rev in LOOC, those red R's don't really mean those players are your allies either. Your antag play wasn't even good, you and another officer jumped me and said "rev or you die" I tried to use Rev to help guide the groups actions in a way that would involve the crew but the Revs weren't really interested in anything but jump-revving people so I joined loyalists who were really the only driving RP of the round. You literally jumped the captain so you could hostage exchange them via fax, that's not something I'd consider to be a creative masterwork in antagging. That's cookie-cutter basic with piss-poor execution. Except you were attacking my sec play as a whole, is the issue my play on this one round or sec as a whole? Pick one because if it's both I think getting feedback from players that aren't spewing pretentious toxic nonsense should be taken into account.
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