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    Fuckin Canada eh

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Head of Security

Head of Security (25/37)

  1. If it's not too off topic, I would like to know what my previous reputation was. Maybe I could clear the air or put minds at ease.
  2. The connection was that skull had spelt the word "felt" as "feld" I had said in my post that I was banned almost immediately after making and posting the picture, and had gone onto the server right after that. I didn't say that you had said my alt or my main account was banned, I just wanted it explained to avoid miscommunication, I also am not exaggerating your words, Delta earlier in the thread had said I was a pathological liar. I'm not sure why you're on the attack with me, but I'm not trying to take the piss here. I have nothing to protect, defend not justify. I've given the facts of the situation and reasoning behind what I had done. Some friends and I were in the discord with matching themed pictures. I forget what we were doing, but skull explained to someone that we were "memes who feld neglected." I searched through the forums to find the picture I had seen of skull beforehand, and I had captioned a "do you feld it now Mr Krabs" over it. I was then banned after uploading it to the aurora discord, so I can't vouch for what happened there. I then got another friend in on the joke and got onto aurora with the word Feld in my name. I don't believe I had a link to the picture in my flavourtext, I thought I had just described Corey Feldman from Stand By Me, but I could not be remembering correctly. I apologize to skull, and to garn, I give you my word I won't be a butt to other players.
  3. First off, thank you thundy for writing on my behalf, and thank you skull for giving me access to my account when she became unable to do so anymore. To Delta, in the post before his I address the thing with Xander. I was playing on that server that I think was polaris. I had only been playing for about a month when Xander put in an application. I made the account to reply to him, yes, but I didn't "stalk" him. Next up, the "it was just a prank", that's not what I had said at all to neither skull or had said for this appeal. It was a joke that had admittedly gone pretty far. Next, to skull. You say I don't admit what I've done, while posting a quote of me admitting what I did. Granted, I left out the part where I played a totally normal character on an alt,(I wasn't banned, and wasn't evading, I had forgot to switch account, as I do play dragon universe from time to time) where his name was Korey Feldman. Other than his name, the character shouldn't really be an issue. I haven't lied, not been dishonest, and I'm confused why I'm being told I am, and also being called a pathological liar and manipulator. I had admitted what I had done wrong. The meme had not persisted over discord, I was banned almost immediately after making that picture of skull, which is then when I had gone onto the server as the Feld character. I appreciate people keeping mine and thundy business out of this, because I've never given my side of the story and I don't want to, so thank you for removing that pressure. And also props again to Xander for being the bigger person. I am writing this on my phone so I apologize for mis spelled words and the such.
  4. My mom says we're just special.
  5. Eat a dick delta, don't comment on our fetishes we keep private, when I personally have seen you have sex with a variety of chickens and cats.
  6. How many of us are still around? I've been playing Ryu every couple of days. I've seen Neb, but that's about it.
  7. Happens to me too, just log out then log back in again.
  8. I hope we don't forget his actions during that whole house server fiasco.
  9. I am actually curious now. Usually my memory is good enough for this, but I cannot remember this one. Who was this wingman you speak of? OOC: Szablarzov: You're one of these guys who can't take criticism. OOC: Szablarzov: Tbh there is no point in wasting time on you. Damn, here I was hoping it was me.
  10. Why not bring back away missions?
  11. I tried this, and instead of opening up to an ad and crashing, my entire byond client stops responding as soon as I click the join/replay button. Anyone have/had that problem as well?
  12. Skull removed a warning that Baka gave me accidently. Granted, it wasn't meant for me, but he removed it nonetheless.
  13. As the person he ganked the absolute crap out of, I'm not entirely sure I'd like Hackie to be able to be security again.
  14. >No Major Changes >Please attack people eventually >Please think faster Think you got a little lazy with this part. Other than that I like that we finally have expanded lore on the Diona and it's quite apparent some good work went into it
  15. A little message box comes up on the bottom of the screen. "We have used our elite hacking skills to locate the one you call ned. We will require half the payment up front before we reveal his location to you. A picture of Ned appears in a car, with a laptop next to him appears once you've finished reading. Just incase you didn't belive us. Please contact us at xxinsantityyifferdemon666xx@AOL.com with a location for the drop off.
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