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Everything posted by Baka

  1. Alright. Locking and archiving it, please message if you have any question or concerns.
  2. Since the player was talked to and handled, I consider the complaint resolved. I agree with the reasoning others had, this was a bad move on the player's part. I will leave this open for a bit.
  3. It appears, according to our notes, that these players have been talked to already about their actions by Ryfer.
  4. Mmkay. Since this case was brought up and made known, and advice/warning was given, I will be closing and locking the thread. If people are continuing to harass, please bring it to our attention directly. PM me if you have question or concern about this topic.
  5. Since the player was spoken to and nobody has responded, I will be closing and archiving this thread. PM me if you have any question or concern.
  6. If this is the same incident I was thinking of, I think I talked to these people and the prisoner in question was being very racist, not just towards fictional species. However, they also expressed they have gone overboard with the beatings, that they should had just stopped at one or two beating. One of them was ihavenocreativity.
  7. The player was spoken to about this incident.
  8. Since there hasn't been any responses in a while, I stand with what I have said. I will be closing and archiving this. PM me for questions or concerns.
  9. It's been a while since there's been replies to this thread, and I standby what I said, so I am going to lock and archive this thread. Please PM me for questions or concerns.
  10. Locking and archiving upon OP's request.
  11. Samantha Mason
  12. I don't think a Head of Security not becoming a martyr and evacuating the crew to preserve what's left of someone's livelihood is grounds to remove someone's whitelist. It was a one-time incident as well. Due to no information which states otherwise, I see this as a in-character issue. I will be leaving this thread open for 24 hours.
  13. I normally do not do this. I fail to see the issue of a head of security ordering an evacuation, as from the perception he seem to have was preserving the life of the crew, rather than gambling and risking the unknown of fighting a clandestine AI. Okay. So there were people that can do things. As I will repeat here, we have approved of the implant malfunctioning, because we decided it may add some bit of roleplay to the situation. You are free to make a staff complaint to contest this. Where in the lore does it state "There's no going back" if the NSS Aurora is blown to smithereens? Because this is the first time I'm hearing this. And finally... I don't see a problem with a HoS buckling down and showing fear for his life when it's in absolute danger. It's a physiological reaction to a stressful situation. There's a crazed AI on the station and the HoS decides to preserve his life rather than to fight something he had no idea about. The HoS was given at the time two choices, Fight or Flight. He took the second option. Can you really blame him for running away from the unknown?
  14. Xanderdox was actually approved by Doomberg Tablespoon, (with feedback from Tuiee, and myself) to allow to roleplay a malfunctioning loyalty implant, after an ahelp he gave us. EDIT: FIXED SOMETHING.
  15. It was a joke taken too far, from what I have read. Skull132 will be handling this matter.
  16. Hi I've been asking around for the gun licensry and carry permit terms, conditions, and requirements that are on Biesel. (and other places too if anyone has any question about a planet) what are they like? can i get some deets on this? thank you
  17. Complaint closed at OP's request.
  18. With this topic, I am glad you two have talked it out and discussed this issue. Be mindful about roleplay which may be happening if you are going to call an evacuation in the future. Think of them as truly last resort things, like if the station is blown to kingdom come, and nothing but the halls are littered in blood and gore. Closing and archiving, feel free to pm me with questions or concerns.
  19. As stated above, along with the thread being closed, I will consider this resolved. Please pm me for question and/or concerns.
  20. Both players were talked to and warned. I will be closing and archiving this thread. PM me for questions or concerns.
  21. Re-reading this, because security was pushing the wizard constantly, the wizard, in an attempt to fight or flight (his scroll was taken away), decided to push back. Shot a fireball. Broke a viral container. The black plague spread, people died. It was not like it was unprovoked, however. Crap happens, it gets out of your grasps and goes out of your control, people die as a result. But there was build up of conflict with a backstabbing officer. That's what I see which happened.
  22. Hokay. Unless the borg had some sort of strange clandestine law, this is a real no-no. I wish for BygoneHero to explain themselves.
  23. Right. Whatever you all decide to do, remember: if you're going to play on this server, we ask that you at least tolerate one another. You don't have to like a person. But I don't want to see anymore potshots on OOC towards each other. If you decide to all talk it out, that's your affair. I'll be leaving this open for a bit if anyone else wants to reply.
  24. Right. Locking and archiving. PM if you have questions or concerns.
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